The Night Of Champions PPV Is A Hidden Gem

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Night Of Champions tends to be one of my favorite ppvs. Mainly because of the concept with every title being on the line. It gives us a feeling that only the best of the best are competing. This ppv usually comes right around Extreme Rules/One Night Stand and The Bash. I think this ppv should have more spotlight shed on it, and be moved to be before the Royal Rumble. I'm saying this because I was browsing earlier, and they're advertising the big 3 pp vs coming up. Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber(formerly known as No Way Out), and Wrestlemania 26. Personally, I think TLC can be shuffled around, since it's now become a ppv like Hell In A Cell and Elimination Chamber.

Think about it, if WWE would put more into NOC, it could be huge. They could provide a history of each title, show highlights of past matches, and conduct interviews with each champion about what their title means to them, why do they strive to be champions, etc. Now I know a lot of you might say this would be absurd because WWE can't put this much effort into another ppv so close to Wrestlemania, but WWE could gauge how they do this. Since the Royal Rumble is more so about the journey to Wrestlemania, and Wrestlemania it self is more so about the spectacle and tends to be more story driven, I don't think putting more into NOC would hurt.Also, it's time WWE had another BIG ppv. Their classic ones, aren't that classic any more.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think more focus should be put on NOC? Could It be bigger than it is?
I agree, NOC could definitely have major potential if built correctly, although that goes for any PPV. NOC is one of my favorite PPVs for the same reason as you, it feels like a showcase of the best of the best, and WWE should capitalize on that motif. Even if most titles are on the line already, it still can give people a false sense of prestige. It kind of dissapoints me how much potential it can have, yet it isn't built up to it. It's also a gimmick PPV, without having to focus on a specific gimmick match, which makes it even more special. I think if WWE cut the PPV's back a bit, NOC would definitly be one of the ones to keep.
This could easily be done by having Night of Champions at a big venue like Madison square Garden! And much the same way as Royal Rumble is about who's going to wrestlemania. The build up to night of champions could be about who's going to night of champions and who isn't! What could be really interesting is Having wrestlers qualify to go, but not know who they're going to fight Until The night itself! It's a gimmick PPV so this could be really interesting. Sure the tag titles, womens titles ETC would be pre determined. But if you knew Cena was going .... he could even be fighting for the IC belt it'd certainly add to the unpredictability!
Night of Champions is arguably the number five pay per view on the cards. At this moment, I think Survivor Series has officially lost it's status as the number four, and Nighn of Champions has taken the spot. It's in a good spot, breaking up the more gimmicky pay per views at the moment. This pay per view just mght be one of the WWE's bigger successes of the past five years.
I agree, and I think the WWE realizes that this PPV is huge. Considering they put Cena/HHH II on the card, it kinda shows how much faith they have in the show. But I think the event should be taking place in bigger venues like MSG.
Yeah, I'd have to agree that NOC is probably one of the cooler PPVs of the year. Hopefully, it doesn't end up like Bad Blood or Cyber Sunday. I mean, if you think about it, it really should be up there in the most important PPVs. All titles are on the line, great idea...lets hope WWE makes it one of the big ones
They should have the WWE Universe pick who fights for the Championships ala Cyber Sunday or Taboo Tuesday give us a list of choices and let us pick the challengers for the champs this way they kill 2 birds/PPVs at once waddy'all think. I think this would be awesome.
So what are your thoughts? Do you think more focus should be put on NOC? Could It be bigger than it is?

Night of Champions is one of my favorite PPV's. Could it be bigger? Sure. However, one could argue that it is already WWE's 5th biggest PPV. Every single title is on the line at this show, so you are guaranteed that at least one special or memorable thing is going to happen. You're right however about how they could put a little more focus on Night of Champions.

I disagree with your idea how moving it to before the Rumble though. Royal Rumble is one of the "big 4" and the PPV's before/after one of them is often one of the less important shows. Moving Night of Champions to where TLC is would be putting the #5 show and the #3 show right next to each other, that's a bad idea considering that there are 13 PPV's if two of the better ones are next to each other.

