Ok, here we go.
Cena/HHH/Orton. It would make no sense to have HHH win, and it doesn't feel quite like time for another Cena title reign, much as that would be fun. Orton retains, he works better as champ anyway.
Punk/Hardy. Lord, this is a hard one to pick. It seems as though Hardy might have resigned, and if he has, there's a decent chance they'll chuck him a title reign as a "thank you". It would kill Punk's momentum, though, and would probably push him into outright heel territory. I reckon he retains again, unfairly, as his current tweener status begins to slowly turn. IMO this is leading up to a Triple Threat at SummerSlam with Punk, Hardy, and Morrison. Another reason, incidentally, why I don't think Hardy wins, because if he did, the next logical contender would be Morrison, and they surely don't want that feud to happen.
Jericho vs Legacy. Dear me, Lord knows. Either way I can't see Legacy winning. As to the partner? It really should be Miz - imagine how awesome it would be if he won with Jericho, won the US title, and Maryse retained the Divas?
US title clusterfuck. It would kill MVP's career to win this one. Better hope he doesn't. kofi is bland and generic. Big Show is terrible. Ditto Carlito. That leaves Miz and Swagger. Miz would be the better pick, as Swagger is almost above the US belt right now anyway, but since I'm picking him to be Jericho's partner, Swagger is my prediction for this one.
Dreamer/Christian. Hard to see Dreamer retaining unless there's some kind of interference, which there might well be (Finlay?).
Ziggler/Mysterio. Ah, almost forgot about this one. Silly of me, as the buildup has been quite good. Ziggler is one hell of a talent. Very agile in the ring, great heelish facial expressions, fantastic body, good on the stick. Here's to hoping he whales Mysterio's sorry ass. I reckon he'll lose, though, but only after looking like a million dollars for most of the match.
Maryse vs Mickie. Maryse, please. Because she's awesome, and her coming out with Miz and them having 3 belts between them would be a wonderful throwback to the Edge/Lita days.