General Night of Champions Discussion

Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
Either Ziggler will end up losing his IC title match and joining Jericho, or Jericho will defend the titles and win by himself, proving he's the best

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
- Keep the belt on Maryse for as long as humanly possible, McCool already broke the first Diva to hold both the womens and the divas title, so theres no point and having Mickie James do the same thing a month later

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
- I could careless about this match, but hopefully McCool retains because I dont like Melina.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- Neither Swagger nor MVP will win, because their going into their own one on one feud, and keeping the title on Kingston might be the best bet for the time being. Primo will do a run in and keep Carlito from winning, and Big Show, will Job, because its Big Show

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
- Ziggler needs to go over Mysterio, but if he doesn't I see him being Jericho's Tag Partner vs Ted and Cody.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
- Snore and Bore fest, I could care less about these two wrestlers or this match

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- due to Orton losing cleaning to Cena on Raw Monday, Orton retains, Cena and Triple H move on to tag team action for a while, then on to another boring feud until Roidtista comes back

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
- To keep the heat on Punk, he'll have to win this match. This match will also bring about the full switch for Punk to a heel.

I think because this PPV is called Night of Champions, all the current Champions will retain their titles, seeing as almost every major title just changed hands a PPV or two ago
Tag Team Title Match- Well, Wrestlezone had an interesting prediction about Ted DiBiase taking his dad's advice and turning on Orton. I could see DiBiase doing the same thing Rhodes did to Bob Holly, turning on him before the match starts, and walking out with Jericho as the champions. However, I don't really think this will happen. I do however, feel that there will be a new champion by the end of the night, whatever that means.
Divas Match- Don't care. Hope Mickie James wins.
United States Title match- Carlito will not win. I also don't see Miz winning, or Kofi retaining. Big Show could win, but then who would he go up against? My guess is that Swagger wins the title, or MVP wins and Swagger challenges him.
IC Title Match- I honestly see Mysterio going over Dolph in this one.
ECW TItle Match- You make a good point. It is in Philly. I don't see Tommy losing the title here either. However, if Christian were to some how go heel, this would be the perfect point for him to do so. If Tommy won, and Christian completely destroyed him after the match, the Philly heat would be ridiculous.
World Title Match- CM Punk gets the win and the retain in this match. It wouldn't be good for his character right now to get a loss. However, Jeff Hardy might have pulled a deal in his contract, and he might be given the title as a part of that deal. You never know.
WWE Title Match- Well... I seriously don't know. I feel like they just threw this together because Orton vs. HHH is getting REALLY old, and Cena had nothing better to do. For that reason, if John Cena wins, I wouldn't neccessarily understand why... I doubt that this is it for Orton and Triple H. If this was going to be it, why wouldn't it have ended last month, or the month before? I see Triple H winning this match and becoming the (14 time?) least then when Orton goes to challenge Triple H for one more match, it's slightly different. I really assumed this feud would end in the Cell, but unless they plan on carrying this thing out for another 3 month (NO!) I can't see that happening...

I really hope that after Night of Champions, WWE makes the move to start using guys like Morrison, Miz, Benjamin, and MVP. Now is the perfect time. Both World Title feuds are getting stale, and everybody would love to see CM Punk vs. Morrison vs. Jeff Hardy...right?
I also have a random we all remember Mark Henry making his big return to Raw a few weeks ago? And then you remember WWE making him look like a huge force to be reckoned with in the last few weeks? why is WWE's new top face...not doing something at Night of Champions. I mean, if they're not going to actually go through with making him a top face, at least they could have put him in the US Title 6-Pack instead of Carlito. I'm just curious as to how WWE can not use guys they are trying to Morrison? Really?
Match 1: Jericho and mystery partner VS Legacy
Jericho and mystery partner to win. I forsee the end of legacy here by havin dibiase be the partner much like they did with rhodes and holly

Match 2 and 3 i dont care who wins

Match 4 the US title match
I see kofi remaining champ with a cheap pin over carlito following a primo interference. Big still has some minor history with miz from the cena feud so i see tha being there and i see swagger and MVP lockin up to build on the feud started on the VIP lounge

Match 5
I see them givin it to Ziggler

Match 6
I see Dreamer retaining just because its in Philly and would allow him to continue the feud into summerslam

