General "I love Raw" Praise Thread


Shawn Michaels ❤
Because we have a complaint thread, which seems to attract more people each day. Is there anyone out there who still loves this product and is tired of all the criticism?

Raw has gone a different way in the last few years; it's not the same show we watched years ago. And recently, people seem to have moved on to Smackdown, often complaining about Raw in the process. I don't see what's so bad about it, personally. Raw still has a lot of our favourites, and there is obviously a lot of work going into this. I absolutely love Legacy; I think it's a really interesting stable and I'm intrigued as to how it will work up.

Batista/Orton should be a good match, and I think this past Raw worked up towards that. I'm not Batista's biggest fan by any means, but he is doing well with this feud, and I think this could be better than Batista/Cena, who have worked very well together.

I quite like what happened with The Miz and Cena as well. I've never given The Miz much thought before - my focus always being on Morrison. But I think I could have been wrong about that. Miz is doing really well, and hopefully they give him a few matches where he can showcase his talent.

Raw even has the best of the divas. I use the term 'best' lightly.

So anyway, come praise Raw with me.
I defenitley agree with you, Raw is by far my favorite WWE program of the 4 they have now...smackdown might have gotten some good draft picks, but it's just not worth the time for me to sit down and worry about watching it, ECW....need i say more? they SUCK right now...never really caught my attention after Angle left and Benoit passed (RIP). Christian is good, but he is stuck on the low show, and WWE Superstars, i just don't have the chanel so i can't watch it lol

But Raw does have all of our favs still
and they know how to put on the good feuds and make all the stories look nice, plus randy orton is my favorite wwe superstar, so im with raw still! lol

(WWE NEEDS to fix ECW, it SUCKS!)
I am. I'm sick of people complaining about the PG rating, the fact that this is *not* the attitude era, and the supposed lack of originality.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and they have a right to complain about certain things, but to continuously watch...and bash the product at the same time, is stupid.

I watch RAW every week, and yes, the show is no longer at it's peak. I catch myself even sleeping at times. If it was honestly "shit" as some people have said, why do you continue to watch it?

I don't watch ECW or TNA at all. I used to watch smackdown, and I'll ocassionally watch an episode or two on youtube. I've always been a member of the RAW fan nation. The hottest fueds for the past couple of years have come thru on RAW. We had the privilege to watch Cena vs. HBK at London. To watch CM Punk cash in his MITB, Watch weekly comedical segments of Santino/a and getting bashed on by Chris Jericho. Raw has been the best Wrestling/Entertainment product out there in the past few years...whether you like to believe it or not.
yea, i dont like raw but i can definetely see why people would. U gotta understand, we arent pissed that its not that attitude era, though. We are pissed that its just tame in general. The people that complain about raw are the same ones that complain about Cena. The show is based around Cena. SO if u dont like Cena, u probably dont like Batista, then you probably dont like Raw. It isnt that Raw is so bad... its just catered to wrestlers a lot of the IWC doesnt enjoy watching.

Their storylines are more in depth on Raw which i think smackdown is missing sometimes... but the matches arent usually real matches on Raw while on smackdown they are. I think both shows need to compromise and find that happy medium. Good matches and deep storylines all around!!!

I still watch every show, every week, including superstars online lol.
I, for one, love the Red Show. Of the 4 weekly shows (I don’t get Superstars where I’m at), I think Raw is number one for the simple fact that it’s live. I do DVR the shows, but Raw is the only show I watch as it airs. In my opinion, and I believe in the opinions of most Wrestling fans, Raw is number 1 and it has been for a very long time and it will be for a very long time. Regardless of what World Title is on the show, or which Superstars are on the show, or whatever other reason people use to complain about the show, it’s still The Show.
WWE Monday Night Raw is the flagship show of the WWE. Meaning that its one of the most popular and most memorable Professional Wrestling Shows in The History of Professional Wrestling. WWE will always be the top Wrestling Promotion in the World. WWE Smackdown in my opnion is the second biggest TV Show that the WWE has. In my opnion the WWE's version of ECW Sucks. Its not like the old ECW with Blood, Guts, and good old school Wrestling. All it is now is a bunch of nobody's Wrestling with no talant. Back when ECW started in 1993 and until Vince Mcmahon bought the company in 2001 ECW was one of the best products of Wrestling I have ever seen. It was good Wrestling with Blood, Guts, and kickass Storylines. But now ECW nowadays Sucks. I used to be one of those fans the used to chant the infamous "ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW". I was a very loyal ECW fan just like everyone was. When I saw Vince Mcmahon was going to bring back ECW I thought it was going to be the old ECW but no Vince Mcmahon ruined ECW and the legacy of it by making it all stupid and gay. ECW is NOTHING now. But getting back to WWE Raw. WWE Raw was something special back in the day in 1993. WWE Raw is still something Special to this day. You will never know what your going to see. Its full of Action, Drama, hot Girls, Humor, and good Wrestling. Thats what WWE Raw is and will always be like. In my opnion what made WWE Raw and WWE itself push itself was World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and it Monday Night Wrestling show WCW Monday Nitro. WWE was at its best when they were battling WCW for Sports Entertainment domination. They had the Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince Mcmahon fued and other things that made them successful duriung that era.

*I apologize if I offended anyone about my opnions about ECW. If you understood what the old ECW ran by Paul Heyman was like and meant to us fans.Then you would understand why I am pissed off about the WWE or Vince Mcmahon Version of ECW.
This may be off topic, but you shouldn’t be mad about WWECW. Look at it like this. Vince basically turned WCW into Smackdown. At the very least, he’s still using the name ECW. He could have easily just called it FCW or Superstars for that matter. Think of WWECW as the televised minor league of wrestling now. ECW still puts on a good show, granted you don’t recognize some of the people, but you are looking at the future of Raw and Smackdown. Are you telling me, that in a few years when today’s ECW Stars are developed and drafted to the Red or Blue show, you won’t watch Raw or Smackdown anymore?? Look at it like, Uncle Vinnie is “giving you” and extra hour, just because he can. Just for the record, you did not offend me. I too am an ECW fan and I was born in the Land of Extreme, so to speak. It’s like seeing an Ex-girlfriend after so many years. Yes she might not be the freak you once knew, but it’s still the same girl. HAHA!! It's still a wrestling show we get for free.
I am going to start of by saying i like smackdown better but I really enjoyed raw this past week. I did get tired of seeing vince get kicked in the head. But the mid card has been really good these past few weeks. And I know the big show john cena match is not going to be the greatest match ever but I really like what they have done with the story line so far.
Giving RAW it's props. I have done my fair share of WWE hating over the past 3 or 4 years, so I'm going to give out some love right now.

5 reasons why RAW rocks:

1. Legacy - Hands down the best faction in wrestling right now. Randy Orton has been one of the business' top heels and he gets better and better every week. Not to mention, Rhodes and DiBiase get to test run the main event scene. They are the future of the WWE and have proven that they can hold their own.

2. Santino(a) Marella - Seriously people, how can anyone bash this dude? Is he a great wrestler? I have no clue because he doesn't do alot of it, but I can say that he could do stand up comedy in lieu of a wrestling career. He supplies the comedic relief and has rejuvenated a dying women's division (sounds scary, doesn't it?).

3. Vickie Guerrero - Absolute gold. She is so damn annoying. I don't know whether to applaud her efforts or stab myself in the eye. The women does her job very well. We are supposed to hate her, folks!

4. MVP - It appears as though MVP may actually get to be a part of the main event scene on RAW. He has brought back some prestige to the US title and he seems comfortable in his role as a face. He even got to be part of a segment with Legacy a few weeks ago in which he delivered quite a good promo. MVP's future is looking bright and I look forward to seeing him develop his gimmick and abilities further.

5. Ted DiBiase - Yeah, I know I already mentioned Legacy, but Ted gets a spot all to himself. Truth is, as good as Randy Orton has become, DiBiase is still the member of Legacy that commands my attention. Everything about him screams "I'm a star".
I like the fact that Raw is live. It gives it a more intense feel from the other shows, even through the TV.

It seems that Raw is better at developing characters. I just don't get the feeling that Chris Jericho would have been able to develop his current character to where it is on Smackdown. Now that it's established, it will work over there great.

Could you see Legacy being born and growing on Smackdown? Speaking of which, Raw has Legacy which I love, even if Cody looks 12 years old. I've always been a heel-stable mark.

Lillian Garcia is a great announcer IMO. Even if she looked like a manatee (wait, that's Vickie), her voice is just perfect for her role.
RAW has some room for improvement, but by no means is it bad, I still always enjoy watching it!

Reason 1- MVP! In my opinion, he is the most exciting new superstar coming out of the draft, and he's a face! I used to tune into RAW to see what was going to happen with Legacy and HHH/McMahons, but now I'm tuning in to see what MVP is going to be up to this week!

Reason 2- Matt Hardy is worth watching again- I love his whole whiny, wrestling out of protest gimmick. I say leave the cast on.

Reason 3- Star power! Seriously, the only division lacking in power right now is the woman's division, but I don't really watch them anyway. In the main event you have RKO, HHH, Batista, Big Show, Cena, HBK, and maybe eventually MVP. For the mid card you have MVP, Kofi, Matt Hardy, William Regal, The Miz, Mr. Kennedy, and maybe eventually Rhodes or Dibiase. Even the tag division has three real teams (depending on if the TBK/Mystery Partner thing isn't a one time deal), on one show! When's the last time that happened? On top of that, they have some lower midcard talent! Goldust, Noble, Chavo, Festus, Santino, all are lower midcard guys, probably for the remainder of their careers, but all have serious upside, whether it's their mic ability, ability to work a match, or comedy.

