GCW: Wasteland

The Underking

Likes Jalepenos with Cheese

Wastleland World Heavyweight Championship

Wasteland South America Championship.

Wasteland Hardcore Championship.

Wasteland Tag Team Championship.

GM: Vince MacMahon

Comentators: JBL and Mick Foley

Announcer: Savahna

Backstage Interviewer: Christy Hemme

Referee: Charlies Robinson


Wastleland World Heavyweight Championship

Wasteland South America Championship.

Wasteland Hardcore Championship.

Wasteland Tag Team Championship.

GM: Vince MacMahon

Comentators: JBL and Mick Foley (All four personalities)

Announcer: Savahna

Backstage Interviewer: Christy Hemme

Referee: Charlies Robinson


1.Jack SwaggerH

2.Edge H

3.Kofi Kingston F

4.Hernandez F

5.Kevin Nash H

6.Homicide T

7.John Morrison F

8.Kaval F

9.Abyss H

10.Big Show F

11.Raven H

12.Matt Hardy F

13.Melina F

14.Layla H

15.David Otunga H

16.Sean Watman H

17.Maria F

18.Michelle McCool H

19.Kaz H

20.Rob Terry F

21.Max Buck F

22.Jeremy Buck F

23.Carlito F

24.Primo F

25.M.V.P H

26. Rob Van Dam F

27. Tyson Kid F

28. David Hart Smith F

29. Natalya F

30. The Undertaker F

31. Kurt Angle F

32. Rey Mysterio F

First SHow to come out soon Wasteland

List of PPV

January: New Moon Rising (#4 Supershow)

Febuary: Survival Games

March: No Escape

April: Unbreakable (#2 Supershow)

May: Punjabi Prison

June: Golden Revenge

July: Mercy Dawn (#3 Supershow)

August: Breaking Out

September: Full Velocity

October: Chase For Fame (#1 Supershow)

November: Devil's Playground

December: Fight Night
October 5


The Pyro goes off as the crowd is watching the first ever airing of Wasteland hell the whole GCW.

JBL: We welcome you to the best of all the GCW Brand's it Wasteland it's me John Bradshaw Layfied with my partner Mick Foley.

Mankind: It's Mankind today.

JBL: Well let's go to our GM who's already in the ring.

We see the ring standard WWE with Vince MacMahon in the middle.

Vince MacMahon: A couple months ago I gave WWE away to my daughter Stephanie which was a huge mistake because well only I can run the greatest wrestling company on earth so tonight we will start an eight man tournament for the Wasteland World Heavyweight Championship.

The Crowd Pops big time.

Mankind: Yeah and it's filled with stars.

JBL: Of course it is Vince MacMahon is running this show.

Vince MacMahon: We will also crown new champions here tonight so I welcome you all to Wasteland.


"This is a quarter final match introducing first from Las Angeles, California weight 223 pounds John Morrison" said the announcer.

Mankind: John Morrison has a huge oppertunity here tonight

JBL: Of course he does but he has to win first.


"And his opponent from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 240 pounds The Only Olympic Gold Medalist in pro wrestling Kurt Angle" said the annoncer.

JBL: The only gold medalist in pro wrestling Kurt Angle and I have to say he got an easy match.

Mankind: Hey don't discount John Morrison yet.

John Morrison and Kurt lock up with Kurt putting on a head lock. John pushes him off rebounding against the ropes and Kurt nails him with a shoulder tackle. This happens two more times as John is getting pissed. Kurt puts in the head lock John pushes him off but as Kurt rebounds hits him with a spinning heel kick. John fallows with a running knee smash ..1.. ..2 kick out. John then fallows stomping on Kurt's neck and putting in a chin lock. Kurt easily slips out and goes for an ankle lock but John slips out of it and puts on his own ankle lock.

Mankind: What a counter by John jusing Kurt's own finishing move against him.

JBL: Does John have no respect for Kurt this is disgraceful.

John lets go and goes for a flying chuck but Kurt ducks causing John to crash and burn. John slowly get's up as Kurt measures him and hits a release German suplex. Kurt fallows with a couple european uppercuts and then an over head belly to belly suplex ..1.. ..2.. kick out. John slowly get's up into a stiff shoulder tackle and Kurt put's in the Triangle Choke. John grabs the ropes and goes to the outside. Kurt goes outside to get him but John hip tosses him onto the concrete ramp. John then goes into the ring scouting Kurt who is slowly getting up. John nails him with a corkscrew plancha to the outside.

