Generation Me, Disrespectful?

I see where Booker T is coming from. If he did not show respect to Ric Flair he was going to receive a STIFF clothesline from Arn Anderson. This isn't the Miz showing respect but getting disrespected by JBL this is two young guys who don't know any better. Maybe it's the culture in TNA that don't teach the young guys about the "codes" of the business. I'm sure when Booker T came to the WWE he had re assimilate himself into a new locker room even with guys he's worked with before in WCW thus showing respect for the guys already there because he may have been a veteran but he was a new guy. That's how it goes you don't have to like it but it's been the norm before our fathers had hair on there balls.

But at the end of the day,what would you expect from a tag team named Generation Me
Seems to be a huge divide in wrestling.

It's because any fuck can set up a ring and train guys. Booker comes from an era where you introduced yourself, shook everyone's hand, looked them in the eye, then shut the fuck up. When you went to the ring, you wiped your feet before you got in the ring.

Exactly right. When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I trained and I worked some very small independent shows here and there before my hip went out. Even though the guys training me weren't huge names, they were old school guys that you showed respect to. You introduced yourself, you did the best you could do, you tried hard even if you had trouble getting something down, you ALWAYS wiped your feet before getting in the ring, etc. There are certain rules, rituals and traditions that go on backstage and that's how it's always been. It's not something that veterans have only recently started doing it. Remember The Miz's story about eating a piece of chicken over a guy's bag and crumbs fell into it? Respect is to be given to veterans and respect has to be earned by the young guys.

Now you have a bunch of yard tards who did a bunch of trampoline wrestling, then went to an indy show and showed their tape to the promoter, who took them to his backyard and threw them around some pieces of plywood and then booked him on their show. Then these yard tards, who are mostly spotters, get praised by internet dumbfucks who think more moves=better match and so they think because 20 people who's opinion doesn't matter think they're the shit that they actually are that good.

There's actually a lot of truth to this because I knew guys that this scenario could be applied to. They very quickly bought into their own hype, much of which was generated by fans of theirs, they had little discipline, even less respect. If all that sounds wrong or unfair, tough shit. That's how it's always been and always will be.
it's equally lame for Booker to put it on Twitter, he's just making drama out of it.

He's not "making drama" he's defending his friend.

RVD calls these two out for what it is becoming clear that they are... a couple of whiny, big-headed, self-important kids. And what happens after? Well the whole IWC piles on RVD of course. He must be the one who isn't approachable, he's the one who's too cocky, it's all Rob, Rob, Rob. Like its his problem, or he's the one with the issue.

Well, then it turns out that RVD isn't the only legend that these two pre-pubescent-looking, not-yet-somebodies have the nerve to disrespect.

So Booker just puts it out there. Let's people know Rob was right. If he didn't make "drama" then no one would know the truth, people would go on thinking RVD is an unapproachable prick to young wrestlers(which many have said the exact opposite through the years), and these two ego-centric kids could just go about there business of thinking they're better than what they are.

Honestly the Buck's have some talent, and there's a place for what they do, but they don't belong in the WWE, TNA, or ROH. They just aren't on the level to handle it. Not physically, and defintiely not from a maturity standpoint.
Yeah, that was disrespectful. You don't lean on someone's jacket after not introducing yourself, it's rude! They might be acting a little big-headed tho, it happens. As someone said before in this thread they probably didn't realize and besides it was a tryout- maybe they thought it was useless because they might not get in. Geez, it's not that big of a deal. Tho they could've not leaned on the jacket
Actually it IS a big deal, as others have stated, THIS IS WHAT YOU DO IN THIS BUSINESS. It has been that way since wrestling started, it will ALWAYS be that way. As was already stated, if wrestling fans who aren't even in this business know the proper procedure of how to act towards the other boys in the back, than there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON these two in the business wouldn't know. And as far as you saying it was only a try-out so maybe they thought it was useless, that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard, that right there is the number 1 reason why they should be kissing everybody's ass and doing what is expected of them, how the fuck do they plan on getting a job there if they disrespect the other boys? What is useless is getting a try-out with the top promotion and not doing what has been done since wrestling started. It doesn't matter if YOU think it's a big deal or not, in the WRESTLING BUSINESS IT'S A VERY HUGE DEAL. Always has been and always will be, you might not agree with it, but that's the way it is.
Book just put up another tweet today, it sums this up in one sentence:
Some advice to all the young guys trying to get in the business( IF U CAN'T MAKE IT IIN THE LOCKERROOM ,U WON'T MAKE IT IN THE RING) 5x
Wow! Looks like RVD was right. The bucks probably think of themselves like Jack Evans does: egotistical. Respect must be paid to veterans like Booker t so you have a good rep backstage. Oh well they've gone now so I guess it really doesn't matter
As a rookie, you have to be respectful to the locker room veterans. That means following the traditions of the locker room: introducing yourself to the people you could be working with, asking for advice, etc. The veterans are the ones who put their reputations on the line to support up-and-comers. The veterans want to make sure they're working with people who actively show that they want to be there. They want people who continuously work hard to improve their craft, whether it be in the ring or outside of it. The best way to do that is to introduce yourself and ask questions to those with experience.

