Generation Me, Disrespectful?


Pre-Show Stalwart
(Not sure where to post this, please feel free to move to where it belongs)
Credit PWTorch: Booker also picked up where RVD left off in TNA claiming the Young Bucks (Generation Me in TNA) disrespected him at TV this week.
A friend RVD made comment few week I no why, i say a small tag team called the YB's did hay shake my hand no! Yes I said SMALL!!!
To make it clear,I saw two small guys at tv this week,then I past them during the day,they never introduce themselves, and later -One of them was leaning on my jacket and still never introduce themselves... No RESPECTnow do u get it.

So I guess RVD wasn't just talking out his ass afterall??? I know quite a few people slammed him, but here you've got another guy in a different company saying the EXACT SAME THING about these two. It would seem to me as though these two think they're bigger than what they really are, I mean I guess i can see not buddying up with RVD with some of the comments he's made about IW and the wrestlers there, but Booker T? And in the WWE with this type of attitude during a tryout, not even having been signed? I don't see them getting hired there if they gonna show disrespect to the veterans, you would think they would show up very humble for the opportunity. Thoughts? Just misunderstood, or simply a couple disrespectful punks who don't know what they are possibly fuckin up? You can only burn so many bridges in this business and still make a good living, especially when you're a couple no name guys still trying to get over...
I dont consider that tobe disrespectful in general. Sure Booker knows better than me but it really could have been lees than what meets the eye, or ear. From what we have heard they are generally disrespectful because they dont talk much, introduce themselves back stage? Correct? Well i'm not sure if anyone else has thought that these two might be purely shy, and / or quiet. I, myself have always been quiet, and when getting a new job, would never go over, shake hands and introduce myself to colleagues, purely because I'm shy and dont like making a big scene in-front of everyone. If Gen-ME are getting shit for this then I feel sorry for them, however if they are arrogant little jerks then they should have a nice time locking horns with the likes of Randy Orton :p
Good point, my thing is, if you're gonna be leaning up on someones jacket and they come up to get it, even the shyest person would at least say my bad or something. And from the couple times I've seen Booker T in public, he's not the type to not say hey and try to make conversation... It's just the norm really in wrestling, you go up and introduce yourself to the "legends" so they see you recognize what they've done to help you get to where you are in regards to the business still being around. It's just what you do. Had it been someone like the undertaker who's jacket they were leaning on and didn't say anything, there's a very good chance they would've gotten their ass chewed by him or smacked around.
Man Booker needs to quit whining about the bucks not introducing themselves. Even thought it was very classless to be leaning on somebody jackets im sure it was no harm
it's disrespectful, i wonder where they got it from. during the InVasion, Palumbo/O'Haire got heat for not introducing themselves to Droz (and Taker if i remember correctly). it's the WWE "unwritten law" there. if you go to a company and you know someone there, you should ask what is the code of the boys.

it's equally lame for Booker to put it on Twitter, he's just making drama out of it.
Good point, my thing is, if you're gonna be leaning up on someones jacket and they come up to get it, even the shyest person would at least say my bad or something. And from the couple times I've seen Booker T in public, he's not the type to not say hey and try to make conversation... It's just the norm really in wrestling, you go up and introduce yourself to the "legends" so they see you recognize what they've done to help you get to where you are in regards to the business still being around. It's just what you do. Had it been someone like the undertaker who's jacket they were leaning on and didn't say anything, there's a very good chance they would've gotten their ass chewed by him or smacked around.