Mick: What an athletic move by John Morrison.

JBL: He can jump around all he wants but that won't beat a Gold Medalist like Kurt Angle.

John grabs Kurt and rams him face first into the steel ring post and then throws him into the ring. John starts laying elbows to Kurt's neck and then fallows with a running knee smash ..1.. ..2.. kick out. John lifts up Kurt adn goes for the Moonlight Drive but Kurt counters into a trio of German suplexes ..1.. ..2.. .. kick out. John is slowly getting up as Kurt is staggering around the ring. John gets up into an angle slam ..1.. ..2.. .. John put's his foot on the rope. Kurt can't believe it as John is slowly getting up to his knees. Kurt grabs John for another one but John slips out and hits a flying chuck kick.

John slowly get's up as Kurt fallows him up. John Irish whips Kurt into the turn buckle back of the neck first and then fallows with a running high knee in the corner to the neck. John then grabs a staggering Kurt and hits an STO Backbreaker fallowed by a neck breaker ..1.. ..2.. . kick out. John lifts up Kurt for seemingly a suplex but transitions it into a Reverse DDT ..1.. ..2.. . kick out. John goes to the top rope but Kurt nails him with an over head belly to belly suplex ..1.. ..2.. .. kick out. Kurt positions John for a moon Sault but john grabs the ropes and forearms Kurt in the back. John grabs Kurt and pulls on him and hits a rope hung Moonlight Drive.

JBL: The Fat Lady's singing Mick.

Mankind: All he has to do is reach over and pin him.

..1.. ..2.. .. kick out. John grabs at his hair as he goes to his feet slowly glaring at Kurt. John fallows dragging Kurt and going for another Moonlight Drive but Kurt counters and puts him into the ankle lock. John starts crawling to the ropes as Kurt tries to drag him to the center of the ring. Kurt keeps John in the hold but John manages to grasp the ropes. Kurt let's go and John quickly nails him from behind with a kick to the back of the head. John drags Kurt to the center of the ring and goes for a Startship Pain but Kurt rolls out of the way and John lands on his feet hurting his anke. Kurt drags him into the ankle lock where John taps out.

(Gold Medal plays)

"Winner of this match and going to the semi finals by submission Kurt Angle" said the announcer.

Mankind: These two had a great back and forth match but it looks like Kurt just had a little more left in the tank by the end.


David Otunga is looking for somebody as he goes into Vince's office.

David: Why am I not in the tournament Vince.

Vince: David do you honestly beleive that a guy who hasn't even been wrestling for a year deserves to be in a word title tournament.

David: No not a guy I'm the "A-List" David Otunga I've been two the white house twice last year, look at me and say that I'm not the future of Wasteland.

Matt Hardy barges in.

Matt: No you're not the future of Wasteland.

David: What and Fatt Hardy is look Matt your second to a pot head in your own family Jeff look at him he's taking drugs 24/7 and he still managed to get a head of you.

Vince: I've heard enough get ready you both have a title match next.

(5150 plays to a low reaction)

"This match is for the Wasteland South America Championship and it is a fatal four way match introducing first at 205 pounds from Brooklyn, New York Homicide" said the announcer.

JBL: Well twenty bucks says he's mowing my lawn tomorrow.

Mankind: Twenty bucks you wake up tommarow with your teeth kicked in.

(Te Gusta O No plays to a larger reaction)

"And his opponent from Houstan, Texas at 285 pounds Hernandez" said the announcer.

Mankind: The Mexican Superman.

JBL: Yep and he doesn't hold a cande to the real American Superman.

(We Are One by 12 Stones plays to moderate boos)

"And his opponent from Hollywood, California at 240 pounds "The A-List" David Otunga" said the announcer.

JBL: See this is what every wrestler should strive to be.

Mankind: An Egotisical Asshole?

(Live for the Moment as the crowd pops)

"And his opponent from Cameron, North Carolina at 236 pounds Matt Hardy" said the announcer.

Mankind: The Man that will not die.

JBL: Yeah well he won't live long enough to win a world championship I assure you.

