TNA...The new Beginning

The normal intro airs before AJ's music hits. He comes out with Booker T. They both have a mic.

AJ- For a long time, I was in a tag team that ruled the TNA Tag team division. Last week, that tag team was destroyed. Christopher Daniels has ruined one of the best things TNA had going. And what's worse, he's started a new tag team...With RVD. This just makes me sick to my stomach.

Booker- RVD and Daniels have assaulted AJ once. And myself twice. I am already pissed ff with these two cause they have the ignorance to rub it in. If AJ and I have to wait until Hard Justice to deal with these suckas, then so be it.

AJ- At Hard Justice, we are challenging Daniels and RVD to a tag team match. We'll crush this tag team from day one. So guys, what do you say?

RVD's music hits. He comes to the ring. with Daniels, both have a mic.

RVD- No, no, no. At Hard Justice, I am getting a rematch for the Legends Championship. I deserve another shot because I am the whole damn show.

Daniels- And tonight Booker T will take on RVD to determine which match happens. If Booker wins, you two get a tag match. If RVD wins, he gets a rematch against you, AJ.

AJ- What, Daniels, are you too scared to fight me?

Daniels- Ha, that's cute.

RVD- Booker, I'll see you later.

Booker- Or...we can do this now.

Booker and AJ attack RVD and Daniels. Both escape but RVD rolls away with the Legends belt. He holds it up before throwing it into the crowd. They walk off.

Backstage, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett are in Jarrett's office.

Jarrett- You OK with this contract signing?

Angle- Come on Jeff. It's only Sting.

Jarrett- Who also managed to beat me last week.

Angle- That was a fluke.

Jarrett- Anyway, you'll be fine, right.

Angle- Fine with what?

Jarrett- the contract signing.

Angle- Of course.

Angle walks out. Lethal Consequences walk in after.

Lethal- Hey Jeff. Did you see us win last week? Yeah, we won now give us our match.

Jarrett- Why the hell should I do that?

Creed- Uh, we won last week.

Jarrett- You won an 8 man tag. Now, you guys have to beat the team you won with: Team Extreme.

Creed- And then we get our match?

Jarrett- Yes

Lethal- And if we lose?

Jarrett- Then I'm not gonna give you the match

Lethal and Creed look at each other before walking off.

Team Extreme vs Lethal Con​
Lethal and Jeff start off. Jeff kicks Lethal and hits a neckbreaker. He picks Lethal up for a suplex but Lethal lands behind Jeff and rolls him up.


Lethal gets up and runs to the ropes. He tries a running clothesline, but Jeff reverses it into a running dropkick. Jeff picks Lethal up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Lethal runs up it and its a jumping back elbow.


Both get up, duck a clothesline from each other and tag their partners in. Matt and Creed run at each other with Matt going for a spear but Creed hitting a sunset flip.


Creed hits a senton followed by a running leg drop.


Creed tags Lethal in. Lethal runs at Matt and sets the Lethal combination. Matt reverses it into a side effect!


Matt tags in Jeff. Jeff picks Lethal up and tries to whip him. Lethal reverses it into his own whip which is reversed into a whisper in the wind!


Jeff whips Lethal into the turnbuckle, climbs up and punches away. As Jeff jumps away, Lethal sits down. Creed gets in and hits Jeff with a MontiFisto. Matt gets in, whips him and hits a clothesline and bulldog. Jeff gets up and hits the Hardyac Arrest!. Matt whips creed into the turnbuckle and Jeff whips Lethal into the same. Matt jumps to his knees and Jeff hits the poetry in motion! Jeff goes to the top and its the Swanton bomb to Jay Lethal!


Creed fell onto the cover because Alex Shelley hit him with an uppercut. Chris Sabin pulls him out behind the referees back and whips him into the steel steps. Jeff drags Lethal to the middle of the ring. Matt and Jeff hits the splash/legdrop and Jeff covers.


Winner: Team Extreme

They celebrate before realising the the guns interfered. They attack MCMG until team 3D run down and hit Matt with a 3D. Jeff turns into a 3D onto Matt. 3D stand over them.

Backstage, Abyss and Rhino are with Mick Foley.

Rhino- Mick, I want Morgan...tonight!

