Finlay Released

I can't believe Finlay would do something like this. The WWE is known for never doing anything offensive to our flag or our country or......wait a second. Isn't this the same company that had a terrorist take out Taker and another become a martyr, post-9/11? Isn't this the country that made Sgt. Slaughter an Iraqi sympathizer, post-Desert Storm? I mean come on, seriously? It's wrestling/sports entertainment. Being anti-American is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get heat. The Miz isn't even anti-American, he just cares about only himself. To have him interrupt a National Anthem proves that no matter what, what he has to say is the most important thing (to him).

You forgot the Anti-Americans angle with Test and Christian who interrupted Lillian Garcia's rendition of "America, the Beautiful" on a July 4th edition of Smackdown several years back. There's got to be something else involved in this. Someone must've thrown Finlay under the bus on this. I smell backstage politics here.
I guess that same person that fired Finlay wasn't around when Sgt. Slaughter came out in the 90's as a heel doing everything he could to desecrate the American flag. I don't think they were planning on the Miz to do or say anything distasteful, but if they were then it was a good idea to stop it. Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson did a similar angle last year with the Army National Guard before their match at Lockdown. At least no one was fired.

I hope that Finlay will be hired again. He is the glue that holds whatever little credibility the diva's division has left. A great agent and talent that should be in the HOF one day.
Finlay getting fired over that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I admit that I absolutely hate patriotism, blind devotion to a symbol is the epitome of stupidity, but this is still completely ridiculous. Wrestling is supposed to be entertainment, not political propaganda..... Not to mention the fact that I remember Sgt. Slaughter doing things during his "anti-american" days that were far more potentially "offensive" than interupting a poorly written song. As someone else already said, TNA needs to capitalize on this absurd move by the WWE. Finlay would make a fantastic contribution the creative direction of story lines, as well as, being a locker room leader, organizer, and occasional on-air talent. :banghead:
First of all I do understand where some people may get offended by this. Me on the other hand I do understand that wwe is an ENTERTAINMENT buisness. Again I say ENTERTAINMENT buisness. Come on people you know that the story lines are made up. How is acceptable for the rock to come on national t.v. and use profanity? Come on give me a break. Just like the muhamad hassan character people are getting worked up over nothing. I think finnlys idea was great, I guess what would have worked is had he had sargent slaughter come out with the national guard and whopped up on the Miz. THIS IS JUST RIDICOULOUS
It's sad that Finlay had to cope with such a thing, but unfortunately this is how business works. I liked Finlay and would like him to stay in WWE because he was very useful in more than a couple of areas. However, after all, as much as we won't like it, Vince were not going to defend one backstage person to one of it's biggest sponsor. I am sure at some stage Finlay will return to WWE in a backstage role, he is a very respected guy in WWE and WWE can always benefit from him.
Oh man this flat out fucking sucks. I have all the respect for our armed forces and everything, but come on, the fucking National Guard got pissed over this and that was enough to get Finlay fired? That's bullshit, not like they were Marines or something (no offense meant to national guardsmen who have many times gone to war, fought, and died for this country). I mean, come on, that's a classic old-school heel tactic and it probably got Miz atomic heat at that show. Finlay is far too valuable of a backstage and creative presence for them to fire him over some bullshit like this, so I can only believe they're going to re-hire him down the line like they did with Danielson last year.

I don't know, if they don't bring him back, that's a big loss in my eyes. Finlay was a fantastic wrestler, a great trainer, and from all accounts a crucial part of the producing/backstage team. What a shame. If TNA were smart, now that's a guy you sign as a producer, not Bischoff and Hogan.

You said it all right here. I agree with you on everything (except I don't want him to go to TNA). Finlay seemed to be very valuable backstage and the WWE may have screwed up by firing him.
It's a shame he was released over this. I get that some people in the National Guard were offended by Miz interrupting the National Anthem. However I think it's bullshit that he had to lose his job over it. I get that the National Guard is a major sponsor to WWE, and Vince wants them to continue to be. I just think firing him was a bit harsh a suspension I can see.

It's not like the media got a hold of this incident, and bashed WWE for it. If it wasn't for him being fired the incident wouldn't be known by as many people that know now by reading about it online.

