General 'Destination X' Discussion


Is hanging up the boots

15th March 2009

Please give reasons for listing cards

Man, this promotional poster sucks. It looks like something that even I could create on Photoshop. Who the hell comes up with these? Anyway, in exactly one month TNA is hosting a pay per view called "Destination X". On their website, they are advertising the return of their Elevation X match, which is a gimmick match between X Division superstars, I believe. I haven't seen one of those, so I'm slightly interested.

I just hope this pay per view isn't as bad as their last few. One would have to think that the Main Event Mafia may split up at this event, seeing as Angle and Sting haven't been getting on lately. I can't think of who Sting would be facing for the World Title, but it seems like Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner is almost a lock.

What are your predictions and thoughts for Destination X? Please don't list spoilers in this thread and feel free to list cards, as long as you add detail to them.
Rusty, you're so cynical. Can you not see that TNA are simply going the xtra mile to take it to the xtreme with X Division wrestlers at Destination X. I swear, you make me want to xplode sometimes. Please, xplain yourself. I demand an xplanation.

So, they're actually advertising the return of the Elevation X match? I suppose Rhino will be in it. I can't predict who'll be the person losing to him this year. Without AJ Styles, that match is just shit. They're trying to sell it as Rhino's match but the guy is more than terrified when he gets up there. Ridiculous.

If Joe's facing Steiner, I think TNA have officially gone back to 2005. Or 2006, I forget. I never saw that match, but can't imagine that they have any sort of chemistry whatsoever. If only the MEM had some sort of midget that Joe could kick around for twenty minutes. But no, he'll be making his big comeback in a terrible match. The only exciting (sorry, xciting) thing is to see if Steiner will kill Joe or himself. God knows he tried to off Styles.

Oh yeah, AJ will probably be facing Booker T for the Legends Title. I'm sure that AJ saying "I am legend!" will feature prominently in the build up, but should really be forgotten about altogether. I wonder if they can edit that beat down to not look, you know, shit. I'm sure the match will be perfectly good. They have it on iMPACT! every other week though.

Sting and Angle may be facing off. Their chemistry is a lot more interesting than it was at BFG '07. Their actual brawls have looked like shit though. I blame Sting's fear of falling over, lest he tear something. I've actually seen Angle hugging his leg, where he expected Sting to fall over but he didn't. He looked like a frightened child clinging to their father. I doubt the match will deliver. Sting wouldn't let Angle do that flip onto him in a million years. I'd love it if Angle won. No, I wouldn't. I'd just prefer it.

So yeah, I don't really have any big xpectations.
ok. First off Tna is not advertising the return of Elevation X but advertising the return of the Ultimate X match.

The three-hour epic event will feature the return of TNA's daredevil and innovative "Ultimate X Match" - more matches will be announced soon!,com_wrapper/Itemid,52/

Ok now that i have addressed that here is my prediction card for Destination X.

Tna Heavywheight Championship: Sting(c) vs Kurt Angle
Look this match is inevitable. This is going to happen and Sting becomes a full face again. The rest of the MEM will interfere on Kurt's behalf and then The Frontline will save Sting. But i reallydo think that Kurt will win the title here even tho i don't want it to happen.

Tna Legends Championship: Booker T(c) vs AJ Styles
This is going to happen and after AJ said "I am a legend" he is pretty much gonna loose this bout. I don't seeing TNA being smart enough to put the the Legends title on a Frontline member. So Booker goes over by cheating to win somehow.

Ultimate X Match for the X Division Championship:
Alex Shelley vs Consequences Creed vs Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal
The way the guns are acting towards Lethal Consequences is gonna end up all of them in th Ultimate X match for shelley's title. I see it either Shelley retains, Jay lethal wins, or Sabin wins and we see the end of the guns in Tna

Tna Tag Title: Beer Money vs Jimmy Rave & someone in an Off The Wagon Challenge.
Beer money faces a random tag team and retains their titles. Those guys are so over they're not gonna loose the titles without at least some build up. Even i don't think Tna is that stupid.

"Mr. Stupid Face Paint" Samoa Joe vs "The Move Botching King" Scott Steiner
This match will be shit. I don't like Joe but he is capable of bringing good matches out of bad wrestler but he won't be able to bring it out of Steiner. It will be a botchfest and the fact that Steiner can't take a bump wil make this match horrible.

