God damn HHH has a great wrestling-mind!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I am now convinced that HHH is the mastermind behind the Lesnar/HHH angle.

The contract signing one week ago was the best contract signing since Punk/Cena before Summerslam 2011.

HHH's promo last night was the best promo in I don't know how long. Years probably.

This stuff is so unlike any of the other corny crap that is going on in the WWE right now. I just come to the conclusion that HHH is the guy writing all these great segments. No way it's the same writers who write the poor man's SNL segments like Bryan with Kane and Punk running around with the urn.

In 2005 and 2006 HHH knew how to get Batista and Cena over. In 2013 he can still sell match where Rock and Punk are clueless.
You wish Owen accomplished once percentage of what HHH accomplished in professional wrestling.
The segment was fine.

The contract signing was very entertaining with the best part being the pen stabbing ala Schwartenegger in The Running Man.

HHH has a great wrestling mind, but I'm not sure if last night's segment showed this as opposed to a long successful career.

I have no idea where you get off shitting on Punk and Rock.
And to think, X-Pac nearly died.

So close to having a 10 bell salute for a man who died from a torn anus and me losing a bet saying he'd be found dead due to a drug overdose.



That close. :(

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