Reason 4- Santino(a) The story line is stupid, it's not clever, and it will only continue to get stupider, but it's still hilarious. When he came out as being a lasbiano on Monday, I nearly pissed myself. I actually favorited the clip on youtube.

Reason 5- This kind of ties in with reason 3, but it seems like midcard title could finally be made relevant again. There is so much talent that will be competing for the US title that it'll be hard not to. I for one am looking forward to the countless number of feuds they can have over the belt.

When I wrote this I didn't realize I great RAW is! When everyone's back from injuries/hiatus, this is going to be one hell of a show!
As someone who has watched Monday night raw dating back to it's infancy stage, I cannot agree with the notion that Raw is doing well creatively.
I want to say that I am not here to slight anyone's opinion or start an argument (though intelligent debate is always welcome with me).
I just could not remain silent after reading this thread.

First and foremost, Randy orton and this whole wretched Legacy angle.
While i won't say that I dislike orton, but there is nothing about him that makes him an exceptional or unique preformer, just another half decent heel that wishes he had the knack Edge has for being truly despised. I have watched him develop adequate (at best) in ring skill and I have seen his character progress somehow without managing to develope anything remotely resembleant of a personality. Creative is doing no favors in making him stand out by putting two guys who look so much like him that you wonder if Vince has began cloning back there. I know these guys are all offspring of "legends", but that doesn't make them posess they're father's collective and respective charismas or abilities. I won't go off entirely on rhodes or Dibiase as I have yet to see how they fair detached from Randy orton's hip, so i'll reserve judgement on them for now. Randy however, has been in the WWE for I believe going on eight years now (I may be off there), he's been pushed sky high and had the wrestling world placed at his feet, and I just don't see him making any effort to improve on his abilities, which are still at a very mid card level. Just because Vince polishes you up and calls you gold, doesn't mean you're not still brushed silver underneath it all.

Secondly, this so called "star power" that has infested Raw.
Flooding Raw with guys who are clearly on they're way out of the door within the next couple of years is a very flawed notion, no matter how huge a draw they are or used to be. Fact is, people are tired of seeing the title make the expected roundabout of Cena to Orton to Triple H to Batista and the ratings are beginning to show that.

People are growing weary of cena's "Hulk Hogan in jean shorts" act, and half the crowd seems to loathe him anyhow, hardly the proper reason for continually touting the man as you're top face. This angle with the big, oh so very boring, show is only furthering his ridiculous superman act and polluting my beloved monday night program with slow and almost unwatchable segments. I will however speak favorably on behalf of The Miz, I cannot believe i would ever be saying this, but he is showing potential I never thought he had and his small part in this Cena cyclone of crap is the only intriguing part. Sure Cena will come out next monday night and squash him after his miraculous recovery and win over the Big Show, but hey that's because Vince is still the boss.

Triple H, well he is the bosses son-in-law, so I guess there is no getting rid of his main event presence. But I feel it may be time for him to take a more non-title driven approach (I.E. what HBK and undertaker are now doing), I think enough is enough for the 17 time world champion and they should focus him on more feuds that will help strengthen the youth in that locker room.
Not that Hunter has ever been one to be selfless mind you, but I think for the good of a company he has a good deal of stake in that will outlast his career by far. It would be wise of him to help these young guys out and teach them a thing or two about how to get the crowd emotionally involved in a feud, because few do it better than Hunter, even at this late stage of his career.

Batista, well here is where I just have to get down right negative.
Batitsta does nothing but show a lack of respect for the wrestler's he works with, always has and always will (just ask spike dudley).
His ring work has never been anything short of so careless and sloppy, that I've never really wondered why they dubbed him "the animal".
I'm not going to outright accuse anyone of steroid use, but his rash of injuries that have ocurred over the past couple years I think are very telling.
he may look like a million bucks, but his persona and ring work aren't worth the price one pays for a soda at one of these events. Thank god he will be retiring soon.

Wow, I've gone on all this time without discussing anything aside from the main eventers. Time to cover new ground, let me move over to the stable of mid card talent that will no doubt be held back for the forseeable future.
MVP, The Miz, Kofi kingston, William Regal, Brian kendrick, Chavo (who will never be used), Matt Hardy and Carlito.
None of these men, with the exception of maybe MVP, will be pushed beyond where they are now. Carlito and kendrick will continue to waste they're time in the non-existent tag team division. The Miz will be used in probably much the same fashion as I'm sure he will be TBK's "mystery" partner, thus keeping him firmly trapped in the tag team abyss of a division. Kingston has the in-ring ability, no question, but he hasnt even brushed up against a mic long enough for people to even know who he is every time he comes out. I hope that changes though, i'm very positive on Kofi. As for regal and hardy, well hardy will provide us with entertaining heel fodder, come on, it's matt hardy, he'll never be a major factor, that's why he won the ECW title. Regal, I have always adored, but he's just in it to play the villain, maybe garner a US title run to garner some pretty fun heat.

The draft did Raw no favors sadly, and Smackdown was granted the better roster, hell even ECW faired better in the division of talent if you ask me.
I think we are in for a long and painful year of watching Legacy take on the usual line of the usual suspects. Meanwhile, I think I am definately going to start paying more attention to the haps on friday (tuesday) nights with a great deal of consistency. I hope i'm wrong, I hope Raw shakes it all up and things get more interesting than they have been in quite some time, but we all know how likely that is.
I've loved RAW since Backlash. I know three weeks isn't saying a lot but it has been fun. Sadly, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. I felt this same way last year right after the draft as well. Call me a typical Cena basher if you want but RAW is always more entertaining in my mind when Cena isn't the champion or scheduled to challenge for the title at the next PPV. He's so much easier to tolerate when he's not in the title mix.

Not having Hunter around is another blessing. The McMahons in general have been kept down to the only one I like in Shane and now even he's gone. We've got a young and incredibly talented WWE Champ. MVP is getting pushed well. Heck, they devoted a segment to him along with Regal, Matt Hardy and Kofi. I've never been a big fan of the Miz but he's been entertaining. The entire midcard is talented and mostly young wrestlers.

Santino brings the funny week in and week out while the women continue to be great. Like I said, I don't expect this to last because Hunter will be back soon and Cena will be sticking his dick into the title picture but for now RAW is pretty darned fun.
I like wrestling and RAW is still the definitive show on TV. I have tried to watch TNA but it still looks too much like the old WCW - the production value and lasers make it very second rate. The haters on here should just stop watching if they don't like it. Wrestling has its hills and valleys but in the past year there has been much to be happy about. 3 of the top heels ever in the company are at a considerably high point. Besides, the people that are complaining are not the people the WWE is hoping to draw from. Obviously the strategic plan of the WWE is to focus on the next generation of wrestling fans - the ones that I saw at a house show recently buying shirt after shirt and poster after poster of the top faces in the game. Cena, HHH, 619 - the way I see it - the WWE is building the foundation for the next 10-15 years. (it wouldn't surprise me to hear that Vince sees all these second and third generation wrestlers in WWE now and in Florida as the next era of WWE wrestling) We are currently in the early 90s if you want something to compare it to. Attitude part 2 comes next - but we have to wait for it.
Hey, love Raw because it's just because of what it is can't say anything bad about something that has been entertaining me for almost 20 years like the Simpsons... What other program can say that? I like the PG rating because it can perhaps get back to the old school days of family entertainment... I hope so, that might lead to better undercards and mid level titles can mean something again... ( I can only pray.) But I digress, they just need a better heal stable, not buying Legacy, like the Heenan Family, unless they put a Heenan like mind behind them... again I can only pray....but other wise I'm finally glad someone put this thread up if everybody hates RAW so much why don't they go to Vince Machmon and do something about it...
As someone who has watched Monday night raw dating back to it's infancy stage, I cannot agree with the notion that Raw is doing well creatively.
I want to say that I am not here to slight anyone's opinion or start an argument (though intelligent debate is always welcome with me).
I just could not remain silent after reading this thread.

It's been a lot worse than it is now. It was pretty bad when John Cena was having his really long title reign and no one had a chance to step up to the main event. That was a much worse time for Raw than right now.

First and foremost, Randy orton and this whole wretched Legacy angle.
While i won't say that I dislike orton, but there is nothing about him that makes him an exceptional or unique preformer, just another half decent heel that wishes he had the knack Edge has for being truly despised.

He may not be the best heel in terms of getting the most heat, but he is definately the most over heel, tied with Edge. He always gets a great reaction. A reaction from everyone, no matter whether it's boos or cheers.
Considering the material he's given to work with, I think it's a testament to how good Orton is as a heel. His 'heel' actions were to punt Vince, take out Shane, then take out Triple H. Considering hurting Vince was something that got you an enormous face pop 10 years ago, I think he's done well to get boos from it. Then Shane came in and took on the Legacy, which absolutely no one wanted to see. What people did want to see was Shane get taken out for his interference with Orton's rise to the top. And Orton did take him out. You'd think that if Orton did something that 75% of the fans wanted, he wouldn't be getting so many boos. And of course, punting Triple H. An even greater number of people wanted to see Triple H get taken out than Shane, especially after he went over Orton at Mania. Orton punted Triple H, and people loved that Triple H would be gone for a while. And yet Orton still got boos the next night on Raw. I'd say that makes him a pretty good heel.
He may not get heat from absolutely everyone, but he does get a reaction. And that's what matters. But even people cheer for Edge too.

