Gilbertti joins Mark Madden on Voice of Wrestling 7/13/2009

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Getting Noticed By Management
Let me know if this is a duplicate thread. I just listened to this recently.

Mark Madden says both WWE and TNA are god awful. He says McMahon taking away competition was a bad thing. He did credit Vince Russo for taking the Steve Austin character to McMahon during the Attitude Era.

He said competition made Vince McMahon sharp. He said the quality of wrestling is 1/10th of the time of the Attitude era. He said ECW in its heyday is better than WWE/TNA today. Host says WWE is trying with the big WrestleMania million dollar giveaway and Donald Trump angles. Mark Madden said nobody cares about Seth Green and that has nothing to do with wrestling. He said Seth Green is the centrepiece of Raw that night and it's horrendous booking. He said McMahon is desperate.

Hosts are arguing that it's about wrestling. Marty note: are you kidding me? every WWE show has long-ass wrestling matches.

Madden says TNA is so awful that he doesn't know what they have to do to make it marginably watchable. He says Stone Cold was brilliant, Outsiders was great, and the late 90s with the competition was great.

Madden asks what Russo has done since the attitude era. Host says turned a new leaf and became boring. Madden says did you say christian or boring - and that there was no difference. Mark Madden praised the work of the talent of TNA and that the PPV matches are great. He says Nash vs AJ can be good.

Glenn Gilbertti joins the show at the 38 minute mark!!!!

Gilbertti says the buildup is what made wrestling succeed. He said independent wrestling is a couple of people fighting with no angles or buildup. Madden butts in. Gilbertti says back then you were selling your show to the lowest intellect people.

Host asks if there was a chance that people can enjoy the in ring action thinking it's work. Gilbertti says it's internet nerds online that look at the artistry of the match because they're insiders. He says he can buy a piece of art but he's not an art dealer. He says the internet crowd likes it for the artistry, but the typical man flipping channels love it for the promos, the lights, camera, action. they don't give a rat's ass if a wrestler can perform 7 suplexes in a roll.

marty: they love the action, the story, the buildup, the theatrical aspect of wrestling - hands down.

madden says the product is bad that's why people aren't watching. Madden says Disco's mentor Vince Russo pays attention to what online people say conflicting with Disqo saying the internet people are nerds.

Gilbertti said Bischoff was the first to cater to the Internet. Madden said he's true but Russo did and still does too. Madden says do not interrupt. Madden says the booker should not pay attention to the Internet because it's a small percentage of the audience.

Gilbertti says Russo very rarely looks at the Internet website -- Dixie looks at the Internet and tells the bookers what to change based on internet reaction. A huge argument erupts. Madden says Russo is a crap booker. Gilbertti says look at Russo's track record.. and asks what numbers and evidence he has to support his claim.

Madden says he knows what he likes and what he sees. Gilbertti asks for numbers other than personal opinion. Madden says his personal opinion is considerably opinion. Madden asks what evidence is he a good booker. Gilbertti says the numbers don't lie

Gilbertti says he's probably the past 15 years the most successful booker -- mentions the ratings -- not because of a few critiques. Madden says Gilbertti's a Russo mark. Gilbertti asks Madden who's a good booker. Madden says there hasn't been a good booker since the mid-late nineties. Gilbertti asks who was a good booker back then. Madden says Paul Heyman was a good booker and ECW back then was the best booking he has ever seen. Gilbertti then says then he's part of an audience that doesn't understand what draws. (marty: ecw doing poor numbers compared to WWF)

Gilbertti says Paul Heyman booked a company that went out of business. If you'd rather have a booker that puts you out of business because you like it or if you'd rather have a booker that gets numbers. Not a difficult question.

Madden says if TNA was won by a common business practice - a money drain and Dixie Carter was a mark that didn't know when to quit. And he mentioned it was the same for WCW for a number of years - losing money. (marty: you have to lose money to gain money).