Thats all i have for now but once i watch a little more Impact I'll put up more predictions.
I don't have a lot of hope in T.N.A. Pay per views anymore, but I do believe we are leading to a possible Sting v. Kurt Angle showdown. (at Bound for Glory, that is)

In the meantime, we have to build it up. So currently, I think the following is possible.

Main Event: Sting (w/ Nash) v. Angle (w/ Steiner) Booker T. as Spec. Ref: At some point, sides will have to be taken. I'm holding out like crazy that a heel Sting swerve is coming, and that Angle will be kicked out of the group. Technically, it makes far more sense since Sting is more of a "Main Event Legend" than Angle is.

Alas, I'm sure Angle will remain, and Sting will get dropped. It'll suck, but at least the days of the Dudleys Main Eventing seem to (hopefully) be over, except for Multi-team matches.

Grudge Match: Samoa Joe v. Scott Steiner: Joe has picked Steiner to be his first victim. Why, I don't honestly know. Perhaps because it gives someone else the opportunity to take the Legend's title away from Booker T., before Joe moves to him next, then onto Nash last.

None the less, at least this match isn't going to be a headlining Main Event. Wasn't Joe v. Steiner v. Kaz a Main Event, last year? Yeah, awful.

Legend's Championship: Booker T. (c) v. A.J. Styles: Finally, this Championship will have a purpose. It'll once again give Styles an elite position in T.N.A., that noone else will have.. until Angle or Joe take it from him.

I recall a type of Triple Threat match with Styles, Booker and Christian some time ago. I think, anyways. Booker and Styles worked pretty well there. No reason to think they couldn't put on a decent enough mid-card match on a ppv not designed to surround them.

Full Metal Mayhem: Abyss v. Matt Morgan: This match was pure shit at Against All Odds, and weapons still managed to find their way into the match then. At least with them being legal now, they won't have to find ways for the official to go ignore his one and only goal of watching the action. It'll still be a shitfest, but Morgan should even up the odds.

Wishful Thinking:

Ultimate X: So it's already been established that the Ultimate X match will be brought back for this Pay per view. I would naturally assume it'll surround the X-Division title. So.. Alex Shelley v. Chris Sabin.. in an Ultimate X match. What more could anyone ask for? How about Homicide to be added? Oh yeah.. that'd be nice.
So are they getting rid of the MEM already or is Sting just going to break free? It seems too early for them to end it, but they haven't really got anybody for them to face anyway, so it's probably for the best that they break Sting away. The only problem is that he's the champion. They'll go with Sting vs. Angle, and that's how the whole storyline will finish as well. But it'd have a more satisfying ending if it was Sting finally getting the world title. But TNA doesn't look that far ahead.

Joe vs. Steiner was good last time. I don't expect the same to happen again. The Ultimate X match should involve Kevin Nash. I'm deadly serious.
Kurt Angle vs. Champion "The Icon" Sting
Special Referee: Jeff Jarrett
Special Enforcer: Mick Foley

TNA must've only hired Foley to be a special enforcer. What is it, the third time now? TNA don't have much confidence that Jarrett can control this match if they've got an overweight Foley as backup.

Angle wins. Maybe with Jarrett joining the MEM. I'm going into this show blind. If this happens then TNA is predictable.

Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide vs. (c) Alex Shelley

Suicide is having his first match, I think. And it's an X-Division title match. Yeah, I think he'll win. I'm also wondering where Rhino is and why there's no Elevation X.

AJ Styles vs. champion Booker T

Hopefully Styles wins, he then beats the X-Division champ next month and TNA then get a proper mid card title.

Team 3D vs. champions Beer Money, Inc

Off the wagon? Is that where they fire them if they lose? If so Team 3D win, which is a real shame.

Sojo Bolt vs. champion Awesome Kong

I wouldn't fuck either of these two. Not because I'm racist, but because I'm dead against overweight people. Unless they're male and jolly.

Abyss vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan

I watched an episode of iMPACT this morining. It could have been from months ago, or it could have been this weeks. Abyss told Stevie Richards he'd never use weapons again. I'm pretty sure it was this weeks episode.

