Gears of War: It's Place in History?


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As you all know, Gears of War 3 was released this week. I haven't played it yet although I own it because I am working my way through the first one, but I have heard nothing but great things. I've played the first two and absolutely love them which is a lot considering I don't enjoy many shooters. What I want to ask you all is, how does this series influence how this generation of consoles is remembered. It's no secret that this generation has produced many memorable games. Does Gears stand above the rest? Will it be remembered as a stand-out game of this generation? Just give me your opinions on the series and how it will be remembered.

My opinion? I see this game as the defining series of this generation of consoles. What it doesn't have it story telling it makes up for in fun and addictive gameplay and great multi-player. To me, it's not just another game I can have fun with. It's a series I think about when going over my favorite games of all time. Even in the frustrating parts of the game, I still find myself intrigued and immersed in the game. I fucking love it. So lemme know guys, will it fade into obscurity as a series that was fun, but not the best, or will it be remembered like the great games of past consoles?
I see this game as the defining series of this generation of consoles.

I don't know if it can speak for the PS3 or Wii. I find the Wii and PS3 to be much more versatile in gaming choices. The PS3 is incredible for people without kids, but aren't going to spend hours playing video games (tho Red Dead would beg to differ). Successful titles range from Little Big Planet to God of War. Totally different concepts for totally different gamers. Whereas the Wii are for families and does a great job (for the most part) at integrating its control concept to the games. Successful titles range from Wii Sports to Super Mario Galaxy. Again, different game concepts: One is for people who want to causally play a round of golf or something and the other is Fucking Mario.

But if we are talking about the X-Box 360.. Then ya. I do think Gears is the definitive X-Box 360 game series. It is a third person shooter with a combination of realistic and exasperated graphics, and I'd be damn if the 360 doesn't have enough of those games. But there's something about the game that draws people to it. I blame the chainsaws. ;) When most people think X-Box 360 they think Gears of War or [Sports Game] '[Year].
It'll be a remembered as one of the top franchises in this generation. On Xbox 360, it's easily in the top five franchises of all time so far (based on general consensus). In my mind on preference; it's probably the top franchise until Mass Effect 3 comes out and if it's as great as Mass Effect 2. I hope they don't damage the franchise and try to make money off of it like Halo and COD have done. The story, multi-player and gameplay are absolutely Top Class.

I'm currently in the middle of my play-through on Gears 3 and I have to say; it's nothing short of epic, the action is second to none and it's been quite emotional.
I hope they don't damage the franchise and try to make money off of it like Halo and COD have done

Isn't that the point? Too make money? As long as people are still playing and enjoying it, more games will be release. I don't see why people insist on always picking on Halo and CoD all the time.

I'm currently in the middle of my play-through on Gears 3 and I have to say; it's nothing short of epic, the action is second to none and it's been quite emotional.

I'll admit I choked up a bit when they
killed off Dom
but I just feel the entire game has lack that huge moment yet. The campaign in fun as always but I feel as though I had more fun with the previous two games campaigns. I dunno,I'm half way through the final act and I just feel as though the game, campaign wise is just a tad underwhelming. Not to say its not fun, because its a ton of gruesome fun(Retro Lancer impalement is oh so satisfying).

In history, Gears of War will be one of those celebrated games mostly remembered for its innovative cover system. It will also be remembered as that game that has the gun with the chainsaw equipped. Along with Halo, Gears will be remembered as the 360s core franchises that has such a large,hardcore and competitive following. Well, that's how I will always remember it at least. Fun game,fun campaigns,and very highly addictive gameplay.
I haven't played 3 yet but playing 1 and 2 ... for me it would be an ejoyable franchise and the Halo for 3rd Person Shooters. But, like Halo, the game is overpraised as a result of the hype it recieved (but hey thats how the gaming industry works).

I do give the game major props for improving the 3rd person shooter game mechanics and co-op multiplayer.
Ive really never been that impressed by gears of war. Although because of its sales and name value over the last couple years it will probably be looked highly upon when discussing shooter games of the current gen, overall as a franchise it really didnt break any ground and didnt do much to put itself in the category of one of the best franchises ever, in my book not even a top 10 shooter series either. The game is fun but the storyline and gameplay isnt anything unique or special that really helps distinguish itself from the rest of the genre other than the fact its not a fps.
What I want to ask you all is, how does this series influence how this generation of consoles is remembered. It's no secret that this generation has produced many memorable games. Does Gears stand above the rest?

