General Night of Champions Discussion

I was originally picking Orton but now I'm going Cena it's been half a year for him without the belt so he will get the nod and become a six time world champion.
Here's my Match For Match Results on how I think this PPV will go down.

Diva's Championship: Mickie James Vs Maryse- Maryse's Diva Champion reign is kinda like how Shelton Benjamins US Championship Reign was last year, long, and without much Defending. I see Mickie winning it. Winner:Mickie James

Womens Championship: Michelle McCool Vs Melina- Unless your Edge, most Villians dont win the championship just to lose it a month later. I believe that Michelle will Win. Winner: Michelle McCool

Tag Team Championship: Chris Jericho & ??? vs Legacy- If Dolph Ziggler loses his match, expect him to be Chris's Partner. What people are saying on other wrestling matches is that Cody will do it like last year. I dont see Legacy winning those championships just yet, not with a gimmick like this with the mystery of the Tag Team Partner. Winner: Chris Jericho & ???

ECW Championship: Tommy Dremmer vs Christian- The result doesnt really matter to me. Their both two faces so the feud wont open up regardless of who wins. I just know that Tommy Dreamer just got the title two months ago and has gone without it for years, so Christian losing here wont hurt em that much. Winner: Tommy Dreamer.

United States Championship: Kofi Kingston vs Big Show vs Carlito vs. Mvp vs Jack Swagger vs The Miz- Personally one of my favorite match opportunity wise. Kofi will definially lose it, Big Show still needs to be halfway involved in the main event. Everybody else are worthy of holding it. MVP or Swagger can get it to make their feud even better. Miz can establish a feud of his own with Kofi by stealing the title unfairly from Kofi in the match. But my main man is Carlito, if Legacy wins their match, expect Carlito to win it as it will hint at a new member of Legacy. But if i were to pick anybody. Winner: The Miz

Intercontinental Championship- Rey Mysterio Vs Dolph Ziggler- Like the ECW match, I really dont care who wins, i just know it will be an ok match. If Dolph loses, he'll probably get in the Tag Match, which I can see happening.
Winner Rey Mysterio

World Heavyweight Championship- CM Punk Vs Jeff Hardy- Jeff Hardy is a favorite, but I have faith that CM Punk will finally turn flat out heel. He will do something. (IDK What yet) It will be big and it will either get him DQ'd our cause him to win. And rumors are surfacing that Undertaker wants to return in time for Summerslam (along with Michaels) so expect that match to establish CM Punks heel turn. Winner CM Punk.

WWE Championship: Randy Orton Vs Triple H Vs John Cena- I knew this was the match we were going to get, just thought we'd have a different champion. But anyways, Looking at this, I can see the same result as the last Triple Threat Match with these three. Leading up to Triple H and Orton in their final match at Summerslam. Only thing thats troubling me is the fact that Triple H said that he doesnt care if Cena wins, he just wants Orton to lose. Maybe that might have effect on tha match. Winner Randy Orton.

Overall, i think the matches are a pretty good card. No very bad match here to be spotted. I can see a lot of surprises going down this PPV.
First time posting here but these are my predictions


World HeavyWeight Championship-CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
These two will probably put on a great match even though many people would want Jeff to win Punk will end up winning. Since Jeff is most likely leavin Punk will go on to feud with probably Rey Mysterio with a match at SummerSlam.


WWE Championship-Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. HHH[/B]
In my opinion i think John Cena will end up winning the title and then he will go on to feud with a up and comer like Swagger or Miz whichever doesnt win the US title. Then Randy Orton and HHH will fight in a hell in the cell match at SummerSlam

ECW Championship- Tommy Dreamer (c) vs Christian
If Christian ends up being Jerichos partner he will lose here if he doesnt he will regain the title

Intercontinental Championship-Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler is gonna end up winning the title somehow it could be cheatin or clean and he will go on to feud with most likely John Morrison or someone else and Rey will go on to feud with CM Punk

United States Championship 6 Pack Match- Kofi Kingston (c) vs. The Big Show vs. The Miz vs Carlito vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP
Theres 3 possible choices here. Either Kofi will retain, The Miz will win it or Jack swagger will win it. The Big Show and MVP are too big for the US title and Carlito is in a feud with there brother

Tag Team Championship-Chris Jericho and ??? (c)vs. Legacy
I think that Jerichos mystery partner will either be Christian cause of there history or Chris Masters just for them to give him something to do. This one couple go either way but i think Jericho and his partner will win because it doesnt make much sense to hype a mystery partener and have them lose

Divas Championship-Maryse (c) vs. Mickie James
This one will end with Maryse keepin the title somehow maybe DQ or clean possible using her spray thing and then they will have a rematch at SummerSlam and thats where Mickie will win it

Womens Championship-Michelle Mccool (c) vs. Melina
I really dont know and i dont really care much because whoever wins has no one to feud after so they will probably keep feuding for a couple more months but if it ends here and Mccool retains she only has Eve to feud with and we dont want that
So let's see.

Jericho/Show. That's......different. Not sure if it's good or bad yet, but Show was just kind of filling his time so it's not like this is a huge loss for him.

Christian over Dreamer. Bull shit. Dreamer deserved to win in Philly. It wasn't going to kill Vince to wait two fucking days to do the title change. That seriously pissed me off. Christian isn't going to fall apart over losing to a rollup or a count out or something. Hated that as it's more proof that Vince has no respect at all for ECW.

Kofi wins. LOVE it. It means he has a lot of doors open now with the heels for feuds because they can all say they haven't gotten their one on one shot. Swagger will get it soon.

Michelle wins. Seriously, does it matter? She's the diva of the month on Smackdown, so who cares?

Orton wins. This one messes me up. They can't keep the title on someone on SD yet they can't get it off someone on Raw. All this means is more of these three fighting over the belt for a few more months, which few want to see as it's been done so many times it's pathetic. likely a rematch at Summerslam.

Mickie over Maryse. See other Divas match.