Match 7
Id like to see orton retain but honestly i would love to see HBK return and inject himself into the match in some way and screwin over cena or HHH so one f those 2 can be removed from the title picture

Match 8
I would love for jeff to win but since his future is unknown rite now odds are CM Punk will retain and they may have them continue feuding until sumerslam but I would love for Takers music to hit after the match to mark his return to the title picture
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
What I think will happen with this match is Jericho partner will be Orton. He will be afraid of losing the WWE champ. so he thinks he can get an easy win against Rhodes and DiBase. I think Orton and Jericho will win the match. And after Orton and Jericho attack Rhodes and Dibase after the match is over.

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
I want Micky to win this(who doesnt). I think Maryse is gonna get her ass kicked.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
I think this will be a good match up, but McCool will retain.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
I just want either MVP or Kofi to win. I hate the rest. Hate Big Show with a PASSION.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
Mysterio will show Ziggler who the boss is.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
- This match I think could go either way, it's hard to tell.

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
Before the match Orton will be showed with the 3 belts and he will gloat about how hes goin to keep them all. Cena Will win the match, and after Rhodes and DiBase are going to come out and attack Orton. Orton will get up get Attitude Adjustment, then a pedigree, and then Dibase is going to punt him in the head. After Rhodes and Dibase will try to shake hands with HHH and Cena and they will get Attitude Adj. and a Pedigree. Pretty creative HuH.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
This match I think will be pretty good but Punk will retain.
Lets see very excited for all of these matches especially the Divas matches and Hardy and Punk, so here are my predictions:

World Heavyweight Title: Cm Punk vs Jeff Hardy: I give this to Jeff based on the way he lost the title, and with his possible re signing with the wwe i think he will win this with a swift swanton bomb, Hardy fans have sat threw to many PPV matches and been really disappointed. But yeah i think Jeff will win it is his time.

WWE TITLE: Randy Orton vs HHH vs John Cena: I think John Cena will win just based on his popularity and fans want to see him with a title

Jericho/??? vs Legacy: I think Jericho new Tag Team partner will be Charlie Hass since he has been kind of on the back corner as of late and is a really good tag team partner. I give this to Jericho and Hass

Intercontinetal Title: Mysterio/ Ziggler: I think Mysterio will retain his title just bast on Ziggler lameness, he will get punked by mysterio in a short match with a fast 619.

Divas Title: Mickie vs Maryse: This will be a good match, i have a felling Maryse will dominate at first and then Mickie will take over. Maryse has held the title since late November thats just way to long. Mickie will win then Gail will turn hell and feud with Mickie for that title.

Women Title: McCool vs Melina: I want to see Melina win but i think Michelle will hit that faith breaker and beat Melina. Melina will dominate at first then McCool will build momentum going after Melina weakest spot probably her legs.

ECW Title: Christian vs Dreamer: Christian will win using the turn buckle to his advantage possibly taking off the cover and having dreamer run into it, making the Christian and Dreamer feud go on a little bit longer, but yes i give this to Christian.

U.S championship. Carlito/Big show/ The Miz/ Kofi/ MvP/ Swagger. i think this will be the first match of the night i think big show will dominate at first but all 5 other guys will take him down and kofi with his high flying powers will lead to victory!!

Picks: John Cena, Jeff Hardy, Jericho/ his partner, Mickie, McCool, Christian, Kofi.
i see two scenarios for the ppv ill try to keep it short:
first off i dont care about the womens champion matches they are boring to me
secondly i can never remember which title is which brand (WHC, WWEC)

TAG BELTS - jericho and ziggler retain the tag titles
TAG BELTS (SCENARIO 2) legacy wins belts and slowly begins a face turn
IC BELT - rey retains because ziggler will be with jericho
IC BELT (SCENARIO 2) ziggler defeats mysterio for the belt

.......regardless, at NOC i see Ziggler gaining some sort of gold......

