Give the Title to Hardy at Extreme Rules...

Drew McIntyre is not who should be IC champ.

But Matt Hardy's time has come and gone. There are too many others who would serve as a better IC champ. I wouldn't mind seeing Cody Rhodes go to Smackdown and winning the IC title.

Matt may be loyal, but he is not smart. He should jump ship to TNA. He could probably be the global or x div. champ.

If Matt Hardy gave a shit about his career he would be on a treadmill 7 days a week and lose that big fucking beer gut.

I really hope Matt Hardy is released. Seeing matt Hardy on tv does inspire go to the gym so I don't end up looking like him.
I think WWE dropped the ball on Hardy, which isn't to say Hardy hasn't dropped the ball multiple times before, when they switched him back to face after his feud with Jeff. That was the last time I can remember Matt being big. He beat Jeff at WM, huge. He beat Jeff the next night on RAW, even bigger. Yes Jeff beat Matt at Backlash and yes Matt got injured shortly after, but WWE didn't need to kill the drive. I think the only reason they did was cause of Jeff leaving and that simply returned Matt back to his regular gimmick, being Matt Hardy, which as D-Man pointed out, is plainer than vanilla. V1 was his last awesome gimmick, but it wasn't anything better than middle card level. Matt's had amazing matches as a tag team wrestler AND as a singles wrestler. His feud with Kane, albeit a little stupid in the end, did produce some good matches out of the 2. His feud with Edge awesome, as well as his beef with MVP. The problems with those feuds thou, the Kane storyline stank, in the end he wasn't going to come out on top verse Edge, and the MVP/Hardy feud was stretched too long due to injuries, so by the time Hardy won, the crowd didn't care. So Matt has done kinda well as a singles, but is just missing a few key features, mic skills, size, look, to put him over the top. Anyway, if he stayed heel, Matt could've finally detached himself to being just another fan-favourite Hardy, possibly etched his own path, and what would've been awesome, feuding with Christian over the ECW title, which given their history, might've increased ECW's ratings by .01 or .02.

To the present, Matt is nothing more than MITB fodder and a step above Carlito in jobber status. Him winning the the IC title really does nothing for him. McIntyre winning would be huge considering I've felt his reign to be disappointing so far, and beating a Hardy in a ladder match will do good for the kid. The only reason I could see WWE giving the belt to Hardy is b/c they don't want him to jump to TNA, but other than that, they shouldn't give Matt the belt.
I don't have anything bad to say about Matt, but I dont see a title around his waist anytime soon, maybe he will get a IC title shot at Extreme Rules, but I don't think he will win, I also think drew's title reign should come to an end soon, he has had it since December and no one has really noticed hoim with it as he hasn't really defended it much and added anything to the titles history, sorry for going off topic, but as for Matt, I don't see him in a title shot soon.
For the record, Matt has had internal abdominal injuries. His abdominal wall has been torn and his intestines were hanging out from them.**
And no, Matt had the first or second biggest reaction at WrestleMania, please watch the MITB match. Even watch SmackDown and compare everyone else's reactions.
Matt's fan reaction > Rey's, Orton's, Cena's, etc..
Don't talk about his fan reactions until you have watched it.
Matt has said that he started training harder than ever to get back in shape and he has shown some improvement.
If WWE doesn't push Matt, what the fuck is the point of having him there? Build him up, put him in the main event, get a couple of world titles on him, and leave him as a permanent main eventer. Simple as that. He can have some crazy feuds (Orton, Christian, Edge, Jericho, Batista, Triple H, etc.) and he has shown that he can put on a crazy match and carry others through matches.
Matt's fan reaction > Rey's, Orton's, Cena's, etc..
Don't talk about his fan reactions until you have watched it.

Don't assume I hadn't watched it. Trust me, I saw it live.

And I've debated this before in many other threads; Matt Hardy's entrance reaction is the same as the Ultimate Warrior's - the music gets the pop more than the actual wrestler does. I challenge the WWE to change Matt's theme song and THEN see how much of a reaction he gets.

