

Pre-Show Stalwart
(Searched around for a recent thread about this guy, but no luck. I also don't know whether he's considered a Raw or Smackdown wrestler currently, so please move accordingly if needed. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

Goldust has recently recovered from his injury, and has resigned with the WWE. During his recovery, he was constantly working backstage, more recently helping the Divas with their training and matches.

He even twitted that he expected to be back in action by the end of October. This didn't happen, but today he twitted again that he just got back to his old workout schedule:
Just started my old workout routine...there just might be a helluva run left in me...#bustcodysass
3 hours ago

The #bustcodyass hashtag is probably a reference to some rumors that he'll come back to face his brother in Survivor Series.


What are your opinions on Goldust?

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?

Personally, I wouldn't want him to feud with his brother. Cody is on a highway to the main event, he should concentrate on feuding with other main eventers and upper midcarders - and I'm not sure if Goldust can hold this spot right now.
Nonetheless, I look forward to see what the WWE will do with him.
What are your opinions on Goldust?

He is decent I guess. He is no longer very comedic as he once was but that is since his character has gotten stale over the years. Goldust Is a guy who's only purpose is to job and make younger talent look good. That has been said a million times before but it is the truth.

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?

If he were to stay the same bizarre character than no. However if he tweaked it a bit to make it more serious without destroying it he can get a minor push. The guy is not someone who will ever be in the main event. In fact the only way I can ever see him winning a world title is due to it being a thank you reign like Mark Henry and Kane had. That's about it.

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?

I can see a Brother vs Brother (technically half brother but that is not he point) just as a filler until Cody is finally ready for the big time. The chances of it happening in reality? Not much because Cody Rhodes is in for something big. much bigger than Goldust.

He will probably stay in the same place he has for a long time unitl he hangs up his boots.
Goldust is not a main player like his brother. He would be best as the Divas trainer like Finlay used to be. The divas really need to step up and go beyond eye candy and mid card filler.:icon_neutral:
Anyone who doesn't think Goldust can still go needs to watch his match with Chris Jericho from Superstars about a year and a half ago. This is a guy who is a very sound mat wrestler and has the credentials to give younger guys the boost they need to get them over and into the next level.

If anything maybe a nice feud with Cody over the IC title is in order. As far as IC champs go Goldust is one of the best there was and Cody is one of the best we've had in a long time. Also Cody has been wanting a good feud with Goldust since he first returned so why not it could only help the ever rising credibility of the IC title.
What are your opinions on Goldust?
I think he still has plenty left in the tank, he can go for a few more years, and even if he can't, his veteran leadership will help backstage.

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?
I honestly don't think he has another title run left in him. If anything he could do some squash matches or help put over some up and coming talent by having them get wins over him.

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?
I could see it. Imagine if after the rumble, he and cody fued for weeks and lead up to wrestlemania, where it's brother vs brother, with Dad (Dusty Rhodes) as the special guest referee. Now that would be interesting.
Anyone who doesn't think Goldust can still go needs to watch his match with Chris Jericho from Superstars about a year and a half ago. This is a guy who is a very sound mat wrestler and has the credentials to give younger guys the boost they need to get them over and into the next level.

If anything maybe a nice feud with Cody over the IC title is in order. As far as IC champs go Goldust is one of the best there was and Cody is one of the best we've had in a long time. Also Cody has been wanting a good feud with Goldust since he first returned so why not it could only help the ever rising credibility of the IC title.

So everything that Future Champ just said to start. Also, I think it would be a great "old school IC champ vs. current IC champ" event. Dustin putting over his brother could only help in making Cody a main eventer in the singles realm.

And I've always liked Dustin from the days of him being "The Natural," and agree with him that he does have another run before hanging up his boots.
What are your opinions on Goldust?
Awesome talent and one of the original talents that had the Attitude-esque personality that stood out when he first debuted in October 1995.

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?
Goldust/Cody for the Intercontinental Championship would be fun, I don't think it has the WrestleMania feel to it, but possibly Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber and see how the feud takes off and the fans get into it and maybe span it out through WrestleMania.