Mysterio retains. Good. Ziggler looked great and got the rub from the veteran. This is what Raw and TNA needs far more of. Great decision here and the kid can come back to fight another day. Very logical move here.

Hardy wins. Like I said in the LD, this makes sense. With Hardy possibly leaving, they're getting all they can out of him. Punk is my favorite wrestler and I wanted him to keep the belt for obvious reasons, but with Hardy "needing time", there was nothing else to do. HATE that Punk looks weak AGAIN though. They pulled this shit before and it was crap, so let's just do it again! Rematch of course at Summerslam.

Overall, the wrestling was good but the booking was just so so. For the right people winning, I'll say 4.5 with the tag titles still a tossup. Good shot wrestling wise, but leaves you scratching your head hard.
Here is my review of WWE Night of Champions.

WWE Unified Tag Team Championship: Creative made the storyline with Jericho's mystery partner to stall until they thought of a partner. They still had no idea by the ppv who it was gonna be and figured hey lets put Show in this match instead so he doesn't stink up the six pack challenge. I'm not sure if thats really what happened or not but its an educated guess. Jericho & Show had to win here too much buildup not too. Plus Legacy isn't ready.

ECW Championship: I must say I was surprised to see Christian win here. I figured Dreamer would get the sentimental victory in Philly but I guess Vince figured he gave him enough by giving him the title run Dreamer is average, Christian is a future star so having the belt on him can never be a bad thing. Wouldn't have cared either way but glad to see Christian win back the title he was never pinned for or made to submit.

WWE United States Championship: Primo replacing Show was a good thing because the match itself was better off for it. I really had Carlito winning going in. Thought Miz had it a couple times. But Kofi stole it in the end. Kingston retaining was a good move and can't wait to see what he does with it next.

Womens Championship: This match actually wasn't bad. Michelle and Melina have good chemistry in the ring. I thought the opening spot was awesome with McCool baseball slide dropkicking Melina during her ring entrance. Good match and expected McCool to retain even though the inner Gator in me was pissed.

WWE Championship: I liked the story of this match with HHH and Cena seemingly doing everything they could to keep Orton from retaining. Then Trips and Cena both made Orton submit at the same time and Chioda didn't know what to do. Then Legacy comes down since its No Disqualification and Orton RKO's Cena while he has Rhodes up for the Attitude Adjustment. Good story good ending glad the Legend Killer retained.

Divas Championship: I knew Mickie would win this match the second Maryse pinned her clean on Raw. For a second I thought Mickie was going to get Disqualified but she didn't thank god and the match continued. I like Maryse but I knew Mickie would win.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Great match by Ziggler and Mysterio and while I'm proud of Ziggler's efforts its unfortunate he couldn't get the win. I expect a rematch at Summerslam.

World Heavyweight Championship: I was happy for Jeff when he won the match but I think it was a bit premature for Punk to turn heel full blown tonight then drop the strap to Hardy, but the rematch should be good and Summerslam looks buyable.
I dont feel like doing a breakdown match by match so I'll be blunt, Big Show was a big surprise for me, even though I still don't understand how people came up with the idea of Christian being the tag partner. No split of legacy which makes me miserable yet again. Dreamer losing the belt doesn't shock me while I cant come up with an example at this moment I've seen Vince turn his back on the hometown boy before so he doesn't substitute professionalism for local love. I wish I could give a damn about diva/women's title matches but I just can't. Rey retaining doesn't surprise me much but I'm hoping that it leads to a better roster of midcarders cause I can only name 3 potential matches vs. rey at summerslam. Triple threat- The only way you'll ever see a huge change in a feud between these 3 is at one of the big 4 events, so look out next month. 6 pack challenge was ok, I just wish Kofi could be put into a legit feud with the belt instead of these multi-challenger half ass booked matches which involve a bunch of minifeuds. Main event- Yes Punk looked weak with the finish but his cocky attitude throughout the match may have endeared him to the crowd, Jeff winning again makes me very curious as to whether or not summerslam will have a rematch cause I think Punk and Hardy spent their creativity building the match up the last 4 weeks.

Overall it was an ok PPV, trumped TNA by a good mile.
TheOneBigWill’s “take” on Night of Champions; July 26th, 2009

1. Unified Tag Team Championships: Chris Jericho & Mystery Partner © v. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr.:

Chris Jericho is out to bad mouth Edge before finally revealing who his “evil” teammate is; The Big Show! In my opinion, this new team won’t be and isn’t nearly as impressive and the tag team of Jericho & Edge. This is just a poor excuse to keep Jericho in some type of storyline, without allowing him to continue in the Main Event scene.. The worse thing is; Big Show was pulled from a match he was viewed to be the most dominate individual involved in the whole thing.

So, I suppose in storyline purpose Big Show accepted Jericho’s offer because an actual Championship was being “given” to him, as opposed to one he’d still have had to earn in the end. This match wasn’t much more than a squash match each time Big Show happened to be in the ring, and it seems now that Jericho and Big Show will be similar to X-Pac and Kane in the fact that Show will be the dominate (hard to beat) partner, while Jericho will be the mouth and individual who almost always picks up the cheap victory in the end.

Speaking of which, the ending of this match surprisingly enough was with DiBiase & Rhodes finally finding a way to take Big Show off his feet.. Only to have Jericho hit a Code Breaker, allowing Show to choke-out DiBiase to pick up the victory.

Am I impressed? No. Will I care about this tag team? No. Am I happy the lack-luster team of Priceless didn’t once again gain the Championships? Yes, actually.. And the reason why is because Rhodes & DiBiase don’t deserve them. Just because they’re apart of a group that’s being focused on, doesn’t mean they need to be focused on.

2. E.C.W Championship: Tommy Dreamer © v. Christian:

Is it just me, or has the trio of Dreamer, Christian and Swagger been involved in the Championship matches for E.C.W since March of this year? They need to switch it up, because the outcomes aren’t being questioned anymore. With Swagger being moved to Raw, and most of the talent that would’ve/should’ve been considered a top contender also no longer on E.C.W, this is what we get.. Again, and again, and again.