US BELT - kofi retains to add to the odds against him factor
US BELT (SCENARIO 2) - belt goes to heel Swagger to build upon all american american
ECW - dreamer retains in home town of original ECW
RAW - Cena will win the championship, HHH just wants orton to lose it he doesnt want to win it for himself and if legacy does become tag champs they may start to help orton again only to abandon him like this past raw
SMACKDOWN - punk retains, nothin against hardy but more people seem to tune in to hate punk now then they do to like jeff hardy.

i also believe there will be a twist of some kind at the end of the PPV whether a return of superstar (please be taker), the appearance of a legend, or some sort of interruption or screwjob to one of the challengers for either the raw of smackdown belt (my vote is jeff hardy will get screwed...again)
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy

Now that I look at this, only one title change. There has to be more than one. It would be boring if all champions retained. Kofi and Rey's titles have changed so much, we need a long reigning mid-card champ.
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
- I expect Jericho and his "mystery partner" to win this one. Since they are hyping up this mystery partner, I think it will end up resulting in a successful match for jericho and continue re-building the tag team champions.
Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
-I hope Maryse wins this one. I have fallen in love with her since she has been on Raw and I think she is the hottest Diva the WWE has ever had. I could see Mickie winning due to her better wrestling skills, but Maryse is becoming popular and is more interesting to watch.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
-I haven't watched smackdown in a long time, so I don't know who to expect to win, but I'm gonna go with Melina.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- This should be quite an interesting match. The only wrestlers I see NOT winning the match are Miz and Carlito, since they were pretty much just thrown into the match. MVP has been pretty stale this past month, so I don't expect him to win. Big Show has had somewhat of a push these last couple of weeks, so i see either Big Show or Kingston winning. I wouldnt be upset/suprised seeing Swagger or Miz winning, just becomes i'm enjoying what they have been bringing to Raw every week.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
- I havent' been watching Smackdown, so I don't know much behind this feud. It's nice seeing Mysterio facing someone closer to his size instead of Big Show and Kane. I would like to see Ziggler become champion just so he could be built up even more, because he has been doing a decent job.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
I am not sure who to pick in this one, I am leaning more towards Dreamer retaining the title. For some reason I have a feeling Christian is about to make a big splash on Raw or a bigger storyline.

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- I'm picking Orton to win this one, even though I am extremly tired of seeing this feud drag on. Hopefully this rivalry ends this Sunday and someone else like begins to challenge Orton. I don't think Cena has been played up to be ready for another championship run. So if Orton loses, I see HHH winning onnnceeee again :huh: .

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
i'd like to see Hardy finally win the title once again, but I'm also liking the CM Punk heel turn angle. I think WWE will continue to slowly do this, so CM punk will once again find a way to come out of this match victorious.
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
- Jericho & Partner to retain, and like has already been mentioned, I think it'll be DiBiase turning on Rhodes like he did to Holly last year.

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
- Don't care, but I'll go with Maryse after a distraction from Miz.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
- Don't care again, but I'll go with Melina because she's hispanic and she's on Smackdown.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- Big Show to win this one and go on to Feud with Mark Henry for the title. Swagger to join Legacy to replace DiBiase.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
- Mysterio will retain, I like Ziggler but he's not ready yet. And besides, for the past few weeks it's just been Ziggler beating up on Mysterio, cant have Rey lose after that.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
- Christian because his theme song rocks. That or Kozlov comes out and it's a double DQ.

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- Orton will NOT retain, I can see him losing, DiBiase leaving Legacy, thus leaving him reeling and trying to put it all back together by recruiting Swagger or others. I'll go with Cena.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
- Punk retains after some sort of referee incident, giving him the opening to cheapshot Hardy and hit the GTS.
Match 1: Chris Jericho and Mystery Partner vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr.
I foresee someone in legacy turning on the other to team up with Jericho for two reasons:Rhodes did that last to Bob Holly last year, and it would be his thing so to speak and it is needed for Dibiase to break away from Rhodes and Legacy because being a lacky to Orton is getting far to stale.

Match 2: Maryse vs. Mickie James
I honestly couldn't care less about this match. Mickie James hasn't had her patented yearly title run, and it seems she is overdue, so I'll take Mickie in this one.

Match 3: Melina vs. Michelle McCool
Again, I really don't care about this match, but I'll go with McCool because she hasn't had the title too long.

Match 4: US Title Bout
This is a tough one, because I can legitimately see any one of these six winning the title. But I'm going to go with The Big Show winning, not only to make him happy, but to give him more flexibility with feuds and what not.