Yea true but really we havent heard the full story of what the Bucks were doing so none of us can really judge. Hell they could have been in a converstaion and not wanted to take attention from who could very well sign them to the company, then again they could have said sorry, or they could have handed to him, maybe he grabbed it without them knowing, until I hear the true story, im not passing judgement.
I've been in the business for years and one of the first things I learned was that when you go to a locker room, it is proper etiquette to introduce yourself to everyone or say hi if you already know them and shake hands. It is normally the newer wrestlers to a company that are supposed come up to wrestlers that are and shake their hands. It is considered extremely disrespectful to walk into a locker room and keep to yourself.
I dont know what RVD said about them but Booker sounds butthurt here. I dont think when you're walking around backstage the first thing that pops into your head is introduce yourself to everyone you see. I know it sounds stupid but I've put myself in their shoes and granted I'm capable of doing the exact same thing. I dont think its out of disrespect, its just that with so many veterans carrying themselves in a holier than thou way as of late, some mind find it easier to just mind their business. If Booker was so eager to talk then he could've initiated the conversation. Again I'm not one to speak on backstage etiquette but I dont think you hold a grudge or bury someone online because they didnt say hi.
Yea true but really we havent heard the full story of what the Bucks were doing so none of us can really judge. Hell they could have been in a converstaion and not wanted to take attention from who could very well sign them to the company, then again they could have said sorry, or they could have handed to him, maybe he grabbed it without them knowing, until I hear the true story, im not passing judgement.

Amen here you cant judge a book by its cover the same rings true with people hell like u said they couldve not even noticed it you cant jump to conclusions over one thing its not like he tried to introduce himself to them maybe they are very shy guys who didnt want to draw attention to themselves in a new company right away
While i understand respect must always be paid, keep in mind these guys were trying out, not employed at this stage.

When I've gone for jobs, i don't randomly introduce myself to everybody there.

Additionally, at some point, doesn't it reach a point where certain wrestlers simply may not be aware of all the 'legends'? like as much as we assume everybody grew up watching WWE or WCW or whatever, it's possible these guys got into wrestling in a time past booker T and RVD's heyday?

I'm not making excuses for them, as if they were being intentionally rude, they deserve the criticism, but do we have to assume it?
I'm going to play devil's advocate here since we obviously don't know exactly what happened so all we can do is speculate... but if booker has such a huge problem with this why didn't he say something to them, give them a chance to explain if they think their shit don't stink or if they just didn't know the BS politics backstage. As for leaning on his jacket, that could easily be something small or something really disrespectful, we just don't know. And RVD says they didn't come to him for advice, well did he OFFER it to them? If he went up to them adn said hey you guys have a style like mine, want some pointers and they laughed and told him to piss off then yea you can run in an interview and say something, but if they just never asked you because maybe htey aren't comfortable doing that or felt their style was more like the hardys than his and so never thought to ask or whatever, then he threw them under the bus for nothing. I kind of feel bad for these guys getting this bum rep from rvd and his bff booker, if they are really are two dicks then fuck em they deserve it, if not, then this is some childish bull shit and pretty pathetic for a locker room full of "pros"
Seems to be a huge divide in wrestling.

It's because any fuck can set up a ring and train guys. Booker comes from an era where you introduced yourself, shook everyone's hand, looked them in the eye, then shut the fuck up. When you went to the ring, you wiped your feet before you got in the ring

Now you have a bunch of yard tards who did a bunch of trampoline wrestling, then went to an indy show and showed their tape to the promoter, who took them to his backyard and threw them around some pieces of plywood and then booked him on their show. Then these yard tards, who are mostly spotters, get praised by internet dumbfucks who think more moves=better match and so they think because 20 people who's opinion doesn't matter think they're the shit that they actually are that good.

That said, I don't know if that's true for the Bucks. I will say that if I were a young tag team trying to make it, I'd be watching what I do and be more careful. I would have apologized to RVD and now Booker T.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here since we obviously don't know exactly what happened so all we can do is speculate... but if booker has such a huge problem with this why didn't he say something to them, give them a chance to explain if they think their shit don't stink or if they just didn't know the BS politics backstage. As for leaning on his jacket, that could easily be something small or something really disrespectful, we just don't know. And RVD says they didn't come to him for advice, well did he OFFER it to them? If he went up to them adn said hey you guys have a style like mine, want some pointers and they laughed and told him to piss off then yea you can run in an interview and say something, but if they just never asked you because maybe htey aren't comfortable doing that or felt their style was more like the hardys than his and so never thought to ask or whatever, then he threw them under the bus for nothing. I kind of feel bad for these guys getting this bum rep from rvd and his bff booker, if they are really are two dicks then fuck em they deserve it, if not, then this is some childish bull shit and pretty pathetic for a locker room full of "pros"
It's not BS backstage politics. Anyone trained by anyone legit knows how you act. My first day at the Race Wrestling Academy (before my brain exploded) I was told by another trainee "you guys (me and my cousin) better go shake everyone's hand and introduce yourself". It's just how it works. If you pay your dues, you learn this shit. It's no different than business etiquett (spelling?).