I don’t know how to describe this match, so much more than to say its just like every other match they’ve had on Superstars, on E.C.W, and the previous Pay per view.. All with the exception that this match didn’t have an interrupted finish, and Dreamer’s run was just what everyone felt it was.. A one time wonder. He retained in a Scramble match a few weeks ago, but wasn’t so lucky tonight as Christian has once again found himself the Champion of the 3rd rate show. The finish came when Christian went for the Unprettier, or whatever he’s calling it now, only for it to be reversed into an attempted Dreamer DDT that was reversed yet again, into Christian’s finisher for the victory.

So, what’s this mean? Christian v. Kozlov? Possibly. Summerslam will likely feature either that match, or possibly Christian v. Benjamin, considering Benjamin less than 2 weeks ago defeated Christian via pinfall.

3. United States Championship: Six-Pack Challenge: Kofi Kingston © v. Jack Swagger v. M.V.P v. The Miz v. Carlito v. Primo:

With Big Show being removed, yet no one making reference to it until AFTER Primo comes out, it just seems more like the Company really dropped the ball on trying to put thought into who Jericho’s partner was going to be. With that being said, I also have to say this match needed to be longer than it was.

Carlito & Primo have been building to a war no one will care about, but it was sadly the biggest part of this match. Swagger was the “not-so-hidden” underdog favorite, all because of his surname. M.V.P was horribly just an addition due to his name-sake, while The Miz.. Well, I don’t even know where to begin with Miz, but his “huge” push has more or less killed him since he hasn’t won anything since losing to Cena it seems. And finally, you have the Champion.. Kofi Kingston, who happens to be impressing me with every match the man has.

A year ago, Kingston won the Intercontinental Championship from Jericho, with slight outside help. Well, a year later he retains his Championship with no one’s help but his own, after Jericho “turned” (once again) on his brother Primo, only for Kingston to deliver his kick to the back of Carlito’s head and pull out the victory.

I felt this was the 2nd best match of the night. It had nice, quick-paced motion throughout with each individual getting some time to show off their own sets of skills. This, however, is where my earlier statement of this match needing more time comes into play. I felt everything seemed a bit, too rushed.

So, whats next? I think a Kingston v. Swagger match for Summerslam seems logical, with Primo & Carlito still having it out. Miz and M.V.P will continue to be used in various places, but likely not worth anything.

4. Women’s Championship: Michelle McCool © v. Melina:

If match style can include entrances, then this match would have been at least a 3. Sadly, entrances don’t show how talented you are.. And unfortunately, neither do Championships. This is the second straight Pay per view shit-fest these two have put on. Melina got drop kicked right in the ovaries and just couldn’t come back from taking one in the baby maker. Mc-I’m fucking the Undertaker on the side which makes me-Cool retained the title that Ross tried so hard to make sound like it still means something.

I’m not even going to try continuing with explaining this match. The fans weren’t in it, half of them likely didn’t even sit through it. And the horrible thing is, Melina is arguably the best “face” Diva that Smackdown has. Short of Natalya gaining a shot at this Championship through a 3-way or some other type of multi-Woman match, it looks like Smackdown will continue to be carried through their female division, by a purely untalented female in McCool.

5. W.W.E Championship: Triple Threat: Randy Orton © v. Triple H. v. John Cena:

I love how this match was built from beginning till right up until the announcement of this match, as being the “Main Event”. On that note, why wasn’t this match the Main Event? it’s a fucking B-Grade Pay per view, and its not like we didn’t just see Punk/Hardy like 3 weeks ago. Are you telling me that Triple H, and John Cena (alone) aren’t worth more than Meth Hardy and Punk?

This, to me, may have been a repeat of a match that no one really cared to see, and it may involve 3 individuals who’ve competed against one another WAY TO MUCH, but this match, to me, was the best match of the night.. With an ending that was perfect!

In the end, Triple H locks in the Sharpshooter, Cena notices this but instead of stopping it, locks in the Crippler Crossface. Orton taps out, with the official going to signal for the bell to be called - until he realizes he doesn’t know who Orton was tapping out.. To?! Suddenly, the rest of Legacy hit’s the ring. (Keeping in mind, it’s No DQ) DiBiase takes Triple H out of the ring, while Cena attempts an Attitude Adjustment on Rhodes, until Orton hits an RKO!! Orton pins Cena, and retains his title in what I believe is the best Triple Threat we’ve seen in recent memory.

So, where do we go from here? Well, reports have mentioned Shawn Michaels returning to compete at Summerslam, which also happens to be our next stop. Could an Orton v. Shawn Michaels match be in the card? Perhaps adding Triple H and Cena to the mix, then putting the element of elimination to the match to make it that much better? My guess is if Orton gets put in a match with multiple people, that’s an elimination match, he won’t leave Champion. Mark my words.

6. Diva’s Championship: Maryse © v. Mickie James:

I hate to say this, but the shit-fest that was the Women’s match seemed to infect and carry over to the Diva’s Championship match as well. Its like the audience forgot we had another female’s match to go as well.

Before the match, Miz finally grew a set when he realized Maryse isn’t gonna give it up. He mentioned to her that she will lose the title, and maybe even tonight. That, mixed with the fact that Mickie James would become the 2nd Diva in history to win both titles, didn’t make this night one for Maryse to remember.

In the end, James won the Diva’s title after Maryse seemingly tried everything possible to retain, short of getting disqualified. I don’t know what else to say, except for Maryse will regain more than likely by Summerslam, since this victory was more to put James in the record books/history books, more than anything else.

7. Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio © v. Dolph Ziggler:

I honestly thought they were keeping this match off the card. I’m surprised they allowed it to go this deep into the Main Event, but perhaps that’s how much faith they have in Ziggler? While I loved this match, and firmly believe several could call it the match of the night, to me, I think it was a slight bit more of spot-for-spot than anything else.

Ziggler seems to be like a video game creation. He doesn’t really have a moveset all his own, but yet uses several high profile moves as regular moves, that others would use regularly as finishing moves. I like that, but it also makes Ziggler look weak. In the end, Mysterio got owned throughout this entire match, but came out on top after a 619.

