[Genesis] Jeff Hardy v. Bobby Roode (C) [World Heavyweight Championship]

Who wins?

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Robert Roode

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Genesis 2012
Jeff Hardy v. Robert Roode (C)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship






All discussion here.​
I think it will be a good bout between two talented wrestlers as long as Hardy stays clean.I think that Hardy should put Bobby over in this and not hog the spotlight.
hardy better lose i dont have a problem with him being back but hes being pushed way too hard way too fast i hope roode retains here and hardy goes back to the midcard for atleast another 6 monthes james storm should be the one to take the title away from bobby roode not a former meth head whos lucky to still have a job.
hardy better lose i dont have a problem with him being back but hes being pushed way too hard way too fast i hope roode retains here and hardy goes back to the midcard for atleast another 6 monthes james storm should be the one to take the title away from bobby roode not a former meth head whos lucky to still have a job.

Thats my opinion exactly, Hardy has had his time now its time for the younger guys to have their chance.I also think that that Bobby Roode is doing a fantastic job as heel champ,and I hope that he has a lengthy title run
Robert Roode is actually older than Jeff hardy, although only by several months. Perhaps what you really mean is that you'd rather see TNA talent who aren't established WWE talent get pushed into the main event.

I'm very much against Jeff Hardy winning the belt or even being in the main event. I suspect some political shennanigans was involved in the booking of the, quite frankly, lackluster Final Resolution main event (I'm especially pointing the finger at Hulk 'books the endings of matches' Hogan). I feel that the FR main event was booked in such a way as to assist Jeff in his main event match at Genesis because, to be frank, Hardy isn't the wrestler he used to be and has been booked carefully because of a back injury.

Hopefully Hulk Hogan will not get his way, because despite Jeff popularity I still feel he's a potential disaster about to happen again. I say this because I've worked with recovering drug dependents and unfortunately they're always in danger of falling off the wagon again if they're around other drug users. However I firmly believe Hulk Hogan will use his political sway to have Jeff Hardy claim the gold at Genesis.
I don't want to see Hardy win any title after the disgrace he served the entire business, not just TNA at VR.

Roode needs a strong and lengthy run to keep him main event level, they should keep him strapped for a while.
It makes a strong statement if Roode can go over (relatively) clean here.

One of the biggest criticisms often thrown at the company is that they have no faith in their 'homegrown' talent. Bobby lost to Kurt Angle the last time he faced a 'WWe reject', for him to drop the belt immediately he comes up against another guy who can be given the same denouncement would REALLY fuel the IWC TNA haters and the wrestling press.

Does this mean that I don't want to see guys like Kurt and Jeff hold the belt? No, both guys have proven records as champions in the biggest organisation - there is no reason they shouldn't hold the TNA belt... ALTHOUGH, Kurt has gotten to the stage that he doesn't require the belt, so maybe a role akin to HBK's second (and many would argue, more successful) run in the WWe, and, whilst I am willing to forgive and forget with Jeff, he does need to exibit the same pride in his work that he once did; since the cleaning of the slate, I do feel his performances have improved very noticably though.

If Roode is to lose the belt, it should be to James Storm somewhere down the line (hopefully a decent distance).
Thats my opinion exactly, Hardy has had his time now its time for the younger guys to have their chance.I also think that that Bobby Roode is doing a fantastic job as heel champ,and I hope that he has a lengthy title run

Hate to correct you, but Roode is actually older than Hardy by 9 months. But I agree that Roode is holding his own as the champ right now. It wouldn't make sense for him to lose momentum right now. Jeff Hardy is a feel good redemption story, but he's barely wrestled much since returning. I see this bout being potentially good with Hardy putting Roode over further.
Well I voted for Roode, I think Roode should go over for various reasons, he has got good momentum right now and this is a great chance to solidify his main event status. I also think it a bit early to be putting the belt back on Hardy, he is not long back and lets be honest he has a lot to prove still, and the last thing TNA needs is another Hardy PR disaster, thats not to say I don't think Hardy shouldn't be given the belt again, just not right now. But obviously there's what probably should happen and what TNA actually book to happen, but it should be a good match.
I am actually enjoying seeing Hardy back in the spotlight, and I really hope that he realises he is probably on his last strike now in top level wrestling. If he fucks up again I cannot see TNA or WWE wanting him as a member of their roster again.

