
Can we change it to Papa Smurf instead? I need a reason to wear my dress and this is perfect:

Finally. I suggested changing his name to Troll yesterday but nooooo, we had to listen to him.
This guy is a royal douchebag and a half. I wants to puts my threads were people will reads it.

Um douche, if you're thread is good, people will read it anywhere you put it.
It's not often that I, Lord Sidious, wander down here to be near the absolute, utter filth that remains here in this prison, but I couldn't help but put in a personal appearance ... since "Troll" as he is now known as, was initially upset at me for moving his thread from the General WWE section to the General Wrestling section.

You can offer suggestions, Troll, but don't bark orders to the Staff on how to run things. It's not like you are paying a fee. You are offered a service. And the rules are dictated to you. You do not dictate the rules to the Staff. Is that clear?

I'll be making an occasional visit to check on your progress down here. But given you're attitude, lack of spelling, and the absolute stench you reek of, you are going to be spending a looooooong time down here with the other creatures and inhabitants.

If you're somewhat respectable, we'll consider feeding you.

We expect you up at 5:00 AM (Eastern Time). Keep in mind that you are on display for all the respectable posters of the Wrestlezone forums and they are watching you, as well.

Behave like a good little troll, and you may be let go ... in a couple months.
Hey, guess what! You're dream came true!

There's only one forum for you to post your fuckwit threads in! Congratulations!
Moved from Complaint Thread:

It's like a theme. The dumbest people seem to have the biggest problem with the way we run things. Observe:

slyfox your responds
It would be "responses".

are the MOST pathetic attempts
Actually, it was only one post, and thus, would be just "attempt"...no "s".

at hiding a poorly runned
I think you mean "ran".

site that i have ever seen to be quite honest with u
You people can do your own grammar work on this one.

u KNOW that im right and all u did was try to justify how badly this site is runned
No, you're not right, especially since you're entire argument is that you should be able to put your piss bucket threads anywhere you want, regardless of organization and the rules that have been set here for over 3 years now.

u know theres a reason why the two sites ive mentioned has more people making threads
Yes, it's called "no expectation of quality". I went to just a few threads on Sherdog and just had to laugh at all the useless posts on their board.

But, I don't expect you to understand why quantity doesn't equal quality. The fact is, anyone can make a thread here any time. All we ask is that you put it in the right place, and considering how NICE we are to people who don't, I really don't see how you have a complaint.

the fact that people DONT make threads as much as the views this site gets [obviously views will always be more of compared to threads made] shows u that people ARE SCARED to make threads
Scared to make threads because they might be moved to a different forum with no repercussion? Exactly how does that work?

who wants there shit moved to a section that nobody views???? i dont..NOBODY does..
Then maybe you should make a thread in the section you want people to read that actually deals with that section? I mean, I know that's a radical idea, to put threads where they belong, but you should try it.

Well, before you got imprisoned that is.

u dont need 30 damn forums!!! everyother forum gets 1 VIEWER u goof...
Like I said, you've been here for two months, so clearly you are the best source on how our forum should be run.

your response was disgrace
As is your intelligence, but you don't see me bringing that up.

at best and i dont think im goin to take your response to this seriously
Good. Because that's exactly how I take your bitching and nonsensical suggestions.

The freedom to make threads about anything we WANT in the main section
That'd be fucking stupid. If everyone put their shit threads in the main section then NO ONE would want to be around because it'd be impossible to ever find something you want.

.. if u wanna make raw and smackdown forums seperately FINE..but dont tell us that we can only talk about RECENT SHIT on the MAIN WWE FORUM which gets the most views
No, I WILL tell you that you can only post recent happenings in the WWE in the WWE forum, because that is how it is set up and that is how it's going to be ran. If you're so vain that your lone source of self-worth comes from people you don't know viewing a poorly written thread of yours about a subject that has been beaten like a dead horse more than LOLCatz, then that is your problem. We're going to continue to keep the forums organized and clean, so people can find what they want easily.

u halfwit..all the mods here are EGG HEADS.
Coming from someone who misspells, uses poor grammar, and has terrible syntax, that just really doesn't mean a whole lot.
I actually am sort an egg head right now. I've got an infected boil that's swollen up under my hair on one side of my head right now. Pretty nasty stuff. It looks funny if I come my hair away from it.

Too bad I'm not a mod. :(

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