So, whats next? I’m hoping a rematch, because Ziggler continues to prove, not just to me, but to everyone, that he truly is a great view to watch. Just one question - what the fuck is Maria doing with him?!

8. World Heavyweight Championship: C.M Punk © Jeff Hardy:

I can’t believe that when I finally allow Punk to be my new hero, in finding someone to replace the time Edge will be gone.. he goes and lets me down. What a bastard. He cut the world’s greatest promo, in calling out single Parent’s for allowing their children to cheer Meth Hardy, then drops the title in the end. What the fuck?!

Hardy is now a 3-time Heavyweight Champion. How is this fair? Meth Hardy, a career mid-carder who’ll never be a Main Eventer to me, is once again carrying Smackdown?! WHY?! This match wasn’t amazing, any match that Hardy has without the use of gimmicks never seemingly is. Punk hit his finisher, yet Hardy kicked out. The world “gasped” at this, as if it’d never happened.. You know, cause roughly a month earlier when Punk cashed in and won the title, when he connected with a GTS and Hardy kicked out after the first, but not the second.. I guess that’s just too much to remember, huh.

In the end, Punk tries getting counted out, Hardy brings him back in the ring, punches him a lot (great technical skill there) then hit’s a Twist of Fate, followed by a Swanton for the victory and what I feel is becoming Ross’s favorite saying since the Stone Cold days, “It’s time for a Hardy Party”. (What the fuck is a 'Hardy Party'? Is everyone gonna go shoot up, then get 2 warnings against them so they can live for the moment just like Meth Hardy does?!)

So, with Summerslam being our next stop.. What will this set-up? Hardy against the Undertaker? Hardy against Jericho, Punk, or Kane? And why the fuck did Morrison pick-up all those one-on-one victories over Punk, if they weren’t building to a Championship showdown?! How fucking pointless was that!?

Overall Thoughts:

In the end, I liked the show.. But it had a lot of disappointments. My highlights were the W.W.E Triple Threat, the United States Six-Pack Challenge, and Dolph Ziggler. If it weren’t for those things, this show would’ve been a massive disappointment to me.

I felt that Maryse and Mickie could've been a lot better than what it was. They seemed to have great chemistry building up to the match. I think the true downfall here, is not picking up on Mickie being "blinded" by that hair spray. Is it truly that hard to allow the girls to have a blindfold match? I mean, it would've been fucking great for Summerslam.. right? Absolutely. Here's hoping Maryse and Miz team-up, to blind Mickie, so I can get a fucking Diva's blindfold match. I don't care how it happens. Hair spray, Miz' Jizz, whatever it takes to get the job done. DO IT!

Big Show in a blue singlet is just sorta.. .. out there. Speaking of "out there" someone needs to go back to putting pants on the guy, because I seen WAY too many nut shots in one match.

Here’s hoping Summerslam will be better. In the end, I’d give Night of Champions a 6 outta 10.
The Lariat's Review of WWE's Night of Champions

It's nice how the WWE has a PPV dedicated to having ALL the belts on the line at one time when on most of the older PPV's, all the titles were on the line regardless. I like this, in that, it makes the titles more prestigious. Anyway, on to my match by match review of this Night of Champions...

WWE Unified World Tag Team Title Match
Chris Jericho and Big Show v/s Legacy

This was a pleasant surprise for me. At least Big Show wasn't involved in the US Title match. And in seeing Show come out, I instantly knew that The JeriShow was going to retain the straps. Solid wrestling from all comers, decent ending with the Codebreaker/Showbra Clutch moves at the end. And during a promo with Legacy, you can see the welts on Rhodes chest from Show's chops. Painful. Not a bad match though. Out of 5 stars, I give it 3/5

ECW World Championship Match
Tommy Dreamer v/s Christian

Didn't like the ending to this match, although many play on the 'Dreamer should win in Philly card', I personally feel that his pop didn't sound as good as it should have on TV. But still, Dreamer should win this match on PPV, then lose it to either Christian or Kozlov on ECW on Sy Fy. Good back and forth with some solid offense from both competitors. But calling Christian's move, 'Killswitch Engage' is a copyright violation. A band's called that, WWE. Ugh. 2.5/5 stars.

WWE Women's Title Match
Michelle McCool v/s Melina

To be honest, this was one of the more sound wrestling matches that ANY diva's put on display in a long time. Some great spots and it fit to have McCool retain the belt. Melina's a better chaser than we think. A roll up also means nothing's resolved and a possible rematch could be down the road. And if they keep wrestling like this, I wouldn't mind it one bit. 4/5 stars.

WWE World Title Match
Randy Orton v/s Triple H v/s John Czena

This match was great until the ending. Having Legacy come in to interfere doesn't help Orton's credibility as a champion at all. I know where most were going with this. Flair had the Horsemen run in quite a bit during his matches didn't he? Answer. No. In BIG matches, Flair did it on his own. He may have gotten an ass kicking for 30 minutes, but in the end, he hurt the leg, and won the match. Orton has done NOTHING on his own since forming Legacy. And tonight's ending was atrocious and ruined an otherwise solid match.
2/5 stars

WWE Divas title match
Mickie James v/s Maryse

The promo cut by Miz on Maryse was better than this ENTIRE match. Maryse showed me she's not very fluent in the ring and Mickie showed me she's good enough to carry nearly anyone to a passable match. Mickie should go over, because she's the better wrestler. But look for Maryse to invoke her rematch clause on Raw. Kelly Kelly or Beth Phoenix getting a shot at the belt would be nice. Match was awful. 1/5 stars

WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Rey Mysterio v/s Dolph Ziggler

This match was everything I expected. Ziggler got a good rub by beating on Rey for minutes on end, but Ziggler's not quite ready for a win just yet. The abrupt ending by Rey wasn't too good though. He goes from being gut busted from the TOP ROPE to hitting his complicated finisher and winning less than two minutes later? No disbelief suspended on this one. Still...great match. 3.5/5 stars.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
CM Punk v/s Jeff Hardy

The one thing I didn't want to happen in this match happened. Hardy pinned Punk clean. There is literally NO point in putting the belt on him from a wrestling stand point. Sure, Jeff sells merchandise, but in the process, you ruined a great promo from Punk to begin the night and all the promo's and buildup from the previous weeks. And it's nice to prove that even recovering junkies can get to the top of the mountain for a 3rd time! That's absurd. The match was great, though. The ending, ruins everything though. Have fun when Jeff leaves the company high and dry or fails another drug test.
1/5 stars.