I have watched him develop adequate (at best) in ring skill

Most would argue that The Rock and Austin had "adequate (at best) in ring skill". Remember how popular they are? Don't say that as if in ring skill means everything, that's the argument anti-Cena marks use.

and I have seen his character progress somehow without managing to develope anything remotely resembleant of a personality.

Remotely resemblant of a personality? What wrestler are you watching? Have you seen the mind games he's played to get the mental Edge over Triple H? Hurting the whole Mcmahon family? He's cold, calculated, ruthless and semi-psychotic. That sounds like a personality to me.

putting two guys who look so much like him that you wonder if Vince has began cloning back there.

Should've gone to Specsavers...

I know these guys are all offspring of "legends", but that doesn't make them posess they're father's collective and respective charismas or abilities. I won't go off entirely on rhodes or Dibiase as I have yet to see how they fair detached from Randy orton's hip, so i'll reserve judgement on them for now. Randy however, has been in the WWE for I believe going on eight years now (I may be off there), he's been pushed sky high and had the wrestling world placed at his feet, and I just don't see him making any effort to improve on his abilities, which are still at a very mid card level. Just because Vince polishes you up and calls you gold, doesn't mean you're not still brushed silver underneath it all.

I somewhat agree that the Legacy isn't great now, but that's cause it isn't living up to it's full potential, not because it was a bad idea to begin with. I still think they need to bring in some muscle to take over Rhodes and Dibiase's jobs of taking out Orton's rivals so Cody and Ted can go do their own thing for a while.

Secondly, this so called "star power" that has infested Raw.
Flooding Raw with guys who are clearly on they're way out of the door within the next couple of years is a very flawed notion, no matter how huge a draw they are or used to be. Fact is, people are tired of seeing the title make the expected roundabout of Cena to Orton to Triple H to Batista and the ratings are beginning to show that.

The fact that they are on their way out is the exact reason they're on Raw. They're experienced guys with loyal fanbases who've shown they can draw. They're the biggest guys in the company and therefore deserve to be on the flagship show. And then in a year or two, they'll leave and the young guys (who will have become stars on SD) will take over. No doubt you'll start complaining again when the title's going from Punk to MVP to Morrison to Kennedy.
What I find really annoying is that people think that only having a handful of guys in the main event is a new thing. Were you complaining in 2000-2001 when the title was going from The Rock to Angle to Triple H to Austin?

People are growing weary of cena's "Hulk Hogan in jean shorts" act, and half the crowd seems to loathe him anyhow, hardly the proper reason for continually touting the man as you're top face.

Actually, he's gotten much less booing later. Because people are realising how stupid booing him is. How it's so 2007.

This angle with the big, oh so very boring, show is only furthering his ridiculous superman act and polluting my beloved monday night program with slow and almost unwatchable segments.

The way you're talking about it, it obviously isn't your "beloved monday night program"

I will however speak favorably on behalf of The Miz, I cannot believe i would ever be saying this, but he is showing potential I never thought he had and his small part in this Cena cyclone of crap is the only intriguing part. Sure Cena will come out next monday night and squash him after his miraculous recovery and win over the Big Show, but hey that's because Vince is still the boss.

And that's what The Miz deserves. He's gone out there a couple of times to do his promos and got fuck all reaction on his own. He's not over, therefore he's not worth shit, cause that's all that really matter in the wrestling industry. And the in ring ability, the mic skills, whatever, they're merely ways of getting over.

Triple H, well he is the bosses son-in-law, so I guess there is no getting rid of his main event presence.

Maybe so, but I'm really looking forward to his main event match at Judgement Day... Wait, hold on...

But I feel it may be time for him to take a more non-title driven approach (I.E. what HBK and undertaker are now doing), I think enough is enough for the 17 time world champion and they should focus him on more feuds that will help strengthen the youth in that locker room.

He will do that when he's no longer at peak fitness. You can't compare Triple H to HBK and Undertaker. HBK and Undertaker are 4 and 5 years older respectively and they're been wrestling 8 years longer. Triple H will take up their positions, but when he's ready and can't handle the full time schedule anymore.

Not that Hunter has ever been one to be selfless mind you,

Yeah it's not like he's lost to Benoit, HBK, Undertaker, Kane, Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge etc. Triple H will job to someone when they deserve it and when it's best for the company.

but I think for the good of a company he has a good deal of stake in that will outlast his career by far. It would be wise of him to help these young guys out and teach them a thing or two about how to get the crowd emotionally involved in a feud, because few do it better than Hunter, even at this late stage of his career.

And he will do that when he's truly past his prime and the new stars from SD come to Raw. People once said that HBK would never put a younger guy over, but they've been proven wrong they'll be wrong about Triple H too.

Batista, well here is where I just have to get down right negative.
Batitsta does nothing but show a lack of respect for the wrestler's he works with, always has and always will (just ask spike dudley).
His ring work has never been anything short of so careless and sloppy, that I've never really wondered why they dubbed him "the animal".
I'm not going to outright accuse anyone of steroid use, but his rash of injuries that have ocurred over the past couple years I think are very telling.
he may look like a million bucks, but his persona and ring work aren't worth the price one pays for a soda at one of these events. Thank god he will be retiring soon.

This is the one thing I agree with you on. Batista is a huge problem. But I think he's the only huge problem on Raw.

Wow, I've gone on all this time without discussing anything aside from the main eventers. Time to cover new ground, let me move over to the stable of mid card talent that will no doubt be held back for the forseeable future.
MVP, The Miz, Kofi kingston, William Regal, Brian kendrick, Chavo (who will never be used), Matt Hardy and Carlito.

This is utter bullshit. MVP is not held, he faced Orton a while ago and didn't lose, not to mention WWE's great losing-streak strategy to make him an over face. They wouldn't have put him in the ring with Orton if they had felt he didn't belong there.
You now think they're holding the Miz back? Weren't you just talking about his promo time and his kinda-feud with Cena going on just a few paragraphs ago? And also, Miz has proven he doesn't really deserve to go much further than he is now by simply not being over enough. A US title reign is the furthest he should go.
Kofi is 27 for gods sake! He's been around for liek 3 years! His career hasn't even started yet, don't bitch about him being held back right now. He's got 15+ years ahead of him.
William Regal doesn't deserve another chance. He had his chance, he was KotR, GM and was going to get a main event push but he messed it up by getting suspended. There is no one to blame but himself.
TBK and Carlito are doing what they can to pump some life into the tag division, if they are successful then they will deserve and get a push. And they're also very young, they're not good enough to get a major push yet.

None of these men, with the exception of maybe MVP, will be pushed beyond where they are now. Carlito and kendrick will continue to waste they're time in the non-existent tag team division. The Miz will be used in probably much the same fashion as I'm sure he will be TBK's "mystery" partner, thus keeping him firmly trapped in the tag team abyss of a division. Kingston has the in-ring ability, no question, but he hasnt even brushed up against a mic long enough for people to even know who he is every time he comes out. I hope that changes though, i'm very positive on Kofi. As for regal and hardy, well hardy will provide us with entertaining heel fodder, come on, it's matt hardy, he'll never be a major factor, that's why he won the ECW title. Regal, I have always adored, but he's just in it to play the villain, maybe garner a US title run to garner some pretty fun heat.

Simply, none of these guys are good enough to warrant a main event push within the next year, except MVP. Maybe in a couple of years time if they step up their game, they'll get what they deserve.

And this is a thread about Raw being good. If you wanna complain, go to the complaint thread, don't spam here.
I don't mind Raw at all. I don't really watch Smackdown as often, but when I do i enjoy it as well. Same thing goes for ECW. Jack Swagger is the man.

Raw is doing just fine with Cena and Triple H at the helm. Batista is doing his part with attempting to keep the Orton/McMahon storyline alive, and he could be doing a lot worse. Cena is out of the title picture, feuding with Guerrero and Big Show. Meh, I was never against him being in the title picture as much as he is, but I think the people who were will be relieved when Cena shows his face after months of Orton droning on and on. When Cena takes that belt off of Orton, the house will explode.

The mid-card is just as good, Kofi is having himself a feud with Matt Hardy when Hardy isn't off fucking with Jeff's matches. The others in the mid-card are doing just as well, and I'm happy about it.

Overall, I'm liking Raw. I may have a bone or two to pick if Flair starts wrestling again, but that's more of a "He seriously just retired a year ago. At least wait another year before assuming we don't remember" problem then anything else.
I enjoy RAW the most too. RAW has a great selection of wrestlers I enjoy to watch. Legacy is a very good stable to watch. They seem to be dominant, especially with Orton leading.

Santino/Santina is another one of my favorites on the show. S/he is hilarious! Every time S/he appears on the television, I have to watch. The gimmick is quite comical. A lot of people don't seem to like it.

Like Becca, I never gave Miz a great thought. But from watching him Monday night, my mind has changed. He's starting to grow on me. He's cocky and arrogant. Especially with his feud going on with Cena. I would like to see more from the Miz.

