Girl spanked to death by parents

Nothing a little child does deserves that kind of punishment.

Have you forgotten what you were like as a child? I know for a fact I earned some of the spankings I got from my mum. My dad was always more into lecturing. Both methods have their merits, it has to be said.

This book and these monstrous fundamentalists can go eat a huge bowl of fuck, as far as I'm concerned, the spanking is nowhere near as important to discipline as making the child understand WHY they are being spanked. The rod as divine salvation is just sickening. I'm pretty grateful that these people have lost their parenting rights, although I feel that the prison sentences here were not harsh enough. They adopted a child then beat her to death. You shouldn't be getting out of prison EVER after something like that.

These people who mindlessly follow the words of some whack jobs book on how to abuse a child in the name of God are the same type of ******s that put guys like Hitler in power. As ridiculous as this Pearl dude seems, you really can't blame his book. Just because he wrote it doesn't mean it should be followed as law.

Why is it that it seems the people who believe in things are the ones always taking lives?

You may not be able to blame his book, but you can certainly condemn his response to the case, the very fact that he showed no disgust at a 7 hour beating resulting in the death of a child shows him to at the very least be a raving sociopath. I'd like to beat this Pearl guy for 7 straight hours with some 1/4" Plumbing Line.

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