There you have it. My review. :banghead:
what a let down. i understand thier trying to add credibility to the titles but really.i like the big show him and kane where on of my favorite tag teams but y2j and big show have nothing in common and will have no chemistry. i would have rather seen the mistery partner to be hornswoggle.

actualy no i wouldnt
I have to admit, after reading some of the reviews.. I'm kinda let-down by a lot of the complainers who felt Dreamer should've won simply because it was in one of the Original E.C.W's backyards. Who cares? Nostalgia got him the fucking Championship in the first place but it can't keep carrying him through every victory when 90+% of all mainstream (current, past) W.W.F/E fans who've never viewed E.C.W in its original format only know Dreamer as a career jobber in the first place.

Let's not forget, Christian also received a bigger pop than the so-called "hometown favorite" Dreamer. Rewatch the entrances, I'm guaranteeing that Christian out-popped Dreamer. So why should the guy less liked, have gotten the victory to continue to drag out an original promotion thats been dead for almost a decade now. Hey, I loved the original.. and I'd defend it to the death.. but newsflash.. ITS BEEN DEAD FOR EIGHT YEARS!

And, yes, having Christian drop yet another Championship match - this time on Pay per view; would've looked incredibly horrible and unbelievably bad for him. I doubt Christian returned to be the one-stop individual to make E.C.W famous again. He's likely just there, until they transfer him to Raw or Smackdown, once he's re-found himself with the fans as someone other than Edge's former partner.

So, having Christian drop a Championship, Pay per view match, to a (for the most part) career jobber in Tommy Dreamer, would've been bad. Especially considering Christian has already lost cleanly, to Dreamer, on regular television a couple times now.
MY Review

Unified Tag Team Championship
The fact that the surprise was the Big Show and the match was Heel vs Heel kind of killed all momentum that this storyline had. But it was a OK match with Legacy actually looking credible. Jericho did well making them look like they had an actual chance but with the introduction of Big Show, you know they couldn't lose. I liked the ending as Dibiase sold the codebreaker well. But Jericho/BigShow do not look good with eachother like Edge/Jericho did. I expect them to lose the titles soon to a real tag team but if this keeps Big Show out of the RAW mid card and limits his ring time having Jericho, it's all for the best. I have no idea who they will feud with come SS and I think the tag titles will just be left off the card if they don't drop it to another team by SS.
Rating 2.5/5

US Championship
A great idea keeping Big Show off the card for this as we had a fast paced match instead of Big Show slapping and headbutting each person for 10 minutes only for him to be kicked out of the ring for a few secs allowing someone else to get the quick pin. But it was instead a good match that showcased each wrestlers ability and Kofi Kingston was really impressive and I feel he is bringing a little prestige back into that US Title. Second best match in my opinion. I hope they build up a Miz/Swagger vs Kofi for SS as Miz works well with high flyers (Rey Mysterio)+having that storyline with Maryse and Swagger seems more than ready to get the midcard title on the flagship show. What this leaves for MVP I have no clue but I feel he isn't doing too well off his face turn to have a feud ready for SS unless its vs Swagger.
Rating 4/5

ECW Championship
Well it got the ECW Championship back in Christian which opens up for more interesting feuds. They can have Dreamer go back to be a jobber but now he will be a glorified jobber and can put the new heels over in ECW which are plentiful, while we get to see Benjamin/Kozlov vs Christian which will be a fresh feud after the Swagger/Dreamer/Christian feud that took up the whole half year. Even though the match it self was a normal match, it opens up for new things which is always good.
Rating 2.5/5

Womens Championship/Diva's Championship
Ok I'm just grouping this together because these matches were a complete waste...
The only good spot of the Women's Championship was the entrance part but that was before the match even started. I think these matches clearly showed we need the return of Beth Phoenix soon and fast. The saving grace is that a face took over the championship on RAW so maybe we can see the return of Beth soon. It might be just Maryse getting her rematch with forming a team with the Miz and vice versa to help each other win the Diva/US titles, but that match would just be forgettable for SS not to mention a heel Mcool means no chance for Natalya. If Beth isn't ready, they should just have a thong match between Maryse/Mickie James/Kelly Kelly/Mcool as that will be more interesting than anything WWE can get ready for SS.
Rating 1/5

Intercontinental Championship
It was a solid match and I feel it sets up a good match for SS for their rematch as none of the mid carders in Smackdown are hot right now except for Kane but he doesn't need the IC title. (Morrison is above the IC at this point). SS would be a better stage for Ziggler to win and with Rey Mysterio/Jericho being the former holders, the IC title will help a lot for Ziggler. I feel Rey can really put him over in this feud so I hope this continues atleast till SS if not more. Nice to see valets being used again as we get to see Maria and Maria not wrestling which is good.
Rating 3/5

WWE Championship
Great match. Better than the WM match 2 years back. It made each wrestler look strong and an amazing finish. I was glad of Triple H actually selling Dibiase's attack and not shrugging him off in 3 secs like he usually does. This brought back some credibility in Legacy and hopefully we can see Dibiase/Rhodes feud with Triple H and actually put them over because I think Cena/Orton is the best thing we can hope for by SS with the current Main Event picture. Very solid match.
Rating 4/5

I have yet to see the WHC match but any comments feedback on my review is welcome^^
Tag Titles
I missed the first 15 or so minutes of the PPV so I missed a large portion of this match. Dibiase Jr. was great in the end with Jerchio and the finish was very good. Show was an intresting choice on the part of the WWE but with the man not doing anything since his fued with Cena, he was a good choice. Enjoyed the match. 3/5

US Championship
I loved this match! Every man in it did there job and all the mini fueds in it played there parts (Primo/Carlito, Swagger/MVP). Some great, fast paced action which generated an excellent finish. It was great to see every man look strong throughout, good booking by the E to put Primo in.
Loved this match 4/5

Womans Championship
It was solid. Melina was really well and Michelle acted like she was playing tennis... well I guess we all found out shes a screamer. I wouldn't say it was one of the best women matches I've ever seen but it was a solid effort by both girls.