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?
Goldust is very underated but I'm not sure he'll ever get a singles title run again unless WWE brought back the Hardcore belt then sure let him bring back the gold trash cans and broom sticks ha,
i was looking at a thread about Goldust being old, and washed up, which is not true, but thats not the point. the point is I was thinking about how both Kane, Christian, and Mark Henry went from wrestling on superstars, just being a waste, to great world champions, esspcially mark henry who was least likely to win the world championship. And so then i was thinking, why dosen't Goldust bring his old gimmick from TNA to WWE or somewhere around that gimmick.


Goldust debuted his new ring name/gimmick, Black Reign, and a "new, darker and bizarre look". At Hard Justice. Black Reign was a darker and more brutal Goldust. Black Rain would come with a nasty looking rat as its pet, and scare its enemies with the creepy crawling rat. But TnA decided to ruin his character and make him look like a joke. But to me, i think he could reinvent this character and actually look evil and scary, and demented.

How i would book the re-debut of Goldust as black rain?
every week on smackdown, after Cody Rhodes wins a match, freaky promos of Black Rain coming to WWE saying how Goldust has been hiding in the shadow of his younger brother for too long and how he wants revenge on Cody. Kind of like this video before he debuted in TNA

This sets up a re-debut IC tittle match for Black Rain on a PPV against Cody Rhodes. Black Rain wins the IC championship and holds it for about 2 months. after that he could go on for a world tittle feud with the champ holder.

here is a video of Black rain in TNA,

Do you like the Idea of Black Rain coming to WWE

How would you book his return or re-Debut

WWE might want to go to bizarro world and do a storyline feud between him and cody with dusty in the middle of it.

What are your opinions on Goldust?

golddust was good when he did comedy with booker t being completly uncomfortable...but he has been with the company on and off for sometime so i think he is a good wwe talent based on reliability.

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?

Not a big push but a big feud with someone who could use it. But i would like him to get a big push as it relates to going back to his comedy routines with someone else maybe mason ryan...

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?

I think he and cody should do a feud...and it shoould lead up to wrestlemania and put dusty in the middle of it. There really isnt any other wrestler who can feud with a gold dust and make it worth watching. It would be a bizarro land kinda feud with cody eventually going over.
I like Goldust he has a brilliant work ethic in the wrestling industry hes always had an excellent reception from the crowd even if hes part of a comedic skit or in a match or storyline

i think he definitely still has it i think it would be interesting to turn him heel again and have him be darker and more vicious instead of the funny guy

it would be awesome to see him work with cody. In my opinion where i said seeing him turn heel would be awesome it would be interesting to have him team with Cody and have him warp Goldust into a vicious heel bodyguard type roll for Cody and then maybe a feud coming out of it. Goldust has potential for some awesome storylines if used correctly
What are your opinions on Goldust?

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?

Personally, I wouldn't want him to feud with his brother. Cody is on a highway to the main event, he should concentrate on feuding with other main eventers and upper midcarders - and I'm not sure if Goldust can hold this spot right now.
Nonetheless, I look forward to see what the WWE will do with him.

Goldust was a great character but I don't think that he is what is required to take his little brother to the woodshed. Rather, the 'Natural' would be a more logical choice for a little Texas ass kicking. Dustin Rhodes is a great wrestler (anyone arguing otherwise was spending WAY too much time concentrating on Dust's gimmick) and a program between a serious Dustin and Cody would ultimately give a great rub if he defeated his older brother in something like a Texas Death Match (although in this PG era, that name would probably have to be tweaked), especially given that Dustin is much bigger than Cody.
goldust has always been a comedy character so he cant suddenly become a major heel nor should he may be a us title or ic title as a thanks but id like to see him turn up as a tag team with either william Regal or john cena (a copy of Rock n sock connection) may be if Mick were to wrestle again this could also build up the cena vs rock feud
Goldust has not always been comedy, he was a very serious contender back in the day... I think the Booker T stuff makes sense, a teaming of the old friends and a Goldust turn on "The Book" to make it interesting for a bit longer...