Samoa Joe vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

I'll predict a Steiner victory. I'm predicting like TNA does booking.
TheOneBigWill's 'preview' of T.N.A. Destination X 2009:

TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Kurt Angle vs. Champion "The Icon" Sting: Special Referee: Jeff Jarrett: Special Enforcer: Mick Foley:

I've said it since this little trist has become known between Sting and Angle. I think Sting will turn full heel, and Steiner, Nash & Booker T. will align themselves against Kurt Angle.

I also believe Angle will still dislike Jeff Jarrett, and Mick Foley, which could create a type of 3-way war, with Angle being alone and to himself. I think this will be a good Main Event, and as such it'll be T.N.A.'s way to attempt rivaling Wrestlemania.. but it won't work that way. Sting retains.

THE RETURN OF THE INNOVATIVE "ULTIMATE X" MATCH: Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide vs. (c) Alex Shelley:

Uhm, so we have two Tag Team's and Christoph.. errr, I mean Suicide. Alex Shelley's reign as Champion has been nothing short of invisible. I'd like to see him retain, and I'd like to see a great solid match.. but those are two things I doubt T.N.A. has on their mind at this point.

Suicide needs to become more "relevant" to be in the company, and apparently putting a Championship on him is the way to do it. Is anyone else excited for when the mask finally gets taken off, and it's revealed to be Curry Man? That'd blow my fucking mind.

I think if they wanted to give off a shock-value ending, they'd have Homocide come out, cash in, climb up the Ultimate X and take the Championship right out from everyone else, who'd be laid out in the ring. But that's also wishful thinking, thus Suicide likely becomes the new Champion.

TNA LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: AJ Styles vs. champion Booker T:

I can't see A.J. Styles winning.. here. But next month, barring no multi-man match that puts Booker T. against Styles, along side 4 other individuals, then I see a rematch in which Styles will finally win. Or, they could just give him the title here. Either way, Styles will win this Championship before the middle of the year, as it'll once again put him in an elite category. Styles wins.. by DQ.


If they do another DQ finish so close to the L.A.X. one, then the "Off the Wagon" Challenge will become stale and stupid. But at the same time, you obviously can't fire one half of Team 3D.. or can you? Maybe Suicide is due for a weight gain and a talent loss? :lmao:

In the end, Team 3D seem locked to become Tag Team Champions again. My only question is this.. when they do win the titles for the 3843498649387297 time.. will we see a rematch inside the "Electrified 6-Sides of Steel"? Team 3D wins in some fashion.

KNOCKOUTS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Sojo Bolt vs. champion Awesome Kong:

This match should be better than what people will expect. I say that, because most people don't even expect this match to be on the card. Kong should retain, but not without getting a fight out of the big booty girl.

MATCH OF 10,000 THUMBTACKS: Abyss vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan:

I knew weapons would come into play sooner or later. The only thing that can save this match, is an appearance by Stevie Richards.. or a drunken Don West.

Matt Morgan needs all the help in the world to get him over, and regular talent isn't cutting it. Sure, taking a brutual bump on 10,000 tacs (who sits and counts that many out?) will be nice.. but it's not gonna get him over anymore than he already isn't. Morgan should win, regardless though, since Abyss won last month.

Samoa Joe vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner:

Joe's new racing decal should lead him to victory lane against the blown out Scott Wimm.. err, I mean Steiner. Seriously though, why would they take this much time in putting that much rework in adding a personality and violent streak to Joe.. just to make him lose to Steiner of all people?! Joe wins, easily.

Beautiful People & Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi, Taylor Wilde & The Governor:

If I was single, I'd be watching this match with my pants off. Fuck, I might do that anyways. There is just something about seeing NorCal's future Wife rub the shit outta the ring ropes, that looks hot. I'm almost sure some type of wrestling match will attempt taking place, but in truth.. Don West will likely be the selling point here too. My Pussy's Hot, or whatever they're calling themselves now, should win.

The Finals Of One Night With ODB:

First, to think they're even holding a contest to see who'd WANT a night with O.D.B is beyond me. Is anyone else hoping this guy wins the contest?


I can't help but to think these two crazy kids might just have something.

Overall Thoughts: The funny thing is, this is the best Pay per view line-up T.N.A.'s had since Bound for Glory. And my assumption is because of Wrestlemania playing opposition. Angle/Sting is nice, but it's been done. I'm holding out hope for Booker/Styles to steal the show, or for the Ultimate X match to be something more than just a lame attempt at getting a video game character over.