Also keep in mind that in this business, wrestlers potentially put their lives in their fellow wrestlers' hands every night. That means they have to trust you, just as you have to trust them. It is your job as a rookie to establish that kind of trust as soon as possible.
One way of doing that is by following the traditions of the industry. If you can't be trusted to follow those simple traditions, how can they trust you to do things that could put themselves at risk?
Maybe, Generation Me were just working the boys, because they are heels. A few years ago, I got a try out match for CHIKARA (Didnt work out) and they told me to go out and work a brief dark match with Matt Classic (Colt Cabana in a mask) and I didnt shake his hand before the match, because everyone in the back was staring at us and I was the heel. I was working the boys. Do I respect Cabana? Hell yes but I wasnt shaking his hand.
Maybe, Generation Me were just working the boys, because they are heels. A few years ago, I got a try out match for CHIKARA (Didnt work out) and they told me to go out and work a brief dark match with Matt Classic (Colt Cabana in a mask) and I didnt shake his hand before the match, because everyone in the back was staring at us and I was the heel. I was working the boys. Do I respect Cabana? Hell yes but I wasnt shaking his hand.
I think we might have found one of the reasons your tryout didn't work out. The FNG does not work the veterans.
I think we might have found one of the reasons your tryout didn't work out. The FNG does not work the veterans.


No, they knew I was working them. The reason the tryout didnt work out is that there were a lot of politics going on if you know what I mean. I was excited when I got the tryout since it is a major indy fed but before the match I told my opponent that my goal was to tell a great story in that ring and thats what I did but all in all there are a lot of sketchy people within CHIKARA.
i find this to be quite interesting but it would seem as if generation me is disrespectful to the legends backstage but then again it could also be a big misunderstanding as well i mean booker would know better then me but either way im still hoping wwe signs them there a good team who could have a bright future in the business as a team but the problem is....if there disrespectful little pricks backstage who think there bigger then they really are there screwed because even if wwe did sign them knowing this when they step in the ring with the vets they will botch a move on purpose to try and hurt them (i say this because i read a story about undertaker breaking a guys nose on purpose because he felt disrespected in the ring and im sure alot of the vets would do the same type of thing if a young punk kid disrespected them in the ring)

No, they knew I was working them. The reason the tryout didnt work out is that there were a lot of politics going on if you know what I mean. I was excited when I got the tryout since it is a major indy fed but before the match I told my opponent that my goal was to tell a great story in that ring and thats what I did but all in all there are a lot of sketchy people within CHIKARA.
FNG = Fucking New Guy.

Out in the ring is one thing. The rookie heel is not expected to kiss the ass of the veteran face in front of the crowd. The locker room is a different story entirely.

I also have yet to see a professional wrestling company that didn't have a lot of sketchy people in it. The business does not tend to attract straightlaced, honest types.
FNG = Fucking New Guy.

Out in the ring is one thing. The rookie heel is not expected to kiss the ass of the veteran face in front of the crowd. The locker room is a different story entirely.