It all comes down to when he is fit, I heard he had to have more surgery cos of scar tissue...
If he were to stay the same bizarre character than no. However if he tweaked it a bit to make it more serious without destroying it he can get a minor push.
One of the greatest Intercontinental Champions of all time was nothing but a comedy gimmick. Honkey Tonk Man held the title longer then anyone yet his gimmick was a cheap Elvis Knockoff. There's no reason he has to change his gimmick for anything. If he's going to become champion, then there's nothing wrong with the gimmick he's potraying currently. A big push doesn't necessarily mean World Title push, rather a good feud with an up and comer like his half brother, Cody Rhodes.

I can see a Brother vs Brother (technically half brother but that is not he point) just as a filler until Cody is finally ready for the big time. The chances of it happening in reality? Not much because Cody Rhodes is in for something big. much bigger than Goldust.
No. I don't care how much shit I get but Goldust>Cody. Golust undoubtedly has a bigger legacy then Rhodes has currently and is one of the best gimmicks the WWE has ever created. Far better then the gimmick Rhodes is potratying.

My point is, Rhodes isn't above Goldust. It's likely Rhodes will go far and above what Goldust has accomplished in the WWE but Goldust will be remembered for one of the best Intercontinental Champions ever. I would without a doubt, love to see Rhodes/Goldust in a feud to help launch Cody into the next chapter of his career. But don't undersell Goldust for being a phenomenal wrestler who is severly underrated both in and out of the ring. Come on Zrise, you're better than that.
What are your opinions on Goldust?

The Goldust character is a great gimick that doesn't have the same legs to stand on as it did back in the Attitude Era; however, it can still be used as long as it's tweeked a little. One of my favorite Goldust matches was the street fight with Roddy Piper. If he was to bring that type of intesity, I think he could do well in todays product. The only drawback would be minimizing the sexual inuendos. Then again, DX got away with doing it, so why shouldn't Goldust?

Do you think he still has what it takes to receive a big push? How big?

I think he does have what it takes for a push. He's always been a great performer and is a "company man," by that I mean, he knows what's good for business and will do what's asked of him. Do I think he'll get a championship? No. I don't think he needs one. His legacy has already been established, and he's ashooin' for the hall of fame, title or not.

Would you like to see a feud between him and his brother? Or, if not, what else?

A fued with his brother isn't a bad idea; although, I don't know who it would really benefit right now. Cody doesn't need that rub ... He's done damn well at making a name for himself w/o the use of his family. (I know that Dusty helped Cody with his first heel turn, but I've never been a fan of heel Dusty)

I think the best thing for Dustin would be to continue his mentoring/training with the divas and jobbing to the upper/mid-carders. There is plenty of talent out there needing to establish under legit superstars. Those needing the rub (more than Cody) are Ted DiBiase Jr., David Otunga -- and all of the Nexus, save Wade Barrett -- and Tyson Kidd, just to name a few.

A program with Zack Ryder would be hilarious. If they were to team, just think of the promos.
One of the greatest Intercontinental Champions of all time was nothing but a comedy gimmick. Honkey Tonk Man held the title longer then anyone yet his gimmick was a cheap Elvis Knockoff. There's no reason he has to change his gimmick for anything. If he's going to become champion, then there's nothing wrong with the gimmick he's potraying currently. A big push doesn't necessarily mean World Title push, rather a good feud with an up and comer like his half brother, Cody Rhodes.

No. I don't care how much shit I get but Goldust>Cody. Golust undoubtedly has a bigger legacy then Rhodes has currently and is one of the best gimmicks the WWE has ever created. Far better then the gimmick Rhodes is potratying.

My point is, Rhodes isn't above Goldust. It's likely Rhodes will go far and above what Goldust has accomplished in the WWE but Goldust will be remembered for one of the best Intercontinental Champions ever. I would without a doubt, love to see Rhodes/Goldust in a feud to help launch Cody into the next chapter of his career. But don't undersell Goldust for being a phenomenal wrestler who is severly underrated both in and out of the ring. Come on Zrise, you're better than that.