I don't get how Michael Cole can get away with calling Josh Mathews a *** or whatever on twitter. Where tons of media sites including TMZ have picked up that story. I think Cole deserved to be fired for what he did. More than Finlay deserved to be fired. Chances are he will be brought back down the road like Daniel Bryan was.
Wow really over the national anthem being interrupted? If that was the entire reason Finlay was fired those morons in the audience should be ashamed, costing a man his job for no reason what so ever. I think they need to realize it was just apart of the show and you shouldn't get offended.
This sucks for Finlay. I agree with others though that think this will blow over in a couple months and Finlay will be re-hired. The sad thing is though, if this happened a month ago, before the Cena and Cole incidents, I don't think this would have happened. This is the third PR issue for Vince and Co. in less than a month. They had no choice but to react the way they did.
This sucks for Finlay. I agree with others though that think this will blow over in a couple months and Finlay will be re-hired. The sad thing is though, if this happened a month ago, before the Cena and Cole incidents, I don't think this would have happened. This is the third PR issue for Vince and Co. in less than a month. They had no choice but to react the way they did.

They fired him because he isn't on TV. I bet you anything that if it was someone involved on TV weekly, or involved with Mania in anyway, they wouldn't get fired or suspended. Cole gets a slap on the wrist so does Cena. This is bull!
Ok this could be considered the biggest screw job since Brett Hart. But remeber that WWE were planning on doing some spring cleaning so obviously they will be looking for any excuse to fire their talent.
It was a stupid thing to do on both parts. Let me explain---There are a million different ways to garner heat....push a kid down the ramp, tear up someone's sign, take their sunglasses, etc...and it's already a gimme that Miz has heat on him when he walks in....but the National Anthem--like it or not, signifies the beginning of any event. I'm not being crass in saying this towards anyone, but hear me out. If you go to a baseball game, or football game, and notice that the team on the field is still doing warmups while it's playing....wouldn't that be a little disrespectful? I'm not singling out the issue of the National Guard that were there---I'm just saying, the Anthem usually signifies a) respect for your country, and b) ---as stupid as this sounds-- it lets the late people think "whew,...we didn't miss anything yet, the national anthem is playing, so we made it just in time". Do I think it was disrespectful? Yes...should he had been fired? No...because I really would like to think that Finley wasn't the ONLY SINGLE person choreographing the show....which is sad, because if he wasn't, why didn't someone think or say "Naw man...don't do it then....maybe come out on the last word of the song, but not in the middle..." irregardless of the Reserve being there (no disrespect). People get mad in my hometown when during the football season "home of the brave" is replaced with "home of the Chiefs", people call and bitch the paper's, etc....but that's 75k people in a stadium...with no game just happens. THIS could have been easily avoided and still the same amount of heat, if not more, could have been generated by doing something different. I don't mean to offend any of the previous posters, and if I did, I apologize....I just think that with the shape of the world is in today, at the very least, we could keep the N.A. spot free without desecration until the show begins. The show--house, PPV, or whatever---is not THAT important.

Oh come on... I know service men and I asked them their thoughts. U know what they said..and I quote "fuck those *****es. If they can't handle the business they shouldn't be a sponsor." Anyone remember the UnAmericans? Yeah if I'm not mistaken they interrupted the Anthem at least once. I may be mistaken but I believe they did that. Along with turning the flag upside down. uttering the words "AMERICA SUCKS". Trashing America constantly. And again, correct me if I'm wrong but the USA was in much worse shape when the UnAmericans were around... Oh and then we had La Resistance who I KNOW interrupted the Anthem. And verbally insulted the fighting men and women of the USA. I don't think that anything else could have generated as much heat as interrupting the Anthem. Especially with service people in the audience. That would have riled them up, then riled up the fans, and got the entire arena screaming USA USA USA. Would have worked out great. Have Miz come out then have Orton come out with an American Flag. The pop for Orton would've been increased much more by acting like the Patriot for a night.

If Michael "******" Cole isn't canned for openly using a gay slur, why should Finlay be let go? Dave does much more for WWE than Chodeless Cole...
If Dave isn't brought back VERY soon I would hope TNA would snatch him up. Wouldn't that just be the ticket that hurts WWE? Finlay somehow gets picked up by TNA, they get a 2nd show or start doing major house shows with him in charge. Show quality continues to increase. The Knockouts division gets a tune up (the ones that have difficulties wrestling anyways. Some of them are good).
This in no way, shape or form is a GOOD thing for the WWE. Finlay is such a tremendous asset to the world of Wrestling. He's been all over the world, he has such a wide knowledge of how to put on a good program and everything. Such bullshit man...