(marty: i think ecw sucked)

Gilbertti is saying Madden's basing everything on his personal opinion. The result is in the numbers. Madden says he doesn't hear any numbers Gilbertti is saying to back is statements. Gilbertti is like "what are you talking about?" - WWF attitude era is the greatest ever. Madden says that was a long long long time ago. Gilbertti is like it wasn't a long time ago because it's the same time Paul Heyman was booking ECW - Mark!

Gilbertti says if you want to say Paul Heyman booking ECW is the greatest stuff ever, what Vince Russo was doing at the same time in WWF was 10x better than what Heyman was doing. Madden now brings up the argument saying if you think Russo was the main guy doing everything during that time, Gilbertti should be mistaken (what the?)

Madden says Russo has failed since WWF. Gilbertti is like how has he failed? He said when he took over they were doing .8s, now they're doing 1.2 and 1.3s. Madden is like "wow". Gilbertti says that's a 30% increase which is better than the time than they were gone.

Madden says it's a convulated lie. Gilbertti asks how that is nonsense. Madden says they're on a cable station and all they can do is a 1.1. Gilbertti asks the audience who is providing better logic - who's winning the argument. Gilbertti says he's killing Madden in the argument.

Gilbertti asks "Is Marty2Hotty on the line? Is Marty2Hotty on the line?". Cash is like "who?".

Fan asks to never let Mark Madden to go on the show again - thank you.

Madden says you need more oldschool wrestling booking - in regards to making WWE better. (marty: what the hell?) - he says we never need to see McMahon on TV.

Gilbertti asks if he gets a chance to answer the question. Gilbertti says take your 30 year old daughter out of creative.

The next fan says: "all i have to say is Mark Madden Who?"

Next fan asks about Bobby Lashley and MMA (potential UFC). Madden said you dont want to overcrowd your MMA show with fakes or to that extent. Gilbertti says Kurt vs Brock or Brock vs Lashley would draw incredible because people would want to know two wrestlers fighting for real.

Some woman fan asks how John Cena's wedding would affect his match. Gilbertti is like how on earth can they have fans that call in who think this stuff is real.

pretty good arguments.


I thought it was a good debate. They didn't really dive into too many topics, but Disco really won the arguments here. Did anyone hear this as well?

- I want to hear more Madden vs Gilbertti -- I also want more specific TNA arguments and specific instances on what they like/dislike about Russo
First off Mark Madden & Glenn Gilbertti are both Douche Bags straining to keep their so called careers afloat But I love to read maddens editorials because he tells it like it is. Gilbertti on the other hand could not keep anyone's interest with his failed attempts at writing his editorials with his whining about everyone with the exception of the hand job reach around he would give Russo (Or pat on the back as he would call it) Gilbertti would always toot his own horn about the numbers when he was a booking helper with Tna Well lets see the numbers a 1.3 whoopee freaking dooo. For a program that's been on TV for 200 episodes that's pathetic! With stars like Angle, Nash & Sting Etc. you should be able to pull better numbers then EcW can nowadays with a bunch of newbies and never have beens!! So get real I'm not impressed.

Russo was not the only driving force behind the attitude era VKM has always had the final say so and this makes Russo NOT the Super Booker everyone (Glenn Gilbertti) thinks he is. Lets look at WcW and the Millionaires Club Vs The New Blood or should I say MEM Vs The Tna Originals because its the same exact thing just different wrestlers and even some of them are the same also Nash & Sting just to name 2. Don't get me wrong rerunning older storyline's is common place in wrestling but at least do something that worked the 1st time around. Or What does 3 Britt's, 1 sheik, 1 Japanese guy and 1 Canadian all have in common ??? They suck as a faction. My point is Glenn Gilbertti has no legs to stand on he hypes the numbers like the reflect anything great draw a 3.0 or higher then come and talk about your numbers.

TnA I thought it Stood for Total Nonstop Action But we get Talking No Action.
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