Hay; I did exactly the same thing. Where the hell's my snide comeback?
Nah your comment was actually a well informed counter-point, unlike SD's which just screams of the usual raging butthurt, takes shots at both me and the WWE, and comes off like he usually does, which is an extremely insecure basket case clinging to every single word that you say, because he realizes that you're actually an intelligent person and often make good points, while he just mocks people and defends everything TNA does in such a knee-jerk fashion that even he realizes at this point that nobody takes him or anything he says remotely seriously. Hence, he piggy-backs on every single post or point you ever make.
At least we know who has a classier fanbase. Did you see any threads here about the far more dramatic number for WWE? Nope.
Then you aren't looking hard enough, or even looking at all.
You should probably take 5 seconds to look at the WWE section before just blatantly making shit up.
Yet an "unbiased wrestling critic" managed to start a thread here and cut and paste information while conveniently leaving out the WWE part. Hope they do not take away his blogging privileges over this.
Errr no, I copy and pasted the exact news quote as it was printed on 411. It didn't say a thing about the WWE PPV buyrates, because the news topic was specifically about TNA.
Get back to your dunce corner while the adults are speaking, thanks.