Without meaning to be rude about It doesn't stand out. To me, actually, it's a pretty general shooter with odd camera angles which makes the controls feel really awkward.

Will it be remembered as a stand-out game of this generation?

As much as I hate to say it - no. It'll go to Halo. It may go down as the stand out NEW FRANCHISE of the generation, but even then, as new franchises go...I could easily see Assassins Creed going over GoW as the standout. If not, Mass Effect.

Just give me your opinions on the series and how it will be remembered.

I like both of the first 2 games though I find the controls irking sometimes. They annoy me because they feel clunky because of the camera angle, and if you suffer from motion sickness, this is NOT the game for you. The games are good, but I just don't get the hype of why they're "the best game on this generation."

My opinion? I see this game as the defining series of this generation of consoles. What it doesn't have it story telling it makes up for in fun and addictive gameplay and great multi-player.

Again, NEW series, possibly but then how many NEW series' have we TRULY seen? I mean being honest. Assassins Creed. Arkham. Mass Effect. Any more? Have any NEW series' come out that are really worth shouting about? This generation has been stale, all about recreating the older titles and giving sequels to old games on the newer consoles. Yeah, I said it. This generation = full of remakes and sequels with no real substance. The multi-player is WAY out shadowed here by COD, which is a worldwide franchise and is one of the only games in the world which holds MILLIONS of players all year around, and FIFA, which is the same as above. The story is the best part of GoW, but I've enjoyed more games for better stories than GoW.

To me, it's not just another game I can have fun with. It's a series I think about when going over my favorite games of all time. Even in the frustrating parts of the game, I still find myself intrigued and immersed in the game. I fucking love it. So lemme know guys, will it fade into obscurity as a series that was fun, but not the best, or will it be remembered like the great games of past consoles?

It'll probably fade away like the majority of games from this generation will. I can't think of many stand out games from this generation. Not many that are TRULY worth rating, that were popular enough to sustain immortality. Not many NEW games at least.
.Isn't that the point? Too make money? As long as people are still playing and enjoying it, more games will be release. I don't see why people insist on always picking on Halo and CoD all the time.

You can always make money without milking the franchise. Bringing out something like 6 Gears Of War games would likely harm the story thus harming the franchise, that's why absolutely no one plays COD for the Campaign any more just for the same, repetitive online gameplay. Halo are needlessly bringing out a fourth game when they clearly indicated they were ending the franchise with the third.

I'll admit I choked up a bit when they
killed off Dom
but I just feel the entire game has lack that huge moment yet. The campaign in fun as always but I feel as though I had more fun with the previous two games campaigns. I dunno,I'm half way through the final act and I just feel as though the game, campaign wise is just a tad underwhelming. Not to say its not fun, because its a ton of gruesome fun(Retro Lancer impalement is oh so satisfying).

I completed it last night and I think it's easily the best Gears Campaign.
You can always make money without milking the franchise. Bringing out something like 6 Gears Of War games would likely harm the story thus harming the franchise, that's why absolutely no one plays COD for the Campaign any more just for the same, repetitive online gameplay. Halo are needlessly bringing out a fourth game when they clearly indicated they were ending the franchise with the third.

I can't argue with CoD. I do think they are releasing them a little to often with very minimal change. But still, its evident that millions people still enjoy them. Why else would it continually break records with every release? Halo on the other hand, nobody said they were ending the franchise,just the trilogy. Have you seen the ending of Halo 3? They clearly left the door wide open for more games. With that logic then why does Mario still continue to persist today after being more than 20 years old? Or Zelda, or any other Nintendo franchise? Because there is still plenty of money to be made and also because plenty of people still enjoy these franchises. Uncharted is already on their 3rd game,whats not to say there won't be a forth or fifth? When does it stop? If there is still money to be made then you will continue to see more of these games. Gears of War is no different, I hear there is already plans of a forth. I'm all for it because I love Gears of War gameplay and the campaigns are always fun. As long as they don't rush anything then everything should be fine.

I completed it last night and I think it's easily the best Gears Campaign.

I enjoyed it, but I thought the campaign in the 2nd one was better.

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