Gears of War 4 / Ultimate Edition


Staff member
I know it has been quite a few days now since the end of the annual E3 conference but I just haven't had time to create a thread for, in my opinion, one of the biggest revelations that have been announced.

So lets start with Gears of War 4. Gears of War has, quite simply, been sorely missed in my life. Just like many people look back to the likes of Mario and Luigi as the gaming characters that defined their gaming experiences as a teenager, I look back at Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago as mine. I've had every Gears game that has been released and I have to admit that they have been relatively disappointing since the 3rd installment. Event Judgment was terrible...


Still, Gears 4 looks to be a welcome addition to the Xbox One family. Not a lot has been said of the characters in the new game with the exception of their names (JD and Kait) but I must say that the graphics look tremendous. I like that The Coalition have kept what made the games so successful whilst updating it for the next generation. It stands to reason that we will be taking on a new threat this time as the Locust were eradicated in Gears 3. It also stands to reason, depending on time frames, that the main characters from Gears 1, 2 and 3 will make an appearance at some point; more for nostalgia than anything else.

Speaking of nostalgia...

Ultimate Edition Beta has just ended and I took part in the entire 8 days when I could. I must say, it was awesome to revisit the world of the COG and that of my teenage years. The implementation of 60 FPS makes this game seem much more fluid. The addition of dedicated servers was a good choice as it made the game more playable and a whole lot more balanced than I remember the game being almost 10 years ago. Needless to say, the graphics were very good and made me reimagine the way that the world was created.

All in all, it was fun and I am looking forward to seeing how good Ultimate Edition is in the end. They have added the Brumak fight into the Ultimate Edition as well as changing a few things here and there. Thanks to my participation in the Beta, I'll be enjoying a few more characters and a new skin in he actual game; which is neat. But nothing compared to the fun and nostalgia I felt whilst playing.

So, did you okay the Beta? What did you think? Also, given how much gaming has evolved since the inception of Gears, do you feel like it still has a place in the industry?

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