I'm seriously putting a lot of stock in Don West these days, and I think he's gonna be a major part of selling this show. I wanna see him and Tenay go at it. I think during the Off the Wagon challenge, West needs to grab Storm's beer bottle and bash it over Tenay's fucking head.

All in all, I'm actually greatly looking forward to the show. But just because it'll be the first one with an actual Main Event that doesn't have a Dudley involved.
It's a fairly good card for tomorrow night, even though it looks like we're in for some unfortunate title changes.

Six Woman Tag Team Match - The Beautiful People vs Roxxi, Taylor Wilde, and the Governor

The Beautiful People have some new ass with them and I like it. Rayne is also a great female wrestler, having spent a lot of time in SHIMMER and still one half of the tag champs there (though I expect that to change soon, with her apparently moving to TNA full time). Anyway, I like her. It'll be your standard women's fare and probably end with the People on there's an image. I figure on them winning to get Rayne over.

10,000 Tacks - Abyss vs. Matt Morgan

Well finally they decide to book Abyss at what he's good at. Took them long enough. This entire no weapons angle has been shit for him. He's the "Monster" for a reason, not the "Monstrous Pacifist". I sincerely hope that they let him turn back into the monster here and just be his happy hardcore self. But, Richards will probably show up and try to talk him out of using the weapons, distracting Abyss, letting Morgan hit the Hellavator onto some tacks. Maybe Abyss will turn on Stevie and they'll have a hardcore match...or whatever.

Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner

The Nation of Violence rears it's painted head as Joe finally makes his way back into the ring after attempting murder on an old man for no particular reason. I like Joe, and his new gimmick is pretty cool, but the Steiner program is really odd. The only real reason for it is that everyone else in the Mafia is busy. Sting and Angle have their match, Booker has Styles to contend with, Nash is...well, I guess Nash isn't busy. I don't know if he's still hurt, or whatever, but they did already do Nash vs Joe and I guess they wanted to try something new. So, it's Steiner! Whee. It's hard to get a good match out of Steiner lately, but Petey did it, and Joe could probably manage. It'll be remembered more for Joe looking like a badass than it will for the actual match, of course. Joe will probably have some fancy new finisher as well, probably a submission thing. Or maybe just the Coquina Clutch. Anyway, Joe will clearly win in decisive fashion.

TNA Women's Knockouts Championship - Awesome Kong vs Sojourner Bolt

It should be a decent match. There's at least a good story going into it. Well, a serviceable story. Bolt has a chance but it's more likely Kong will demolish her and move on to the next threat to her title. I don't know who that'll be, because she seems to have gone over damn near everyone left. Time for another $25,000 challenge? Why not? The other option, which I find preferable, is for Saeed to screw Kong over and cost her the title, leading to Kong feuding outside of the title with Saeed and Khan while the other Knockouts can have proper feuds over the title.

TNA Legends Championship - Booker T vs AJ Styles

Should be a great match, potentially the show stealer. Styles is one of TNA's best and Booker is still pretty dam good, and you add in a title and it gets even better. Styles will probably win and take the title. I could very easily see him win the title, come out on Impact, and somehow rename the title or whatever and make it into a singles midcard title for TNA, letting the X-Division title be the Cruiserweight Championship while the new thing is for bigger guys. Or maybe he'll just win and be a Legends Champion. Or maybe Booker will screw him out of it. Lots of options. Should be a fine match regardless, and I think Styles will win.

Off the Wagon Challenge for the TNA World Tag Team Championships - Beer Money, Inc. vs Team 3D

I don't see why Beer Money really has to lose the belts, but oh well. No way TNA ditches a half of Team 3D and keeps another - it's common fact that individually, the members of Team 3D suck even more than they do as a regular team. The only thing that keeps them together as a team, really, is the history and the crowd reaction, and the whole tables bit. They're good for a hardcore match but in a regular environment they're not so hot. But anyway. The team can't possibly split up, and they won't pull another DQ/Countout, so Team 3D will probably win. Hopefully Beer Money will win them back soon, they're really a fantastic team. 3D will at least be a change of pace.

