GM of RAW: Coachman or Regal?

Who You Want as GM of RAW?

  • William Regal

  • Jonathan Coachman

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Good to see Regal in the GM spot. I got kind of tired of Coach. He isn't as funny and his segments aren't as entertaining as Regal's will be. I always liked Regal in his commish days. As long as there isn't anymore crappy game shows on I'll be fine with Regal as GM. For those bitching about Regal saying names wrong. Who cares? Umanga,Umaga same thing. He is still a hell of alot more entertaining than Coach IMO. Good move should lead to some interesting storylines with Coach as his assistant.
I thought the Coach got a new job working with a news channel , thats why hes probably going to get "Sacked" in the storyline. Anyway.

Being a Brit its always nice to see Regal on the telly. And as GM I think he will do very well. He's got a Charisma which is strangley great to listen to. And as true Brits do , calls him Orton , and Umanga. Excellant move.
I posted the "Regal for RAW GM" thread about 3 weeks ago, and I am thrilled that it came to fruition. He is, without a doubt, the most entertaining person for the job. Sandman would have been interesting, but he lacks the personality to do the job. Regal is funny, derisive, and when he plays neither a face nor a heel character he can be the highlight of the entire show. I generally hate the non-wrestling segments on RAW, but last night's Dating Game was fantastic. Watch RAW's ratings spike back to 4.0 within 2 months.
I posted the "Regal for RAW GM" thread about 3 weeks ago, and I am thrilled that it came to fruition. He is, without a doubt, the most entertaining person for the job. Sandman would have been interesting, but he lacks the personality to do the job. Regal is funny, derisive, and when he plays neither a face nor a heel character he can be the highlight of the entire show. I generally hate the non-wrestling segments on RAW, but last night's Dating Game was fantastic. Watch RAW's ratings spike back to 4.0 within 2 months.

The Dating Game was a very good segment . "SPAM!". Regal's general sense of humour is brilliant and his character suited the role perfectly. Normally those sort of things are pretty dull , but it was a very entertaining bit.
man at the start of the battler royal i looked at the guys in there and thought of the ratings... so i came to the conclusion ''sandman is gonna win'', this guy would really make raw interesting as GM, though then we saw regal leave because he was ''hurt'' then it was quite obvious he was gonna be the new GM

and hes no sandman but much better than the coach, but thats till i saw that crap game show, righhttt.... and what'ya know another boring main event =D, and not just this raw, next weeks main event will also suck =D

the only thing that saved raw was vince

anyway, between coach and regal i say regal, but i dont see him making raw any better then it was b4 =/....
I like Regal better than Coach, but Foley was still the coolest GM. I'm glad we have Regal now, except that they trashed the best theme song in the history of pro wrestling! King Booker, Regal and Lawler have basically the same theme. Bring back Regal's evil music!
I like Coach on commentary, hes so damn funny, but as GM i'd prefer Regal, he has that "business boss" thing ablout him
I love seeing Regal back as the main man on Raw considering he is perfect for the role. I absolutely loved him as the Commish and its great hearing him say See-ner and You-manga instead of Cena and Umaga.

I dont know I just always enjoyed Regal in his "behind the scenes" roles as he is very entertaining and really deserves this role I think because he has given a lot to the business and should be showcased even if its not always in the ring.
All of you who were clamoring for this should be ashamed. Tonight was atrocious. That game show was one of the worst segments I've seen in a very long time... and someone please tell me who the hell UmaNga is? If you're going to give the guy a larger role on Raw he should probably know the names of the guys on the roster. I know it's a small mistake but he sounded like a horses ass when he mispronounced it.. more than once.

He didn't say "Umanga" dumbass....he said YOU-main-ga!!! :headbanger:

Anywho, yeah, his inability to speak basic English is part of his charm. That's one of the reasons he's so darn entertaining. The game show looked bad on the surface, but it had it's entertaining spots. Mostly watching Regal blatantly checking out Maria's ass. Plus it was effective in the goal of turning Santino heel.
a personal highlight the last time round was his side-kick tajiri, imagine seeing him back or replacing him with raws number one pa, funaki. I personally preffered coach when he was just an interviewer/ commentator. I'm glad they dident give the job to someone who hadent been in a role like this before because if they gave it too to many people it could take away the credibility of the job. i couldent really see coach going anywhere as raw gm, perhaps he could have a job if the smackdown gm came available.
Have got to go with Regal. Coach was hated by the fans...and that's about all he had. Regal is a good wrestler, which means we'll get to see a GM vs Wrestler feud (hopefully a good one), and which hopefully will also show off Regal's technical soundness that he hasn't shown for quite some time. This of course means more TV Time for the man! He needs it. He deserves it. Now he'll get it.