ECW Championship
While the match was, well, a match, Christian really showed off why he is truly one of the best in the buisness. I think what I loved about the match was that it told its story, Dreamer came back to a second home, where his career really took off, while Christian sought out to get back what was arguably what was rightfully his. Good match, good ending, solid.

Divas Title
The sour point of the show was this match. I really love Maryse and Mickie is a solid performer as well but this was really lackluster.

WWE Championship
Again, my biggest problem with this title is that I and most of the IWC is sick and tired of seeing the SAME damn people wrestling for the SAME damn title. I am a huge of fan of Hunter, hell I'm a big fan of Orton and Cena as well, but by gawd I am sick and tired of seeing those three men in the main event scene. The match was, at first, slow and boring! It lacked the fast paced action of a triple threat. By the end however, I thought it was an amazing match to watch, the finish had me sucked in and I was on the edge of my seat once more. I'm just hoping we don't see the same match at Summerslam.

World Championship
GREAT MATCH, GREAT STORY. I for one, loved the ending of the match. It was the right way to book it to as I beleive there is no way Hardy/Punk could be drawn out further if Punk had won. Further more taking the title off Punk was a great move by the E as I beleive that Punk will go to another level of his heel development with the loss of his World Title by someone who goes against everything he beleives and, sadly, gets cheered for. Again, great booking by the WWE and the Smackdown writers and if where lucky and Hardy signs the contract we all hope he does and keeps the title from Punk... we'll see Taker/Hardy, something I have been looking foreward to for a very long time since I am a huge fan of there mini fued in 02.

I.C Championship
And finally, the MOTN for me. This is the type of match up WWE has been lacking for a VERY long time. A maineventer/upper mid carder vs. an up and comers; for a title that, for a very long time, hasn't had the prestige it should have, well, until now. The match was great, it was well worked by Ziggler and Rey Rey, in that it showed Ziggler as a strong competetior for the match. It was an excellent bout and really had me hooked, even if the crowd seemed a little dead. Hopefully this is the future to a bigger fued for the two men which, I hope, leads to Ziggler claiming his first ever major WWE singles title.
Rob's review of WWE Night of Champions 2009​

Unified WWE Tag Team Championship Match - Chris Jericho & The Big Show (c) v.s Cody Rhodes & Ted De'Biase Jr

A great way to start out the PPV. The whole Jericho slagging Edge off before and after the match gives an indication that Edge could have a feud with Jericho when he returns. It seems that a rivarly has already started to build between the two. As for the match, I actually rather enjoyed it. Thankfully Big Show wasen't featured all that much and the entire contest was all about Legacy ganging up on Jericho. I was actually very impressed with Cody in this match, it's the first time in a while that I have been really impressed by his in-ring ability.

Winners: Chris Jericho & The Big Show

Match Rating: 8/10 - Good opener, Legacy looked great.

ECW Championship Match - Tommy Dreamer (c) v.s Christian

Both Dreamer and Christian had two solid performances and looked like they have great chemistry when their in the ring together. Both wrestled good matches and I found it very enjoyable. Plus I like the show of sportsmanship at the end by both Dreamer and Christian, you don't see that kind of thing happening too often nowerdays.

Winner: Christian (New ECW Champion)

Match Rating: 7/10 - Very enjoyable contest.

WWE United States Championship 6 Pack Match - Kofi Kingston (c) v.s MVP v.s Jack Swagger v.s The Miz v.s Carlito v.s Primo

I've read a couple of negitive reviews about this match... but I personally loved it. It was extremely fast-paced and exciting and I couldn't take my eyes off it for one second. Plus it was rather unpredictable, I expected Swagger to walk out the U.S champion, but Kofi got the win in a match that has shown everyone that Kofi could very well be the 'real deal'.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Match Rating: 8.5/10 - A very exciting and fast paced match.

WWE Woman's Championship match - Michelle McCool (c) v.s Melina

Whilst it was quite a physical contest, I didn't enjoy it much at all. Probabaly the worst match of the night overall (though the Diva's championship match sucked too, I'll get to that in a bit). It looked very sloppy and not only was I not interested, the crowd really didn't give a shit either.

Winner: Michelle McCool

Match Rating: 3/10 - ... and that's me being nice.

WWE Championship Triple Threat Match - Randy Orton (c) v.s Triple H v.s John Cena

Just to start off with, this was much better than their WrestleMania XXIV match together, that kinda sucked. This remained un-predictable, right up to when Legacy did their usual 'beat-down of Orton's opponent' shit. It's now getting to a point where it's a matter of 'when', not 'if'. As for the actual match, rather enjoyable, though the match came earlyer in the PPV than I expected. Plus the whole double submission spot was both confusing and interesting, I'm not entirely sure what I would of done if I was the ref in that situation.

Winner: Randy Orton

Match Rating: 7.5/10 - Good all-round triple threat match, but definatly not "The best match of all time" as Cena so wrongfully stated.

WWE Diva's Championship Match - Maryse (c) v.s Mickie James

This was probably a better match than the Woman's Championship match, but thats like saying that breaking your arm is better than breaking your leg. A bit of a mess to be honest, even if Maryse is absolutely fucking stunning to look at. :p

Winner: Mickie James (New WWE Diva's Champion)

Match Rating: 3.5/10 - Very poor, though slightly less poor than the Woman's Championship match.