Match 5: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dolph Ziggler
I expect a really back and forth match here, with Mysterio barely getting the win. But I'm pretty sure that Ziggler will get the title On SmackDown in the next 3-4 weeks.

Match 6: Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer
Dreamer drops the belt in Philly the birthplace of ECW because he will retire and become a road agent or work another odd job with the WWE. Not rumored but I have a gut feeling.

Match 7: CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
The short title reigns are a thing of the past. CM Punk retains here to give some prestige to the belt.

Match 8: HHH vs. John Cena vs Randy Orton
Orton doesn't retain here. Legacy will crumble, his head won't be in the right place, he will succumb to the voices. I don't know who he'll lose it to, but if I had to guess, it'd be Cena.
Chris Jericho and Mystery Partner vs Legacy- I give this to Jericho and his partner which I think will be Chris Masters, Ted DiBiase, CM Punk, or Ziggler, I think they will do here what they would have done if it was Edge

US Title- I see Big Show with it to build on a new and improved Big Show, only others I see winning are Swagger and Miz btu I dought Kofi will retain

Mysterio vs Ziggler - respect Zigglers talent, btu i dont like him or Rey, I bet Zig wins maybe walks out with 2 belts???Tag Team gold???

Divas Title Yawn- Mickie with more Trish Stratus moves

Womens- Yawn- McCool

ECW- Dreamer cause there in Philly, UNLESS they plan on turning Christian uber Heel but they have only a few faces

World Title- If Jeff is staying then Jeff, if he isnt then Punk, if still undecided, then Punk

WWE- SO STUPID, Cena winning to push a Triple H- Randy Orton #13647823749 in a Hell in the Cell this time, Cena goes to be Superman again and all the 10 year old, teen girls and old men are saved, yeppy..NOT

I give this line up/ PPV a 5.5/10
Tag Belts- Jericho will reatain belts(his partner is Christian)
U.S.- Belt-Kofi or carlito, unless Big Show dosnt look like a Big Dissapoinment
I.C.- Ziggler Wins (Rey gets Belt back at SummerSlam)
ECW- Dreamer wins(i dont know why its ECW who really cares)
Smackdown- Jeff Hardy (only because they lost edge, and need people to stay, if not he'll win at SummerSlam)
RAW- Orton Maybe. again a big pay-per-view like Summerslam is next, he'll lose it then
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
- I think Jericho will pick Christian to be his partner. Former partners and rivals. Imagine what will happen when Edge comes backs and his "brother" will be with his rival Jericho
Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
-Hopefully Mickie over Maryse
Tired of Maryse

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
Hope for Melina
Tired of McCool

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- Either MVP or Swagger. They will be feuding anyways, give them something to feud for. Elevates the two of them by fighting for a title.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
-Ziggler All the way:D

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
Prob Dreamer so Christian can be the Tag Champ

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- Cena
tired of Orton and HHH for the gold

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy

i really dont like either but it will prob be Punk.
Here's what I think:

1. Jericho and Mystery Partner vs Legacy: Jericho and mystery partner will retain. The "Randy Orton" twist would be exciting to see!

2. Maryse vs Mickie James: Mickie James wins by DQ. I hope they build on this feud.

3. Michelle McCool vs Melina: I don't think much of Michelle McCool's wrestling. I'd like to see Melina win and feud with Natalya and have some legit female wrestling happen on SD.

4. Kofi vs Miz vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs Show: My money's on Swagger. I love to hate this guy and I think it will help to put a strap on him. Have him carry it and defend it for a long time.

5. Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler: Rey wins by DQ.

6. Tommy Dreamer vs Christian: Dreamer deserves to win and win clean. I'm tired of seeing this guy job.

7. Randy Orton vs HHH vs John Cena: Cena wins and Triple H attacks Cena after the match to turn him heel.

8. CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy: Hardy wins by DQ.
Match 1: Chris Jericho and Mystery Partner vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr.
I really don't see DiBiase turning on Rhodes here per-se. When Rhodes did that to Holly he was going from face to heel. If DiBiase (or Rhodes) did that here AND he and Jericho won then they'd be going from heel to...well, heel. I do think that Jericho and ??? will win as they're hyping it up too much not to have that happen, but I do like someone's idea of a returning Christ Masters. This could lead to the breakup of Legacy, leading either DiBiase to a face turn or both him and Rhodes, leading to a Priceless face turn against Orton.