He's also hilarious. Just think back to a couple weeks ago..."I DEMAND YOU PUT YOUR HUGE WOOD IN MY HAND!" to Duggan. Also the dating game just this past Monday. Just incredibly hilarious, and I can't wait to see more Regal.

Coach on the other hand...well, I won't mind if he takes a very long jump off a very short cliff. It will be great to see him catering Regal all the time like a little bitch.
Im glad Regals the new GM, but I think he needa different assistant from Coach. Weve seen Coach as a asskissing bitch before with Vince McMahon and Id prefer somethingn different.

The perfect guy I think would be Steve Lewington from OVW

How great would it be for Regal to bring in another posh, pompous snob to help him run things. Plus Lewingtons a great wrestler so deserves to be on Raw or Smackdown.
Regal makes a good GM because he has the image for it. Coachman cant wrestle and Regal can so that again puts him in a better position. Regal was great before as commissioner but Coach has always been someone's bitch, he plays that well. Hes good on commentary and good as an interviewer hes funny and stuff but because he has been Vince bitch for ages he dosnt go well as GM. Regal makes great matches were as Coach was boring i know its all made up before hand and its writers but you know what i mean.
Regal is just a great fit for GM, older, smart, and pretty good on the mic. Coachman, has been made to lose so much credability that its very hard for him to be "IN CONTROL" of anything anymore... But I do like regal

One question, Do you think regal actually thinks he is pronouncing Umaga's name correctly?
Definitely Regal, because he can be either a face GM or a heel GM, he plays either role equally well.

He is well spoken and articulate. His facial expressions are priceless. And when called upon to be in the ring, he's more than adequate. The Coach is clearly not a wrestler, so when put in the ring in a match, it's just ridiculous, whereas Regal, albeit well past his prime, can still carry himself very well in the ring.

I agree 100%. Regal is just so much more interesting and I think its a nod to his great career. He has a lot of respect backstage as a solid wrestler from a lot of greats and I think he is vastly under-rated.

Coach, on the other hand is irritating, and has been for a long time. The only useful niche the Coach ever filled was being the butt of the Rock's promos.
regal is wayyyyyyyy better than coach. regal can play both face and heel gm but coach can only play the heel one. Also regal has funny moments and his character is more interesting that coach.
and in the ring regal is a great wrestler while coach...well you know that
I want Coach to be GM, only because I really like watching Regal wrestle. I think they could push him into a fued over the IC Championship.
For me I have to go with William Regal. Since day one in Coachman's heel run I have found him lame and just down right annoying. Although I do realise he is a "heel" and it is his job to be annoying. Although Regal is also deemed "heel" but at least he is entertaining with all the comedy sketches he does. So hopefully when William Regal returns next week it will be business as usual however knowing WWE they will go against the grain and have Coach become GM with Regal serving as his bitch.
forget coach or regal as gm i got 2 words for ya.........hornswoggle mc mahon
Can anyone else see Regal turning face?

I can see his looking after Hornswaggle turning out like the Eugene-Regal team a few years ago.
Which would be pretty good in my opinion.....Regals a great Heel or face and his facial expressions are the best....Regal has the best reactiosn ever when something bad or embarrassing happens to him.
out of coach or regal being gm for raw, i would go with coach, the man is funny in skits and does it really matter anyway because both are heel gms anyway, the one thing that pisses me off is when the heel gm whether it be regal or coach always screws cena but it would be much better for raw if eric bischoff returned to raw and become gm of raw once again but one day they need to have shane mcmahon as gm just to see how he would do
Can't believe this posting, it should be the coach, screw regal, he can't find a good nitch and look at him... he's only gets to this same postion in the company after what, like 7 years? But look at the coach, in the same amount of time, he's gone from just a "heat" announcer to a great heel second hand man, give him the credit he needs.
I personally have never liked Coach. I find him way too annoying and a waste of space on the roster. I do like Regal and I think he's doing a good job as GM.
regal on his first run with tajiri as his assistant was better than coachman any day of the week, however i really dont feel this new camp william regal. i dont get the impression he enjoys doing it and it makes his role as gm farcical and a little bit stupid. personally i dont think coach is right for the job either, i say bring back paul heyman or even eric bischoff. or why not let ric flair have the role as a way of sending him on his final push on the road to wrestlemania (that is to say if ric flair ever returns :( )

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