Goldberg and Eric Bischoff Meeting?

Goldberg was shit in WCW, and he would be even bigger shit in TNA. I think it's hilarious that all these IWC dirtball losers go crazy for 40+ year old Goldberg, yet crap all over Hogan, Sting, and Flair for being too old, and not doing anything for the young talent.

By the way, If you look at Goldberg's streak, most of the guys he crushed were jobbers like Jerry Flynn, big fat Reese, and Mike Enis. And Hogan gets shit for putting him over and winning the title on Nitro?
Goldberg was shit in WCW, and he would be even bigger shit in TNA. I think it's hilarious that all these IWC dirtball losers go crazy for 40+ year old Goldberg, yet crap all over Hogan, Sting, and Flair for being too old, and not doing anything for the young talent.

By the way, If you look at Goldberg's streak, most of the guys he crushed were jobbers like Jerry Flynn, big fat Reese, and Mike Enis. And Hogan gets shit for putting him over and winning the title on Nitro?

Wow, IWC dirtbag losers huh? I take it you've went through every poster to check out that those who want to see Bill, also hate Hogan, Sting and Flair then? Here's some irony for you, it's hater posts like this that give the IWC it's bad name, not people interested in seeing a guy who was one if not the most popular guy in wrestling for a time. If irony is too much, how about hypocrisy - you'll insult people for wanting Goldberg ahead of the Icon, the Immortal and Naitch but it's okay for you to love these three and hate Bill?

Goldberg started as a rookie, who was his early matches going to be against? Hogan? Savage? Nash? Anyone who knows anything about wrestling story telling will acknowledge that Goldberg's streak was incredibly well done, he progressed through the lower card, moved up to the mid card were he won the US belt and feuded with the mid carders and when the time came he moved up to the main event and won the world championship. This was a logical progression. When did Hulk get shit for putting him over? Better still why would he get shit for putting him over?

Yup, Goldberg is 44 (compared to Sting 52, Hogan 57 and Flair 62) but he has had a short in ring career. As such, it would be fair to think that his capabilities would be at a much higher level than his age dictates and that he might have a good length run in him yet.

I love Sting at the moment, to a lesser degree Ric (used sparingly, I still enjoy a Flair match but I think they need to script his promos in future) and Hogan still fills a role (the issue here is that fans love to see Hogan the in ring presence, Hulk portraying a GM character disappoints in comparison). Who's crapping over the guys? Flair has put over several up and comers. As a main eventer, Sting has put over guys it's logical to put over. Hogan has had one (limited) appearance in the ring. Flair and Hogan have gotten stick (rightly) for some of their promo work - how does it benefit RVD to be told by Hogan that he's nothing but a career mid carder or what are casual fans meant to think about a returning Fallen Angle when Flair pretends to have no idea who he is? Here's a fact of life, when you do wrong, you get criticised!

You don't like Bill Goldberg? Fine, that's your opinion and I can respect that. To attempt to piss on everyone else who does like him and make assumptions about us? No, just no:disappointed:
Thank you Weems! You hit the nail right on the head. So a guy who's entrances were longer than his actual matches is what TNA needs? Yeah, those title matches with the likes of Jerry Flynn, Scott Putski, Renegade, Glacier, Mortis, Barbarian were epic. They need that art of the 2 minute match in TNA. Ric Flair at age 1002 can do circles around Goldberg in the ring. I don't get you IWC knobs what so ever. I love how you idiots say "why is TNA centering their storylines on older stars" then you say bring in Goldberg. You can't have it both ways. Goldberg is crap in the ring! Always has, probably always will be crap in the ring. TNA doesn't need that dirtball coming into TNA and kicking AJ Styles in the head ruining his career like he did Bret Hart. If this guy comes into TNA, he'll bury all the young stars. Then you IWC knobs will be asking why is the young talent being buried when you dorks were saying bring in Goldberg at the same time.
Thank you Weems! You hit the nail right on the head. So a guy who's entrances were longer than his actual matches is what TNA needs? Yeah, those title matches with the likes of Jerry Flynn, Scott Putski, Renegade, Glacier, Mortis, Barbarian were epic. They need that art of the 2 minute match in TNA. Ric Flair at age 1002 can do circles around Goldberg in the ring. I don't get you IWC knobs what so ever. I love how you idiots say "why is TNA centering their storylines on older stars" then you say bring in Goldberg. You can't have it both ways. Goldberg is crap in the ring! Always has, probably always will be crap in the ring. TNA doesn't need that dirtball coming into TNA and kicking AJ Styles in the head ruining his career like he did Bret Hart. If this guy comes into TNA, he'll bury all the young stars. Then you IWC knobs will be asking why is the young talent being buried when you dorks were saying bring in Goldberg at the same time.