Match 2: Maryse vs. Mickie James
Um...Mickie. Why? Don't know.

Match 3: Melina vs. Michelle McCool
I'll go with Michelle here. Why? Again, don't know.

Match 4: US Title Bout
Kinda surprised Bourne's not in this match. Anywho, I'd like to see Kofi retain and get a nice long reign with the title, at least until Survivor Series and get a feud built up with someone other than Big Show.

Match 5: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dolph Ziggler
I see Mysterio retaining here but continuing the feud with Ziggler and have Ziggler get the title within the next few months.

Match 6: Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer
I'd like to see Dreamer keep the title here. If he's going to drop it I'd rather have him do it in a big match at Summerslam, maybe a Ladder Match (we've seen what Edge can do one on one, why not Christian).

Match 7: CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
Regardless of whether or not Jeff resigns, I see Punk winning here and stopping the new tradition of short reigns.

Match 8: HHH vs. John Cena vs Randy Orton
I forsee Cena for two reasons. First, if Dibiase and Rhodes lose the tag title match it could begin the breakup of Legacy and Orton's mind won't be in the right place. Second, as much as I don't mind Triple H I REALLY don't want to see him be champ again. Granted I'd rather see anyone other than Trips, Orton, Cena, or Batista (yeah, I know he's injured) as champ but at this point I'll take Cena.
These aren’t predictions, but more like what I would like to see happen at Night Of Champions.

WWE – Triple H – with a Cena Heel turn.

World – Jeff Hardy – with a surprising assist from Matt and a Face Turn.

ECW – Tommy Dreamer – he can’t possibly lose with “Home Field” advantage.

Intercontinental – Dolph Ziggler – it’s time.

United States – The Miz – it’s time, but if not the Miz, I say, Jack Swagger.

Tag Team – Chris Jericho with either Randy Orton or Christian as his partner, hence the losses in their respective matches.

Women’s – Mickie – with a mistake from the Miz, making her the second WWE Superstar to hold the Women’s and Divas Title.

Divas – Melina – Just because, but if Michelle does retain, I would like to see a Unification match at Summerslam to put an end to this $#!+.
Tag Title match - It's gotta be Jericho. Legacy haven't been chasing for long enough. Unless Jericho teams with a wrestler who's about to go through a huge face push, in which case Jericho could lose, turn on his partner and enter a feud. But I honestly don't know who would fit that bill at the moment.

Could not care less about Divas title or Women's title.

US title match - It's gotta stay with Kofi or go to Miz. Kofi hasn't had a good enough reign. They should let Kofi win so the US title isn't overshadowed by the IC title. Miz needs a big win soon to justify why he was in that feud with Cena. So yeah, Kofi or Miz. Probably Kofi though.

IC title match - Mysterio. All the way. Dolph will win it eventually, but Rey has to retain once I think. If Dolph wins and the feud continues, it'll look like Rey's feud with Jericho all over again. So Rey to retain here. Dolph will get it eventually, when the feud has its blow-off match.

ECW title match- Gotta go with Dreamer on this one. The PPV is in Philadelphia, the homeland of ECW. There should be a good few old ECW fans there, and it will not go down well if Dreamer loses. So I think Dreamer will win here, but lose the rematch which will possibly be on tv some time next month.

WWE title match - Orton. Triple H and Cena will take each other out, Orton will capitalise. If it's anything like Wrestlemania 24, should be a decent match. And again, Orton will retain.

World title match - Punk. Dear God, let it be Punk. Punk is finally getting over as a main event player and a champion. He needs to keep that going with a clean(ish) win over Hardy. I'm guessing pinfall by rollup with a handful of tights. But Hardy might win. WWE has done alot of stupid crap with Punk in the past, wouldn't surprise me if they added Hardy beating Punk at NOC to the list. But I'm gonna be optimistic here and Punk will win.
Tag Title Match - This is really the only match I'm interested in, to see who Jericho's mystery partner is. Its probably going to suck ass, but I'm really hoping for the return of Taker as the mystery partner. They could have Jericho tag himself in when Taker's about to win the match, causing Taker to chokeslam Jericho costing them the belts, which then sets up a Jericho/Taker match at Summerslam. My prediction is Legacy wins.