I also have yet to see a professional wrestling company that didn't have a lot of sketchy people in it. The business does not tend to attract straightlaced, honest types.

Well, the only reason I got the tryout was because I trained at ROH's school and the two companies are tight (I was only 19 at the time, 22 now) and the booker liked me, another part of the reason I got a tryout is because of the guy in my sig.

I was inexperienced but knew how to work the boys in the back and knew how to work a crowd so I told everyone to stand back and watch me leave with more heat in a losing effort than anyone in the back could leave with in a winning effort and thats what I did and I didnt really consider Matt Classic as a veteran. On the indy scene yes but in that particular fed, nope.

And your right there are a lot of sketchy people in wrestling, the whole backstage area reeked of marijuana.
Courtesy wrestlezone:
Goldust has spoken up via Twitter and gave his opinion on the issue.

"As booker says.....better show some respect when in the locker room, there are good teachers here that know more than you young bucks....Just a reminder....if trying out for wwe....extend your hand,be polite and respectfull and do what your told. You dont have to like the golden one, but you will respect my knowledge of the business....jfyi"
It seems to me that the Young Bucks think their better than alot of other people, like their too good to show respect to the veterans. Being disrespectful to the veterans of the business is not a good thing if your a young star, or team in this case, and want to succeed.
i think you should show respect in general but this also applies to the veterans showing respect to the new guys. time change. at one time, faces and heels had seperate dressing rooms and rode seperately - not anymore. some of these veterans need to remember that a new guy may be a little star struck, nervous or just plain shy. yeah, maybe they should introduce themselves to the talent already there but what is to stop a booker t or a hhh from walking up to the new talent and saying "welcome to the company"? if they are getting ready for a match and someone walks in, why should they have to stop their preparation? that "unwritten rules" line are a bunch of bs and always seems to favor the guys who have been there longer. if it is unwritten, how do people know? everyone said wcw was different backstage from wwf so if you come from a tna or roh, how would you know the rules? when you start a new job, do you walk around to everyone shaking their hand and saying hi? most people don't so why should the wrestling business be any different? cut them some slack and get over it. if you need the ego stroke that badly, then there is something wrong.
when you start a new job, do you walk around to everyone shaking their hand and saying hi? most people don't so why should the wrestling business be any different? cut them some slack and get over it. if you need the ego stroke that badly, then there is something wrong.

What you (and some others in this thread who are defending the Bucks) are failing to understand is:

This isn't about how you think the lockerroom of a wrestling company should be...

It's about how it actually Is

The Bucks fucked up. Plain and simple.
Velvet Sky talked about this on her Twitter page. This is what she said.

“Very surprised to hear all of this controversy with The Young Bucks. From what I always witnessed, they were respectful with everyone. I think their shyness gets interpreted as disrespect but I know them and they mean well."
I keep to myself as well and I'm not the type to go to everyone on my first day to introduce myself. Maybe that's why I wasn't liked by some. I think that's wrong though. Just because you are quiet and keep to yourself doesn't make you a bad person. So I think Booker's whining is unjustified. I hope to see the Young Bucks at the ROH show next month in NYC.
Once again, as stated many times on this thread, it doesn't matter if YOU think it's wrong or not, that's how the business IS, and always will be that way.
Velvet Sky talked about this on her Twitter page. This is what she said.

“Very surprised to hear all of this controversy with The Young Bucks. From what I always witnessed, they were respectful with everyone. I think their shyness gets interpreted as disrespect but I know them and they mean well."

I had a feeling that is what was going on, just because The Bucks arent loud and in your face type people backstage, that in no way means that they're dis respectful! I am not a fan of The Bucks, I have only seen one of their matches, but Booker T calling out the Bucks on Twitter and calling them dis respectful to the world IS dis respectful and in fact if it was mis interpreted then Booker fucked up and The Bucks deserve an apology!

I mean if a new worker was at your place, and you had been working there a long time... you were respected in your field and this new guy didnt go out of his was to talk to you, would you introduce yourself to them and make them feel comfortable in their new workplace or would you bitch about them on Twitter and ruin their reputation top the world. Booker that really wasnt cool.

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