Generation Me

WWE should also look into getting back some teams they threw away. I'm all for guys like GenMe re-fueling what used to be a total abyss of a division, but brand names need to be added as well. The Bucks are still a great addition, no doubt.

Though I wonder how long we'll go if they get signed before a we get another outbreak of "revive the cruiserweights" flies off in here.
I could see WWE seeing "Hardy Boyz V2.0" in the Young Bucks, and definitely be interested in bringing them in.

Yes they are all about the big spots and high-flying but you do need a few guys like that on your roster, and these 2 young guys will certainly be popular with the fans and would be a very good addition to that tag-team division. I see no reason why WWE wouldnt want to snap up another good, young team and they could always go to developmental for a little while to tweak their style for the WWE. I don't see a problem with that. They are still inexperienced and could probably do with learning a bit more.

After the success The Hardyz had in WWE, both as a popular team and later as singles, I would think Vince would love to pick up two guys who he could try to recreate that magic with- Generation Me are those guys.

Get them signed, and lets have this regenerated Tag-Team Division up and running please!
I could see WWE seeing "Hardy Boyz V2.0" in the Young Bucks, and definitely be interested in bringing them in.

Yes they are all about the big spots and high-flying but you do need a few guys like that on your roster, and these 2 young guys will certainly be popular with the fans and would be a very good addition to that tag-team division. I see no reason why WWE wouldnt want to snap up another good, young team and they could always go to developmental for a little while to tweak their style for the WWE. I don't see a problem with that. They are still inexperienced and could probably do with learning a bit more.

After the success The Hardyz had in WWE, both as a popular team and later as singles, I would think Vince would love to pick up two guys who he could try to recreate that magic with- Generation Me are those guys.

Get them signed, and lets have this regenerated Tag-Team Division up and running please!
There are a million flippity guys in the indies though. What made the Hardy's special was that their flying stuff looked spontaneous and they both sold incredibly well. Jeff was an amazing face in peril and Matt was a really good hot tag. Then you had the spontanaety of their offense. I don't get that complete package from the Bucks.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they'll show up and sell their ass off to draw heat, maybe all of their highspots willl come out of nowhere and look like it was spontaneous and could work. However, from what I've seen they're just two flipping spot monkey's whos best, most focused matches came when they were in the ring with guys who could use their tools the best. Essentially, I see them as John Morrison.
Seeing them as "The New Hardys" is actually a problem for Gen-Me because, having seen them in TNA, they have youth and excitement on their side. The main problem is those damn Hardy Boys. By that I mean there's nothing really that Gen-Me can do that The Hardy's couldn't do...and with a more inante charisma about them doing it too....

Besides, can you see two guys who make Hornswoggle look like a hench bastard really being able to keep their heads above water, even in the tag team division? They'd be the tag division job boys.

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