Foley- Now, now Rhino. Calm down and back up. You can't just demand matches like that. And you know that if I tweak your match tonight, then your opponents will be pissed!

Rhino- Opponents? We have a tag match?

Foley- Oh, no. A handicap match!

Abyss- Who are we against?

Foley- Actually, it's just you Abyss. Against Matt Morgan and Scott Steiner.

Abyss- What!?! Listen Mick, make it a tag match or I'm going to kick your ass!

Rhino- Calm down Abyss!

Foley- I'll tweak it. It'll be you vs Steiner tonight, Abyss. If you win then Rhino will get his match against Morgan at Hard Justice...happy?

Rhino- That'll do.

Kaz vs Bashir
(X Division)​
Kaz and Bashir lock up. Bashir hits a knee to the gut and hits a cutter.


Bashir picks Kaz up, who reverses a back suplex into a crossbody.


Kaz picks Bashir up, whips him and hits a suicide solution!


Kaz gets up and signals for the DOA! Kiyoshi slides in and hits the jumping knee facebuster! Bashir covers Kaz.

1...2...The referee sees Kiyoshi in the ring and disqualifies Bashir

Winner: Kaz (DQ)

Bashir gets pissed off with Kiyoshi and tries to attack him only the get hit with a jumping knee facebuster.

The revolution are backstage. Jeff Jarrett walks in.

Jarrett- You guys wanted to see me?

Steiner- Yeah, you see the Main Event Mafia had a lot of screen time. I was wondering if we could have at least have as much time as they do.

Jarrett- Scott, this is a chance to freshen up TNA, so why would I put another stable as top priority? Listen, I just feel as though you need to what's the word?...Disband.

Steiner- That's just not going to happen, Jeff.

Jarrett- I'll tell you what, seeing as everyone is pretty much occupied, I need you four to help me out...

The camera fades out of the segment.

James Storm is backstage with No Limit.

Storm- Fans of TNA, you are currently witnessing me buying protection for myself. Robert Roode has officially crossed the line and has taken me with him. No Limit are here to protect me. I know that they won't let me down.

Storm walks off, No Limit follow him.

Abyss vs Steiner​
This match is about to start when the MCMG and Matt Morgan come down. Rhino runs out and gores Morgan. Steiner slides out with and helps the guns attack Rhino. The referee counts him out.

Winner: Abyss (Count-out)

Abyss slides out to help Rhino. They fight off the revolution. They get back in the ring while Morgan taunts Rhino.

Taylor is backstage with AJ and Booker. ODB walks in.

ODB- Hey, Taylor. Listen, I still know that I'll win my rematch. You got lucky by using his move.

She points to AJ.

Wilde- AJ said I could use it.

ODB- I'm pretty sure it's not the only thing he's shown you. Don't try anything else.

ODB walks off.

Booker- I've got to go for my match.

AJ- OK, see ya.

Booker walks off.

AJ- Actually, I should probably go with him. Make sure Daniels doesn't try anything.

Taylor- OK, I'll see you later and we can...celebrate my new title.

AJ- Oh, wow.

AJ kisses Taylor and walks off.

Booker vs RVD
(Tag match vs Title match)​
Booker and RVD lock up. Booker locks in a headlock. RVD tries to bounce Booker off of the ropes but Booker spins around and applies more pressure. RVD lifts Booker for a back suplex but Booker falls to the floor and hits a jumping legsweep.


Booker rebounds off of the ropes and hits a jumping leg drop.


Booker picks RVD up and lifts him for a powerbomb. RVD pushes himself over and hits a neckbreaker. RVD hits a handspring moonsault.


RVD whips Booker into the turnbuckle. He runs to the other side of the ring, rolls and hits a monkey flip!


RVD picks Booker up. He hits a suplex. RVD picks Booker up but Booker whips him into the ropes. RVD hits the springboard back kick. RVD runs to the top rope and jumps for the five star frog splash. He gets knees! Booker quickly gets up and hits the axe kick! Booker covers!

1...2...Daniels pulls the referee out of the ring and clotheslines him. AJ runs down and runs straight into him. They eventually end up in the ring. Booker and AJ double team Daniels until RVD gets involved. The two teams fight until the referee comes around. He sees what's happening and disqualifies Booker and RVD.

