General Night of Champions Discussion


Celtic Warrior
Last year's NOC was leaps and bounds better than SummerSlam. The matchups were more exciting, the finishes more dramatic, and even the backstage segments were entertaining. With all of the gimmick PPV's that WWE has produced over the last couple years, NOC has definitly been the best. They have even moved it to GAB's old slot and I think they did because they are trying to make NOC the premier summer event thus it is now in the middle of the season. I used to look at SS as the 2nd best, but with the exception of 07, they haven't been all that great since 2002 Anyone agree/disagree, or do you think that for the second year in a row NOC will be better than SS?
While Summerslam was a drag last year, I don't think that NOC was much better, and even if it was , it wasn't anything to get excited over.

It all depends on how the storylines go. If they decide to bring Adamle back, the both will be just awful, full of Adale originals (God help us). NOC won't be anthing special
I am looking forward greatly to Night of Champions (not at all because I have private box seats to the event) because it's a fresh idea to have every title defended. I'm not saying every title is gonna be a great match, but the Women's Title hasn't been defended at a PPV since the rumble, the tag titles haven't been defended at a PPV since Cyber Sunday (Wrestlemania shouldn't count b/c it was the dark match, which is I still think is bullshit, I would have preferred that over over Ms. Wrestlemania after seeing it) It's also a guarantee of at least 8 matches, which is pretty good for PPV's as of late.
summerslam has really been lacking quality after 2006 but none of those matches were stellar. NOC is good cuase u see belts that realy dont make ppvs anymore like tag titles an midcard belts
Is anyone other than me getting the impression that Jericho will eventually get the strap off of Rey (if not tonight at JD then by ER) and will lead to a match with Edge at NOC with both titles on the line and the winner will be able to claim that SD is HIS show....getting that from each of them now coming out a couple of times claiming that the show is his.
Woah woah woah woah woah.

How on Earth was NOC better than Summerslam last year?

In Night of Champions...we had an event that will be remembered for a nostalgic Lion Tamer sighting, as well as an ok Triple H v. Cena Mania 22 rematch. event where each match was entertaining, notably a far better than expected Batista v. Cena well as the best HIAC match since the original.


Night of Champions '09 will likely be a the summer PPV lineup is far too crowded. There will be rushed feuds and/or feuds of which we have seen too much.
Big Ricky Style:

Have you ever seen a HIAC match? There are at least ten that were better than the Taker/Edge one at SS including DX vs. The McMahons and Big Show.

I attended SS last year and aside from Cena/Batista being DECENTthat card sucked. HHH/Cena from NOC was a million times better
Big Ricky Style:

Have you ever seen a HIAC match? There are at least ten that were better than the Taker/Edge one at SS including DX vs. The McMahons and Big Show.

I attended SS last year and aside from Cena/Batista being DECENTthat card sucked. HHH/Cena from NOC was a million times better


I was at SS too and i thought it was awesome!!! Hardy vs MVP was dece, Batista vs. Cena was pretty good and HIAC was f*cking awesome!!! DX vs Big Slow and McMahons sucked!!!
Welp, im gonna be there live, so, highly vested personal interest in the development of the show. As of right now, im thinking

Triple H Vs Cena Vs Orton for The WWE title.

Im thinking that Legacy will have a run in on RAW, as part of a plan for Orton to not have to defend the title at all. The super kewl guest host (or Vince) then announces "no fuck that, Orton will now defend in a triple threat match" and away we go.

Jack Swagger Vs Kofi Kingston

I mean, cmon. "The All American American US Champion" practically writes itself. Kofi beat all the rest of the division in one match last month, so I feel like its brutally obvious that itll be him and Swagger for the belt here.