Plus, crowd reaction obviously doesn't mean jack shit if the guy has been a failure for the majority of his pushes. With the exception of Kane (and possibly Shelton Benjamin), the WWE has probably given Matt Hardy more pushes than anyone, only for them to end up in an utter storyline failure. And why? Because they hear his loud entrance pops. But this does not make him worthy of anymore chances.

Give me another good reason why he deserves a push, besides his questionable entrance pops. Go ahead.

Matt has said that he started training harder than ever to get back in shape and he has shown some improvement.

I'm sure that 3/4 of the roster TRIES to do what they can to become relevant again. There's no question that Matt is an EXTREMELY hard worker and is very good and safe in the ring.

But this sport is all about positive results. It's like the business of sales. You can work 24/7, be innovative, and be very goal-driven... but unless you put up numbers, you might as well had better throw in the towel.

This is the story of Matt Hardy's life. It's a shame... no matter how hard this guy tries, he just can't draw numbers or interest.

If WWE doesn't push Matt, what the fuck is the point of having him there?

Because people actually like him and the WWE doesn't want to give him up. Especially with his drug-addict brother in the rival promotion.

Build him up, put him in the main event, get a couple of world titles on him, and leave him as a permanent main eventer. Simple as that.

Geez... if you ran a wrestling promotion, it would be bound to fail.

He can have some crazy feuds (Orton, Christian, Edge, Jericho, Batista, Triple H, etc.) and he has shown that he can put on a crazy match and carry others through matches.

Yes, he's a ring general. Yes, he puts on decent matches. But in the end, this business is about dollars and cents. Matt Hardy is incapable of drawing those things. Therefore, he is a career-failure.
I get so sick of people bashing Matt Hardy......Don't get me wrong i've always been a Jeff Hardy fan but he is not loyal....He has also had too many problems with drugs and whatnot and he has had too many chances.

Matt has always been the (and I hate to use this term for fear of starting something about CM Punk) straight edge one out of the 2.....He has stuck with the company non stop during his tenure.....Even when he was released at one point to my knowledge he didn't go off and wrestle with the competition (not saying TNA is much competition).

Back to the topic......I believe that Matt deserves the title but i'm afraid that it could really hurt Drew's push if they take the title off of him so soon. Drew is not that great on the mic but truth be told Matt is not much better

Drew reminds me a lot of William Regal back in his younger years. He has so much potential and if creative would get off their lazy asses and book things right then they would see that.

Bottom line is I feel that Matt deserves the title but not yet. They need to feud for a while and build up their feud...Also it would help if Matt won the title when it is least expected.
Matt hasn't been the same since his hand and stomach injuries if you ask me. I thought his work on ECW and his feud with Jeff were decent enough, but after he came back from those two injuries he has just been substandard.

Just because Drew isn't getting over with the audience, doesn't mean Matt should take his title. Put it back on Morrison or someone who comes over to Smackdown in the draft.
Matt did wrestle in ROH for a couple of matches, I believe. I know at least one for sure with Chris Daniels.

He, however, has been pretty loyal to the company besides that. He's also decent on the mic (has everyone forgotten the Mattitude era? I may be the only one but I found that VERY entertaining and original) and he knows his way around the ring. Hardy could very easily add credibility to the IC title in a division (?) that just seems very lackluster to me.

Why not put the title on Hardy and see what happens? He's never held the IC title before (to my knowledge) and he's honestly the only other credible option right now. Kofi? Nah. I'm a Kofi fan but he needs some mic time to further establish his character so the fans can get behind him. MVP? His ship has sailed and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in TNA or ROH in the next 6 months.

I say give Hardy a shot. Give him the title for a few months. Maybe have him feud with McIntyre over the title or make some major moves in the draft and he could feud with Kofi or someone else that would be a viable option.

Hardy has the capability to make that title mean something. The IWC probably doesn't see that now, but it will happen. Mark my words.
How is Matt Hardy even deemed worthy of recieving the kind of succeed that Jeff achieved? I even doubt at times that Jeff really deserved it.

