General TNA Sacrifice 2008 Thread

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SmackDown! is MY Show

Dont just write what you think the matches are going to be. Give reasons.

I really think what happened at Lockdown that we will see Joe vs Angle again as Angle "sacrificed" everything to be the champion as he left his wife and kids to the champ. Now that he is not the champ I expect him to "sacrifice" it all to regain what is his. Though having Joe vs Angle in a another one on one match just be way too much so I expect TNA to throw Steiner in the mix just to change things up a bit. I just dont see Angle out the title picture yet and they have been hinting at Steiner using his title shot here at Sacrifice so it all makes since. Wont be a great 3 way if they do it, but seems the most logical main event for Sacrifice.
TheOneBigWill's (early) Sacrifice Predictions:


T.N.A. World Heavyweight Championship: Samoa Joe (c.) v. Scott Steiner: Scott Steiner recently on iMPACT! stated that he was cashing in his Championship title shot at Sacrifice. I don't see Kurt Angle being entered into this as a Triple Threat, as people have died out of the Kurt Angle/Samoa Joe title picture.. much less Angle as Champion in general.

Samoa Joe should be showcased very well in this match as their new World Heavyweight Champion, while Scott Steiner will merely do everything he can to try and attempt looking like he belongs in the Heavyweight title picture.


8 Man Tag Team Match: Kurt Angle, A.J. Styles, Tomko & Robert Roode v. Christian Cage, Rhino, Kevin Nash & Booker T.: I'd rather this be broken into several matches, but T.N.A. loves Tag Team clusters.. and since this Pay Per View serves no purpose other than to get us to Slammiversary in June, chances are Angle & his team will be placed into either a 6 man Tag Team match.. or paired with Roode in an 8 man Tag Team match.

I'm almost guaranteeing that if its a 6 man, it'll be Christian, Rhino & Nash. Whereas if its an 8 man, Booker T. could be subbed out for Matt Morgan.

Sting v. James Storm: James Storm returned, smashing a beer bottle over Sting's head. They had next to no contact inside the Lethal Lockdown match and I imagine because T.N.A. loves dragging pointless feuds out, this will turn into a single's match for some reason.

James Storm doesn't nearly deserve this type of push, but short of having some type of #1. contender's match for utterly no reason, this is the only way I see Sting being involved. I suppose he (Sting) could always disappear for another year before they need him to come back into a multi-man cage match for next year's Lockdown event.

Grudge Match: B.G. James v. Kip James: Kip left B.G. laying, after B.G. won their Lockdown meeting. The overall match wasn't awful, infact it was about as good as either man could give.. so I imagine this feud will continue in likely some type of Last Man Standing, or street fight type match at Sacrifice.

X-Division Championship: Jay Lethal v. Sonjay Dutt: How long has the So Cal Val/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt storyline been going on now? Short of them dragging it out one more month to happen at Slammiversary, I think Dutt will get his Championship match, Val will accidentally cost Lethal, and Dutt will finally become an X-Division Champion.

Lethal's had the title for a while now, and its about time for a Championship change. I'm not sure Dutt is the guy that deserves it, especially over Petey Williams "sacrifice" of his hair, however Dutt hasn't had it.. and while the guy botches as many moves as Batista, hes still a top name in the current division.

Handicap Match: Super Eric v. Black Reign & Rellik: You know it'll happen sooner or later. My question is how many more monthes of this crap are we gonna have to put up with? I was thrilled when Black Reign originally debuted against Chris Harris. I felt that feud could've went somewhere..

Then Reign debuted in an overcoat and ruined the entire image I had of this "badass demon-like" creature. :disappointed: Rellik looks pretty sweet, but overall the biggest talent involved in this match is going to be the guy counting 1-2-3.

Knockout's Championship: Awesome Kong v. Roxxi Laveaux: Roxxi won the Queen of the Cage match. I imagine they'll save Kim v. Kong for Slammiversary. I'd love to see Saeed v. Kim at Sacrifice as well.

Roxxi hasn't received a true Championship match, and shes one of the few remaining top names in that division that haven't yet.

Tag Team Multi-Match: Team 3D v. L.A.X. v. Rock n' Rave Infection v. Motor City Machineguns: L.A.X. still hold a Tag Team Championship match, so naturally they won't get it on a Pay Per View.. :lmao: MCMG & Team 3D will be randomly placed in this match to add big team name feels to it.. with Rock n' Rave being the pawns that get beat by the winner.

Overall: Most of my predictions likely WON'T happen. But they can only go so many directions with this Pay Per View, as its nothing more than a by-pass to get to their big June event. (Slammiversary)

Steiner v. Joe is the only match guaranteed to happen, and most already think Angle will be involved. I don't. I think Angle will be involved in either a Tag Team multi-man match, or he'll be involved in some type of #1. contender match.

I could see a Fatal Four Way #1. Contender Match with the likes of Angle v. Cage v. Sting v. Booker T. which would then leave the door open for the Tag Team Champions to defend their titles against L.A.X.
Being as I read the spoilers I'm gonna hold off with a full card prediction till friday, but I see them doing with Angle what they did with Cena in WWE, well kinda like it but he takes his rematch,Steiner interferes, Angle wins by DQ, goes to Cornette says he wants a rematch and Cornette gets the "brillant" idea of making it a very slow 3 way. As much as I enjoyed watching Scott in the early 90s, he is so slow right now, the man cannot move the way he once did and it will really show in this match whether it be a triple threat or 1 on 1.