Rey Rey Mastrio Vs Dolph Ziggler

ok, so this may be more or less wishfull thinking, but id say its realisitc. Ziggler just got done with the Kahli feud, Rey is dont with the Jericho program, there really isnt much else for either man, besides this feud. Its just the next logical progression for each guy, in my eyes...
Regardless of what happens, I just want to see more Title changes, if not, all Challengers walking out of my City as Champions. On second thought, the only Champs I would like to see retain would be Jericho and Edge. I think the WWE could really use these two in the Tag Division for the meantime.
I think WWE should have every champion defend their titles successfully. Why? Because there is a title change or three at every PPV currently. If WWE want to make us think it is a challenge to take the belts off a champion have every champion keep their belts (through DQ if needs be) just to show how hard it is to win a belt. Then at Summerslam they can go crazy and switch them all around if they must.
In my opinion, I feel that Night of Champions 2007 and 2008 would have benefitted with more title changes, as opposed to this year's Night of Champions. With Night of Champions 2009 being in my hometown of Philadelphia, I really hope that reading the results will put a smile on my face, something that didn't really happen in past years. Titles have changes quite frequently already, so too many title changes at this ppv this year would be corny. Last year, we had three title changes. Mark Henry winning the ECW Championship from Kane, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes winning the World Tag Team Championship from Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly, and Kofi Kingston winning the Intercontinental Championship from Chris Jericho. WWE could have surprised us with more title changes, but they didn't.

At Night of Champions 2007, we had one title change and one vacant championship. Candice Michelle won the Women's Championship from Melina and Johnny Nitro (should have been Chris Benoit) winning the vacant E.C.W. Championship against C.M. Punk. Jimmy Wang should have won the Cruiserweight Championship from Chavo Guerrero, Ric Flair should have won the U.S. Championship from M.V.P., even if it was for a short time, and WWE still could have surprised us with more title changes.

This years Night of Champions is a bit interesting. Each title has changes hand quite a bit overthe past several months, which was not the case during the other two ppvs. Jeff Hardy should finally win the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions, but with his contract likely not being renewed, it most likely won't happen. Randy Orton should retain the WWE Championship, because I'm sick of seeing HHH end Randy Orton's title reigns and Cena can win the title at a later ppv. Depending on who Tommy Dreamer defends against, he should retain. If he defends against Christian, then Christian should regain... if it's anyone else, Dreamer should retain.

Rey Mysterio just won the Intercontinental Championship at the previous ppv, so losing it would be stupid. Kofi Kingston is a great United States Champion, who defends his title against all odds, so he should retain. Edge and Chris Jericho need the Unified Tag Team Championships to boost their ego, while Legacy need the titles to add to their 'legacy'. I could see this match going either way, but I prefer Edge and Jericho to retain. Michelle McCool just won the Womens Championship, so it's very likely that she'll be champ for quite a while. As for the the Diva's Championship... I LOVE both Mickie and Maryse, so I'll be happy either way, so I don't really care about the result.

WWE could have all the titles change hands, but I wouldn't like it. Let the champs have long, meaningful title reigns. If I had to pick one title to change hands, I would say change the World Heavyweight Championship.
i hope vince starts to create new faces of the WWE. i really wanted to see morrison somehow get involved with cm punk's world title. i mean c'mon. morrison got attacked by miz and just let it go? man do something to get back at punk. i personally think this would be great to replace jeff with morrison. (if jeff doesn't resign)
we could have punk vs morrison vs hardy. whoevers pinned, is fired from wwe. let punk pin hardy and boom! hardy's gone. brings alot of heat to punk and morrison still in the scene.

as for the rest of the card. legacy vs team ego?
PRICELESS. main eventers vs rising stars. i think this will be the point where dibiase turns face. its also bringing prestige back to the tag titles. very good planning

as for cena? about the man who was simply awesome against him at the last draft?
i think it would be great to bring him into the big picture. it could be a number one contenders match for the wwe title.

no suprise its orton vs trip..

kingston vs evan bourne?
could be a great moment to push either or both..but i do imagine it will be the miz. face vs face just isn't that good to me. good oppurtunity for miz.