As for RVD, the dude's a huge mark for himself even though he hasn't updated anything since 1997. So I'm not surprised that RVD was offended they didn't go get advice from the great RVD (who doesn't sell a fucking thing or ever tell a story in the ring).
You know who never had this problem? Dolph Ziggler!

Ok, now that I got that bad joke out of my system... When starting a new job in any industry the first thing I do is introduce myself to every co-worker I come in contact with. I don't think the problem is not actively seeking out these guys, but how are you going to stand in the locker room with guys who you know command a certain degree of respect and not say "Oh btw my name is ____ and it's an honor to work with you."? With that said, Booker T makes himself seem like a punk by openly complaining about it.
Booker T needs to learn to choose his battles. If the worst thing in his day was a couple punk kids don't introduce themselves to him, it wasn't that bad of a day. Nothing to get ********* over. I don't care if that's an "unwritten rule of the WWE" or whatever, it's just crying over nonsense.
It's not BS backstage politics. Anyone trained by anyone legit knows how you act. My first day at the Race Wrestling Academy (before my brain exploded) I was told by another trainee "you guys (me and my cousin) better go shake everyone's hand and introduce yourself". It's just how it works. If you pay your dues, you learn this shit. It's no different than business etiquett (spelling?).

As for RVD, the dude's a huge mark for himself even though he hasn't updated anything since 1997. So I'm not surprised that RVD was offended they didn't go get advice from the great RVD (who doesn't sell a fucking thing or ever tell a story in the ring).

if it's the norm and they knew it then yea i agree they deserve to get shit for it
it's disrespectful, i wonder where they got it from. during the InVasion, Palumbo/O'Haire got heat for not introducing themselves to Droz (and Taker if i remember correctly). it's the WWE "unwritten law" there. if you go to a company and you know someone there, you should ask what is the code of the boys.

it's equally lame for Booker to put it on Twitter, he's just making drama out of it.

you may call it WWE's unwritten law, but its a long standing tradition of proper lockerroom etiquette within the history of the the business...

I remember reading years ago that ppl didnt last long working in WWWF for Vince Sr due to Andre being disrespected in the same manner
I think Booker T is just being a asshole and trying to get back at Generation Me, cause he is friends with RVD. Sounds like a whole lots of butthurt and trying to get heat on them to me.
Dunno if anyone has read "Death Clutch" by Lesnar, but in one of the chapters he wrote it that even though he disliked it, EVERY GUY whenever there was a show, had to shake every one's hand.. Even though you may consider this phony, but the reason it was done so that everyone's comfortable if an ice-breaker was required.. How awkward it would if you needed some advice from a legend and you are speaking him for the first time, that too after you have been in the same company for months..

Was just an example but I guess no one told the Bucks these Industry Etiquette.. I guess they would have a hard time if they dont learn them fast enough.. No need to be all respectful behind the back.. But at least to the face you have to do the politically correct thing.. Just my $0.02
It is well known that in wrestling it is extremely important to introduce yourself to everyone backstage when you first go there. I dont know why, but thats just the way it is and not doing so can result in you immediately getting a bad rep. Hell, back in the day Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels were immediately labelled as arrogant when they didnt go and introduce themselves to everyone in the canteen of their first ever WWE show.

So if I know this as a fan, then surely the Young Bucks would have known it having been in the business for a few years now. I would have been surprised if noone had ever told them, or they hadnt seen it happen or heard about it.

Perhaps they are really shy and don't like going up to people they have only met on tv, but when you are in wrestling its something you need to do, so you have to overcome these nerves.

I can't say if they were being arrogant or just shy, but if I was them I would be apologising to Booker T asap, and hopefully save myself from getting a reputation for being arrogant. Wrestling has always been very "cliquey", so getting in with the boys is very important, and Gen Me need to ensure that they don't burn bridges.
Seems to be a huge divide in wrestling.

