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Goldust, the second (or whatever it is now) coming?

Dead Kennedy

Forever Holly
WrestleZone said:
fter his two recent WWE appearances on the CyberSunday PPV and Raw, it appears likely that Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) will be returning to the WWE roster.

No contract has yet been signed, nor is there a start date that can be announced at this time.

I don't really know if that's really such a good idea. The Goldust character is entertaining, well, at least it was more entertaining than certain others and he had some cool moments, especially when he was teaming with Booker T and doing the parody skits.

But dude, the guy looked just a *tad* out of shape at Cyber Sunday. And what I saw of Dustin Rhodes in TNA was pretty much crap. I don't even wanna go there.

So, my question to you is...is there a place for Goldust in current day WWE? If he returns, can he go anywhere? Or will he just be another nostalgia factor, like D'Lo?
The gimmick can help cover up being out of shape to an extent. I'm not sure if he'll actually do much more than job a lot or be part of a tag team that doesn't share a common goal other than to win matches but I don't mind him being back. If he and someone went up against Priceless there would be the interaction between the Rhodes brothers which could be interesting depending on how it would be presented.
Man, I think this would be a bad idea. You already have a former superstar in Kane that you are booking as a glorified jobber, why do the same with Goldust. Maybe they can team them two up as a tag team or something, to give that division a little more depth.
More than likely they will bring him back solely to job to Shitino for awhile, after that he will go the same route as D'Lo, that or they could try to put together a stable of freaks with him, Boogey, Kizarney (or whatever the fuck his name is) possiably even Hornsaggle, I could see them putting this stable together along with maybe Khali to feud with the Jackass crew if they are still moving forward with that shit storyline, either way I have no doubt in my mind that in the end he will just become another veteran jobber, though I wouldn't be surprised to see him team with someone and have a feud with Priceless, seeing as how he and Cody are brothers
He's not going to win the WWE title or be maineventing PPV's but when the company's IC holder is a comedy figure I wouldn't be surprised if WWE resigned him. I'm sort of torn on whether or not they should hire him. I really don't think he can contribute to the company or help put over wrestlers, but I have always liked the character and the comedy aspect of him. I think if he was hire he would get a better reaction than DLo, who came back to a mild pop, have 2-3 matches than disapeard, Goldust has more of a following and I don't think it would "hurt" the WWE to hire him, just probably won't help either.
Don't expect anything long term out of this. This deal was only done so Dustin can get his Legends contract and not bother the on air audience any more. Dustin is just too out of shape at this point to really be a bother on anyone. We'll get the Santino feud, that much is obvious. However, I really really am intrigued with the thought of Cody Rhodes vs. Dustin Rhodes. Brother vs. Brother feuds tend to work, and I think that this could be something that really elevates the junior Rhodes to the next level.

The thing that irritates me about this, is why now? Wasn't it rumored big time that Goldust was wanted back in the summer of 2007 during the injury plague of that year? Wasn't there this big rumor that Gold Dust was not only going to be brought back, but be used as a big name heel against John Cena in a title program? If any of that is true, and Gold Dust turned that down only to come back a year later for a midcard feud is a bit puzzling to say the least.
As said he will probably just be there to serve as jobber mostly jobbing to santino seeing as he has close to no one to feud with. Also considering they already have a feud going on it would not be such a bad idea to bring him for that. But i like the freak stable thing alot more. I was reading creative did not know what to do with the boogeyman and i am sure horny ain't doing much ether so this would be a perfect opportunity to form the stable along with goldust and kizanry. Problem is i don't see who they can really feud with aside as mentioned if Khali joins the jackass crew.
As good as some brother vs brother fueds are, I dont see Cody vs Goldust as doing too well. I guess the only way it would is if Cody is just plain embarassed by his brother and what he has become. They could work that angle maybe for a couple months.
Everyone stop being so silly. First of all, the whole "well he just looked so out of shape"...um?? did any one you ever SEE the original Goldust?? he was never exactly built like Cena. HELLO. He always had a gut, true its mildly more noticeable now, but not to the point of the character being ineffective, becuase thats not even what the character is ABOUT. Its about historonics, acting like a fucking sick fucko weirdo. If anything, him having a gut HELPS the character. He is suppose to be a creep pseudo homo sexual character, so him having less than totally manly physique plays into that. If he DOES come back, it wont make a difference to the character at all. You all saw hown well he executed his finisher no???