Ultimate X Match for the TNA X-Division Championship - Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Consequences Creed vs Suicidaniels

They're all great X-Division athletes, and can put on a good show is this environment. I enjoy the Ultimate X concept, it's quick, it's fun, it's crazy, so on, so forth. The match will be entertaining, that's pretty much a given. The winner, of course, is the question. I hope Shelley retains and looks good doing it, but of course Suicide is a wildcard. The problem with Suicide losing is he'd be a complete failure. I could see a screwjob loss for him, which could lead to one on one Shelley vs Suicide at the next PPV, and I'd rather that happen. That way, Suicide could do a little talking, they could hype it up a bit, so on, so on. But TNA will probably throw the title on him now. Option 3 is Homicide cashing in, which I could certainly go for. Homicide is great, and he'd be a great X-Division champion as well. I'd take anything other than Suicide winning, really. It's not that I don't love the man beneath the costume, but the gimmick is so piss poor, it's hard to even like Daniels with it.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Sting vs Kurt Angle

Looking forward to the match itself, which should be very good. Aside from that, of course, are the implications for the title. There's a lot going against Angle here, particularly Jarrett as Guest Referee, which leads to slow counts, refusal to count, screw jobs, so on, so forth. Foley as enforcer pretty much takes out MEM interference for Angle as well, but then, when all the cards are stacked against something happening, we all know that's what tends to happen. Jarrett would be forced to call a tapout if Sting were to tap to the ankle lock, and I can't imagine Jarrett could not 3 count after a decisive Angle Slam, without coming across as a bad guy for really screwing over Kurt. So Angle has a good chance here. Sting has a good chance as well with the various match factors in his favor, but I just don't know how much longer his title reign can go. It's really been bland because for a while he was just part of the MEM, never talked, and now he's trying to get it together as kind of the MEM rebel, but it still feels like it's dragging on. Angle as champ at this point seems preferable, but Sting could probably reignite some spark into the title reign with a clean win over Angle, and plus, it'd let him defend at Lockdown and maybe drop there, at a proper PPV outside of the Impact Zone. Either way, though, a great match for sure and both men probably have an equal chance of walking out as champ.
How entirely predictable is TNA? Their main event is Kurt Angle vs. Sting and they have Jeff Jarrett as the referee and Mick Foley as the special enforcer.. you think one of them is going to turn, join the MEM, and help Angle win? YOU THINK?! Maybe they thought by tossing both of them in there they'd make it a little less predictable because you now have to guess which one is going to turn and join the MEM.

I really can't see Foley in the MEM and fitting in any way that isn't laughable with Angle, Nash, Steiner and Booker. Jarrett's a natural heel anyway (the bad kind) and has been in the nWo, and this entire storyline is just a rehash of the nWo, right down to where the guy in charge of the company joins the stable.. so Jarrett it is!

Maybe thats why TNA's ratings are SKYROCKETING, because fans wanted to share some memories and relive the nWo storyline for the fuzzy feelings it gives them in their stomachs. Unbelievable.

I really can't see any match on the card that really stands out to me and would ever make me buy this ppv, and the build up to it was horrible. Its all stuff thats been done before.

My predictions are:

- Kurt Angle wins the World championship yet again. Hurray.
- I'd like to see Shelley or Sabin hold the X division title, the only other option is Suicidaniels but I really think that would be jumping the Shark. So that will probably happen!
- Team 3D wins; who else are Beer Money going to feud with? At least with Team 3D they can feud with MEM and that storylines already there.
- AJ Styles & Samoa Joe both HAVE to win or TNA has once again completelym dropped the ball and done nothing right. How could they possibly lose after all this?
- Awesome Kong keeps the belt. I thought the Knockouts division was suppose to be some great asset, I think its lost everything that had people praising it months ago.
- Matt Morgan wins, Abyss takes the obvious hardcore spot of falling into the tacks.
TheOneBigWill’s ‘take’ on T.N.A. Destination X; March 15th, 2009:

1. Six Knockout Tag Team Contest: The Beautiful People v. Roxxi, The Governor & Taylor Wilde:
Not a bad, which each individual knockout getting her fair share in the match. In complete honesty, this was a contest that isn’t going to be remembered very well, because outside of the feud between Velvet Sky & Angelina Love, against “The Governor” prank, it’s just not important. In the end, the newest “Beautiful Person”, Madison Rayne, takes the loss from Taylor Wilde.