It's because any fuck can set up a ring and train guys. Booker comes from an era where you introduced yourself, shook everyone's hand, looked them in the eye, then shut the fuck up. When you went to the ring, you wiped your feet before you got in the ring

Now you have a bunch of yard tards who did a bunch of trampoline wrestling, then went to an indy show and showed their tape to the promoter, who took them to his backyard and threw them around some pieces of plywood and then booked him on their show. Then these yard tards, who are mostly spotters, get praised by internet dumbfucks who think more moves=better match and so they think because 20 people who's opinion doesn't matter think they're the shit that they actually are that good.

That said, I don't know if that's true for the Bucks.
I will say that if I were a young tag team trying to make it, I'd be watching what I do and be more careful. I would have apologized to RVD and now Booker T.

You REALLY don't like spot-monkeys huh? Quite funny to have a rant about something then say it may not be the case for the guys being discussed ;)

Even though they may be shy, fact is, they were at the world's biggest wrestling promotion where the company seems to be making moves to regenerate the tag division, so shy or not they should be doing everything in their power to get contracts and increase their chances of being a part of something significant like this.

Their size is going to be an obstacle for them to overcome in the eyes of WWE (quite likely) so it seems they should be trying hard to get everything else right in order to get a contract.
It's one of the oldest rules in professional wrestling, and small societies in general. The more secretive and close-knit a group tends to be, the more important respect tends to be within that group. A professional wrestling locker room is about as secretive and close-knit as the Sicilian Mafia. The wrong guy thinking that you disrespected him can end your career. (For those of you who still have this crazy notion that physical talent or an ability to cut a promo is what makes you a success in wrestling, wake up. How far you go is dependent on how well you kiss the right people's asses.)

The Young Bucks are nobodies. They had a run with the #2 company that lasted a few months, didn't go anywhere, and were released. They cannot afford faux pas right now; they are trying to get jobs. Having veterans say that you're disrespectful (which can be stated in many ways, like "difficult to work with" or "unprofessional") isn't going to do anything to help you.

So was Booker T 'right' to complain about this on the Twitter? The correct answer is, it doesn't matter if he's right or wrong. He's the veteran. The Bucks are the rookies. Unless a veteran has a reputation for being batshit crazy and full of shit (Hi, Shane Douglas!), the locker room and the road agents are going to give a lot more weight to the veteran's opinion than the rookies, and those are the folks who are going to have the bosses ear when he's deciding whether he should send someone checks.
If they are shy, they are REALLY in the wrong business! It's entirely possible that both RVD & Booker are making way too much of this. It's also possible that Booker is starting something...maybe they are signed on, Booker is doing something to get a storyline rolling. But if two "small" guys really want a shot at WWE, they are going to have a tough time of it, and need to get every single person on their side.

Or, this could be a rib, you never know.
I dont consider that tobe disrespectful in general. Sure Booker knows better than me but it really could have been lees than what meets the eye, or ear. From what we have heard they are generally disrespectful because they dont talk much, introduce themselves back stage? Correct? Well i'm not sure if anyone else has thought that these two might be purely shy, and / or quiet. I, myself have always been quiet, and when getting a new job, would never go over, shake hands and introduce myself to colleagues, purely because I'm shy and dont like making a big scene in-front of everyone. If Gen-ME are getting shit for this then I feel sorry for them, however if they are arrogant little jerks then they should have a nice time locking horns with the likes of Randy Orton :p

Well if that's true then that would be too bad because "making a big scene in front of everyone" is kinda of the job they are applying for. :shrug:
Man Booker needs to quit whining about the bucks not introducing themselves. Even thought it was very classless to be leaning on somebody jackets im sure it was no harm
I don't think you get it. It's not just a random pet peeve of his. It is customary to shake hands in the back room, so not doing it can easily be considered a snub. The only excuse is not knowing better or not recognizing a person (which I bet would not flatter the wrestler either). However, the Young Scrubs had to know better and they did recognize The Book. Not shaking every hand in the locker is on the level of farting at the kitchen table. Get it.

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