Gauging Interest


You don't want it with me.
After the wild success of TM's debate league, I have decided to start my own in the Lounge.

It will, of course, focus on newsworthy items, current events, overarching political arguments, and moral issues. I will not be debating, as much as I would love to, but I will be judging. I need two other judges and 10-20 debaters to make it work.

We won't be starting until after TM's league, but I do want to gauge the interest in doing something like this. We will be determining a winner and loser, but will have categories for points to serve as tie breakers in the standings.

Who's in?
Eh....I'd love to post, but my time would be better spent judging, honestly. If you find me competent of judgeship, consider me on board. I simply don't have the time to compiling full length league style posts.

...Unless you really need me to be a poster. Then I'll try my damndest. Just for you. <3
I would love to but I wouldn't be able to find the time for it. I had to leave this debaters league because of that reason. I am also not active enough in the CL to judge. So...
The judging is the hard part it seems. Ask me again in the future and Ill sign on to be a judge if you need one.
I would join, but I would probably get owned in every debate. If you ever need a judge or help in anything else, just ask me and I'll help.
I'll be a judge. I don't know enough about current issues (Well, more then basic understandings) and I'm not a real researcher to change that. I'll read them all anyway.
I've got Brian and GD judging.

Lee, Millenko, Razor, Blood and Thunder, Milkyway, Gelgarin, nitafrong debating.

TDigle wants to be an alternate.

I don't know if I'll have alternates and people joining late, but if I do....
just as a note i'll be stronger in more general or overarching debates as opposed to current events, especially specifically American debates as I'm from the UK so we have a different political system/constitution I'll try my bets if any of that stuff comes up but it's an obvious weakness for me.
Give a decent cool down period between this and the debate league and I guess I'm game for whatever.

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