WWE Intercontiental Championship Match - Rey Mysterio (c) v.s Dolph Ziggler

This featured probably the best single performance of the night. Ziggler was amazing and looked amazing through-out the entire contest. He looked in almost completely control and didn't let the pressure of being, basically in a main-event slot on a PPV get to him at all. Mysterio was able to put Dolph over alot in this match, and I don't think it's the last we've seen of him.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Match Rating: 9/10 - Match of the night. Simply put.

World Heavyweight Championship Match - CM Punk (c) v.s Jeff Hardy

This match had only two good things about it... CM Punk looked great and Hardy won the World Heavyweight Championship. That's it. Apart from those two points, it kinda sucked. Quite dissapointing.

Winner: Jeff Hardy (New World Heavyweight Champion)

Match Rating: 5.5/10 - Probably the biggest dissapointment of the night.

WWE Night of Champions 2009 Overall Rating: 8/10 - I'm glad I paid the money to watch it, was pretty enjoyable on the whole. Some matches could of been better *cough* Woman's/Diva's Championship matches *cough* but I enjoyed the show.
Here my review of night of champions.

Chris jericho/Big Show vs legacy.: This was a great way to open the PPV. Both team did perform well as a team i was just hoping that Legacy would win this one but i guess that this feud between these 2 team isn'T over and Legacy will probably end up with the titles eventually. But still really good match. 6/10

ECW Title match: Christian Vs Tommy Dreamer Again really decent match that saw Christian win the title from Dreamer. This in my opinion is a step in the wrong direction as far as the ECW title is concern. Christian need to be move to another brand and having him be the main guy on a brand that is mostly build from FCW wrestlers isn'T the way to go. Dreamer is ECW, it would have been fun to see guy try to take the title away from him and it would have been a great way for to put over some of the young talent in ECW. Wrong decision but still decent match. 5.5/10

Kofi Kingston vs Primo vs Miz vs Carlito vs MVP Vs JAck Swagger This was pretty much what i expected, it was a total mess of a match and it only was put on the card because they didn'T have a choice. The fact of the matter is that it did what it was supposed to do and advance some of the feud on Raw. Primo and Carlito, MVP And Swagger will continue there seperate feud after this and i wouldn'T be surprise to see Miz and Kofi fight each other at summerslam. HAving said that, this wasn'T a good match and that too bad because you had a lot of talented wrestlers. 4/10

Melina Vs Michelle McCool for the woman's title I know that most of the IWC have a hatred for michelle McCool and for woman's wrestling in general but i got to say this was one of the better match on the card. The fact of the matter is that they didn'T have to do a lot of dangerous spot to make the match exciting. Melina and Michelle match up quite well and Michelle is really becoming great at being a heel. Has far as WWE divas matches goes, this was one of the best diva match of the year. 8/10

Randy Orton vs HHH vs John Cena: Pretty what you would expect out of this one. They had a good match, the ending was predictable and it help find something for cena to do after this PPV since him guessing the we will probably get a rematch between those 3 guys at summerslam. 7/10

Maryse vs Mickie JAmes: I know that pretty much everybody loves Mickie James but i just don'T see the appeal. It's not like see a great performer or wrestler. Having said that, i had a feeling she would win the title last night and i even posted it on another topic. This was a decent match up that will probably just be a starting point for the Maryse/Miz storyline. I also feel that this feud isn'T over with just yet since in 2 months, the Breaking Point PPV is being held in Montreal and we will probably get these 2 face each other for the title. So again this wasn't has good as the Melina vs Michelle McCool match but still was a decent match. 5/10

Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler I cannot do a full review of this match since i miss part of this match do to technical problems but from the part i saw, this was a really good match and even if Ziggler didn'T win, it made him a way bigger name that he was going in to this match. 7/10

C.M.Punk vs Jeff Hardy This was the best match on the card by far, am still wondering why Hardy won the title in the first place but i'm guessing that if Jeff is on his way out, this will be the best send off they could give him will hate the same time help C.M. Punk become the top heel on Smackdown. I'm interested in seeing what is going to happen next but if i could predict something is that C.M. Punk will become Champion again and maybe as soon as summerslam. 10/10

Has far as promos and backstage interviews are concern, i got a couple of thing to say about 2 of these segment. First of all the C.M. Punk promo was one of the best promo i heard C.M. Punk do since he started in the WWE and i'm really getting into his character. This is the C.M. Punk that i wanted to see all along. The other segment i wanted to talk about is the Legacy interview. If they wanted to bury Dibiasie and Rhodes, they did a good job of it tonight. First they made them lose to Show and Jericho then they have them say that nobody will remember them losing and the only people will remember is Orton retaining the championship. Simply put, they just said that nobody cares about them, great guys maybe next time you could say how untalented you are compare to Orton. Dibiasie and Rhodes deserve better then to be in the shadow of Orton but for some reason, creative don't see it and it was proven by this promo.

This was a decent enough PPV, nothing really came out of this PPV and it serve only to advance storylines the only thing that did surprise me was HArdy winning and how much time they give the woman'S title match. Outside of that, it was just your typical wwe PPV that probably nobody will remember.
Well, here goes:

Weird night, weird, weird night. I felt that the order of the card was pretty messed up to be honest. The US title match should have been the opener of the show imo, because i feel the hype was so much bigger for the tag match what with the mystery partner angle, and the WWE title match being on before the IC title match? Do they really have that much faith in Ziggler's abilities to be in the last match before the ME already? I guess only time will tell, but here's my breakdown of NOC.

Unified Tag

I guess the reason that this match was on first was because they knew how disappointing it was going to be when Big Show was announced to be Jericho's partner. I admit to being sucked into the Kane rumours and was pretty shocked in a disappointed way when Show was announced. I honestly didn't think Jericho was going to pick someone from a different roster to be his partner, let alone one who was supposed to be in another match that same night. Like i said, i thought this would have been on later, so if it were someone who had another match last night, i'd have expected them to have lost their match already.