Mysterio vs Ziggler
ziggler has been pretty impressive. so let him keep drawing heat, he doesn't have to win, but it could still keep him movin'

womens and divas?
i, personally would have
mccool vs mickie james vs maryse vs melina
just to combine the two or maybe have a type of match like at wm2000.
first fall for womens, second for divas..
hey, that'd be kinda interestin'
I haven't read any spoilers, so these may be wrong, but this is what I think we'll end up getting...

WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. HHH
--Unfortunately. Legacy will probably come down and cause a DQ so Cena loses and HHH gets the victory. Or they do a triple threat and end up with no possibilities for the main event at WrestleMania, as it was looking like it would be Cena/Orton, but if they start doing that now, I'm not going to want to see it then. Maybe they're thinking Cena/Batista for WrestleMania? Idk. No matter what the outcome of this #1 contender's match, whether its Cena/Orton or HHH/Orton or Cena/HHH/Orton, I don't really have any interest in it. HOWEVER, I'd much rather see HHH get away from Orton and start feuding with someone like Jack Swagger than to see this feud continue. It needs to end, right now, and that's not an exaggeration. We can't keep up with this Triple H vs Orton shit.

World Heavyweight Championship:CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
--Rematch since the last one ended with a DQ and I don't think they'll push Morrison to the main event for a few more months, possibly by having him as the sole survivor on his team at Survivor Series and pushing him from there. Punk retains.

ECW Championship: Tommy Dreamer vs. Vladimir Kozlov
--I don't want to see Kozlov/Dreamer. Please don't do Kozlov/Dreamer. Fire Kozlov instead. The guy sucks ass, has always sucked ass, and always will as he has shown that he's not improving whatsoever. They hire this guy for what purpose? To have him beat jobbers with the same match over and over for 2 years? Waste. Most likely, they'll have Kozlov against Dreamer with Tommy losing the title and Vladimir getting a completely undeserved title reign as opposed to a completely deserved pink slip. I would even rather see Regal be champion than Kozlov, and that's saying a lot, cause I think Regal is massively overrated.

Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler
--Can't see Kidd or Smith jumping that far this quick. Knox has been missing. Hardy is injured or something, right? So since Mysterio and Ziggler are done their feuds, they should definitely have a match together, and if they do, I'll be looking forward to it. I think they could have a good match.

United States Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger/The Miz
--Either way, Kofi is losing it I think. I think its more likely that Swagger will challenge for it and Miz will get into a feud with MVP, but its tough to call. Swagger was supposedly going to take the ECW title at The Bash, so maybe instead, they're going to give him the US title?

Tag Team Championship: Edge & Chris Jericho vs. ???
--Do they throw away a title shot and give it to Cryme Tyme? Do they go with the newcomers in The Hart Dynasty? Does Legacy get a shot? The Colons having a second rematch? Idk. Too early to tell.

Women's Championship: Maryse vs. Mickie James
--Only confirmed one, lol. Maryse retains.
I think Night of Champions will be very good this year. The card is shaping up to be pretty fresh and new when it comes to the people on the card. Here's what I think the NOC 2009 card will look like.

WWE Championship - Triple Threat: Randy Orton (C) vs Triple H vs John Cena
All I have to say about this match least it's not another one-on-one match between Orton and Triple H. Honestly though, I see this match being just like Wrestlemania 24. Orton screws Cena or HHH after they hit their finisher and Orton gets the pin to retain.

World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk(C) vs Jeff Hardy
This match should be very good. I see this match ending in some sort of fashion that makes Punk look a little more heel than he already does. This match will probably end with Jeff Hardy getting the win via DQ or CO.

ECW Championship: Tommy Dreamer (C) vs Christian
This match will be interesting. They have worked as tag team partners and can't get along in order to win the match. Personally, I see a run in by Regal and/or Vladimir Kozlov. This would allow Dreamer to get the quick roll-up victory over Christian, retaining the title.