Also I think its too early to have Ted jump ship, and when Ted does jump ship it won't be to help the other top heel in the company, he needs to turn face.

Divas - Maryse

Woman's - McCool

US Championship - Kofi, I just see this as a way to try to build Kofi up as a stronger champion by winning against 5 others. Then he can battle Show again 1 on 1 and some how beat him. I hate Kofi.

IC - Rey retains. Ziggler has been beating him up too much of late, and the WWE sucks at building up younger stars, so why give Ziggler a belt.

ECW - Dreamer, its too early to have him lose it, and they are just giving Christian the one more rematch like they gave to Swagger before Christian moves onto another meaningless feud. Why didn't Christian move during the trade? Oh yeah its because Vince is an idiot, why move somebody who is over, when you can have someone like CM Punk who is barely over for shit be champion.

WWE title - Orton retains, Orton/HHH continues to Summerslam.

WHC - Punk retains, even if Hardy re-signed its too early to have Punk lose the belt, he needs to beat somebody other then Hardy to prove he's a worthy champion.

The only belt I see changing hands is the tag belts so Jericho can go back to singles competition.
Tag titles Jericho and his partner will win for legacy it's to early.

US Title The Miz will win so mark henry can feud with him.

IC title Mysterio takes it this feud should and will be good so they'll hold of zigglers win.

Divas title Mickie wins

Womens title Michelle retains

ECW title I like Dreamer to retain.

World Heavyweight Title match I'm going to go with Punk as he needs this win to keep momentum towards his heel turn.

WWE Title Orton will retain and dibiase is not turning on him yet get over it.
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
-From the hype of Jericho's mystery partner I think that Jericho and his partner will retain.

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
- This one could go either way.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
- I can better picture Melina walking away as champion.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
-Either Carlito or Swagger.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
- It's to early for Ziggler to get this big of a victory especially over Mysterio. Rey Mysterio retains.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
- Good match, but Christian in the end

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- Think about it Orton's not gonna win the triple threat match for the second time in a row. I think it is between HHH and John Cena. John Cena will come out with the victory though.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
- Jeff Hardy.
Tag Team- I feel it might be a stretch but here's a rabbit out of the hat...Jericho says this guy speaks the truth and I see a huge move for Santino Marella or maybe it is just wishful thinking...Legacy will lose either way. Right now Jericho needs to wrestle on all 3 shows for ratings purposes esp. For RAWS sake

Maryse will retain against Mickie via dq that will lead to Beth Phoenix coming out to return to dominance burying Mickie. This will enable Gail Kim to save/join leading to a Fatal 4 way at SummerSlam

Kofi will get hit with the Backstabber then Primo will interfere causing the Miz to escape with the Gold with a quick pin on Kofi...great build up to this match

Melina beats McCool to avenge last loss in a shit match

Dreamer will retain that will lead to an after Match heel turn for Christian assaulting Tommy then winning the title at SS..they will give dreamer another month with title...Huge dreamer mark and I will be at event we all from Philly to see him lose

Orton should retain but I feel Cena will get the nod.

CM Punk will retain in what will be an epic Match...they are setting up Punk/Morrison for a nice fued

I am attending this PPV so it hopefully will be predictions...
Tag Match: Jericho will lose the belts, and more than likely go on to feud with his partner, blaming him for the loss

Divas' Title: They've been building Mickie for awhile, so I expect her to win. If Maryse does retain, it'll be a dirty finish

Women's Title: I guess McCool will win, just because there has been no build for this match at all

U.S. Title: I'll say Kofi, just because I feel like they want him to hold the title for a long time. If Kofi loses, however, I fully expect Big Show to take it.

IC Title: Dolph won't win on his first try, but he will look like gold in this match. This will hopefully lead to a feud going into SummerSlam where Ziggler will win there.

E-See-Dub: I expect Tommy to retain. There would be a borderline riot on their hands if Christian beats Dreamer, and they don't want that reaction if the top face on ECW wins the title.

