Get Your Shit Together

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Ok, kid gloves are off. I am speaking to everyone as a manager.

The reason the e-fedis perceived as a headache by many of the mods and the general members of this board is because little to nothing positive is discussed about it. The only time news or info spills out of the e-fed is drama like we have now with Shock and the staff. How the hell do any of you expect to attract members like this??? It must be among the single worst marketing campaigns in history.

Now I am largely ambivalent towards the fed itself. And I am quite fond of several of you who put so much damn time into this thing. FLUK, Ricky, and Monkey specifically. And Will, when he's here. Whether the e-fed is here or not won't effect me, and no it doesn't cause me "loads of undue stress." Whatever happens in the e-fed, my day passes pretty much without a ripple. I care because I want to see you guys succeed and have fun, but it's been a failure at every turn.

So consider this probation. Get it together. Make it fun, make it positive. Ask for my help if you need it. Recruit new members. Repackage it. But if things aren't turned around by mid-February, the mods will vote on its existance.

And as much as I appreciate people PM'ing me and stepping up to take responsibility for all of this, frankly, I don't want that. I don't want scapegoats, and I sure as hell am not looking for someone to blame. I don't even want an explanation. I want results, I want improvement, and I want you all to enjoy this thing without constant drama.

You're a team. Live by this mantra - "Imagine how much would get accomplished if it didn't matter who got the credit."

PM me or post in here if you want my help or if you have questions.

WZCW has just been repackaged of sorts in the past week
New members are being recruited
In the past 2 days we've worked really hard to be a team, and that's been evident after tal;king to Iscariot and Derf.

You want drama to stop? Don't let one of your most respected forum members post this as a thread
It's sly, don't take it too seriously. Irish is being nice with you guys with the mid-February deadline, as others feel it should be longer.

The people on staff really need to think about everything. Use this downtime to get organized, and recruit new members. These forums are going to be packed as they always are this time of year for the Road to Wrestlemania.

No ones saying shut it down, but as Irish said, it only seems that people notice the E-Fed when drama starts up. This is an opportunity for you guys on staff to take a little break, but talk amongst yourself on how you want to run things. We're giving you free reign, but we're also telling you to give it a break for a few weeks.
It's in the Bar Room, Lee. Shit goes in the Bar Room. Had everything not spilled outside of here, it wouldn't be an issue.
so very bluntly...what's the issue here?

because of all the issues being raised there's only one that has not been sorted in the past few days and that's Shock throwing his toys out of his crib.
There are a few issues, Lee. Not so much with you - fact is, you inherited a tough situation. But you have even made mention of people filing out of the e-fed. And how many people have been banned or imprisoned for e-fed stuff, how many times have I been aksed to add or remove mods because there's a fight in the e-fed board room, etc.

I want to give you a chance to turn this around, Lee, but you have to give me ammo to fight off the angry mob gathering out front with torches and pitchforks.
Then we're on it, thought I don't understand one thing...

Are you putting us on hold until February
Or do we have until February to sort it out?
and I know all about getting banned for e-fed stuff :p
I'm writing out a The One Big Will length response...but in the meantime...putting us on hold till february would kill us. No question. We're in a really good spot right now, and if it wasn't for me being an idiot and bringing in Shock, then we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
and I know all about getting banned for e-fed stuff :p

Lee, I just wanted to update you and everyone else. I will be back this weekend full-time. I'm in this to help turn the fed around, so hopefully starting this Friday we can start discussing things with Ricky, and whoever else is in this to turn it around.
Lee, I just wanted to update you and everyone else. I will be back this weekend full-time. I'm in this to help turn the fed around, so hopefully starting this Friday we can start discussing things with Ricky, and whoever else is in this to turn it around.





Couldn't have come at a better time mate!
Ok, the difference between probation and hiatus.

I am seeking PROBATION. Meaning you're up and running until Mid-February, at which time we re-evaluate.

Other mods want HIATUS, meaning stopping everything until it gets sorted. I personally want to give you guys a shot at fixing it, since Lee is still new to leading the thing and Will returns Friday.

With all due respect, we’ve been getting our “shit” together for the last several days. The fact is, I was merely keeping the fed alive over the last six months, no one took the ball when I offered it TWICE…then finally we were blessed by the reinstatement of FLUK. I now have my wind back that I am not in charge, and I have honestly been more productive working alongside with FLUK than I ever was doing it by myself. The absence of Will cannot be discounted. His full-time return is VERY soon, and we will be doing well when he can fully contribute.

The reason I sent the PM blaming myself for all of the drama is because I figured poo would hit the fan when Shock brought the drama outside of the efed. I wasn’t about to let one horrible poster ruin fun for the guys who care about it and are committed to making the FED better, not just getting himself over.

You wonder why people pay attention to the fed only when drama is spilled out into the rest of the forums. To explain this, might I direct your attention to “CCS vs. The World.” The most drama laden thread in the history of WZForums was so popular because somebody wanted to stir up drama. The fact is, people are attracted to drama. Why was WCW able to compete with WWF? Drama. ATM Eric was a genius at stirring up drama by waving Canadian flags the night after the Montreal Screwjob and bringing in Ravishing Rick to appear on Nitro BEFORE he appeared on a taped episode of Raw. People saw that and were like, “Holy crap…I want to see how much the poo hits the fan.” Controversy = Cash. Drama = Attention. Simple as.

If we are to “shut down” till February, WZCW will die. Morale is on the upswing, and FLUK and I have spent a good 12 hours combined the last few days just doing PR stuff and thinking up storylines. To shut down would be to have wasted all that time.

I know this is a wrestling forum first and foremost, and I always ran the fed with that in mind. But you have to understand that people are destructive by nature, and if they can see something fall through their own efforts, they will do so. As an example, I will point you to the classic church father St. Augustine of Hippo. In his book, Confessions, he recalls a time when he was with his buddies and they came across a neighbor’s pear tree. They destroyed that crap. Why? Just because he could and he liked the feeling. We’re all prone to this kind of thing, and it would be folly to let a few bad apples ruin this.

That is all for now.

Probation. We're going with probaton until mid-February. Irish is willing to give you guys a chance with it. I on the other hand tend to think you guys need a break until February and restart it. I think that you should re-evaluate everyone on the roster, and re-evaluate which direction you want to go in. I think a mental break would be good, but if you guys feel you can handle it, by all means handle it.

However, stop witht he notion of such and suck will die if we go on break, no it won't. These forums have crashed, people have came back. The fact is, if people want to do it, they'll do it regardless of timing.

This is your time as a team to prove a lot of the naysayers wrong. So probation it is.
he wrote that after shocks post but before yours...

And shocky that's a good idea reavluating everyone on the roster
Ok, cool. So we're all on the same page. Let's get this thing going the right way in the next 5 weeks. Hopefully at that point we can forget this ever happened.
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