People hate on guys like John Cena because he's the Golden Boy. Everything has been given to him but the truth is that he worked hard to get to where he is and even now, at the very peak of the mountain, he still works the hardest to entertain. He has in ring ability, which is argued but he entertains me enough. He gets the crowd pumping on the mic, he headlines Pay per Views and gets people talking about matches after they leave and such is the greatness of how he plays his role, the John Cena merchindise is flying off the shelves so that arenas are filled by a sea of orange shirts and U CAN'T C ME signs. The man is good and deserves his shot.

How many of those things can Matt claim? Just one. He works hard. He is, like his brother, very bad on the mic. His in ring ability is full of heart and he does his best to entertain but how many times can you say he's had the best match on the card? I'm not talking triple threat ladder matches or TLC... I'm talking one on one. It's rare if it's ever happened. Any merchindise sold in Hardy's name is either Hardy Boys memorabilia or some of Jeff's solo stuff. Can anyone name the theme of a solo Matt Hardy tshirt? Thank you, any advance on the V1 tee? Didn't think so. Matt doesn't headline and never has simply because he doesn't have the ability to get there.

It's not an insult to Matt. I'm very, very good at my job. That's not to say I'm the best. There are surely many people better than me. Cena is just at a higher level.

Matt Hardy's spot is what he deserves. He will be a hall of famer one day. He's just past that time where he's gonna get any higher on the card. To give him main event status simply because he's been there for a long time would be irresponsible.
For the record, Matt has had internal abdominal injuries. His abdominal wall has been torn and his intestines were hanging out from them.**
And no, Matt had the first or second biggest reaction at WrestleMania, please watch the MITB match. Even watch SmackDown and compare everyone else's reactions.
Matt's fan reaction > Rey's, Orton's, Cena's, etc..
Don't talk about his fan reactions until you have watched it.
Matt has said that he started training harder than ever to get back in shape and he has shown some improvement.
If WWE doesn't push Matt, what the fuck is the point of having him there? Build him up, put him in the main event, get a couple of world titles on him, and leave him as a permanent main eventer. Simple as that. He can have some crazy feuds (Orton, Christian, Edge, Jericho, Batista, Triple H, etc.) and he has shown that he can put on a crazy match and carry others through matches.

Don't talk about his fan reactions until you have watched it? The only one who seems as though they do not watch, is you.

His crowd reaction is not greater than any of the three guys you have named. Mysterio, next to Taker, probably gets the biggest face pop on Smackdown. Granted, Cena gets booed out of half of the buildings he is in, but when a building is behind him, his pop is much, much larger than Hardy's.

And then there is Randy Orton. You accuse others of not watching, but my guess is you do not watch much Raw. Are you seeing the kind of reaction he is getting? Not only does the crowd pop big time when his music hits, but they stay hot throughout his ENTIRE match. The chant his name, and they are basically foaming at the mouth for an RKO! Matt Hardy may get some big pops when he first steps through the curtain, but the crowd dies down during his one-on-one matches.

I really think you need to think about what you write before writing it. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

Ok, you can't even watch Orton's video, it's been taken down. Yes, Matt got a big pop there. But what you fail to see is that Drew McIntyre had just cut a HUGE heel promo. Any face wrestler could have gotten that pop, at that time.

Maybe in your own little fantasy world, you have created this image that Matt Hardy is the most over guy in the company. He isn't. He isn't even close, nor should he be. He sucks. His skills have dropped to an all time low, injury caused or not. He is out of shape. He's balding. There is nothing interesting about the guy.

And for you to somehow say, at this point in time, that he gets anywhere NEAR the crowd reaction of Randy Orton, makes me believe you might be smoking crack. The crowd stays hot through an entire Orton match. Hardy hasn't kept a crowd hot in years.
The term is smoking weed, you sniff crack, not smoke it. If anybody is smoking weed, it's you because the crowd was hot the entire match. The Orton/Batista match was half as much of reaction than the Hardy/McIntyre match. Everybody knows Cena is the most over guy because he's PG and this is the PG era of the WWE.

So you're saying that if Mark Henry came out, he would've gotten that type of pop? LMAO, my ass would get a bigger pop than Mark Henry. Ok, we'll see in the coming months of what will come from Matt Hardy.
The term is smoking weed, you sniff crack, not smoke it. If anybody is smoking weed, it's you because the crowd was hot the entire match. The Orton/Batista match was half as much of reaction than the Hardy/McIntyre match. Everybody knows Cena is the most over guy because he's PG and this is the PG era of the WWE.