RAW is great to watch. Mainly because I don't get to watch Smackdown, but I have always liked RAW. I believe the best storylines happen on RAW.
It's been a lot worse than it is now. It was pretty bad when John Cena was having his really long title reign and no one had a chance to step up to the main event. That was a much worse time for Raw than right now.

I will agree that Raw has been worse, but that doesn' make this current incarnation of it good. instead of one guy holding the belt, we have a belt that now changes hands like a hot potato. All this tile jumping renders a belt more and more meaningless. And watching the same four guys hold it does the situation no favors. Last year was a nice breath of fresh air with title runs from Punk (I dont care if they fucked it up it was still nice to see) and Jericho for the first time in a long time. Now I realize a good portion of these reigns was due to injuries to other wrestlers, but it was still a great time to watch Raw. Now that the usual suspects are back, we can go back to the sad usual.

He may not be the best heel in terms of getting the most heat, but he is definately the most over heel, tied with Edge. He always gets a great reaction. A reaction from everyone, no matter whether it's boos or cheers.
Considering the material he's given to work with, I think it's a testament to how good Orton is as a heel. His 'heel' actions were to punt Vince, take out Shane, then take out Triple H. Considering hurting Vince was something that got you an enormous face pop 10 years ago, I think he's done well to get boos from it. Then Shane came in and took on the Legacy, which absolutely no one wanted to see. What people did want to see was Shane get taken out for his interference with Orton's rise to the top. And Orton did take him out. You'd think that if Orton did something that 75% of the fans wanted, he wouldn't be getting so many boos. And of course, punting Triple H. An even greater number of people wanted to see Triple H get taken out than Shane, especially after he went over Orton at Mania. Orton punted Triple H, and people loved that Triple H would be gone for a while. And yet Orton still got boos the next night on Raw. I'd say that makes him a pretty good heel.
He may not get heat from absolutely everyone, but he does get a reaction. And that's what matters. But even people cheer for Edge too.

Alright, I'll give you that point. He did garner and immense amount of heat for himself with these actions, but can that really be put to his credit moreso than the creative staff? He is just the puppet after all and I would dispute that he didn't execute the actions planned all that well. And I will make that point to you in just a moment here.

Most would argue that The Rock and Austin had "adequate (at best) in ring skill". Remember how popular they are? Don't say that as if in ring skill means everything, that's the argument anti-Cena marks use.

Anti-Cena marks? I'm sorry that i still appreciate people who can preform in the realistic aspect of the buisness.Both Austin and the Rock were very adept at all around preformance in that ring. I'm not saying he's mediocre because he has limited moves, I'm saying he's mediocre because his ability to work with other wrestlers is sub par. Usually people intent on making the're point for a guy they themselves mark out for, tend to deflect the arguement by calling the other a Mark. Orton's ability to tell a compelling story in that ring has never impressed me, and like Cena and especially batista, he needs a good preformer to carry him through a good match, the few times he does have one. As Orton/Batista showed, two guys who's best quality is being made to look REAL damn good by others, does not a good match make.

Remotely resemblant of a personality? What wrestler are you watching? Have you seen the mind games he's played to get the mental Edge over Triple H? Hurting the whole Mcmahon family? He's cold, calculated, ruthless and semi-psychotic. That sounds like a personality to me.

Wow, SOMEBODY has a Randy orton poster up on they're wall.
He is clearly not a psychotic, if anything his character is sociopathic. Which he effectively displays with great deals of inconsistency. Such as when he kicked Vince in the head, sociopaths show no emotion or remorse for they're actions, he was holding his head and panicking like a wide eyed kid.
He is not psychotic, a psychotic has little to no control over there behavior, this character is very aware of all his actions.
Just because he's unable to deliver his lines with convincing tone does not mean he is a convincing sociopath either. His tone has never chaged, even from the time when he has a rookie, he sounds exactly the same, say for more frequent pauses here and there.

The fact that they are on their way out is the exact reason they're on Raw. They're experienced guys with loyal fanbases who've shown they can draw. They're the biggest guys in the company and therefore deserve to be on the flagship show. And then in a year or two, they'll leave and the young guys (who will have become stars on SD) will take over. No doubt you'll start complaining again when the title's going from Punk to MVP to Morrison to Kennedy.
What I find really annoying is that people think that only having a handful of guys in the main event is a new thing. Were you complaining in 2000-2001 when the title was going from The Rock to Angle to Triple H to Austin?

Yes, I was. Austin's gimmick grew stale after awhile and the Rock was too much of a catchphrase machine for me to want to see him anymore after his face turn.
I know having only a handful of guys in the main event isnt a new thing, I just don't care for THIS handful of guys. 3/4 of them are boring and/or undeserving of they're status IMO. Just because Batista,Orton and Cena look the part dosn't mean they effectively play it.

Actually, he's gotten much less booing later. Because people are realising how stupid booing him is. How it's so 2007.

Why is booing somebody stupid? Aren't we free to boo whomever we don't like? "It's so 2007"? What are you auditioning for the hillz? Grow up dude, people boo cena because they don't respect him. Not because it's trendy to boo Cena, I don't hate Cena but I don't particularly care for him either.
So know this isn't just coming from an "anti-cena mark", as you would say.

The way you're talking about it, it obviously isn't your "beloved monday night program"

You don't criticize something you love? Are you not married friend?

And that's what The Miz deserves. He's gone out there a couple of times to do his promos and got fuck all reaction on his own. He's not over, therefore he's not worth shit, cause that's all that really matter in the wrestling industry. And the in ring ability, the mic skills, whatever, they're merely ways of getting over.

Wow, take a second and re-read what you just said there. Little need for comment on my part.

Maybe so, but I'm really looking forward to his main event match at Judgement Day... Wait, hold on...

Yes, Triple H is not in the main event for a couple months, such an estute observation. One that forgets that as soon as he comes back, he will be sticking his massive shnoz right back into the title picture. Typing and agreeing with yourself that you are funny at the same time are a dangerous combo, be careful over there.

He will do that when he's no longer at peak fitness. You can't compare Triple H to HBK and Undertaker. HBK and Undertaker are 4 and 5 years older respectively and they're been wrestling 8 years longer. Triple H will take up their positions, but when he's ready and can't handle the full time schedule anymore.

Yes i can, because Triple H is, if you haven't noticed, declining physically.
His body is worn from injury and his ring skills are declining a bit due to it.
Just because he's younger doesn't mean his body doesn't have just as much wear on it.

Yeah it's not like he's lost to Benoit, HBK, Undertaker, Kane, Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge etc. Triple H will job to someone when they deserve it and when it's best for the company.

Really? So Him going over on Orton at wrestlemania was best for the company? Him jobbing to Orton at mania the year previous only to nab the title the following month and hang on to it for six months after the fact was best for the company? HBK and Undertaker have earned the right to go over on H just a bit, don't you think? Edge has taken h's place as the biggest heel in the company, why wouldn't he job to him? (Even though the cheap victory at survivor series was hardly him jobbing.) As for batista and Cena, well Vince wants what he wants, i'm sure hunter would have ratherd they didn't go over on him.

This is the one thing I agree with you on. Batista is a huge problem. But I think he's the only huge problem on Raw.

well at least we agree on something, lol.

This is utter bullshit. MVP is not held, he faced Orton a while ago and didn't lose, not to mention WWE's great losing-streak strategy to make him an over face. They wouldn't have put him in the ring with Orton if they had felt he didn't belong there.
You now think they're holding the Miz back? Weren't you just talking about his promo time and his kinda-feud with Cena going on just a few paragraphs ago? And also, Miz has proven he doesn't really deserve to go much further than he is now by simply not being over enough. A US title reign is the furthest he should go.
Kofi is 27 for gods sake! He's been around for liek 3 years! His career hasn't even started yet, don't bitch about him being held back right now. He's got 15+ years ahead of him.
William Regal doesn't deserve another chance. He had his chance, he was KotR, GM and was going to get a main event push but he messed it up by getting suspended. There is no one to blame but himself.
TBK and Carlito are doing what they can to pump some life into the tag division, if they are successful then they will deserve and get a push. And they're also very young, they're not good enough to get a major push yet.

MVP taking on Orton and "not losing" is hardly a big step up, especially since that was the last we saw of that ordeal. The Miz is hardly being elevated at the moment, just because he s inevitabley going to fight cena does not mean it will go on past one match. And while i do like the Miz, I agree that he should go no higher than a US title run. I'm not bitching about Kofi being held back, A guy has to be visible to be held back. Kofi wasnt even on last week's cringeworthy episode of Raw. He's not being held back, he's being burid at the moment. As for Carlito and TBK, I've kind of changed my tune. The Colons are very good as a team and if Kendrick gets a good partner to play off of, he could work very well to help out the tag division, so i'll give ya that one.

And this is a thread about Raw being good. If you wanna complain, go to the complaint thread, don't spam here.

Nobody is spamming. I was just injecting another point of view because I thought that was the point of these forums, and forall discussion for that matter. Just because you only enjoy talking to people who agree wit everything you say does not mean other people didn't take my argument in as it was intended. Obviously , I got you're fingers on the key board.
But if you want i'll take my discussion elsewhere so you can go back to molding you're paper mache' "legend killer" statue, content with knowing everyone agrees with you an that Randy orton is the next big thing.
Been a pleasure debating with you though, hope you have the dignity to retort, I expect proper insults though. I didn't throw those in for no reason, lol.
I will agree that Raw has been worse, but that doesn' make this current incarnation of it good. instead of one guy holding the belt, we have a belt that now changes hands like a hot potato. All this tile jumping renders a belt more and more meaningless. And watching the same four guys hold it does the situation no favors. Last year was a nice breath of fresh air with title runs from Punk (I dont care if they fucked it up it was still nice to see) and Jericho for the first time in a long time. Now I realize a good portion of these reigns was due to injuries to other wrestlers, but it was still a great time to watch Raw. Now that the usual suspects are back, we can go back to the sad usual.