These might be initial king of the mountain qualifers but I don't know:

I think Morgan is going to get a big push and I think he goes over Booker in a singles match and is a full blown heel by the time Slammiversary comes around.

Sting loses to Roode, cause i see Bobby sneaking out a victory and truly believe Sting is okay with putting over up and coming talent.

I won't go into anything else because it would include spoilers
This PPV is totaly pointless it serves no purpose other than the get everyone to Slammiversary. Everyone knows Joe won't lose the title so soon, I don't think until BFG, but I might be wrong. Certainly not to Steiner who although has had a mini-push still isn't a main event candidate. TNA would have been better going with someone legit like Christian or AJ though they are hopefully saving those feuds for down the line. As for the rest of the PPV there aren't really any matches I want to see, It won't be as good as lockdown which was good i suppose really it's just a filler PPV, and I would much rather prefer they put out some intresting match ups rather than extended impact. Also theres very very little storyline work going on in TNA into this PPV so far, the biggest storys was Eric YOung+Kaz/AJ+Tomko and the tag titles which was fucking wank and the reason people hate TNA. Don't buy this PPV wait until Victory Road or Hard Justice for the next decent PPV, the next two will probably suck.
I haven't watched iMPACT this week. But off the top of my head I'm making the outlandish prediction of another match with Joe & Angle. The cage match was awesome. But I still don't want to see them have another match. Like all of their matches it'll be good. Doesn't mean I want to see it more months on end. Like Daniels vs. Styles. You can have too much of a good thing.
Well Angle is getting a rematch on next weeks impact so i predict that Scott Steiner will do a run in, Angle will say that he never got a proper rematch and therefore will be added into the Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner match at sacrifice. I think TNA would do this just because they wouldn't want to leave Kurt Angle off the card, and if he wasn't in a title match what else would he do?
Well after this weeks impact, I got to say I'm not hating the buildup to Sacrifice so far. After a good Lockdown PPV, I thought they might put it on cruise control for a while until after Sacrifice. Then they would bring out the big guns for their second biggest PPV of the year, Slammiversary. I was so wrong.

First off we get a 3-way for the TNA World Title, which is better than Joe/Angle VI or Joe vs. Steiner 1 on 1, imo. Then we get a Knockout battle royal/ladder match where the winner earns a shot at Awesome Kong's title, and the loser gets a makeover(?). I like the idea of a knockouts ladder match! But why not save it for Slammiversary and call it the first ever Queen of the Mountain match, where Kong has to defend the title against four others? Of course the thought of how Kong would win that match defintely would add some drama too it.

And then TNA has decided to bring back(at least in some form) Lethal Lottery, which I am glad to see. Even though the way they stripped Tomko and Styles of the tag titles was stupid. I think the idea of a tag tournament is long over due. This is what TNA needs to do more of, considering their tag division puts WWE's to shame. And the fact is wrestling fans do, despite Vince's belief, like tag-team wrestling.

So TNA will put the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals of the tournament on the PPV. Add that to the first two matches, and that is the card for Sacrifice. Now I personally feel they will add Petey Williams vs. Jay Lethal at some point. Seeing as how Williams came out of no where and stole the X Division Title. The way I figure it they have to put this match on the PPV, b/c that match plays of the title(Sacrifice) very well (Williams may have sacrificed to get Steiner's X Division case, but he didn't sacrifice to win the belt. So Lethal will show him what sacrifice is all about when the face off at the PPV).

And so with that said, on May 11th this wrestling fan is going to order the Sacrifice PPV. And enjoy the very best of tag-team wrestling!


Samoa Joe (c) vs. Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle

I love all three. Steiner isn't great these days. But he can still perform suplexes so who gives a shit. I'm going to make a prediction. I'm going to say match of the year. I'll probably be wrong. But my current match of the year is Angle/Joe at Lockdown. So I don't see how this couldn't equal it. I can't see Joe losing. That's why Steiners there, so Angle doesn't get pinned two months in a row.


For the TNA World Tag Team Championship: Featuring Team 3D, AJ Styles & Super Eric, Latin American Xchange, Christian Cage & Rhino, Sting and James Storm, Matt Morgan & Kip James, Booker T, Awesome Kong, Robert Roode, BG James

Does this conclude at tonights PPV? Trying to catch iMPACT is a right bastard at the moment. It looks like a lot of matches if it doesn't finish tonight, so I'm guessing first round only matches. I might be wrong. My prediction for the whole tournament is Styles & Young as winners. Defeating Kong and her partner in the final.

To determine the #1 contender to the X Division Championship
"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. Curry Man vs. Kaz vs. Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Chris Sabin vs. Johnny Devine vs. Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Consequences Creed

Is this TNA'S version of Hell In A Cell? There's a lot of wrestlers in this. Wouldn't it be better to have just two? It's the first time it being done, so it really should get over without having to have all of those guys. Or I've not done my homework and it's elimination. I'm going for a Black Machismo victory. He sells t-shits y'know.


One wins a title shot, while another gets her head shaved!
Gail Kim vs. ODB vs. Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky vs. Rhaka Khan vs. Roxxi vs. Salinas vs. Christy Hemme vs. Traci Brooks vs. Jacqueline

No singles matches on the whole card. Is this WrestleMania 2000? I was under the impression this was a Battle Royal. Didn't they have one of those a few weeks ago? Note to TNA: You don't have to get everybody on you roster on ever single PPV. I'm intrigued by the ooyutcome. I have to say I'm really unsure who it'll be.


Intresting PPV. Which is more than WWE PPV's are.
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