I hope I don't get in trouble for using the F bomb on here. I am in no way against Gay men/Lesbian women. I believe in equal rights...Was just using that as an example. So please Mods/Admins don't hold it against me.
Man this is really silly. Finlay released because of a national anthem ? To quote The Miz Really, Really?. What the fuck its just, an fucking national anthem. If he would have said something homophobic ( hello Micheal Cole) or shown up at a PPV stone/ drunk (hello Jeff Hardy) or somthing racist (hello Micheal P.S Hayes)then yeah release him. But releasing him over a national anthem is beyond dumb. Mind you i'm an anarchist, so if it was up to me there would be no country and no borders.
he has been made a scapegoat personally i expect more cuts to be made soon - just to off topic a second but i have been thinking about a few wrestlers- ie beth.natalya kofi.tyson and dh smith. it is well known they were travelling companions and good freinds but it seems to me there has been some sort of incident with them i mean look at this dh smith - barely used tyson kidd jobbing natalya loses title at last minute and is rarely seen beth is missing in action last seen against lay cool jobbing. and kofi well we al know about kofi seems very strange this band of freinds and travelling companions are now seemingly being punished
I have not read every part of this thread but i just have to say this really sucks but hey i'm IRISH what do i know?? i just think FIT being fired for something so small and yet Micheal Cole gets a light slap on the wrist for a gay slur like WTF?? Vince is a great promoter and has been around for a long time i just wonder if Micheal Cole pulled this stunt then would he have been fired and if FIT had of came out with a gay slur would he have got a light slap on the wrist i'm really pissed about this but hey FIT is an amazing talent and i think he should take himself and his knowlegde of wrestling to another company after all if the WWE can fire him so easy then what would stop them doing it a 2nd time IF they bring him back??
I stand by my comments that he is being fed to appease the Cole debacle but I remembered something else... there is a 2nd possible reason they might release him... there is someone coming in who is completely at odds with Finlay's booking style for the Diva's... Kong... I take this as a sign that the Diva's division as we know it is going to change and that the kind of Diva's matches that Fit is known for are now surplus to requirements.
The hypocrisy of the WWE is astounding. It sounds like it was a bad idea, but so were countless, countless, countless other WWE decisions that were far, far, far more offensive than this. Finlay got shafted.
The hypocrisy of the WWE is astounding. It sounds like it was a bad idea, but so were countless, countless, countless other WWE decisions that were far, far, far more offensive than this. Finlay got shafted.

Yeah Finlay was shafted big time. Cole makes gay slurs on Twitter and still has a job, while Finlay gets fired because he booked an interruption of the American Nation Anthem in a house show?:banghead: I hope TNA signs him.

«Kurt Angle posted bail with a f'n broken neck!!!»
We all know the spring cleaning is round the corner and I just think this gave WWE an excuse to get rid of someone. Unfortunately this was Finlay. I do think WWE needed to look pro active in their approah though, especially after the Cole '******' slur (which again was blown out of proportion).

Dissapointed with WWE's stance on this. I have seen so many instances where Countries have being disrespected. How many times did Bret Hart interupt the National Anthem in his fued with The Patriot? Ok, was 15 years ago but still...
This is more of a PR issue with having the right idea with the wrong people involed in it.

If this was Lillian Garcia singing the national anthem, when she was with WWE then no one would have an issue, but to have the National Guard or any military branch apart of the angle is problematic because of how serious the armed forces take things like the National Anthem considering what they do for this country. Secondly the National Guard does not have to be there, they are agreeing to how up for the national anthem and they probably see it as a slap in their face to have this happen with them.

Before anyone responds aying that the National Guard should lighten up, you need to remember they are not WWE employees and are probably doing this as a goodwill effort for WWE, considering all the positive press WWE gets for the military, and now they are being treated like an afterhtought to get their wrestler...entertainer over, which is jut bad PR and an overall bad idea.
Maybe they should lighten the fuck up and stop crying about disrespecting their national anthem when they don't even play their full anthem anymore, shows a lot of respect their doesn't it? Christ what little ********* babies.

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