So you're saying that if Mark Henry came out, he would've gotten that type of pop? LMAO, my ass would get a bigger pop than Mark Henry. Ok, we'll see in the coming months of what will come from Matt Hardy.

OMG... you never heard of smoking crack??? HAHAAHAHAHAHA Dude, you can absolutely smoke crack. What the fuck do you think a crackpipe is for? To shove up your ass??

You sniff cocaine. OMG, that's hilarious...

Anyway, back on subject.

You really cannot compare Orton's pops to Hardy's. Like I said earlier, Hardy's pop's are mainly due to his music. Hearing "OHHHH YEAAHHHHH!!!" blasted through speakers is bound to get someone a loud pop. Especially with Hardy's children/cult following.

Orton, on the other hand, was getting pops while he was the biggest heel in the company. That says a lot for someone. Even in this day in age of the PG Era, where Vince is drawing a thick line in the sand between babyfaces and heels, nothing could stop Orton from gaining his popularity. His pop at Wrestlemania was deafening, and basically pissed on Hardy's.
His heel pops were due to Cena being a fucking annoying prick. That's when Orton got those pops. Especially at the Hell in a Cell PPV.
Hardy does get big pops during his matches as well. Just look at the video I provided. I don't hear his music playing when he wrestles...
His heel pops were due to Cena being a fucking annoying prick. That's when Orton got those pops. Especially at the Hell in a Cell PPV.
Hardy does get big pops during his matches as well. Just look at the video I provided. I don't hear his music playing when he wrestles...

We could discuss pops all day. But pops don't make money, do they?

The fact is that Matt Hardy has never amounted to anything of substance, no matter how many titles or pushes the WWE has given him. It's a proven fact, and cannot be disputed.
We could discuss pops all day. But pops don't make money, do they?

The fact is that Matt Hardy has never amounted to anything of substance, no matter how many titles or pushes the WWE has given him. It's a proven fact, and cannot be disputed.

Again, saying that it's a proven fact is ridiculous. The thing that alot of you people need to understand is that just because hardy is not over with "you" personally doesn't mean he is not over with the fans. It's the majority that counts. from what I remember Matt is one of the only people that the fans actually demanded to be brought back after he was released, the only person that I can recall that happening to is Stone cold, I could be wrong, If I am please correct me.

People dont love him because they think he's the best wrestler in the world, He's not. I am a HUGE fan, and even I'll admit that. But the guy has shown potential, I remember watching his heel promos during his fued with jeff and I was really impressed with how much his mic skills had improved and I could see in his eyes that he was ready to step-it up, and that's exactly what he did. He made the adudience "Hate" him, that's every Heel's job, to get the audience to HATE him. Now this is just my opinion but maybe if WWE turns Matt Heel again then maybe some of you doubters would start taking him more seriously, I know how alot of smart marks hate all Baby-Face wrestlers no matter what and only give Heel wrestlers credit, so therefore maybe Matt showing how good he is as a heel would win some of you over, forgive me if I sound like I'm rambling.

He has gained weight, it's obvious. but so has Triple H, Chris jericho, Kane, William regal, Edge, Big show(well fatter than he once was). ALOT of wrestlers have put on weight because the WWE is not working them as hard as they once did. In Matt's case it has alot to do with his abdominal injury that caused his stomach to litterally explode so they had to give him intestinal surgery. Maybe Matt could work a little harder to get the fat off, but that hardly means he's a "Fat piece of shit" as one hater called him.

Now I am Matt hardy fan, I think it's obvious. So my opinion could be considered bias, But I am just telling everyone what I honestly believe. Matt has potential.
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This is another great example of Matt's overness: (pic 19)

Even they think Matt Hardy deserves a huge push.