Homicide and Hernandez shake hands before the match as they watch David and Matt tear into each other. Homicide takes down Otunga with a lariat and Hernandez shoulder blocks Matt. Homicide fallows throwing Otunga to the outside and smashing him against the steps. Homicide then continues chopping him all the way up the ramp. David goes for The Verdict (Thrust Spinebuster) but Homicide counters into with a forearm and then a Gringo Killer on the ramp. Homicide then walls into the ring as Hernandez is beating on Matt. Homicide fallows stomping on Matt along with Hernandez and doing various double team maneuvers. As Hernandez goes to drop Matt on Homicide's knee but Matt counters into a neck breaker.

Matt starts with a come back nailing Homicide with a couple punches and kicking Hernandez in the gut as he got up. Matt throws Homicide out of the ring and continues his attack on Hernandez. Matt goes for an Irish whip but Hernandez counters with his own as Matt hit's the turn buckle. Homicide goes for a splash in the corner but Matt stops him with a side elbow. Matt fallows nailing a second rope elbow to the back ..1.. ..2 kick out. Matt then grabs Hernandez for a Side Effect but Homicide nails him with a missle drop kick from the top rope.

JBL: Matt looked to continue his come back but Homicide got him with that beautiful drop kick.

Mankind: I could never do a drop kick period viewers don't try to do it your self.

Hernandez grabs Matt in an abdomnable strech as Homicide beat's on him as Matt is trying to escape. Homicide tells Hernandez to go for the Border Toss. As Hernadez goes for it David sneaked in and nailed him with a kick to the back of the leg dropping him down. Homicide catches him with some forearms but David counters into a scoop slam. David then grabs Matt Hardy and nails him with The Verdict ..1.. ..2.. .. Hernandez stops the pin. David starts punching at Hernandez and screaming at him to stay on the floor ending with David hit a snap DDT. David goes to pin Matt agin but Matt rolled out of the ring. Homicide spins David around and nails him with a overhead double underhook suplex. Homicide fallows hitting a shining wizard ..1.. ..2.. . kick out.

Homicide puts David in an STF but Matt and Hernandez both stop it. Homicide and Hernadez then double clothesline Matt and Homicide nails Matt with Da Gringo Kiler. Hernadez grabs Homicide for a Border Toss as Homicide starts struggling and get's out. Homicide goes for the 187 but Hernandez changes into a Cracker Jack. As Hernadez goes for the pin David rolls up Hernadez ..1.. ..2.. ..3..

(We Are One plays by 12 Stones)

"Winner of this match and new Wasteland South America Champion David Otunga" said the announcer.

Homicide after the match starts arguing with Hernandez about attacking him during the match. Hernandez starts trying to talk back finally seeming to get through as they shake hands. Homicide then kicks Hernandez in the groin and fallows with a 187.

(5150 plays as the crowd boos)

Mankind: That's just harsh it's not like Hernandez won the match.

JBL: Harsh that was great I might start liking the Puerto Rican's more if they acted like Homicide.

"This match is for the Wasteland Tag Team Championships introducing first Max and Jeremy Buck Generation Me" said the announcer.

Mankind: These two are young and have a huge drive for this sport.

JBL: Drive these two are just a couple light weights in a real man's sport.

"And the opponents accompanied by Natalya, The Hart Dynasty" said the announcer.

JBL:Now look at these two top class competitors.

Mankind: What's this huge diffrence you see.

David and Jeremy lock up with Jeremy putting in an arm bar. David easily powered Jeremy against the turn buckle and punching him in the corner. David tagged in Tyson and they double irish whipped Jeremy to the ropes. Jeremy ducked under a double clothesline and hit them with a double drop kick. Jeremy tagged in Max and they hit a stereo super kicks on the two members of the Dynasty. Max fallowed hitting some spring boiard moves on Tyson. Max then went for a wheel barrel suplex but Tyson countered into a shoulder jaw breaker. Tyson tagged in David and they both went to work on Max in the corner.

JBL: See these two are playing it smart and working over one of those bucks.

Mankind: It's Max.