Holy cow, you've got a second alias (you should try and vary your posting style if your going to pull this stunt). So, Owen Hart (you know Bret's brother right?) must be on your hate list too after messing up the piledriver against 'Stone Cold'? Or Brock Lesnar, the Rock, Triple H - wrestling is a physical activity, accidents do happen (I'm sure you've seen the WWe vignettes) and you'll do well to find someone who hasn't botched something in their career. Plus, Bret was known for taking things stiffer than was necessary to make it as realistic as possible. Again you have failed to give any examples on the TNA fans slagging of Sting et al (good luck getting any on me, I support legends) that want to see a genuine draw in Goldberg in their company. Knobs and dorks? If you don't like the IWC, don't come on it with your two accounts - believe me, you will not be missed!
while I don't see it happening, I wouldn't mind to see Goldberg in TNA if it was done right. I wouldn't want to come in and see him clean house of everybody as he debuted in WCW. (on the topic of WCW who was he going to get his squash victories over when he started, guess he should have just beat hogan in 2 minutes in his very first match?)(watching early Goldberg matches he showed much more variety, but it wasn't his character, he was just a monster to run over everything in his path.)

personally I like the idea of him being involved in an angle with Crimson, putting him over. Goldberg could still work at this point, while he is in his 40's he's not had a whole lot of in ring time to put the wear and tear on his body. He shouldn't be the focus of the show or running through the roster, but used right he could help TNA if he were to join them... which I still don't see happening.
Holy cow, you've got a second alias (you should try and vary your posting style if your going to pull this stunt). So, Owen Hart (you know Bret's brother right?) must be on your hate list too after messing up the piledriver against 'Stone Cold'? Or Brock Lesnar, the Rock, Triple H - wrestling is a physical activity, accidents do happen (I'm sure you've seen the WWe vignettes) and you'll do well to find someone who hasn't botched something in their career. Plus, Bret was known for taking things stiffer than was necessary to make it as realistic as possible. Again you have failed to give any examples on the TNA fans slagging of Sting et al (good luck getting any on me, I support legends) that want to see a genuine draw in Goldberg in their company. Knobs and dorks? If you don't like the IWC, don't come on it with your two accounts - believe me, you will not be missed!

Wow. Love the 2nd alias card that gets played when somebody agrees with me. That's all you got? You're starting to sound like a Darren.

Back to topic. Just read the multiple threads here, and you'll see how much the IWC dirtballs shit on Sting, Flair, Hogan being gone from TNA, and wrestling for good. By the way, go and check Goldberg's streak again, and you'll see it's 80% jobbers. His move set was what? A spear, and some punches? At least Hogan, Flair, and Sting could pull off a bodyslam, suplex, and such, and have a match more than 3 mins.
I have to admit I'm surprised, maybe even a little shocked.
Bill FUCKING Goldberg! he's money and ratings guaranteed.
it wouldn't matter to shit if he only has 2 wrestling moves. the 2 most important things about Goldberg are that MANY fans know him and his look. as long as he is in shape and has the same look, there is no way he could fail. did anyone EVER watch Goldberg in the past for the wrestling moves he could do in the ring? not even close. they watched because he was a beast. his jackknife power bomb on the Giant was epic! there are probably wrestling fans right now that don't watch much of TNA or WWE, but if Goldberg came to TNA they would tune in for sure. that is what is most important to TNA, increasing ratings for their TELEVISION show.
I would MUCH rather watch a less than 5 minute match with Goldberg than a match between 2 great wrestlers that don't have much else going for them. Goldberg could come in and have squash match after squash match after squash match and still be a big plus because he would increase ratings, and that's the bottom line.
Wow. Love the 2nd alias card that gets played when somebody agrees with me. That's all you got? You're starting to sound like a Darren.