Listen to me. Clear the shit from your ears, and listen. Matt Hardy has a fan base, no doubt. He gets big pops when he enters an arena, no doubt. I'm not disputing that. What I am disputing is how over he is. He is not as over as Orton, Christian, HHH, The Undertaker or Mysterio. In some arenas he probably gets a bigger pop than Cena (because Cena gets booed in a lot of cities), but Cena is six times the draw Matt Hardy is. Sure, some live crowds want Matt to have a big break. Fine. But as you said, that doesn't mean EVERYONE does.

Matt Hardy is not being pushed for a lot of reasons. 1. He doesn't draw shit. He never did. Jeff was the main attraction, no matter how big of a fuck up he was/is. Matt has never reached Jeff's level, and never will. 2. He's out of shape. He's not that great in the ring anymore, and to tell you the truth, he never was. He was great in a tag team, but his style isn't any spectacular as a singles wrestler, and it's only gotten worse the older he has gotten.

I'm sure you could find a million clips of Matt getting a big pop. People appreciate his hard work and loyalty to the company. But the crowd DOES NOT stay hot during his matches, they just don't. Against an over heel (like McIntyre), the crowd may stay hot, but that happens with any face that is beating on an over heel. That's how it works. You could have put freakin' Santino in there, and his pops would have been just as big.

And actually, you snort cocaine, you SMOKE crack. Crack is rock from of cocaine, you can't "sniff" it. Damnit, I can't believe I have let you drag me down into discussing how you do and do not properly use drugs. You have a really whacked out sense of reality, pal.
So why not push Matt? Cena sucks dick, but he gets over. Why? Because he was pushed into the main event scene. Was Matt? Last year before he injured his hand... But then they gave up on him and focused on other things. If Matt is pushed into the main event scene, he will be draw like Cena, Mysterio, Taker, and HHH do. But he hasnt been given the proper push. If he was shoved into the main event right now (edge vs Hardy, Hardy vs Jericho, Hardy vs Swagger, Hardy vs Orton), of course he will become a HUGE draw like Cena or Mysterio. That's the problem, he isn't getting recognition from the higher ups in the WWE.
So why not push Matt? Cena sucks dick, but he gets over. Why? Because he was pushed into the main event scene.

Just chipping in on what Nick said previously, did you even read a thing the guy said? The difference between Matt Hardy and John Cena, is that the latter can draw a long with many other things. I mean, more people wear Cena merchandise in a single crowd than Hardy merchandise worldwide. Another big factor, is that you need to be able to keep fans interest when your on the mic and Matt has never really been able to do that. And last time I checked, the WWE doesn't want a overweight guy way past his prime who can't even draw or do anything on the mic holding one of their championships.

If he was shoved into the main event right now (edge vs Hardy, Hardy vs Jericho, Hardy vs Swagger, Hardy vs Orton), of course he will become a HUGE draw like Cena or Mysterio.

Dude, are you sure you're not doing some "stuff"? Cause from what you've been saying, it's either that or you're mentally ******ed. In just about any of those feuds, Matt's fat ass would be carried except for the one with Swagger which would not be too good at all. And the biggest thing is that none of those men would make Hardy any bigger of a draw bud, cause he'll still have problems on the mic and he'll still be out of shape. Because even though he can take some pretty sick bumps (see the last MITB match), he won't be able to even match any of those guys' wrestling skills. Either way, this guy will never amount to much more and you Hardy marks just need to deal with it.
Just chipping in on what Nick said previously, did you even read a thing the guy said? The difference between Matt Hardy and John Cena, is that the latter can draw a long with many other things. I mean, more people wear Cena merchandise in a single crowd than Hardy merchandise worldwide. Another big factor, is that you need to be able to keep fans interest when your on the mic and Matt has never really been able to do that. And last time I checked, the WWE doesn't want a overweight guy way past his prime who can't even draw or do anything on the mic holding one of their championships.

Dude, are you sure you're not doing some "stuff"? Cause from what you've been saying, it's either that or you're mentally ******ed. In just about any of those feuds, Matt's fat ass would be carried except for the one with Swagger which would not be too good at all. And the biggest thing is that none of those men would make Hardy any bigger of a draw bud, cause he'll still have problems on the mic and he'll still be out of shape. Because even though he can take some pretty sick bumps (see the last MITB match), he won't be able to even match any of those guys' wrestling skills. Either way, this guy will never amount to much more and you Hardy marks just need to deal with it.

