Games You Are Looking Forward To - June

What game are you most looking forward to this month?

  • Red Faction: Armageddon

  • Alice: Madness Returns

  • Duke Nukem Forever

  • Dungeon Siege III

  • F.3.A.R

  • inFamous 2

  • Pride of Nations

  • Storm: Frontline Nation

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Team Brought It... oh wait...
I am going to be starting a new thread on the 1st of each month, just as a general poll to see what games coming out this month that you are most looking forward to. I ask that you please post a reason you are looking forward to the game as a response.
I must say, for the month of June, there are 3 HUGE games coming out this month, 2 of which gamers have waiting for more than 10 years to get their hands on.

I am going to open up the voting with the game Alice: Madness Returns. I have been looking forward to this game for a long time. The graphics look amazing and the gameplay trailers look great as well. Duke Nukem Forever was a close 2nd this month, however, as that has been a loooooong time in the making and it has a lot to live up to.
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. The fact you missed this from the list is just astounding.

One of the greatest games ever that has been let down by VERY dated graphics is returning with a new mode, new crisp visuals and the master quest (from the unreleased 64DD) will also be there.

Nothing else matters this month.
June has a great line up, but I'm most looking forward to Infamous 2. The original Infamous is one of my favorite superhero games of all time and after it's doozy of an ending, I can't wait to see how the story picks up. The new setting looks phenomenal, the expanded powers and moveset look great. The new, larger enemies look to be a great addition and the mission editor looks to devour hours of my life.

I'm also excited for F.E.A.R. 3, Alice: Madness Returns, Duke Nukem Forever and, though you forgot to include it, Shadows of the Damned.
I apologize for missing the Zelda game. I was going to include it but I thought that since it was a rerelease, I would let it slide. As far as Shadows of the Damned, I haven't seen much about it, but I will have to look into it.
There isn't anything really jumping off the shelves at me this month, including both the games you've listed, and the ones you didn't.

If you would have asked ten or eleven years ago, I would have said that I will be first in line to pick up Duke Nukem: Forever. Now, I worry that it won't hope up well against the test of time.

If I had to pick one, it would be Infamous 2. While I have yet to play Infamous (I will once it is released for free thanks to Sony's 'Welcome Back' program.) I have yet to hear a bad thing about it, and did enjoy the demo I played. I look forward to playing Infamous, and hopefully, I'll eventually look forward to playing Infamous 2.
I payed 5 dollars for the Duke Nukem game months ago, just to pre order it. I called gamestop tonight, and no suprise no midnight party. I can now see why, on youtube on the 10th it was flooded with gameplays of it. I was absoutly bored to death, I should really not be suprised. But 12 years? And they put out this liniear pile of shit? I had high hopes, but I kept them to a minimum. I'm now glad I kept them this low, I hope gamestop dosen't mind seeing me untill Dead island.
Unfortunately I'm not really looking foward to any new game releases untill all the way in November :(

If I had a PS3 inFamous 2 is something I'd likely buy but I don't so yeah nothing this month
Well since I don't own a 3DS and therefore I cannot play the Zelda remake, I'd have to say the game I've been looking forward too the most this month (so far) is Child of Eden. Been an expensive week (well, kinda), I raided through my wardrobe draws and found a crap ton of old DVD's I no longer watch and along with a couple of Blu Rays and old Xbox 360 and Wii games, stuffed the lot into a bag, walked into a trade in store and got £120 worth of in-store credit. What did I get with that? A Xbox Kinect with three games (Kinect Joy Ride, Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures). Just to clarify, I didn't purchase a Kinect pathetically for Child of Eden, I was probably gonna buy it based on it's own merits. Having played the first level only so far, I can tell you that it's incredible and unlike anything I've ever played before. So fucking colourful. And with Kinect it's actually very easy to play and incredibly intense at times.

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