Gears Of War 2

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
The original is among one of my all time favourites, despite my lack of online capabilties. And now, finally, the second one has been announced. I think this may just be the first sequel announced to a next-gen (now current gen) blockbuster. Of course, I may have to double check that one. I mean a sequel to a series that started in the current gen, obviously.

Anyway, here's the new trailer for your enjoyment:

My first thoughts are that this is quite... odd. It reveals little about the content of the game really, aside from a little clipping of the continuation to what I feel is an underrated story. Sure, it's tongue-in-cheek, but it's more epic and well executed than many Hollywood films these days. I think the trailer serves mostly as an announcement more than anything. It does seem to reveal, however, that this game is going to be just as brutal and bloody if not more so than the previous game, with more ways to kill your enemy than before (as symbolized by the upside down chainsaw stabbing). Epic games, I thank you.
Well Mr. Sam, they are doing Resistance 2 for PS3, which is pretty much the G.o.W. equivalant. I have both and am impressed with both. Resistance 2 is goign to have 60 person on line play, so um ya, that's impressive.

Anyways, Gears of War is awesome, plain and simple. My first game for the 360 and it was a damn good choice. They are making a movie for it and everything, which I know, Video Game movies suck balls, but you can always hope.
Maybe, just maybe, you can compare Resistance Two to the Gears games. But did you just compare the original Resistance to Gears Of War!? How dare you? HOW DARE YOU!? That game was Godawful (it had ******ed AI and, worst of all, PS1-level textures), and looks even worse when compared the the absolute gem that is Gears Of War. Hopefully, the second has improved greatly. Right now, to be honest though, COD4 is the pinnacle of online gaming. Microsoft definitely has the biggest online hitters with Halo and Gears though. 60 players could be great, but it could just as easily be a frenzied mess.

Anyway, back to Gears. I always find it comparable to Resident Evil 4 more than anything, just a lot more actiony and a lot shorter. And the sequel is coming out this November. It feels like yesterday that I was chainsawing my first locust soldier in half. Ah, how quickly the industry moves.
Well if you purchase Unreal Tournament 3 the exclusive video content looks AWESOME. the new maps,weapons and everything is sooooo brilliant. cant wait for this game. 5v5 Multiplayer this time round. every little helps guys. and fall of man to gears isnt worth comparing.

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