Get with it, Vince.

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ECW should not be treated like a third brand like it is. Vince has his head so far up his ass. The pople wanted ECW back 'cuz of what it was, NOT BECAUSE OF ANY WWE INVOLVEMENT. We only get one hour per week and the ECW people who wactually put on a good match don't get the time they deserve because all the time is wasted on the ECW-WWE angles. Thats a lod of bull.

I've met the Sandman. I've watched him on ECW before that. He can do alot od thigns but they make him come in for 3 minutes, beats up some ******ed character, then leaves. Now, why is it that he is one of the ECW wretlers with the best charisma yet they give him a minute or two then they have this kelley chick "strip" for 5 minutes. At least when she comes on it gives me time to go take a bathroom break instead of sitting there wasting my time watching.

I like WWE
I like ECW
I don't like ECW and WWE mixed, it's just ******ed.

Push Sabu
Push Sandman
Push WWE wrestlers on their own damn show.

I respect that Vince has taken the time and money to bring this all back. But just 'cuz he did doesn't mean I should just sit back and watch him shit all over it. vince has a wonderful ego with as big as his pocket book is, but even so, even if he was only worried about money, dont' you think bringing back ECW the right way would make even more money? Does he do this for the principle of pissing people off? Nothing else makes any sense.

Theres so many ways he can profit from doing it the way it should be done, even from a business standpoint, but instead is gonna miss out on respect and mroe money just to do things his own way and mess everything up, GET WITH IT VINCE. :2up:
I don't understand how people post things like this as if Vince was gonna do something other than what Vince was gonna do. Vince did take time and money to bring it back, so he's doin' it his way. They are feeling things out. I say "they" because I heard that Stepahnie was Heyman's superior. They are looking at this from a business standpoint and not yours, mine or anyone else's. "ECW had a following, but if we can get WWE fans to become ECW fans, we get mo money, mo money, mo money.." By the way, I was quoting Stephanie. seriously though, that's how they think. I don't understand why everybody is acting so surprised. And as for Vince cowtowing to fans, I want to see it! Then, I'll never watch wrestling again. I know you guys have good intentions, but that kind of thing sets a ridiculous precedent. I don't want this to sound like I'm against you. I am one of those ECW fans that was just a fan and not a mark for himself. I'm just saying, though..
Ok ya and once all the ECW wrestlers that are upset right now decided to do something about it everything will be just wonderful. WWE fans like WWE, ECW fans like ECW......and those who like both will watch both. If you dont know what ECW is by what already happened or all the old and new DVDs then you apparently just don't care to know. Did you even read my post when I said "even from a business standpoint". He brought back ECW because of the demand, anything saying "we're trying to get wwe fans into it" is bull. The ECW that the new fans are getting into isn't the ECW everyone else knew before, and while it could never be that way again, it could be pretty damn close.
why are you mad at me? I read your whole post. I know that's amazing at wrestlezone, but I did. Did you read mine? I said that I was an ECW fan. Why do you think they come on with the "ECW rules" this, and "ECW rules" that? Hmmm? For converts. Why would they say that for people who already know ECW? You and all the other ECW fans are just blinded by your rage. If you were not, you would see what is going on. I see it as Vince McMahon presents: ECW(with Paul Heyman trying his best to make it good). Is it not that? At least right now? Don't yell at me. You said that thing about "a business standpoint", but did not elaborate. I understand your fervor, but whatever I said is how it "prolly" went down..."prolly". ...and the thing about Vince cowtowing to would run the shows and decide titles and whatever whatever. I know this sounds great to all the millions....and millions of smarks..ok hundreds....on Wrestlezone who think they would be the greatest promoter alive, but it would suck. Really, it would. Sabu would probably have the belt forever, and there are no other titles yet so...??? RVD would win every match, but the match would last an hour, so it's ok. Do you see what I mean by setting a bad precedent? No? I tried. Vince is gonna do what Vince wants. Vince really doesn't care about ECW fans. I know some people think that because he brought ECW back that he loves all of us. That isn't the case. He loves money.....bottom line.
I'm not mad at anyone but Vince. Everyone has their own opinions about the way things are going down but I'm saying facts are fact, the ECW are getting upset at the way things are going and if they start leaving you can't keep going with the way things are going.
Landau said:
I'm not mad at anyone but Vince. Everyone has their own opinions about the way things are going down but I'm saying facts are fact, the ECW are getting upset at the way things are going and if they start leaving you can't keep going with the way things are going.

The way i look at it u shouldnt be mad at anyone because the show isnt goin the way u planned it only has three shows under its belt. What show do know took a 6 year rest and came back 6 years later and was the best show on TV. I am just sayin watch and learn as ECW evolves right before ur eyes.
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