Winner: Double DQ

Mick Foley's music hits. He walks out with a mic.

Foley- OK, then. You both lost. Or you both won...whatever. All I know is that at Hard Justice you guys will have the tag team match for the Legends championship. Have a nice day!

Foley walks off. AJ and Booker think they've fought them off and celebrate on the turnbuckles. RVD slides in and hits a super powerbomb to Booker. AJ sees this and tries a crossbody but gets a dropkick. Daniels slides in and hits AJ with the Angel's Wings! Daniels and RVD stand tall before walking off. AJ and Booker eventually get up and walk away.

Angle's music hits. He comes out for the contract signing between him and Sting. There is a table in the ring with two chairs- one on each side. Sting's music hits and he comes out. They both sit in a chair. Sting lifts the mic to speak but Jeff Jarrett's music hits. He comes out with a mic and stands between them.

Jarrett- I just felt I should be here.

Sting lifts the mic again. He's about to speak when Mick Foley's music hits. He walks down with a mic as well. Jeff Jarrett looks annoyed.

Foley- If Double J should be here, then so should the executive shareholder.

Sting- So can I finally speak?

Foley- Yes

Sting- Well-

Angle- Actually, I'd rather start. You know, as world champion.

Sting- Kurt, pissing me off won't help anything.

Angle- This will only take a second. Now, as TNA world champion, I feel that I have the right to say whatever I want. Like, for example, the executive shareholder of TNA is a Jackass! And my opponent for Hard Justice is a has-been who doesn't know when to retire. I don't have to sign this contract and I'm not going to.

Foley- Come on, Kurt, stop being a prick and sign the contract.

Jarrett- Shut up, Mick!

Jarrett attacks Foley. Jarrett ends up in the ramp. Samoa Joe's music hits and he walks out. Steiner and the guns run out behind him with chairs and brutalize him. While Angle is distracted what's going on, Sting switched the contract with another one. Angle turns back after everyone else has gone. Sting signs it.

Sting- There we go...sign it.

Angle- Sting, this contract says that this will be your last chance. Should you lose, you will never get a shot at the title...period.

Kurt signs it.

Angle- Ha!

Sting- Show me where on the contract it says that.

Kurt looks through and when he doesn't see it, panics. He gets up to look and hits Sting around the head with it. He goes to hit the Angle slam but Sting reverses it into a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting walks off up the ramp. He's just about to leave when Hernandez' theme hits and he runs down with his feast or fired case. He slides into the ring, picks Angle up and hits a border toss through the table! He calls for a referee. When one runs down, the camera cuts to Sting looking on in disbelief. The referee gets in the ring and rings the bell.

Hernandez vs Kurt Angle
(TNA World)​
Hernandez covers Angle!


Winner: Hernandez

Hernandez grabs the title and holds it over Angle. Sting gets in his face. Hernandez hold the title up. Impact ends.

Hard Justice
Angle vs Sting

Storm vs Roode (Six sides of Steel)

AJ and Booker vs Daniels and RVD (Legends)

Rhino vs Morgan

Wilde vs ODB (Knockouts)
Wow I did not see that coming Hernandez is the new World Champion! One of the things I would work on with your shows is formatting. It's so hard to read your shows its all one color and everything is jumbled together. Use more bolds and italics add some color. Space it out a bit more. The easier it is to read the better the show. PM me if you have any questions
I'm sorry that there has been a long wait, but I've completely run out of ideas for what to do with some storylines heading into Hard Justice and, ultimately, Bound for Glory. So I'm not sure whether to skip to after Bound for Glory or just stop all together. At the moment, I want to contiue but just can not think of any storylines.

Give me until September as I have other ideas for other Book this threads.
I thought about it and Im only going to skip up 'till just after Hard Justice, expect the next show up on Monday

Hard Justice Results
Joe def. Kaz (X Division)

ODB def. Wilde (Knockout's)

MCMG def. Lethal Consequences (Tag)

Morgan def. Rhino

Storm def. Roode (Six sides of Steel)

AJ and Booker def. RVD and Daniels (Legends)

Hernandez def Angle, Sting (World)

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