Well what length title runs do you want? All I seem to see these days is how terrible these short title runs are and how in the "good ol' days". But really long title reigns just get complained about... And then there's the medium title reigns. When wrestlers have medium title reigns, they always find something to complain about too. CM Punk's was booked like shit, Cena shouldn't have won it on his comeback... Wrestling fans are just hard to please.
This year we have Jeff Hardy's first reign, Christian and Swagger as ECW champion, Orton's first deserved reign. And that's in the first 5 months. By the end we'll have most likely seen Punk's second reign, MVP's second reign and even Morrison's first. Just be more patient. Cena is taking a break from the title, Triple H is gone for a few motnhs, HBK, Taker and Batista are retiring, and Jericho and Edge are gonna take over the veteran posts.
You may think the WWE is moronic and is only letting the main eventers they like stay in the on top but that's not true. Every few years, they get a handful of midcard talent who are ready and elevate them into the main event. Around 2004/2005, that talent included Cena, JBL, Batista, Edge, Benoit, Guerrero and Orton. And now in 2009/2010 we're seeing the rise of some new main eventers. Hardys, MVP, Punk, Morrison, Christian. Be patient.

Alright, I'll give you that point. He did garner and immense amount of heat for himself with these actions, but can that really be put to his credit moreso than the creative staff? He is just the puppet after all and I would dispute that he didn't execute the actions planned all that well. And I will make that point to you in just a moment here.

Come on, no matter how good the material the creative staff comes up with, if it's given to the wrong person it won't work. Think about the Austin/Vince feud, if it had been anyone other than Austin it wouldn't have been anywhere near as popular. You're giving creative too much credit (there's a change...) They gave Orton the material, but Orton is the one who made it work.

Anti-Cena marks? I'm sorry that i still appreciate people who can preform in the realistic aspect of the buisness.Both Austin and the Rock were very adept at all around preformance in that ring. I'm not saying he's mediocre because he has limited moves, I'm saying he's mediocre because his ability to work with other wrestlers is sub par. Usually people intent on making the're point for a guy they themselves mark out for, tend to deflect the arguement by calling the other a Mark. Orton's ability to tell a compelling story in that ring has never impressed me, and like Cena and especially batista, he needs a good preformer to carry him through a good match, the few times he does have one. As Orton/Batista showed, two guys who's best quality is being made to look REAL damn good by others, does not a good match make.

You're saying both Cena and Batista need someone better to work with? Well they worked with eachother at Summerslam in what was a very good match.
As I've said before, it takes 2 wrestlers to have a bad match and it takes 2 wrestlers to have a good match. The Big Show/Cena match from the other week was pretty shit. And it was also carried by Show, which was evident by the way he was doing pretty much all the "work" due to Cena being told to sell his "injuries".
Apart from when Cena has been booked stupidly, e.g. with injuries to sell, can you honestly remember when Cena has had a bad match? And don't say he hasn't had a bad match in a long time because he's so bad that everyone he works with is better than him and therefore is able to make him look good :glare:

Wow, SOMEBODY has a Randy orton poster up on they're wall.

If only....

He is clearly not a psychotic, if anything his character is sociopathic. Which he effectively displays with great deals of inconsistency. Such as when he kicked Vince in the head, sociopaths show no emotion or remorse for they're actions, he was holding his head and panicking like a wide eyed kid.
He is not psychotic, a psychotic has little to no control over there behavior, this character is very aware of all his actions.

So basically, what you're saying is he showed instant remorse after he realised he'd just kicked Vince, showing that for a brief moment he was not in control, yet he's aware of his actions?

Just because he's unable to deliver his lines with convincing tone does not mean he is a convincing sociopath either. His tone has never chaged, even from the time when he has a rookie, he sounds exactly the same, say for more frequent pauses here and there.

Ok so you just called him a sociopath because he shows no emotion, yet you're critisising him for showing no emotion in his promos?
You confuse me.

Yes, I was. Austin's gimmick grew stale after awhile and the Rock was too much of a catchphrase machine for me to want to see him anymore after his face turn.

Well then you're in the minority, people still loved Austin's gimmick and Rock's catchphrases up until 2003.

I know having only a handful of guys in the main event isnt a new thing, I just don't care for THIS handful of guys. 3/4 of them are boring and/or undeserving of they're status IMO. Just because Batista,Orton and Cena look the part dosn't mean they effectively play it.

Then as I said earlier, be patient. The new group of main eventers are being built up. Watch Smackdown only if those guys both you so much.

Why is booing somebody stupid? Aren't we free to boo whomever we don't like?

It's stupid to boo somebody who doesn't deserve it. Cena works his ass off, got over very quickly, puts on consistantly entertaining matches, and it was Vince's decision to have him 'shoved down our throats'. If you're sick of him
or don't care about him and don't want to see him anymore, give him no reaction. That's what people do for Shelton. At least that way Vince will get the idea that he's getting boring. If everyone who's sick of him boos him and everyone who still loves him cheers for him, then he's still getting a huge reaction, he's still over and he'll still be in the main event.

"It's so 2007"? What are you auditioning for the hillz? Grow up dude,

*Points to age* Give me a break. And I don't know what the hillz is :blush:

people boo cena because they don't respect him. Not because it's trendy to boo Cena, I don't hate Cena but I don't particularly care for him either.
So know this isn't just coming from an "anti-cena mark", as you would say.

As I've explained above, people have no real reason to be disrespectful to Cena. I don't particularly care for him either, but i'm still smart enough to know he doesn't deserve all the shit he gets, and you should be too.

You don't criticize something you love? Are you not married friend?

*Sigh*... *points to age again*

Wow, take a second and re-read what you just said there. Little need for comment on my part.

I'm sorry, is it the Miz part you disagree with or that being over is all that matters part?

At the time of writing that, it was before JD. I'll admit Miz got a good reaction at JD.
Oh, and the overness thing is true. Why do you think we keep seeing so much of Hornswoggle? And good ol' Cena?

Yes, Triple H is not in the main event for a couple months, such an estute observation.

I try.

One that forgets that as soon as he comes back, he will be sticking his massive shnoz right back into the title picture.

But by that time, there will be young guys who are rising through the ranks who Vince will not slow down due to the re-arrival of Trips. As much as Vince loves his son in law, he's not that stupid.

Typing and agreeing with yourself that you are funny at the same time are a dangerous combo, be careful over there.

I bow to the master.

Yes i can, because Triple H is, if you haven't noticed, declining physically.
His body is worn from injury and his ring skills are declining a bit due to it.
Just because he's younger doesn't mean his body doesn't have just as much wear on it.

Both his body and his in ring skills are still in very good shape.
And I know that youth doesn't mean his body has less wear on it. But having less time on the rigourous touring wrestling schedule and less injuries in his time does.

Really? So Him going over on Orton at wrestlemania was best for the company? Him jobbing to Orton at mania the year previous only to nab the title the following month and hang on to it for six months after the fact was best for the company? HBK and Undertaker have earned the right to go over on H just a bit, don't you think? Edge has taken h's place as the biggest heel in the company, why wouldn't he job to him? (Even though the cheap victory at survivor series was hardly him jobbing.) As for batista and Cena, well Vince wants what he wants, i'm sure hunter would have ratherd they didn't go over on him.

Well, while I don't agree with it, I think it's fair to say that Triple H deserved to win at Wrestlemania 25 for all he's done for the company. Make of it what you will.
Yes, the second example was what was best for the company. Triple H was one of the most over people in the company at that point. Check out the reactions he was getting then.
Actually, Undertaker went over Triple H for the first time back when Triple H was in his prime. Gonna complain about Undertaker not jobbing to younger guys now?
And that cheap victory Edge gotta over Trips is called a"heel victory".

MVP taking on Orton and "not losing" is hardly a big step up, especially since that was the last we saw of that ordeal.

Actually it's a pretty damn big step up from jobbing to Jimmy Wany Yang which he was doing 5 months previously.

The Miz is hardly being elevated at the moment, just because he s inevitabley going to fight cena does not mean it will go on past one match. And while i do like the Miz, I agree that he should go no higher than a US title run.

Well who knows how long it'll go on, you know how WWE loves their swerves...

I'm not bitching about Kofi being held back, A guy has to be visible to be held back. Kofi wasnt even on last week's cringeworthy episode of Raw. He's not being held back, he's being burid at the moment.

If there's one thing Kofi has never been, it's buried. He beat Jericho for his IC title reign and again to get into MitB. He beat one of the top heels on Raw a few weeks ago by defeating Matt Hardy. They thought he was good enough to let people think he was going into the Elimination Chamber in February even if it was only for WWE to throw up another swerve.
He's not being buried. He'd be losing to Kane on Raw if he was getting buried, but he also beat Kane recently I believe.

As for Carlito and TBK, I've kind of changed my tune. The Colons are very good as a team and if Kendrick gets a good partner to play off of, he could work very well to help out the tag division, so i'll give ya that one.