Intercontinental Championship: Rey Msyterio (C) vs Dolph Ziggler
I think Dolph Ziggler will challenge Rey during SD! and this will set up a short feud to boosy Zoggler a little bit more. Obviously Mysterio would retain in this match but, Dolph could make it seem like he could have actually won, making him look a little more legit.

United States Championship: Kofi Kingston (C) vs The Miz
I would have put Evan Bourne instead of The Miz but, I couldn't see them doing a face vs face match. I think The Miz will throw himself into the match by attacking Kofi after his match(es) and then saying he wanrs a US Title shot.

Unified Tag Teams Championships: Edge and Jericho (C) vs Legacy
I am very happy that WWE is finally starting to do something with the tag division, even if it is only for a little while. This match should be pretty good. I like matches were it is veterans vs still pretty green. Edge and Jericho will pick up the victory but, with some wort of contreversy between them.

Divas Championship: Maryse (C) vs Mickie James
I think Mickie will take the Dova's Title off of Maryse because Maryse has held the title for quite some time now.

Women's Championship: Michelle McCool (C) vs Melina
I think this match will be used to make McCool look even more dominant as the Women's Champion.

Overall, this card looks pretty good. At least we will for syre see some fresh new matches.
With the talk of “There are too many Titles that are not being used right” vs. “We need to bring back some Titles”, I pose this “What if??”

What if the WWE decide to Unify and consolidate all of their Titles at this years Night of Champions?? This would not only determine who actually is the best within their respective ranks, it would also make room for other “specialty” Titles. Of course this would only work if the Champions are free to go to any Show.

As of right now, we would see:

WWE / World / ECW Unification Title Match
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. Tommy Dreamer

Intercontinental / United States Unification Title Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston

Women’s / Divas Unification Title Match
Michelle McCool vs. Maryse

Of course there would have to be at least 4 more matches for the undercard with one being the WWE / World Tag Team Title Match.

Here’s the part for the other side of the argument. The 3 other undercard matches could be for the European, Hardcore, and Light Heavyweight / Cruiserweight (pick one) Titles.

I could see a Tournament for the European Title weeks leading to the PPV with the Finals at NOC, a Hardcore Battle Royal, or something to that effect, at the PPV, and maybe an 8 man Ladder Match for WWE’s X Title.

Anyway, I pick Cena, Hardy and Christian to walk out with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes, respectfully.
With the talk of “There are too many Titles that are not being used right” vs. “We need to bring back some Titles”, I pose this “What if??”

What if the WWE decide to Unify and consolidate all of their Titles at this years Night of Champions?? This would not only determine who actually is the best within their respective ranks, it would also make room for other “specialty” Titles. Of course this would only work if the Champions are free to go to any Show.

As of right now, we would see:

WWE / World / ECW Unification Title Match
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. Tommy Dreamer

Intercontinental / United States Unification Title Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston

Women’s / Divas Unification Title Match
Michelle McCool vs. Maryse

Of course there would have to be at least 4 more matches for the undercard with one being the WWE / World Tag Team Title Match.

Here’s the part for the other side of the argument. The 3 other undercard matches could be for the European, Hardcore, and Light Heavyweight / Cruiserweight (pick one) Titles.

I could see a Tournament for the European Title weeks leading to the PPV with the Finals at NOC, a Hardcore Battle Royal, or something to that effect, at the PPV, and maybe an 8 man Ladder Match for WWE’s X Title.

Anyway, I pick Cena, Hardy and Christian to walk out with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes, respectfully.

First of all... I'm not sure the official thread is the place for such a 'what if', considering it is something that clearly not going to happen. But here's why:

1) You propose to unify the three world titles into one. Not going to happen. The champ will not do three shows plus travelling, nor will the WWE have two of three shows without a champion.

2) You want to unify the mid card titles, and replace them with... worse mid-card titles? Why? That doesn't really serve a purpose. In fact, it just confuses everyone to the point that they don't care.