In my opinion, the Beautiful People should’ve won here. Taylor Wilde, Roxxi & The Governor have no build, no future, and roughly nothing to fight for other than air-time. Velvet Sky, Angelina Love and even the newest Knockout, Rayne, all have more to fight for.. And having the newest Knockout take the loss, was a mistake in my opinion. Winners: Roxxi, The Governor & Taylor Wilde

2. Brutus Magnus Open Challenge:
No less than 3 days ago, on iMPACT! You have Eric Young protest and literally pitch a half way decent promo to Sting, about how he wants to be the future of the company. How he wants to be the guy that gets more chance to shine, more time to show everyone he’s worth something other than a joke.. And then you job him to a guy, that hasn’t been made to look even remotely important since the last Pay per view, when he debuted this stupid challenge to begin with.

Magnus’ finisher is a basic twisting Death Valley Driver, if even that. It looks like a fucked up “Fireman’s carry”. Either way, he hit it off the middle rope, and pinned Eric Young cleanly. I’m totally confused as to why they’d even take the opening to mildly push Young as someone Sting could put faith into, only to job him to a guy that’ll likely not make it on the roster through the full year. Winner: Brutus Magnus

In-Ring Promo: Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Who’s idea was it to attempt involving every single mid-carder, who wasn’t already involved in a match, on the card? This is the number one thing T.N.A. takes heat for, and they’re still doing it. The entire first hour of this Pay per view, was all more or less “unscripted” and “un-promoted” stuff.

So Bashir comes out and almost breaks down in tears, basically for no other reason that he’s finally upset that he gets treated like a Terrorist. (hmm, I wonder why. No fucking way it has ANYTHING to do with how you play off your character, Saddam.) The complete irony of everything, is Jim Cornette and some smuck Soldier come out and more or less say the reason Bashir isn’t being used anymore, is because plain and simply, Cornette doesn’t like him. (Way to not show any favortism, or biased-ness)

The wannabe Soldier was told to sing Bashir to the locker room, and for someone so proud to be a U.S. Soldier, it didn’t sound like he even knew the words. The fans weren’t helping too much, because they didn’t know the words either.

3. Match of 10,000 Tacs: Abyss v. Matt Morgan:
Anyone NOT believing Abyss wouldn’t be the individual taking the tacs bump isn’t too familiar with how these programs work. The sad thing is, they claimed to have tacs set-up all around ringside, and yet only roughly 3 bags get brought into play in a pile in the ring. (That NEVER get used, I might add)

The match spills to the outside, where Abyss has to apparently do everything himself, as he set up the two large table-based tacs. (aka - the ending bump) The brawl goes up the ramp way, where Morgan is called a coward for running off by Tenay, only for West to defend him. And in the end, it’s Morgan hitting his bicycle kick on Abyss, which sets him through the badly placed tables, and into the tacs. (overall, the match was just horrible to watch, and the ending didn’t justify the lameness that proceeded it) I’m only going to assume we’ll get a “round 3” between these two, inside 6-Sides of Steel. Winner: Matt Morgan

One Night w/ O.D.B. Finals:
If it’s not randomly trying to add all their talent into every single show, it’s adding too many stupid promos, that have truly no place at all. So roughly put, a Business Exc., a Redneck, and Shark boy are the 3 finalists who have a chance to spend the night with O.D.B.

They get put through a small series of tests, including explaining what they’d do, and dancing. In the end, Shark Boy and the Business man are told to hit the bricks, as O.D.B. picked the Redneck, after he told her he had “something else” on his body, longer than his mullet.

4. Knockout’s Championship: Awesome Kong © v. Sojournor Bolt:
I’m almost pretty sure I said this match was going to prove to be better than what people expected, and that was largely in part because no one was expecting anything out of this match. Well, I was right.

It wasn’t pretty, it definitely wasn’t great, but as far as female matches go, it wasn’t horrible. So-Jo missed a couple moves, including trying to spring up and behind Kong, at which she botched, only for Kong to stand behind her and play it off by just cocking her head as if to say “Bitch, what the fuck did you think your fat ass was going to do?!”