Nobody is spamming. I was just injecting another point of view because I thought that was the point of these forums, and forall discussion for that matter. Just because you only enjoy talking to people who agree wit everything you say does not mean other people didn't take my argument in as it was intended. Obviously , I got you're fingers on the key board.
But if you want i'll take my discussion elsewhere so you can go back to molding you're paper mache' "legend killer" statue, content with knowing everyone agrees with you an that Randy orton is the next big thing.
Been a pleasure debating with you though, hope you have the dignity to retort, I expect proper insults though. I didn't throw those in for no reason, lol.

This year we have Jeff Hardy's first reign, Christian and Swagger as ECW champion, Orton's first deserved reign. And that's in the first 5 months. By the end we'll have most likely seen Punk's second reign, MVP's second reign and even Morrison's first.

I'm not so sure Jeff's gonna get another title reign, not just because he may be leaving the company, but because I'm not sure Vince wants it. If he had any faith in Jeff as champ (which we both know he didn't, Jeff was just so over that he basically felt he had to put the belt on him) he would have at least allowed Jeff to hold the belt until No Way out. Yes I know they wanted to push the Hardy vs. Hardy angle but it's not like they couldn't have found a way to make that happen without jeff dropping the belt and then had him lose in the elimination chamber. Christian and Swagger holding the ECW title is nice to see and all, but that belt is barely on par with the I-C and US title belts in terms of status, why do you think they put it on Mark henry for about four months? aside from the whole making sure he didn't sue them thing of course. As far as what we'll see in the coming year, I hope they wait to put the belt back on Punk, I think the guy needs to be built up more in the fans eyes by having some feuds that aren't shit (That feud with JBL was awful) and I think they are off to a good start by putting him with Umaga.
If I'm not mistaken, MVP has never held the world title, and I honestly don't think he'll be ready for that step for at least another year. I know they put a lot of effort into his character with the whole losing streak angle and all, but I just don't see him getting there quite yet. While Morrison's talent is undeniable, he is another guy I just don't see taking that main event step this year. His face turn, unlike MVP's, seemed to virtually happen overnight.
It was really kind of illogical for any sort of immediate main event push and I think he'll be trolling the mid card until at least next year.

Come on, no matter how good the material the creative staff comes up with, if it's given to the wrong person it won't work. Think about the Austin/Vince feud, if it had been anyone other than Austin it wouldn't have been anywhere near as popular. You're giving creative too much credit (there's a change...) They gave Orton the material, but Orton is the one who made it work.

I would argue that Vince is the one who made it work, not necessarily Orton.

You're saying both Cena and Batista need someone better to work with? Well they worked with eachother at Summerslam in what was a very good match.
As I've said before, it takes 2 wrestlers to have a bad match and it takes 2 wrestlers to have a good match. The Big Show/Cena match from the other week was pretty shit. And it was also carried by Show, which was evident by the way he was doing pretty much all the "work" due to Cena being told to sell his "injuries".
Apart from when Cena has been booked stupidly, e.g. with injuries to sell, can you honestly remember when Cena has had a bad match? And don't say he hasn't had a bad match in a long time because he's so bad that everyone he works with is better than him and therefore is able to make him look good :glare:

I personally was still unimpressed by that match at summerslam, but it was better than the Cena/Show snooze fest. It does take two wrestlers to have a bad match, however it can only take one to miss a spot or botch a move.
Batista is masterful and botching moves and being stiffer than Billy Gunn's jean shorts during a legacy match. Cena, I won't say is a bad worker, just a largely unremarkable one to me. His energy however, is what makes him compelling to watch in that ring. So I won't say Cena has bad matches, his energy tends to compliment the talent of the workers he is paired with (when the worker's are good (H, Angle, Edge, Jericho, HBK). When they are bad (KHALI, show, Batista) his powerful persona is what gets them through those crap fests without the crowd turning on them. So I won't say Cena is shit, like I would batista, that man is a plague upon the ring and must be wiped out.

If only....


So basically, what you're saying is he showed instant remorse after he realised he'd just kicked Vince, showing that for a brief moment he was not in control, yet he's aware of his actions?

If he had lost control, he would have shown remorse for his action verbally the following week. But he didn't, he acted as if it were part of the plan and proceeded his attack on the Mcmahon family, maybe i should have added that part in.

Ok so you just called him a sociopath because he shows no emotion, yet you're critisising him for showing no emotion in his promos?
You confuse me.

He has always sounded that way, even before he was "crazy". He had that flat unemotional tone even when he played the part of the brash and cocky upstart. Thats what i'm saying, he plays into his character now by sheer coincidence if you ask me. Maybe creative knew it would fit, who knows?

Well then you're in the minority, people still loved Austin's gimmick and Rock's catchphrases up until 2003.

Yes, I am. Around 2001 when austin turned his character into a walking cartoon with all that "What?" tripe, I grew weary of it. The Rock was terrific as a heel, but his face turn just did not appeal to me. I am not saying I didnt get why these things were done, because I know the crowd loved them, it just didn't work at all for me.

Then as I said earlier, be patient. The new group of main eventers are being built up. Watch Smackdown only if those guys both you so much.

Dude, I have been watching raw since I was about 11 years old and this has always been my one weekly ritual, to sit down and watch monday night Raw. Knowing that the program was coming on that night, ALWAYS made mondays a little easier to deal with. Even when the product is sub par, I have always tuned in, because I have been through enough of the peaks and bounds of wrestling to know that at some point things will turn around for the better again. It's an excercise in viewing patience, which is why I come on here to vent a little about what i have been seeing since the draft.
You and I both know, Smackdown just ain't the same, no matter how bad Raw gets and how good Smackdown gets in contrast, Raw is still the program of choice.

It's stupid to boo somebody who doesn't deserve it. Cena works his ass off, got over very quickly, puts on consistantly entertaining matches, and it was Vince's decision to have him 'shoved down our throats'. If you're sick of him
or don't care about him and don't want to see him anymore, give him no reaction. That's what people do for Shelton. At least that way Vince will get the idea that he's getting boring. If everyone who's sick of him boos him and everyone who still loves him cheers for him, then he's still getting a huge reaction, he's still over and he'll still be in the main event.

I get what you're saying there, but that wasn't my point. The point is that when people pay they're money to see a show, they deserve to boo and cheer whoever they see fit. Cena does work his ass off and it is unfortunate that he takes all the flack for Vince being the one who shoves him down our throats. I dont boo or cheer my TV screen because i'm not fucked in the head enough to boo or cheer someone who cannot hear me. The fact that Cena envokes such a polarizing reaction does mean that he will likely be around in the main event scene until he no longer wants to wrestle. As long as he doesn't act anymore, I will be able to tolerate his presence on monday nights because as I said before I am not a Cena hater.

*Points to age* Give me a break. And I don't know what the hillz is :blush:

You know, I actually hadn't looked at how old you were until you pointed, lol.
Well i'll give you credit, you don't type your age friend. You're also better off not knowing what the Hillz is in any way shape or form.

As I've explained above, people have no real reason to be disrespectful to Cena. I don't particularly care for him either, but i'm still smart enough to know he doesn't deserve all the shit he gets, and you should be too.

He doesn't deserve to be hated the way he is, especially when batista gets defended at every turn by many of those same people.

*Sigh*... *points to age again*

LOL, really? I thought you guys got hitched at like age ten over there. (j/k)

At the time of writing that, it was before JD. I'll admit Miz got a good reaction at JD.
Oh, and the overness thing is true. Why do you think we keep seeing so much of Hornswoggle? And good ol' Cena?

Dammit, you had to say hornswoggle. Yes I know overness is all that matters, but for those wrestlers who don't have the blessing of a movie stars personality or a physical handicap (sorry hornswoggle), Mic work and ring skill tend to play large part in them getting over. You want examples? feel free to ask.

But by that time, there will be young guys who are rising through the ranks who Vince will not slow down due to the re-arrival of Trips. As much as Vince loves his son in law, he's not that stupid.

Have you not seen how Vince has been acting during this whole "Pepsi center" debacle? He may very well be that foolish.

I bow to the master.

Please, stop, you'll make me blush.

Well, while I don't agree with it, I think it's fair to say that Triple H deserved to win at Wrestlemania 25 for all he's done for the company. Make of it what you will.
Yes, the second example was what was best for the company. Triple H was one of the most over people in the company at that point. Check out the reactions he was getting then.
Actually, Undertaker went over Triple H for the first time back when Triple H was in his prime. Gonna complain about Undertaker not jobbing to younger guys now?
And that cheap victory Edge gotta over Trips is called a"heel victory".

HE may have deserved to win, but that doesn't mean it was best for the company. Hell HBK, 'taker, Edge and Jericho all deserved to go over for the belt as well. But they didn't, because it wasn't what was best.
Last year, he was incredibly over and it's hard to argue against that, but again, was it really what was best? Could he have no been just as over without the strap? We both know he could have. And no I won't complain about 'taker, because he let's guys go over on him on TV, not just ppv.
He helped cayapult Edge to being the top heel in the company last year and just a few months ago, he jobbed to VLADAMIR KOZLOV. while that is a complete mystery to me, it does speak to the undertaker's unselfishness, doesn't it? Also, I know what a heel victory is and it's hardly the same as a guy going over on Triple H cleanly, you know that.

Actually it's a pretty damn big step up from jobbing to Jimmy Wany Yang which he was doing 5 months previously.