What I am saying is that while Goldust was entertaining and innovative back in 1996, Both Dustin Runnels and his character have had their run. Whether Cody Rhodes becomes bigger or more entertaining than his brother is something oblivious us since only time will tell. In all truth Hamler I have only watched a handful of Goldust matches that were held before 2002. As far as being an in ring technician I think he is good but recently he has not shown me much since his superstars match with Jericho last year. Now that you come to think of it, with Rhodes's dark persona this could be fun to watch. Again i have not seen much of Goldust when he was in his prime so I really can not judge him with as much evidence as you.
I made a Goldust thread not too long ago because quite simply I adore him and his character and his work he has done over the years. I think Dustin along with William Regal is one of the most talented underrated and unselfish guys in the WWE and always has been. He is in my opinion second only to The Undertaker in terms of making a cartoonish gimmick work and not become stale or outdated. I would love Goldust to be given the chance that both Mark Henry and Christian have been granted and have a run as World Champion before he retires but I know this is unlikely and I feel this because in my opinion Dustin was given a gimmick to be rememberd by rather than title runs and successes of that nature. He has put everything into the character (a character that perhaps many would feel would not be suited in the world of pro wrestling) I have been entertained by Goldust over the years pretty much non stop and really enjoy his style of wrestling and in ring work aswell as his promos and comedy stints. I would love for him to come back and be involved in a story with Cody and the IC Title. I really do love and will never forget the name Goldust.
The original Goldust was fantastic. His character was creepy and uncomfortable to watch and unpredictable in every way. His promos and vignettes were terrific. He's a sound technical wrestler, too.

That said, in order for him to be a success now they'd have to reinvest in his character. Unless you watched 15 years ago, he's just some dude with face paint and a gold suit. His gimmick hasn't been defined in ages and he hasn't been successful in the WWE in so long that it'd take a lot to get momentum going.

I'm not a big fan of charitable championship runs, but I'd go as far as to say he'd be an interesting transitional World Heavyweight Champion -- if they did it right -- that could ultimately put over a younger guy. I know, I'm crazy. But it's an easy investment, I think. And here's how I'd do it...

For a couple months before his return I'd have his comeback teased. Pick a superstar as his initial feud -- someone not too big but with a resume, someone like Christian who wouldn't wouldn't be buried in such a feud with an older guy. For several weeks, Christian (or similar) receives gifts from a secret admirer of sorts -- cards, flowers, candies. They'd all be gold so as to sort of give away who they're from. Eventually, in the middle of a match, Goldust's music hits, which is enough to catch Christian's attention and cost him the win. But he doesn't come out. As Christian retreats, Goldust appears on the screen and invites him to the world premiere of his next film the following week. Of course, it would be similar to his old film -- weird footage of Christian in the locker room, out in public, in his house. A generally creepy rehash of his original behavior. Have them feud for a couple PPVs, Goldust winning out, then have him move onto another feud or two of similar nature, where he finds an object of affection and stalks them, beating them more via mind games than actual savvy. Then, when the time comes where you need a transitional champion to bridge from one to another -- and that time always comes -- you have Goldust move into a feud with the current champion where he ultimately wins. He'd only have to hold the belt for a month, maybe two before passing it off to a younger rising star; someone like Cody Rhodes works not only because of the relationship, but because Rhodes himself is a bit of a sociopath, so it'd be an interesting match of mind games. There's no one in the WWE right now crazier than Rhodes and not many in history as manipulative as Goldust. Once he drops the belt and fails in his rematch, you're left with Rhodes or whomever as the next great psychological puppeteer -- something they don't have at all right now.
Wow, I'm in shock over the love for Goldust. I never really "got" the character, and even for that year he wrestled as Dustin Runnels with no gimmick I didn't see his appeal. Ill admit there was a few good laughs during his time with Booker, but most of those were based on borderline homophobia or ignorance. I really can't remember a classic match that made me take notice of his abilities as a wrestler either.

I really can't see a big push in this guys future. He's been out of the spotlight for too long. I can't remember the last time I saw him in the WWE. On top of that the WWE has a back catalog of talent they aren't using that could be world title contenders. We really don't need another fifteen year veteren getting a world title push while one-run guys like Barrett and Swagger languish in the midcard.

And as far as Cody feuding with his half brother... why? Cody doesn't need the push, his character is developing on it's own pretty well. Cody Rhodes actually might be one of the few guys on the roster that doesn't need help getting over. A feud with Goldust would only benefit Dustin Runnels at this point.
Before he injured his shoulder Dustin Rhodes was in the best shape I think he has ever been in (best shape I've ever seen him in) and the man IS a very solid worker...