David lifted Max up for a running power slam but Max slipped out and nailed him with a high kick to the head. Max fallowed with a standing shooting star press ..1.. ..2.. Tyson stopped the pin. David nailed Max with a boot as he got up and tagged in Tyson as Max did Jeremy. Jeremy hit a running drop kick on Tyson crashing into David. Max hit's a Rolling Firemen's Carry Slam fallowed by Jeremy hitting a 450 Splash and Max caps it off with a Moon Sault ..1.. ..2.. ..3..

"Winners of this match and new Wasteland Tag Team Champions Generation Me" said the announcer.

As the brothers celebrate the win Sean Waltmen and Kevin Nash run in and attack The New Champions. Sean nails Max with the X- Factor and Kevin hit's the Jackknife Power Bomb on Jeremy.

JBL: Well it's seems like these two have a problem with Generation Me.

Mankind: The Problem is those titles.

"This match is for the Wasteland Hardcore Championship and it is a ten man battle royal the last two standing will have a match for the title" said the announcer.

(Skips through nine entrances Abyss, Kaz, Kaval, Kofi Kington, Big Show, Raven, Rob Terry, Carlito, Primo.)

"And from Las Angeles, California at 221 pounds John Morrison" said the announcer.

Mankind:Wait John's competing in two matches.

JBL:Yeah he's also going to lose two matches.

All ten go into a quick brawl with the others as Rob Terry throws out Primo by the hair. Carlito looks to throw out Rob but he's met by a spin kick. On the other side Abyss is hitting Big Show with a chair continously and is trying to throw him out. Kaz and Kaval manage to throw out Raven and then Kaz throws out Kaval from behind. As Kaz turns around Rob throws Carlito at him and both go out of the ring. Abyss is still trying to throw out Big Show but Kofi makes his presense known by hitting him with a ladder to the back. Kofi throws out Abyss and only four remain.

John Morrison and Kofi work on double teaming Rob Terry mananging to throw him out. Big Show tries to throw both of but they skin the cat but Kofi elbows John off the apron.

The match is Kofi vs. Big Show as Big Show suplexes Kofi into the ring. Big Show fallows up with stepping on Kofi with nearly five hundred pounds. Big Show goes out of the ring to grab a weapon but Kofi nails him with a suicide dive forearm. Kofi tries to throw Big Show into the steps but Big Show counters and sends Kofi head first. Big Show then grabs a table and throws Kofi into the ring. As Big Show tries to get in with the table Kofi hits him with a baseball slide. Kofi sets up the table and grabs a chair waiting for Show to get in.

Mankind: Kofi getting ready for Big Show.

JBL: He coulod have hours to get ready and he still wouldn't be.

As Big Show goes in Kofi hits him with the chair. Big Show no sells it as Kofi whacks him two more times as Big Show starts stopping. Kofi throws the chair and starts with some kicks on the Giant who grabs him by the throat. Big Show goes for a choke slam but Kofi slips out and hits him with a spinning neck breaker ..1.. ..2.. kick out. Kofi fallows going for a Boom Drop but as he comes back off the ropes is met with a big boot. Big Show grabs the ladder and starts pounding on Kofi with it.

Kofi manages to get out of the ring but Show grabs him by the hair. Kofi is on the apron and goes for a head but but Show laughs it off. Kofi hits him with a kick to the head and fallows going for a spring board drop kick but Show hits him with the ladder in the head ..1.. ..2.. .. kick out. Show breaks the ladder in half and puts one under Kofi and one above as he slowly goes to the second rope. He goes for the splash but Kofi slips out and Big SHow hurts him self on the ladder. Kofi fallows hitting the Trouble in Paradise leaving Big SHow on top of the table that Kofi had set up minutes earlier.
Kofi re uses an idea from MITB as he uses the stilts until he's right in front of Big Show. Kofi then jumps off hitting a Boom Drop of the make shift stils onto Big Show and through the table ..1.. ..2.. ..3..

"Winner of this match and new Wasteland Hardcore Champion Kofi Kingston" said the announcer.

Michelle McCool def. Maria with the Faith Breaker (Styles Clash) in four minutes.

Backstage Interview

Christy Hemme: I'm here with Semi Finalist Kurt Angle now who do you want to win the fallowing match The Undertaker or M.V.P.

Kurt Angle: It doesn't matter which one of the two it is cause in two weeks I will break his ankle yeah it's real It damn real.

(I'm Comin plays to a mixed reaction)

"This is a quarter final match of the Wasteland World Heavyweight Championmatch introducing first from Miami, Florida Montel Vontavious Porter M.V.P" said the announcer.