Back to topic. Just read the multiple threads here, and you'll see how much the IWC dirtballs shit on Sting, Flair, Hogan being gone from TNA, and wrestling for good. By the way, go and check Goldberg's streak again, and you'll see it's 80% jobbers. His move set was what? A spear, and some punches? At least Hogan, Flair, and Sting could pull off a bodyslam, suplex, and such, and have a match more than 3 mins.

let's see,
Same (limited)vocabulary in each post.. yep
Same lame shots at the IWC.. yep
Just Happens to pop up right after someone post a counter argument...yep

I'd say he has a valid point.

So Dirtball (Your nickname for us, not mine)

have you ever watched any of goldberg early matches? I have, just recently, he has a wider moveset than he used, why? because he was made to look like a monster that just strait ran over somebody.(it'd be stupid to see jumping off the ropes and things of that nature) Goldberg had one of the best built streaks in wrestling. of course he has a lot of matches against jobbers. what did you want him to do, be in matches and squash Hogan, Nash, Hall, Savage, and Sting and become champion in his first 5 matches?
Love the Oliver Stone conspiracy theories on this board. Sorry IWC, for agreeing that Bill Goldberg is a terrible wrestler with another guy on this board. It must mean I'm a split personality. Nothing gets past you IWC distiguished gentlemen.

Man, you IWC brain childs should book matches for the wrestling companies. Wait, that's all you guys attempt to do 24-7. What's on the agenda today IWC? Perhaps ripping Vince Russo for his booking style, check. Blame Hulk Hogan for allegedly destroying another wrestling company, check. Bitch about Drew Mcintire and why he isn't being pushed, check. Eric Bischoff, please see previous Hulk Hogan sentence, check. Bitch and moan that the Attitude Era isn't brought back, check. Anything else I'm forgetting? I'll have to consult with my second alias (duh) and we'll bring back some more same old, same old, that the IWC likes to bitch about 24-7.

Until then from the bottom of my split personality, I would like to apologize for bashing the wrestling clinic that is Bill Goldberg and his many fans.

Love the Oliver Stone conspiracy theories on this board. Sorry IWC, for agreeing that Bill Goldberg is a terrible wrestler with another guy on this board. It must mean I'm a split personality. Nothing gets past you IWC distiguished gentlemen.

Man, you IWC brain childs should book matches for the wrestling companies. Wait, that's all you guys attempt to do 24-7. What's on the agenda today IWC? Perhaps ripping Vince Russo for his booking style, check. Blame Hulk Hogan for allegedly destroying another wrestling company, check. Bitch about Drew Mcintire and why he isn't being pushed, check. Eric Bischoff, please see previous Hulk Hogan sentence, check. Bitch and moan that the Attitude Era isn't brought back, check. Anything else I'm forgetting? I'll have to consult with my second alias (duh) and we'll bring back some more same old, same old, that the IWC likes to bitch about 24-7.

Until then from the bottom of my split personality, I would like to apologize for bashing the wrestling clinic that is Bill Goldberg and his many fans.


Dieter_Von_Cunth... I mean Weems2k... err whoever in the blue hell you are, I've never trashed any of them, or whined about Drew not being pushed.. I could care less about him in all honesty. You spew drivel but never back anything up w/ examples or facts. and from what I've seen nobody is saying Goldberg is a wrestling clinic either (do you need a reading comprehension class?) but Goldberg is a better wrestler than he has gotten credit for many times, but why do flips and jump around and everything else.. when you can keep to basic, SAFE moves, he's never had a major injury to my knowledge from wrestling except when he cut his arm open punching window in WCW.

because Bobby Lashley is obviously as big of a name/draw as Bill Goldberg.

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