As for the actual NOC... I haven't read spoilers, so I'm going to hold off comments until I see the second batch of shows they taped but it has potential. It's just too bad that Edge is legit injured, that match had potential to be a show stealer.
I think Legacy should be banned from ringside, how long has it been since we saw Orton actually defend the title by himself without the need of a steel cage.

Orton could actually pull off a decent title defence by himself & its about time WWE creative came up with somat else, because Legacy's constant inteference is getting so lame & boring, as its not a case of IF Legacy intefere, its when.
First of all... I'm not sure the official thread is the place for such a 'what if', considering it is something that clearly not going to happen. But here's why:

1) You propose to unify the three world titles into one. Not going to happen. The champ will not do three shows plus travelling, nor will the WWE have two of three shows without a champion.

2) You want to unify the mid card titles, and replace them with... worse mid-card titles? Why? That doesn't really serve a purpose. In fact, it just confuses everyone to the point that they don't care.

As for the actual NOC... I haven't read spoilers, so I'm going to hold off comments until I see the second batch of shows they taped but it has potential. It's just too bad that Edge is legit injured, that match had potential to be a show stealer.

I know this isn’t the place for a What if, but this is the Night Of Champions General Discussion thread, so let’s discuss it.

To counter your points,

1. The Champ doesn’t have to travel between 3 shows. ECW is taped with Smackdown, but that’s not the point I was making. Having one World Champ for all three shows could be done one storyline at a time. Let’s take HHH for example. Let’s say he’s Champ and finishes his feud with Orton. After that feud, he can then go to Smackdown or ECW for that matter and feud with someone there and then back to Raw after that. It’s really simple and has been done before for a few months. Check out my sig for proof.

2. Unifying the current Mid – Card Titles does two things, removes the redundancy of 2 2nd place Titles, and makes room for a 3rd, 4th, and even 5th place Title (This of course if you also remove the Big Gold from the Blue Show and the Big Platinum from the Black Show as well. My Title lineup is less confusing that the current one and has been a good formula in the past.
I know this isn’t the place for a What if, but this is the Night Of Champions General Discussion thread, so let’s discuss it.

To counter your points,

1. The Champ doesn’t have to travel between 3 shows. ECW is taped with Smackdown, but that’s not the point I was making. Having one World Champ for all three shows could be done one storyline at a time. Let’s take HHH for example. Let’s say he’s Champ and finishes his feud with Orton. After that feud, he can then go to Smackdown or ECW for that matter and feud with someone there and then back to Raw after that. It’s really simple and has been done before for a few months. Check out my sig for proof.

2. Unifying the current Mid – Card Titles does two things, removes the redundancy of 2 2nd place Titles, and makes room for a 3rd, 4th, and even 5th place Title (This of course if you also remove the Big Gold from the Blue Show and the Big Platinum from the Black Show as well. My Title lineup is less confusing that the current one and has been a good formula in the past.

1. I know that's not the point you were making, and in theory your idea sounds great. But that leaves two of three shows without what we would all call a "main event" feud. Now I know this would give more time for mid-card talent and non-title feuds, but Vince obviously likes bringing large feuds and the WHC or WWE title together (example one: HHH and Orton).

2. I can understand the unifying of the two titles if we are following your original plan, but it just degrades the idea of being a champion further in my opinion if we know that there are five belts outside of the tag titles that can be won.

Essentially, what you are calling for is the end of the brand split. The only other way it could work is to create so many new titles that they can be spread over the three shows, and can rotate around for new feuds.

I can see how your ideas COULD work... but I honestly just don't see them happening.

NOC has potential, I just hope we don't see two triple threats (WWE and US). So far I am predicting an Orton win, a Punk win, a Dreamer win by DQ, and a Big Show US Title win. We shall see.
Ok, here we go.