In the end, Kong picks up the victory, after reversing what I believe was an attempted hurricanrana, into a Kong-Bomb. I actually liked that much of the match, and not just because it signaled the ending, either. Kong retains, as if there was ever any doubt. Saeed gave (in my opinion) a slight, (very slight) hint that she could be the next to challenge, as she patted the Championship, instead of Kong, and kinda kept staring at the belt after the match was over. Winner: Awesome Kong

5. Scott Steiner v. Samoa Joe:
Either Scott Steiner “bladed” himself before he even walked down the aisle, or Samoa Joe really does have thick feet, because Steiner was busted open, merely from Joe kicking Steiner in the head. (dispite not actually kicking “the top” of his head, which was where the cut was) The entire match was Joe being dominate, and Steiner being played off as intimidated.

In the end, Joe went nuts and took out the Official, then another, then continued to beat the shit out of Steiner. This continued onto another segment later on, in which Joe looked like he just came from a pig-pen, covered in mud and shit. (Complete w/ blood on his new knife) Joe claims that when they find Steiner, they’ll know a bit more about the “Nation of Violence”. So apparently, Joe raped and left Steiner for dead. And he’s a face??

My personal favorite was Don West stating that Steiner didn’t deserve that, only for Tenay to actually DEFEND having someone raped and left for dead in saying “Hey, he knew what he was getting himself into, he knew Joe was nuts, and he knew he had this coming.” (I wonder if he could be a defense lawyer for a convicted rapist) Winner by DQ: Scott Steiner (By the way, YES, Scott Steiner was literally awarded the victory.. Over the returning Samoa Joe. NICE)

6. T.N.A. Legend’s Championship: Booker T. © v. A.J. Styles:
Not the match I was hoping for, but still better than a lot of the rest. It seemed kinda boring throughout, until the ending moments when Booker missed a Scissor’s Kick, only to get drilled with the Pele, then later on dropped with the Styles’ Clash and Sharmell just stood outside the ring, watching as Booker was pinned and defeated.

It should be noted that this match seemed almost TOO easy for A.J. to just “win” and make history that easily. Sharmell and Booker had a meeting w/ Cornette earlier in the night, about the contract being illegal because Sharmell didn’t agree to it, and she’s Booker’s business manager or some shit. So I could see iMPACT! Coming around and Styles’ being “stripped” of the title, with all history of him winning it, also being taken away.

I definitely see a return match between these two, unless a Lethal Lockdown match has them both involved. Which I also see possible. Winner & NEW Legend’s Champion: A.J. Styles

7. Off the Wagon Challenge/Tag Team Championships: Beer Money, Inc. v. Team 3D:
Again, not the match I’d expected, but Bubba and D-Von aren’t exactly the same duo they were years ago. Storm had his leg heavily wrapped and I’m unsure what that was all about. They didn’t play off any type of injury, so I truly have no clue.

The match originally had Team 3D setting up to hit a 3-D, only for Storm to crack Bubba with a chair and warrant the Disqualification. Cornette came out, claimed that wasn’t how it was gonna end, and restarted the match until No DQ rules. This lasted about literally 5 minutes longer, if even that long, before Roode grabbed Storm out of the ring, having Don West hand them their titles, and the Champs took off to the back, getting counted out. (With Cornette apparently believing he couldn’t just re-restart the match, again)

After all was said and done, Tenay bitched West out, to Team 3D, who tried bullying West by saying what he did was bullshit. I found this funny, considering Tenay would’ve done the same fucking thing, had he had Beer Money, Inc DEMANDING he get their Tag titles. West was only saving his own ass, and got ratted out for it. Winners by Countout: Team 3D

8. Ultimate X/X-Division Championship: Alex Shelley © v. Chris Sabin v. Jay Lethal v. Consequences Creed v. Suicide:
Best match of the night. And the funniest part to all of that, Suicide spent the large majority of it either outside the ring, or getting beaten up inside the ring.

Shelley and Sabin worked together, while Lethal & Creed worked together. It was a glorified Tag match, with Lethal at one point almost (literally) tossing Creed to victory. A lot of nice spots, and the Pay per view is worth this match, alone.