The other reason its silly is becuase its so highly doubtfull. Like shockymaster said, they most likely just did it to get him on a legneds contract. If they were going to use him that thoroughly, you would think they wouldve had him on TV the night after the show were he made his return. This same rumor surfaced last year in the summer, and nothing happened. As much as I would love to see him return, I have to take a wait and see in regards to this.
I never realy liked Goldust. If he is returning i cant see him doing anything more than jobbing and having a occasional comedy feud. I have no idea how they could actualy give him a push that meant something. As far as i know Goldust isnt very popular with the fans. But he has name value so he could be a jobber to young guys and make them look better on ECW. Or he could form a epic tag team with the Boogeyman and dominate the tag team division.
I think they should re-sign Marty Janetty to feud with golddust in a loser leaves town match. That way the 2 of them can keep up there semi-feud of who can be re-hired the most by wwe. On a serious note golddust could be used well working with the younger talent. What better way to hone your character than to react to golddust, look what it did for Goldberg.
Like most of these people said Dustin has never really been in shape since he wrestled back at the very beginning of his career. I really think he could be good back in WWE because he is funny and i believe he could have a pretty good feud with Santino, even though it would probably just be a comedy feud, I still think it would be a good one. I've always been a fan of the guy and really would love to see him back in wwe for a few more years.
Boy, it must be nice to have both your daddy and brother have a lil pull in the company.

Now with that said, I think that WWE SHOULD sign Goldust. He gives a better promo than many of the guys who they have on the roster right now, including his own brother. I'm not saying that he should jump into Priceless, but if teamed with the right person (NOT BOOGEYMAN) he could provide quite the angle of opposition for the tandem. Think about it. Hardcore Holly could finally come back and say tat he brought the REAL master of mind games with him to exact his revenge on Priceless for what they did to him. And it would be an even more dramatic kick that Goldust could definitely be pushed as being Cody's older brother.

Sure when you measure Goldust side by side with alot of the old Attitude Era leftovers, he lacks standing and his physique looks like hell, but he never was marketed as being the best in shape or having the biggest muscles during that time anyways. Shit, the man tongue kissed Ahmed Johnson on (repeatedly) on national television.

And that brings me to the next asset that he brings to the table. I don't care what you call Triple H, but Goldust is The Game. He played elaborate mind games with every one of his opponents and they were more than entertaining to watch. He had dopplegangers, riddles, and flare that was second to none in his twisted web of confusion. And all the while, people questioned not only who he was but what he was. You can't buy that. It's born within you.

All in all, I think that WWE could get away with Goldust signing a legends contract much as good ole Hacksaw did where he will will get paid per appearance. That way, if they don't use him, they don't have to worry about him weighing down the payroll. I think that it is a trend that you will see WWE institute alot in the future. That way, they keep nostalgia alive and can get by not having to dish out regular pay for guys who are glad to get that WWE money any way they can get it. So it's a smart move, a move that will insure that you will once again be trained to never forget the name.......shwooooooo... Goldust.
Goldust has never had the greatest shape in the world. Why would that have changed since he is even older now? He'll either be in a tag team, or start a feud with Santino. I think he'll start off with feuding with Santino, as a follow up from Cyber Sunday, but Santino will win in the end. Then he'll go down to the tag team division, and I actually like Spawn's idea of pairing him with Holly and then playing a mind games angle, where Goldust teaches Holly how to play mind games and they both get inside the head of Priceless.
Goldust is pure entertainment. I prefer watching his funny homosexual promos as compared to some boring A-lister promos about how good they are, and they deserve to be champion etc. (u guys know who these are).

He should be involved in the IC title scene with Santino, without a real feud or vendetta going on, but as a pure wrestling challenge. The main storyline he should be involved with, should be instead with his brother Cody. He'll get a shot at the IC title shot, and leading up to that title shot, he'll have backstage promos with Cody, acknowledging their real life relationship, and Cody runs him down by saying how he strayed from the family and became a freak, and Goldust retaliating by slapping or insulting him back.

During his IC challenge, he'll be screwed out of the win by Cody, and start his main feud proper. He'll join the ranks of CM Punk and Kofi Kingston to even the odds against Priceless (cos' of the inclusion of Manu). The oddball clique with a common goal of destroying Priceless. CM Punk with his straightedge lifestyle, Kofi with his happy-go-lucky attitude, and Goldust with his wacky homosexual tendencies. None of them gel well together, but as they work towards their common goal of vanquishing Priceless, it'll be interesting discovering how their vast differences converge.

But knowing WWE, they'll probably let Goldust job to Santino to continue his Honk-a-meter, engage in a few comedic promos for nostalgia's sake, probably with Charlie Haas and some other old legends, gets relegated to dark matches, and disappears Boogeyman-style soon after. He may not be the best superstar to push, or promote, but gosh, if WWE uses him well, ratings will definitely increase, as people are dying to see that certain heel they hate to the core, falling victim to Goldust's homosexual advances. Goldust getting hanky panky with a stoic no-nonsense serious-business JBL? Pure gold, I would say. (no pun intended)

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