He is only 42 years old 2 years older than current world heavyweight champion Mark Henry, and the same age as Former world Champion Batista...

Couple of things that I have factored in on if he could get a big push upon returning...

First off he is coming off of an injury,ANY superstar that the WWE makes a big deal out of when they have been gone for awhile due to injury can come back with some pretty big momentum. Secondly... He is a respected Ring Vet. Third, the man has the tools, and given the chance not only could he take The I.C CHampionship and push Cody into the Main event I could see him making his way into the World title picture...

I'm sure not for a long run but I could see him making his way into some sort of relevance over the title. Easy I.C champ...

Either way I hope when he comes back that they give him and his brother the chance to do the feud that they have both been wanting to do, if they end up putting each other over that's great, if not Cody is young and heading to the main event dance anyway... I don't think that will be the case though I think that at this stage Dustin want's it more than he has in previous years, and that he want's to go out entertaining fans and putting people over. and as a former champ of any caliber he can do that just that!
Wow, I'm in shock over the love for Goldust. I never really "got" the character, and even for that year he wrestled as Dustin Runnels with no gimmick I didn't see his appeal. Ill admit there was a few good laughs during his time with Booker, but most of those were based on borderline homophobia or ignorance. I really can't remember a classic match that made me take notice of his abilities as a wrestler either.

I really can't see a big push in this guys future. He's been out of the spotlight for too long. I can't remember the last time I saw him in the WWE. On top of that the WWE has a back catalog of talent they aren't using that could be world title contenders. We really don't need another fifteen year veteren getting a world title push while one-run guys like Barrett and Swagger languish in the midcard.

And as far as Cody feuding with his half brother... why? Cody doesn't need the push, his character is developing on it's own pretty well. Cody Rhodes actually might be one of the few guys on the roster that doesn't need help getting over. A feud with Goldust would only benefit Dustin Runnels at this point.

I'd recommend going back and checking out with feuds with Razor Ramon, Roddy Piper, and Ahmed Johnson -- the first two specifically. That was really good stuff with some great matches. His feud with Brian Pillman probably would have been a landmark if Pillman hadn't passed.
I got tired of Goldust about a year and a half ago. After he put over Sheamus on ECW he just never seemed worth keeping around anymore. They could always use him in a role similar to what Tommy Dreamer used to be, but then guys like Trent and JTG would be out of a job. There's really no reason to push Goldust again because his time has come and gone. I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with his brother a bit, it could add some attention to the Intercontinental Championship and help Cody look better. Goldust helped get Sheamus a boost before his Raw debut so there's no reason why he shouldn't get to help his brother out too. As long as Cody wins the feud. I have no real desire to see Goldust win anything again, that ship has sailed.
Yes I love Goldust and always have. No his character is not stale however I would love to see him as a serious heel and go back to what he was when he was fueding with Razor Ramon, creepy and stalkerish but make him darker as well. Yes he deserves a good push and yes despite what some of you people think he could hold a title and can still wrestle fantastic matches.
yes, yes and yes! goldie still gets a helluva pop whenever he wrestles. old schoolers love him, kids probably even love him too, despite his little to no tv presence since his mini feud with dibiase. i miss him, and i think a lot of people do to. he can sure as hell still go in the ring and could put on a very meaningful feud with his brother. ONE MORE RUN ! ONE MORE RUN !!
Personally I think a Goldust is the perfect candidate to place in a tag team if they are thinking of rebuilding the tag team scene. Turn Goldust heel and team him up with a new comer, possibly some one huge like Brodus Clay. They could act as Goldust's enforcer or bodyguard type role. Goldust is money on the mic so he could draw some big attention.

Even if they decided to keep him as a face and in the comedic role he has had, teaming up some other comedic wrestler would be a good team imo. I just think it is best when they team up a veteran and youngster to help bring the youngster along. Not that Goldust is even in Ric Flair's place in wrestling but I look at it like Flair/Batista teaming up. Flair's name value gives the team recognition alone.

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