In the end though, it was the predictable Suicide, who climbed up the ring-set-up, and leaped (ala Christopher Daniels from like a year or so ago ;)) to knock Shelley, Lethal & Creed all off the ropes, and take the Championship. Winner & New Ultimate X Champion: Suicide (I’m curious if Christopher Daniels would dare take the Suicide mask off, showing everyone it’s him and playing off that being the only way he could “comeback” since he was fired like two years ago) It’d be more interesting than to continue with this Suicide crap.

9. T.N.A. Championship: Sting © v. Kurt Angle: (Special Referee: Jeff Jarrett, Special Enforcer: Mick Foley)
I seriously have NO clue why Mick Foley was even out at ringside, except to have a small part in the match that clearly sets-up for a Foley/Sting showdown at Lockdown.

Nice match, great work between the two. It wasn’t too much of a long match, and Jarrett played fairly and called everything straight down the middle. Foley, again, didn’t do much of anything other than at one point get slightly in Angle’s face, demanding he get back in the ring. (dispite all he was doing, was catching his breath)

In the end, a series of clusterfucks and near-finishes had the fans getting rowdy. Foley accidentally drilled Sting with a chair, only for Jarrett to recover from being taken out accidentally from an Angle clothesline and count 2. This caused Angle to spit in Jarrett’s face, which caused Jarrett to punch Angle backwards into a Scorpion Death Drop for the victory. Winner: Sting

In the end, it was Foley and Sting having a small conversation. (about Foley’s fuck up, no doubt) While Angle was bitching at Jarrett, backing himself up the ramp to end the show.

Overall Thoughts:
All in all, it was exactly what I felt it would be. A, by leaps and bounds, much better T.N.A. Pay per view than they’ve put on all year to this point.(Which isn’t saying much, at all, but still)

I was slightly confused by some of the decisions made by the company, such as why Eric Young lost, why Foley was even in the Main Event when M.E.M. never even made an appearance at ringside, to even slightly distract anyone, and why Suicide is seriously getting a run with the Ultimate X title.

Team 3D will win the Tag Team Championships before it’s all said and done, I’m all but almost sure of this. Their careers with T.N.A. were in more danger a year or so back, then they ever were in this “Off the Wagon” Challenge. The only thing that would’ve made the match more “predictable/interesting” would’ve been changing the “challenge” to more or less.. If you do NOT win the titles, you’re both fired. Then have them do constant run-ins, as free agent Wrestlers.

Someone mentioned Kong needing another “fan’s challenge” because I suppose more or less that person felt she no longer had anymore challengers. Sadly, I think whoever said that, was right. Outside of Saeed, or at most more re-runs with Wilde, Roxxi, O.D.B. or anyone else, Kong has single handedly went through the entire Knockout’s division.. Dominately. Saeed is it. I hope it happens.

I get very much so why Styles’ won the Legend’s title, but now that he has it.. What’s he gonna do with it? Because since it’s debut, it seems more like a “Million Dollar title” than an actual “legit” defendable title. Ya know? I can see Styles rematching to Booker, only to lose. But what exactly would that do? Any way you build it, I just can’t see the Legend’s title being worth anything right now. It’s not credible like the X-Division, yet no where near big enough to be a Heavyweight title. So it’s like T.N.A.’s version of the European title?!

As it stands, the build-up for Lockdown looks to be Foley v. Sting, with Jarrett v. Angle. I’ll admit, I’m interested.. But Angle/Jarrett has been done a couple times within 6 months now, so it’s not like a 3rd major Pay per view match between them is worth it. Lethal Lockdown will allow multiple others to join, but at most that means roughly; Jarrett, Styles & Joe against Angle, Booker & Steiner. (or Nash, depending on his injury) It’d be good, but not great. And filling those 6 into one match, only opens the flood gates for tons of useless pure shit matches to be put on the card.

In the end, I felt Destination X was a solid 7 out of 10. It was worth watching again, because of the final 2 hours. Or maybe final hour and a half.
I went to Destination X and the show was great. The Impact Zone marked out when Styles won the X-Division title. I was one of them. It was an awesome moment. I really thought Angle should have won the TNA title but I really don't think he needs it at this point in his career. As far as Daniels not everyone knows he is Suicide. I was talking to a girl during the ppv who had no idea Daniels was Suicide or Curry Man. So just because every internet fan knows doesn't mean everyone else does. For those of us who do know. Suicides leap of faith to grab the belt was a cool moment which I was particularly fond of.

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