He has looked pretty decent since returing, and its always good to see a "redemption" storyline, but there is no way Bobby Roode should drop the title at Genesis. Roode as the potential to be a permament main event level talent, he has got pretty much everything and has been on a great roll since winning the belt.

It would send a strong message if Roode is allowed to pin Hardy clean here, and I hope that is what we see. I don't think TNA will be stupid enough to end Roode's reign at this PPV, and I would be pretty damn shocked to see them put the belt back on Jeff so quickly after he has come back. Its surprising that he is already back in the main event of PPV's so soon after his return, so it would be far too soon to give him the title.

Roode to win for me, but by cheating. I don't think TNA will want Hardy to lose clean.
As much as seeing Hardy back in the spotlight is a breathe of fresh air, he's not the guy to beat Roode. Storm is. That said, I think Bobby takes the cheap route despite nearly losing the match and wins with cheap heat heel tactics.
I just have the feeling that Jeff Hardy will win this.

But i want Roode to win !

His time is not up, and Hardy needs to prove his act is clean.
I hope very much that Bobby Roode retains the title at Genesis, but I won't be at all surprised if he drops the title to Hardy.

When it comes to Jeff Hardy, the TNA brass has had something of a blind spot. They've either flat out ignored the problems that've gone on in his life or have been so naive as to believe that they'd have no negative impact on his career. I mean, think about it, look how odd was it for a man with a handful of federal drug charges hanging over his head, including serious prison time, to have not only been pushed to the main event spot but to become the TNA WHC.

Just before BFG, Hogan said something to the effect that Roode was someone that still needed work and that Jeff Hardy was one of THE guys. One has to wonder if that was something Hogan was saying as just part of the angle for Roode's build up to eventually win the title or if he meant it. Roode has the title now and given how high Hogan is on Hardy, it makes me wonder if Roode's run is ultimately going to be a transitional run. A run to give him a little time in the sun before Hardy ultimately steps back on the throne.

I think it's far too soon for Hardy to be anywhere near the main event scene. Roode has done a good job thus far as champion and, personally, he's been the most interesting champ TNA has had carry the main strap since AJ Styles dropped it fairly close to 2 years ago. I think it'd be a mistake for Roode to drop the title, he just has too much potential ahead of it.
Bobby Roode has been a fantastic heel champion. Roode has breathed some new life into TNA's World Heavyweight Championship picture, and I really have enjoyed his run with the belt so far. Jeff Hardy has been on the path to a comeback recently. Jeff's return and comeback have been pretty successful so far, the fans are still behind him, and his resurgence has had a positive vibe. But I think Roode will find a way to retain the championship at Genesis. Roode should resort to some dirty tactics, and he will find a way to win. As far as Hardy goes, Jeff's comeback hasn't experienced any bumps in the road yet, but I think TNA needs to wait a little while longer before they decide to put the strap back around Hardy's waist. There's no need to rush anything. Roode has built up a good amount of momentum as champion, and Hardy's moment of redemption can wait. These two should deliver an enjoyable match, and I am looking forward to this one.
It's a really interesting match up we have here, on one hand you've got Roode who has gone from upper midcarder and tag team giant to a dirty world heavyweight champion and a very good one at that. At the same time we have Jeff Hardy's road to redemption coming to a major crossroads, does he win the title and overcome the odds once more or does he climb back to the top only to fail? I'll admit I'm enjoying Jeff's rise from the ashes of defeat and earning this championship opportunity but with that being said I think that if Bobby loses the title so soon at Genesis then his role as a main eventer may be questionable. He needs to hold the title through his feud with Hardy and continue those winning ways with his sneaky tactics until he faces the man he screwed out of the world title. So I believe that it's going to be a close match, Hardy will get alot of momentum but in the end Roode cheats and pulls out the win.
Gunslinger's Prediction
Roode Retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
As much as I love Hardy, I really hope he doesn't win the title here, and I think there is no way of Roode losing the title. It will definately be one of the 3 PPV storylines were Hardy will get close to winning the first times but DQ or interference will stop him from winning it and then finally at the 3 and final match Roode or Hardy will get a clean win for the title.

It wouldn't even make sense for Roode to lose the title so soon and for Hardy to get it so soon. It's good to have Hardy back in the main event but even I think he shouldn't get the title after what has happened.
Hardy has been hit and miss with his match quality in TNA and I am not sure how well him and Roode will gel but it could be a decent match. My guess is it has a screwy finish in order for there to be a rematch.

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