JBL: Wasteland's very own MVP M.V.P

Mankind: You do know he's going to lose right.

(Graveyard Symphony plays to a lod amount of cheers)

"And his opponent at 297 pounds from Death Valley, The Undertaker" said the announcer.

Mankind: Can you name a guy who's been more dominant in over 2 decades of this buissness.

JBL: Yeah two bad he didn't kill you back in 98 I could have a good partner in commentary.

The Undertaker and MVP lock up with Taker moving MVP into the corner. Taker punched at MVP in the corner as the ref counted to four. Taker goes for a clothesine in the corner but MVP hit's him with a forearm and fallows going for Germen Suplex. Taker is too big and elbows him a couple of times and hits him with a kick to the gut and vertical suplex. Taker fallows with a couple quick strikes and then goes for a scoop slam but MVP ducks and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. MVP puts Undertaker in an argentine leg lock.

Taker manages to get out but MVP pokes him in the eye and fallows with a running boot to the skull ..1.. .. kick out. MVP fallows going for a quick Malicious Intent (Spinning Capeoria Kick) but Taker counters lifting up MVP for a Last Ride. MVP starts punching at Taker in the air and then hit's a sun set flip ..1.. ..2 kick out. MVP goes for the Malicous Intent again but Taker grabs MVP by the arm and goes old school. MVP crotches Taker on the ropes and fallows finallly hitting Maclious Intent ..1.. ..2.. kick out.

JBL: Third times the charm for that kick of MVP's.

Mankind: Yeah but not enough to take out the deadman.

Taker slowly got to his feet as MVP went for another Malicoius Intent but was caught by the throat and hit by a choke slam ..1.. ..2.. .. kick out. Taker lifted up MVP and hit him with a Tombstone Piledriver ..1.. ..2.. ..3..

"Winner of this match The Undertaker" said the announcer.

(Graveyard Symphonhy plays)

Kurt Angle comes out as The Undertaker poses in the middle of the ring.

JBL: Well that's all for Wasteland on NBC.

Mankind: Hope you can see us next time.

Next Week's Card will be posted on the Wasteland web site
good first show but it was pretty hard to read. If you are going to use Youtube videos, could you wrap the tags around the embed codes, it takes time to open another page and go back. But it was a decent first show
Should I be honest? I couldn't get past the opening segment. That was way too hard to read. Sorry.
This was insanely hard to read, just as Ric and Sign said, but I think the right ideas are there. Just expand on your matches and promos and work on the lay out. I hardly got past the third match... so ye
I'll fifth the difficulty of reading this. There was some formatting in the form of using colours and paragraphing, as well as some good match descriptions... but there isn't anything to segregate one part of the show to the next. At one point you go from Homicide attacking Hernandez, then almost immediately go to the next match without warning. It's the same thing as the roster page you have as the OP. It's all normal text and no formatting. I find it hard to read that too.

For youtube videos, here is the code you should be using:


Whatever the random assortment of numbers and letters are for the video identification goes in between the tags. If you wish to quote this post, you might want to delete the tags I've installed to show you.

Otherwise, it's not bad. I'd say it's decent enough if you have the time and patience to read it. Don't take this as negative... use this as constructive criticism for next time. It's a whole let better than the other one you were doing.
I'll fifth the difficulty of reading this. There was some formatting in the form of using colours and paragraphing, as well as some good match descriptions... but there isn't anything to segregate one part of the show to the next. At one point you go from Homicide attacking Hernandez, then almost immediately go to the next match without warning. It's the same thing as the roster page you have as the OP. It's all normal text and no formatting. I find it hard to read that too.

For youtube videos, here is the code you should be using:


Whatever the random assortment of numbers and letters are for the video identification goes in between the tags. If you wish to quote this post, you might want to delete the tags I've installed to show you.

Otherwise, it's not bad. I'd say it's decent enough if you have the time and patience to read it. Don't take this as negative... use this as constructive criticism for next time. It's a whole let better than the other one you were doing.[/QUOTE]

What Falkon said. He really is the best around at explaining formatting techniques and such. I didn't really have enough patience to sit through and read it, but I'm sure you have some good ideas in there. But just make it easier to read, man.

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