To be honest I think the main reason why Matt is overweight Besides the reason's I already listed is because he doesn't take steroids. Last time I checked people didn't like wrestlers who take steroids "Batista, rey mysterio," ETC.

Matt just like any other wrestler will step up his game if given the chance, Matt has never even been in a match for the WWE or World heavyweight championship. The Biggest time in his career was when he feuded with edge and he clearly stepped up his game during that fued. The Fans were on Matt's side and it looked like it would lead to his main-event push, but he got pushed down to mid-card so it stopped his momentum.

Look, I'm not an idiot. I know that the chances are very,very slim that Matt will ever get a big push this late in his career. But to completley rule out any possibiltie whatsoever in my opinion is a little close-minded.

One more thing, I dont consider myslef a Matt hardy "Mark". I am a fan who has faith in him, I'm not delusional. I understand that the outlook looks grim, but anything can happen. About a week before wrestlemania I thought Jack swagger didn't stand a chance in hell of winning the MITB ladder match, Now he's world heavyweight champion.
Hurricane, don't waste your breath. This guy is obviously blinded by how big of a Matt Hardy mark he is. He just can't see that Hardy is finished. If he were worth a big push, they would give it to him.

So basically, The Jew wants yet ANOTHER guy to just be jammed into the main event scene. Hardy has worked hard for what he has, but his time is up. He's 35, going on 36, and looks even older. He doesn't move very well, and he has regressed in every aspect of his wrestling game. His promos and dialogue with other wrestlers is terrible. He was the least convincing heel I have seen in a long time during his feud with Jeff.

I don't even hate Matt Hardy, but this guy is making me point every bad thing about him...and there's a lot of it. I just think you are completel blinded by your undying devotion to a sub-par superstar. His career is going nowhere, and I fear you are in for a lot of disappointment by waiting for him to get this "big push" that is NEVER going to happen. many matt lovers....matt hardys peak has been passed up...remember mattitude? like 7 years ago matt was cool...not now......matt is outta shape, has bad knees and isnt believable enough to beat anyone.....he showed some signs of potential a couple years ago againts mvp....both are in limbo and goin nowhere...matt doesnt deserve an ic title reign at all...plain and simple...the ic title should be for future world champs and guys like that....mcintyre is a future world champ...but he sux as ic champ so he should drop it but not to matt...more like rey mysterio who doesnt mind being ic champ
So why not push Matt? Cena sucks dick, but he gets over.

Weren't you just telling us about the difference between personal opinions about reality? The reality is that Cena is the most over guy in the company and obviously doesn't suck, if he's leading the charge of this generation.

If Matt is pushed into the main event scene, he will be draw like Cena, Mysterio, Taker, and HHH do. But he hasnt been given the proper push.

Oh he hasn't?? Then what the fuck do you call his heel turn on Jeff Hardy?? Jeff was not only his blood brother, but one of the most popular wrestlers in the company. At the time, Jeff was an on and off again champion. So they put him against Matt and NO ONE GAVE A SHIT. Is that Jeff's fault? I think not.

You're not going to win this debate. Fact will always outweigh your opinion.

If he was shoved into the main event right now (edge vs Hardy, Hardy vs Jericho, Hardy vs Swagger, Hardy vs Orton), of course he will become a HUGE draw like Cena or Mysterio. That's the problem, he isn't getting recognition from the higher ups in the WWE.

No, because they tried it already... on EVERY LEVEL POSSIBLE. He's been every single champion EXCEPT the two most prestigious WWE titles: world and IC. And why? Because he isn't a draw. If he couldn't make the midcard and lowercard titles work, why the fuck would they push him to main event?? Seriously, tell me?
Matt got his chance to be a main event level heel last year and dropped the ball. He wasn’t imitating enough and his promos sucked. He got his chance to be a main event level face when he came back to WWE after the Edge deal and he dropped the ball as his return promos sucked. Simply the guy has midcard level skills the fact that he posts shit on the internet, is fat and balding doesn’t help matters either. He is a really good midcarder and that is all. There is no shame in being that as he has been earning serious money for the past 12 years or so.

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