In my opinion.... Night of Champions should stay in the middle of the summer like usual. That could make it into the big PPV of the summer, disregarding Summerslam of course but it closes the summer. Night of Champions does great being in the middle of summer because it has a less important show before and after it, much like the "big 4" do. As arguably the 5th biggest show, that would be understandable.

If a little more focus were put on it, Night of Champions could very easily take the #5 spot and hold onto it for good. It's already one of the bigger shows although something does feel like its missing, preventing it from being as big as it possibly could be. I'm not sure what that is, but with a little more work this PPV could live up to its full potential as the #5 show. I see that happening within the next couple of years because it is always one of the PPV's that I enjoy the most and it can only get better.
On paper it's a good idea, but I've ordered every single one of them and it's never wound up being a "can't miss" show. They have generally been of average quality, nothing more, nothing less.

Add to that, it's ridiculous that an entire PPV can feature title matches.

Besides, perhaps the biggest downer is that we have to watch 2 diva's matches. That's just too much for a PPV to try to recover from. :banghead:

If it was built up the right way, it truly could be a showcase of the best. But too often it's any other show with the titles on the line.

(It doesn't help its cause that every match is a title match when a lot of other PPV's during the year have up to 6 championship matches anyhow).

If built right, with the right card, this could be great. But the only truly memorable match they've ever put on the PPV was Cena/HHH II. Everything else is fairly forgettable.
On paper it's a good idea, but I've ordered every single one of them and it's never wound up being a "can't miss" show. They have generally been of average quality, nothing more, nothing less.

I have ordered Night of Champions every single year since they changed it into an "all titles are on the line" show, and every year it has been in my top 4. The fact that all titles are on the line IS what makes it a "can't miss" show. The problem is that not enough people care about the titles as much as they used to. Night of Champions was a dream come true for me when they made it, because I think title matches SHOULD be the most important ones, unfortunately they do not get the proper buildup sometimes.

Add to that, it's ridiculous that an entire PPV can feature title matches.

See what I mean? Not enough people care about title matches. If enough attention was given to the buildup of title matches then Night of Champions could potentially skyrocket up in PPV prestige to the level of the "Big 4". Wrestling should be about winning titles. Why else would they (kayfabe) be in WWE if not to win championships?

Besides, perhaps the biggest downer is that we have to watch 2 diva's matches. That's just too much for a PPV to try to recover from. :banghead:

There's nothing wrong with that. The first divas match can be placed 2nd so that it's out of the way, and the second one can be in between two "really important" matches, so the fans can get a break from cheering/booin intensely. Besides, as a straight male I happen to like divas matches because many of the divas are beautiful.

If it was built up the right way, it truly could be a showcase of the best. But too often it's any other show with the titles on the line.

That's what makes it so great though. If a wrestler is holding a title that is not given as much attention, it is a great way to get him/her on PPV if it's Night of Champions. All WWE needs to do is improve title match buildup and then even more fans will love this PPV.

(It doesn't help its cause that every match is a title match when a lot of other PPV's during the year have up to 6 championship matches anyhow).

Wrong. We usually get a midcard title match (ECW, IC, US), a tag team title match (really rare on PPV until recently), a female (divas or womens) title match, and two world title matches. That's 4 on average, and I'm being generous. Night of Champions gives us 8 title matches, and no pointless filler matches because ALL title matches are important.

If built right, with the right card, this could be great. But the only truly memorable match they've ever put on the PPV was Cena/HHH II. Everything else is fairly forgettable.

You said so yourself, that it has the potential to be great. It usually either lives up to that, or comes close to it. Night of Champions is BY FAR the best out of the PPV's that aren't in "the Big 4" because of the prestige it adds to the titles by guaranteeing they will be on the show. Besides, every Night of Champions has had numerous good matches.

I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree.
The success of Night of Champions is arguably why we now have theme PPVs. The PPV is popular, and it has also put on decent matches every time it has been on. NoC is privilidged in that it comes at a time of year between major shows, or at least it has done in the past. It has an attractive selling point, because people enjoy title changes, and this show pretty much guarantees them that.

I think the Survivor Series model is tired and makes for an uninteresting event, and I believe that NoC is in a position to make the big four a big five. I would suggest that it is already the confirmed number five in the same way that King of the Ring used to be.
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