World Heavyweight Title: CM Punk retains. Hardy is more than likely on his way out, and if he does leave, they don't want him to have the belt. If he ends up resigning or already has, I would think they would have him win on the big show (SummerSlam).

WWE Title: Either Orton or Cena, but I'm leaning towards Orton. Either way, this leads to a blow-off match between Orton and Trips at SS. Triple H won't win because that is almost a new beginning to the feud, meaning no blow-off match at SummerSlam.
I still think because this is Night of Champions, all the current Champions will retain their titles, seeing as almost every major title just changed hands a PPV or two ago.
I'd predict:-

WWE Title: HHH probably. I'm guessing that Orton wasn't supposed to be the champ at this point, since Batista beat him, so as much as i'd like Orton to retain, i'm guessing HHH will get #14 to complete his revenge.

World: I honestly see Punk retaining. Not by actually beating Hardy, but by getting DQ'd or some shit.

Tag titles: I say Jericho and Kane will lose to Legacy. Forget Legacy not chasing it long enough, because that's irrelevant in modern WWE. People win titles in their debut matches these days, so what's chasing a title got to do with it? Kane will be the partner, and as he's signalling for a chokeslam, Khali will interfere, and either it'll end in DQ, or Jericho will get abandoned and lose the match. If we had more info on what's going to happen with Jericho and Edge now, i'd say JEricho and Kane will win, so that Jericho can bang on about how Kane is such a better partner than Edge for the next 6 or 7 months, so they can fued on Edge's return. But since we don't know, it's hard to tell.

IC title: I think Ziggler will probably lose this match and then he'll win it in a rematch, plus it'd be nice to see Rey hold that title for more than 30 days this time around, so i say Rey wins.

US title: This one's tougher to guess. You've got 3 fueds going on which could easily be elevated with the US title being involved, with Show/Kofi being the only exception. WWE doesn't seem to want to do anything of merit with either of the Colons so i'm going to say either MVP or Swagger will win, or Kofi will miraculously retain.

ECW title: I'm shocked that Dreamer is STILL the champ now, and WWE have no bones about having guys lose in their hometown, so i don't see why they'd have him win JUST because it's in Philly. They probably think it'd be as if his career went full circle by losing his title/final match in front of a crowd that made him famous in the first place. So i'll go with Captain Charisma.

Women's: I'm going to have to go with McCool as well. Alicia Fox will get involved and that'll be that. Melina doesn't have Kelly Kelly or Mickie to run down and help her out anymore so that's that.

Divas: Mickie will probably win, but i can see Beth Phoenix popping up out of nowhere to cost her the match. She hasn't been around lately and would probably want to crush Maryse for the title as opposed to having an actual challenge against Mickie.

We usually have at least 3 or 4 title changes at NOC and of my guesses, WWE, US and Divas titles are the ones i think will definitely change hands. The others are difficult to tell.
Divas' Championship:
Contrary to most, I believe Maryse is going to retain. WWE hasn't been pushing mickie that hard lately like an upcoming champion would. Perhaps, Maryse and Mickie will have a rematch, and then she may loose.

US Title, six pack challenge:
There's multiple possibilities here, but I'm leaning mostly towards Kofi retaining. Realistically, anyone can win this. I will be interested in the results.

IC Title:
I think Rey Mysterio's going to win, but make Ziggler get in a decent amount of offense and make him look legible.

ECW Title:
Tommy Dreamer will win this one, in part because it's in an enviornment that favors him, and in part becasue I think he isn't fully done with the title in regards to future feuds.

Both Michelle and Melina are two good women wrestlers at this day in age, and I think Michelle will retain. Melina, like Mickie, doesn't seem to be getting the push that you'd think an on coming champion would get.

Unified Tag Titles:
I think Legacy will defeat Jericho and presumeably Kane, as I don't see them being a good team togather and I think it's time for him to loose them to a legit tag team so he can go back on SD!'s main event, because they sorely need all main eventers.

WWE Title:
I think HHH, Cena, and Orton all have a pretty good chance at winning. I'll choose, John Cena for the sheer fact that he's not held it in quite awhile, whereas Triple H is a recent champ.

CM Punk should win, becasue Jeff still ha sthe possibility of potentially leaving, instead of signing another contract. Likely, a via DQ.

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