Well, when you put it that way, yeah I guess so lol.

If there's one thing Kofi has never been, it's buried. He beat Jericho for his IC title reign and again to get into MitB. He beat one of the top heels on Raw a few weeks ago by defeating Matt Hardy. They thought he was good enough to let people think he was going into the Elimination Chamber in February even if it was only for WWE to throw up another swerve.
He's not being buried. He'd be losing to Kane on Raw if he was getting buried, but he also beat Kane recently I believe.

Instead he's being left off the card in favor of TWO santino matches and a goldust/hornswoggle segment, not to mention that ghastly diva battle royal (I always thought someone had to go over the top rope to be eliminated, not through the middle ropes). Hopefully that trend doesn't continue.


Meh? I give you a perfectly good insult like that, and that's all i get in return?
Shame on you, lol.
I'm not so sure Jeff's gonna get another title reign, not just because he may be leaving the company, but because I'm not sure Vince wants it. If he had any faith in Jeff as champ (which we both know he didn't, Jeff was just so over that he basically felt he had to put the belt on him) he would have at least allowed Jeff to hold the belt until No Way out. Yes I know they wanted to push the Hardy vs. Hardy angle but it's not like they couldn't have found a way to make that happen without jeff dropping the belt and then had him lose in the elimination chamber.

Well, technically it was for Christian's return and Matt was thrown in there as the swerve. If it had been building up to Christian's return, then the Royal Rumble is exactly when Jeff should've been cost the title. That would've given Christian a chance to get the ring rust off before Mania, and it would've given Vince a chance to see if Christian is over enough to be worth investing time in. Or perhaps they just ran out of ways to come up with "mysterious attacks on Jeff Hardy." Either way, the Rumble was the right time to do it.

Christian and Swagger holding the ECW title is nice to see and all, but that belt is barely on par with the I-C and US title belts in terms of status, why do you think they put it on Mark henry for about four months? aside from the whole making sure he didn't sue them thing of course.

It may not be a 'real' world title, but it's still helping to focus the spotlight on fresh faces. And that's what you want, right?

As far as what we'll see in the coming year, I hope they wait to put the belt back on Punk, I think the guy needs to be built up more in the fans eyes by having some feuds that aren't shit (That feud with JBL was awful) and I think they are off to a good start by putting him with Umaga.

This is going from a debate to a big agreement-fest. I totally believe Punk needs time to be built up properly. Hell, he deserves it for the crap they've put him through and he's still second only to Jeff Hardy as a face on SD

If I'm not mistaken, MVP has never held the world title,

My bad.

and I honestly don't think he'll be ready for that step for at least another year. I know they put a lot of effort into his character with the whole losing streak angle and all, but I just don't see him getting there quite yet.

Come on, some would argue MVP is more ready than Punk. He's dominated the midcard, feuded with some veterans, put on some great matches and the crowd love him. There's absolutely no reason why he shouldn't go up to the main event in the next 12 months.

While Morrison's talent is undeniable, he is another guy I just don't see taking that main event step this year. His face turn, unlike MVP's, seemed to virtually happen overnight.

Well that's just how some turns happen. Some take months like MVP, some happen quickly, like Morrison. Nothing to complain about.

It was really kind of illogical for any sort of immediate main event push and I think he'll be trolling the mid card until at least next year.

Right now, he's slowly realising his potential. While his prime won't be for another 2-3 years, he should at least be given a title shot to see how he does in the main event.

I would argue that Vince is the one who made it work, not necessarily Orton.

And I would argue that it wasn't.

I personally was still unimpressed by that match at summerslam, but it was better than the Cena/Show snooze fest. It does take two wrestlers to have a bad match, however it can only take one to miss a spot or botch a move.
Batista is masterful and botching moves and being stiffer than Billy Gunn's jean shorts during a legacy match. Cena, I won't say is a bad worker, just a largely unremarkable one to me. His energy however, is what makes him compelling to watch in that ring. So I won't say Cena has bad matches, his energy tends to compliment the talent of the workers he is paired with (when the worker's are good (H, Angle, Edge, Jericho, HBK). When they are bad (KHALI, show, Batista) his powerful persona is what gets them through those crap fests without the crowd turning on them. So I won't say Cena is shit, like I would batista, that man is a plague upon the ring and must be wiped out.

I don't really have much to argue about here.
Cena = not bad, Batista = bad. More agreement.

If he had lost control, he would have shown remorse for his action verbally the following week. But he didn't, he acted as if it were part of the plan and proceeded his attack on the Mcmahon family, maybe i should have added that part in.

Why do you assume you know how long he would lost control for if he had, in fact, lost control? I doubt that everyone who 'loses control' does so for the same amount of time. And I believe that most people only lose control for a moment i.e. the Punt.

He has always sounded that way, even before he was "crazy". He had that flat unemotional tone even when he played the part of the brash and cocky upstart. Thats what i'm saying, he plays into his character now by sheer coincidence if you ask me. Maybe creative knew it would fit, who knows?

Makes sense. If takes like something, make him that something.

Yes, I am. Around 2001 when austin turned his character into a walking cartoon with all that "What?" tripe, I grew weary of it. The Rock was terrific as a heel, but his face turn just did not appeal to me. I am not saying I didnt get why these things were done, because I know the crowd loved them, it just didn't work at all for me.

Well we can't really argue this point if you're willingly admitting you're in the minority.

Dude, I have been watching raw since I was about 11 years old and this has always been my one weekly ritual, to sit down and watch monday night Raw. Knowing that the program was coming on that night, ALWAYS made mondays a little easier to deal with. Even when the product is sub par, I have always tuned in, because I have been through enough of the peaks and bounds of wrestling to know that at some point things will turn around for the better again. It's an excercise in viewing patience, which is why I come on here to vent a little about what i have been seeing since the draft.
You and I both know, Smackdown just ain't the same, no matter how bad Raw gets and how good Smackdown gets in contrast, Raw is still the program of choice.

I dunno, I love Raw, but right now Smackdown is the show I always get excited about. Maybe it's cause on Raw there's guys I've seen everything from already, and while that is the case, I've grown to love those characters and wrestlers and so I watch it even though I'm not gonna really see anything new from them.
But SD is just different. SD is like watching the future, the limitless potential and possibilities. It just makes the show that much better. But maybe it's just me.

I get what you're saying there, but that wasn't my point. The point is that when people pay they're money to see a show, they deserve to boo and cheer whoever they see fit. Cena does work his ass off and it is unfortunate that he takes all the flack for Vince being the one who shoves him down our throats. I dont boo or cheer my TV screen because i'm not fucked in the head enough to boo or cheer someone who cannot hear me. The fact that Cena envokes such a polarizing reaction does mean that he will likely be around in the main event scene until he no longer wants to wrestle. As long as he doesn't act anymore, I will be able to tolerate his presence on monday nights because as I said before I am not a Cena hater.

Nothing to argue about here.

You know, I actually hadn't looked at how old you were until you pointed, lol.
Well i'll give you credit, you don't type your age friend. You're also better off not knowing what the Hillz is in any way shape or form.

It comes from debating with fossils like you on these forums ;)
And I'll remember that.

He doesn't deserve to be hated the way he is, especially when batista gets defended at every turn by many of those same people.

I'd say they get a roughly equal amount of hate...

LOL, really? I thought you guys got hitched at like age ten over there. (j/k)

Yes, yes, I've been married since 10, have 17 kids all of which have ginger hair and freckles and eat potatoes for dinner and drink guiness....

Dammit, you had to say hornswoggle. Yes I know overness is all that matters, but for those wrestlers who don't have the blessing of a movie stars personality or a physical handicap (sorry hornswoggle), Mic work and ring skill tend to play large part in them getting over. You want examples? feel free to ask.

Yes I know 9 times out of 10 mic work and ring skill play the main part in getting them over. Hell, ROH is a whole company of wrestlers who used wrestling to get over.

Have you not seen how Vince has been acting during this whole "Pepsi center" debacle? He may very well be that foolish.

look at my post in that thread. As I said, Vince could be laughing his ass off due to us thinking he could actually care so much about a venue booking while he's calculating the money he'll be getting from the ratings boost this money.

Please, stop, you'll make me blush.

That's what you're looking for I believe.

HE may have deserved to win, but that doesn't mean it was best for the company. Hell HBK, 'taker, Edge and Jericho all deserved to go over for the belt as well. But they didn't, because it wasn't what was best.

But those guys, with the possible exception of HBK, haven't done as much for the company as Triple H has. The guy kept people interested in the company while JBL was having his annoying title reign. And he had a suprising win/loss record of 5/6 heading into Mania 25. This, the man who supposedly never puts people over. Not only does he put people over, he does it more often than not on the grandest stage of them all. That should show he doesn't have a huge ego.

Last year, he was incredibly over and it's hard to argue against that, but again, was it really what was best? Could he have no been just as over without the strap? We both know he could have.

Having the strap doesn't affect how over you are, it's the other way around.
He was over, therefore he was good for ratings. And he was good for ratings therefore he was made the champion.

And no I won't complain about 'taker, because he let's guys go over on him on TV, not just ppv.
He helped cayapult Edge to being the top heel in the company last year and just a few months ago, he jobbed to VLADAMIR KOZLOV. while that is a complete mystery to me, it does speak to the undertaker's unselfishness, doesn't it? Also, I know what a heel victory is and it's hardly the same as a guy going over on Triple H cleanly, you know that.