Second reason it was on first, could have been because they knew no one would really get into a tag match where everyone's a heel. Crowd were pretty dead after Show fucked up that press slam, and then the Y2J chants started. Even as the biggest asshole on the roster, he still gets cheered. Nice finish, but it felt like the pop at the end was for the match mercifully being over.

Third reason, Legacy suck. Again, no one was really going to get excited about the 20 somethings who wrestle like it's 1978. These guys are getting really dull to watch in the ring imo, and need to have their own separate stuff going on without Orton, while still maintaining the stable in terms of angles.

The Edge promos were very well done, despite Show's slobbering through them, but i wonder, how long can Jericho keep that fresh if Edge won't be back before next year..... if ever.

ECW Title

Enjoyable match, nothing amazing, but then i wasn't expecting a classic. Good to see Christian prevail in this match, because Dreamer as the champion wasn't really going to go anywhere was it? As i said earlier, WWE had no bones about booking him to lose in front of the crowd that made him. The crowd also seemed pretty torn between who to cheer for. I expect we'll be having Christian/Kozlov at SSlam.

US Title

Fun match. Should have been the opener i feel. I really enjoyed watching Kofi wretling tactically by breaking up the pins everywhere, and boy did Primo show us what he can do? I actually wanted him to pick up the win, but sadly that rather obvious Backstabber put an end to that. Swagger didn't really seem to make much of an impact, and tbh neither did MVP, but i was again impressed with The Miz. He so should have beaten Cena last month. I really like the finish of the match the most, the reverse leg sweep combined with the Playmaker was beautiful to watch. Can't help but wonder how much better this match could have been if Bourne had been in it though.

Women's Title

I was actually very impressed. McCool is definitely getting better. The cheap shot to start, some decent submission work, a beautiful Belly to Belly suplex, and a great counter into a pin. Both Divas put on a great match, my only complaint being Melina's constant screaming.

WWE Title

Only real complaint was the commentating to be honest. "Orton's going to DDT them both? He can't do that can he?" Well, King if you're memory last more that 500 days you'd know the answer to that wouldn't you? Anyway, enough about that. Good match, that just when you thought 'Oh here we go, here's what they did last time,' they changed it up. Again, really liked the finish, with the Ref not knowing what to do, and then the Legacy run in looked as though it was going to be repelled and we'd have a Super-Cena victory, but the Viper struck and all was well in the WWE. But surely it's someone else's turn now right?

Divas Title

Wow. This nowhere near lived upto the standard of the previous Diva match. Maryse seemed to get sloppier as she went, and not even Mickie could get a decent match out of her. I feel the less said about this match the better.

IC Title

This match getting hyped up along with the World titles was surprising to me. Who thinks JoMo's going to get pushed over Ziggler now? Having Maria is stupid though. Why does she keep hanging out with heels? This one isn't even funny.

Again, i really enjoyed this match throughout. I didn't expect Ziggler to win, but i do expect a rematch at SSlam where Ziggler becomes champion. They may be hyping him a little too fast, but as long as they don't go too nuts, Ziggler should do pretty well in the near future i feel.

World Title

Something i thought would never happen, occurred last night WZ. CM Punk made me give a shit about his character. Unfortunately the match didn't do anything to stop me from falling asleep during his/Hardy's matches, but his promo earlier in the night was very good. Nothing original in terms of using the whole 'Straight edge' bit for Punk, but it's new for me having never watch his Indie stuff, so it made me have a vested interest in his match for a change. I watched the repeat this morning and as expect i didn't miss anything of real merit in that match. The ending was probably the worst of the night, and again, they wasted the opportunity to build Punk up as something ME worthy by ending this title reign already. Unless of course he wins it back, but are they really going to give Hardy a 3rd piss poor title reign so quickly?

Really enjoyed NOC overall, the promo work especially and the endings of each match save the WHC were all very well orchestrated. Shame about Show being the mystery partner, really think Kane would have been the better choice in terms of entertainment value, but it makes more sense to go for the Biggest athlete in the world, and who wouldn't want a free title?

And to end, i miss the days where JR actually had some passion in his voice when commentating instead of just analysing everything like he does now.

That's just my 2 cents anyway.....
Our darkie match was Cryme Tyme Vs The Hart foundation. I couldnt have been more disappointed. Why not an interbrand match with two guys who arent doing anything? Or get Morrison on the card? I want to say Cryme Tyme won. I cant remember. Lulz.

I couldnt find the threads for the Divas matches so....

Melina - Mccool...I saw none of it. Lie. I saw the dropkick off the splits, which absolutely kicked ass. I then got up, and went and got Pizza, and creme soda. The lady who sold them to me thought it was smirnoff, and I says "THAT is a CREME SODA"..she looks me up and down, and says.."oh....oh wow. Ok." whatever. I came back out, and Mccool slammed her or some shit, and got the pin.

I attempted to watch Maryse Vs Mickie in its entirety, but I have to be eyes started to get heavy during it. It was just oh SO quiet in the arena during it. Mickie though, got a pretty huge pop during her entrance, I was pretty suprised. Anyway, I had to get up and go get a caffenated beverage (a big ass pepsi) so that I could stay awake.

The Punk promo live, was incredible. There was literal, palapable hostility in the air during it. I fucking LOVED it, and was cheering him on, being a fellow SXE guy. Pepsi in hand, and everything. During his entrance, among boos and hatred, a few people in the crowd were throwing up the 'X" and one saw me doing the same, and acknowledged it. Pretty galvanizing, and cool, really.

Not sure if it showed on the TV broadcast, but The Jeffy celebration went on for a pretty fucking good long while. Jeff brought a little kid into the ring who had his face painted, and they did the Hardy emo wiggly dance thing together, and Jeff draped the belt over the little boys shoulder, and let him pose with it. Pretty fuckin badass. Even though I was upset one of my favorite wrestlers lost the belt, I stayed and applauded Hardy. While im not the biggest fan of him, or his work, I can admire someone who has sacrificed his body so much for the sport I love, and who acheived his childhood dreams. Way to go Jeff.

Good show.

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