Cena/HHH/Orton. It would make no sense to have HHH win, and it doesn't feel quite like time for another Cena title reign, much as that would be fun. Orton retains, he works better as champ anyway.

Punk/Hardy. Lord, this is a hard one to pick. It seems as though Hardy might have resigned, and if he has, there's a decent chance they'll chuck him a title reign as a "thank you". It would kill Punk's momentum, though, and would probably push him into outright heel territory. I reckon he retains again, unfairly, as his current tweener status begins to slowly turn. IMO this is leading up to a Triple Threat at SummerSlam with Punk, Hardy, and Morrison. Another reason, incidentally, why I don't think Hardy wins, because if he did, the next logical contender would be Morrison, and they surely don't want that feud to happen.

Jericho vs Legacy. Dear me, Lord knows. Either way I can't see Legacy winning. As to the partner? It really should be Miz - imagine how awesome it would be if he won with Jericho, won the US title, and Maryse retained the Divas?

US title clusterfuck. It would kill MVP's career to win this one. Better hope he doesn't. kofi is bland and generic. Big Show is terrible. Ditto Carlito. That leaves Miz and Swagger. Miz would be the better pick, as Swagger is almost above the US belt right now anyway, but since I'm picking him to be Jericho's partner, Swagger is my prediction for this one.

Dreamer/Christian. Hard to see Dreamer retaining unless there's some kind of interference, which there might well be (Finlay?).

Ziggler/Mysterio. Ah, almost forgot about this one. Silly of me, as the buildup has been quite good. Ziggler is one hell of a talent. Very agile in the ring, great heelish facial expressions, fantastic body, good on the stick. Here's to hoping he whales Mysterio's sorry ass. I reckon he'll lose, though, but only after looking like a million dollars for most of the match.

Maryse vs Mickie. Maryse, please. Because she's awesome, and her coming out with Miz and them having 3 belts between them would be a wonderful throwback to the Edge/Lita days.
I want to know what everyone thinks is gonna happen at Night of Champions this Sunday. Here is what I think is gonna happen.

Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
- Okay I want to say that I think Jericho's partner will either be Charlie Haas or The Brian Kendrick because both have real good tag team background. But besides that, I see Jericho and his partner retaining the tag team titles.

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
- This match should be really good because we got 2 females who can really wrestle good and I predict that Maryse will hold on to the championship in the end.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
- Another good female match, I predict the champion to retain her title in this match up.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- Okay, I don't see Kingston or Show winning the title. Carlito, Swagger, or the Miz I see might be winning the title.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
- I like Mysterio and all and I wish I could say he would be retaining his title, but I don't see that happening as Dolph Ziggler is talented on the mic and he has somewhat good wrestling too. Except Ziggler to win this one.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
- This match I think could go either way, it's hard to tell.

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- Hopefully either Orton or Cena win because I don't want to have HHH to win the title and try to beat Ric Flair's number of titles. This match should be really good though, not match of the night, but good.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
- This match should be match of the night here. With this match I think it will go back and forth between Hardy and Punk with Jeff Hardy landing a Twist of Fate and then a Swanton Bomb on Punk for the win.
1. Jericho and Mystery Partner vs Legacy: I think WWE is trying to bring prestige back to the tag belts, so I think Jericho and his partner will retain.

2. Maryse vs Mickie James: I don't really care how this one ends up, but I'm thinking they will have Mickie win this.

3. Michelle McCool vs Melina: Again, the Divas division is rather lackluster leading to me not caring about them. I'm going to guess McCool because I think theyd want a heel champ on one show and a face champ on the other.

4. Kofi vs Miz vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs Show: While I would love Jake Swagger or The Miz to win this as it could help elevate them, I think it's a bit soon for Swagger since he just came to Raw. I'm thinking Kofi might retain solely for the fact that WWE is setting it up to seem that the odds are against him, especially with 4 heels in the match. Look for Primo to get involved to screw Carlito out of the title.

5. Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler is another person on my lists of up-and-comers who have the "it" factor, but I feel it's a bit soon for him to walk away with the belt. Maybe in a month or two, but look for Rey to retain.

6. Tommy Dreamer vs Christian: NOC is in Philly. There will be a riot if Dreamer loses, and the only way he loses is if they want Christian to be a full blown heel. Hell, I'm a fan of Christian, and I'd be pissed if he won.

7. Randy Orton vs HHH vs John Cena: I'm honestly not sure where this is going. I'd lean more towards Cena not winning as to continue the oh-so-long and drawn-out HHH-Orton feud, but who knows. Cena has been much more entertaining on the mic these past few Raws and I wouldn't mind him as champ again.

8. CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy: We're still not 100% positive Hardy resigned so that might come into play. Either way, Punk should win. I love a heel Punk, and having him come up with the win here would help solidify him as a ME heel. Either that or a loss via DQ.
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
- I see Chris Jericho and his partner winning this one. It would just be a huge waste to give the belts to Legacy with all the build up to Jericho's new partner. For his partner, I don't see TBK being it due to his loss on Monday. My pick is the returning, Chris Masters.

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
- I have loved the feud so far. I love Maryse and it would be great if she won and went on to feud with Gail Kim, but I'm thinking Mickie James get's the win here.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
- I've also liked this feud. I don't know who else Michelle McCool could feud with on Smackdown since Natalya is a heel and the other Divas aren't very good. However, with that being said, I find McCool keeping her belt.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- Big Show has been dominant so far, so expect him to loose this match. I also don't think any random superstar will just win this match, so I belive Kofi will retain.

Match 5: I.C Champion Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler
- This feud came rather fast after their respective feuds ended, but this is a very promising match. I think Ziggler wins here to continue this feud.

Match 6: ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer vs Christian
- I have to admit, Dreamer has held the title far longer than I expected. While that is good to see, I think ECW needs a stronger figure carrying the brand and Christian is the right man for it. So, in a good contest, Christian gets the clean win.

Match 7: WWE Champion Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena
- I really don't want to see Triple H champion, yet again. I also don't think Randy Orton has been a strong champ, and a long run would help him. While I wouldn't mind John Cena as champion, I would rather see Orton pick up the win after pinning Triple H clean.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy
- This has been a solid feud between CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. We all know Jeff's time is running up so it all depends on if Jeff signs a new contract or not. If he does, I would think Punk would continue his heel turn. If he doesn't re-sign, I would think Punk would remain face and retain the championship. However, even if Jeff does re-sign before this PPV, I still see Punk keeping the belt.
Match 1: Tag Team Champion Jericho & Mystery Partner vs DiBiase & Rhodes
- Jericho to retain, hopefully with Kendrick.

Match 2: Divas Champion Maryse vs James
I foresee a DQ victory for Maryse, James isn't ready to have the title back yet.

Match 3: Womans Champion McCool vs Melina
- I've barely noticed any build for this and I would say McCool to retain but I expect one of the women's belts to change so I'll go with Melina.

Match 4: U.S Champion Kingston vs Show vs MVP vs Carlito vs Swagger vs The Miz
- It's either Swagger or Miz, the winner will face MVP soonish. I say Swagger, Miz still doesn't have the in-ring credibility to hold the belt.

Match 5: I.C Champion Mysterio vs Ziggler
Ziggler will win but not tonight. Expect this one to continue into Summerslam, unless Rey needs time off for his back, in which case Ziggler will decimate him.

Match 6: ECW Champion Dreamer vs Christian
- Dreamer win, heel turn for Christian, who then joins up with Jericho.

Match 7: WWE Champion Orton vs HHH vs Cena
- As long as it's not HHH I'll be happy. I want Cena/Orton at Summerslam, what we'll get is HHH/Cena.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Champion Punk vs Hardy
- Punk absolutely should not lose, not only is he doing a great job but Jeff Hardy is crap.

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