Both Matt Hardy and John Cena made Edge before Undertaker ever laid a finger on him. Don't give Taker so much credit.
And when was the last time Edge won cleanly? Not recently, anyway. Yet it's such a big deal that he didn't win cleanly over Triple H?

Well, when you put it that way, yeah I guess so lol.

Thank you.

Instead he's being left off the card in favor of TWO santino matches and a goldust/hornswoggle segment, not to mention that ghastly diva battle royal (I always thought someone had to go over the top rope to be eliminated, not through the middle ropes). Hopefully that trend doesn't continue.

I don't like it either. But Kofi definately isn't being ignored. His time will come. Assuming he's doesn't get a wellness violation first :p

Meh? I give you a perfectly good insult like that, and that's all i get in return?
Shame on you, lol.

Between my attention span and my tiredness from studying, you should be thankful you even got the Meh.
Well, technically it was for Christian's return and Matt was thrown in there as the swerve. If it had been building up to Christian's return, then the Royal Rumble is exactly when Jeff should've been cost the title. That would've given Christian a chance to get the ring rust off before Mania, and it would've given Vince a chance to see if Christian is over enough to be worth investing time in. Or perhaps they just ran out of ways to come up with "mysterious attacks on Jeff Hardy." Either way, the Rumble was the right time to do it.

That's right, I forgot about the whole Christian angle. Vince and his constant middle fingers to the IWC, lol. I suppose If the idea with Christian had indeed gone down, I would have understood that a bit more. But Matt and Jeff could have waited another month to begin building, and it would have kept the belt from switching hands so very quickly. I adore Edge, but nine time champ is a getting to be a bit much. Plus don't you think Jeff had earned just a bit more time with that belt? especially since in all likelihood, he won't be wearing it again.

It may not be a 'real' world title, but it's still helping to focus the spotlight on fresh faces. And that's what you want, right?

Calling Christian a fresh face is reaching a bit isnt it? But I get you're point, it is what I have been bitching about. Although Swagger is still a tad too green to be taken so seriously right now and Christian, I fear will never escape Vince's sour side, i wouldn't be shocked if he remained on th "C" show even after next year's draft. And that's a shame because Christian deserves better than that.

This is going from a debate to a big agreement-fest. I totally believe Punk needs time to be built up properly. Hell, he deserves it for the crap they've put him through and he's still second only to Jeff Hardy as a face on SD

This IS turning into a bit of an agreement fest, but I can't pass up a chance to gush about CM Punk. I think the guy is great and I hope this push plays out much, much better for him than the one he received somewhat by default last year. I am really hoping they put him into a serious program with Jericho, I think those two would be amazing paired together in a heated feud.
I would rather see them take the summer with an idea like that than rush his title push towards Edge, it would definately help him garner some more legitimacy in the fans eyes.

Come on, some would argue MVP is more ready than Punk. He's dominated the midcard, feuded with some veterans, put on some great matches and the crowd love him. There's absolutely no reason why he shouldn't go up to the main event in the next 12 months.

Some would argue that, I wouldn't say that he is more ready than Punk though. MVP has earned his way up, but he seems out of his element playing the face. Maybe it's just after so long of playing the heel, but I just don't buy him as a face. I think the nature of his character is best suited to play the villain, and frankly I kinda miss the villainous MVP.
It's what drew me to like the character to begin with, but I understand that they have put a great deal of work into his face turn.
Over time i'm sure i'll grow to like this version of the character, i'm just not really used to it yet I guess. Other than that, I can't see anything else keeping him from reaching the main event status. Except for the obvious factor of creative's notorious wishy washiness.

Well that's just how some turns happen. Some take months like MVP, some happen quickly, like Morrison. Nothing to complain about.

Sure it is, for years Morrison and Miz were both douche bag extraordinaires.
I think when a heel character is dug in that deep over such a long period of time, it should take more time to turn his character, just like they did MVP.
It smacks of laziness on creatives part. All that said, I think Morrison is great and I'm sure he will at least get a title shot sooner rather than later.

Right now, he's slowly realising his potential. While his prime won't be for another 2-3 years, he should at least be given a title shot to see how he does in the main event.

Morrison is 29, I would say he is at his peak right about now. I wouldn't be looking for him to be doing a whole lot of 450 dives to the floor (that was amazing to see btw) in a few years. 32 or 33 is an age where even high flyers tend to reign it in a bit style wise (excluding exceptions like Mysterio of course). I would say that he'll have the I-C title thrown on him fo awhile before he hits the main event scene, but when he does it'll be great.

Why do you assume you know how long he would lost control for if he had, in fact, lost control? I doubt that everyone who 'loses control' does so for the same amount of time. And I believe that most people only lose control for a moment i.e. the Punt.

I have a morbid interest in the way the human mind works, and I take a great deal of interest in how a wrestler dictates the in ring psychologies of his character. Sociopaths do not lose control, ever. That's why I say that.
Yes I know it's nit picky, but that's just what I see, no matter how little it matters to other people, it bugs me.

Well we can't really argue this point if you're willingly admitting you're in the minority.

I'm here for intelligent debate and a bit of playful ribbing. I'm not going to ignore the facts just to make my point friend.

I dunno, I love Raw, but right now Smackdown is the show I always get excited about. Maybe it's cause on Raw there's guys I've seen everything from already, and while that is the case, I've grown to love those characters and wrestlers and so I watch it even though I'm not gonna really see anything new from them.
But SD is just different. SD is like watching the future, the limitless potential and possibilities. It just makes the show that much better. But maybe it's just me.

It's not just you, Smackdown has become a great show to watch.

It comes from debating with fossils like you on these forums ;)
And I'll remember that.

LOL, nice.

I'd say they get a roughly equal amount of hate...

Oh yeah? Start a thread on each and see for yourself who gets more marks coming to the rescue. If you want, we'll take one each.

Yes, yes, I've been married since 10, have 17 kids all of which have ginger hair and freckles and eat potatoes for dinner and drink guiness....

Wow, you even left room for a leprechaun joke. But I think we've glorified hornswoggle quite enough in this thread.

Yes I know 9 times out of 10 mic work and ring skill play the main part in getting them over. Hell, ROH is a whole company of wrestlers who used wrestling to get over.

That it is, I just can't watch ROH much anymore. It makes me miss ECW too much.

look at my post in that thread. As I said, Vince could be laughing his ass off due to us thinking he could actually care so much about a venue booking while he's calculating the money he'll be getting from the ratings boost this money.

It wouldn't shock me either, Vince is truly an evil genius after all. No matter how out of touch with his audience he may be.

But those guys, with the possible exception of HBK, haven't done as much for the company as Triple H has. The guy kept people interested in the company while JBL was having his annoying title reign. And he had a suprising win/loss record of 5/6 heading into Mania 25. This, the man who supposedly never puts people over. Not only does he put people over, he does it more often than not on the grandest stage of them all. That should show he doesn't have a huge ego.

I didn't say he had a huge ego, I said he has a huge schnoz.
H is a more complex discussion for me i guess, part of me sees a guy who has truly earned what has come his way. And part of me sees a guy who has taken advantage of his very useful connections to find his success. What with his obviously beneficial friendship with Michaels, to his relationship with steph, I see the ultimate oppurtunist. A man who may indeed truly live his gimmick. IDk I could go on quite a bit about this in both directions, but i've always enjoyed H and you are right, he kept us interested while the "wrestling god" was boring us to tears on friday nights. Now JBL is a guy who has truly and clearly benefited from his connections, namely his bromance with Vince.

Having the strap doesn't affect how over you are, it's the other way around.
He was over, therefore he was good for ratings. And he was good for ratings therefore he was made the champion.

I agree, but H is a guy who no longer needs to hold the belt at all. That's why I think it was best he didn't. He's a what, 16 time champ now?
That's quite enough, don't you think?

Both Matt Hardy and John Cena made Edge before Undertaker ever laid a finger on him. Don't give Taker so much credit.
And when was the last time Edge won cleanly? Not recently, anyway. Yet it's such a big deal that he didn't win cleanly over Triple H?

I don't even think matt would want to admit he helped Edge out in any way, lol. But Cena did make him you're right. However, his feud with Taker last year
propelled him to levels of heat few wrestler's have ever reached. "Forcing" the Undertaker out of the WWE was a huge feather in his heel cap. It solidified him as the top heel for easily, the next 5 years. It's not a big deal he didn't win cleanly over triple H, i just said that the heel victory wasn't the same thing as Edge going over triple H cleanly.

I don't like it either. But Kofi definately isn't being ignored. His time will come. Assuming he's doesn't get a wellness violation first :p

I sincerly hope that doesn't happen, but these days you never know anymore.
Hopefully, if he does it's only for sparking the Ganja mon. (sorry, even I cringed at how marky that was,lol)

Between my attention span and my tiredness from studying, you should be thankful you even got the Meh.

Yeah well , I forgot you young ***** still need you're sleep. :icon_biggrin:
Raw finally has gotten everyone into the correct role. It took a couple of weeks after the draft, but everyone now has a purpose. I love what they are doing with The Miz. He needs to be an antagonist. Cena is away from the title for a minute. Batista is doing a great job of playing the character he is.

I think there are too many hate threads, and not enough about what is going right. I think the show is better every week and the new positions on the card really highlight everyone strengths.

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