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Future "Money" matches


Dark Match Winner
In my opinion sometimes you can see the groundwork for really big future matches years before they happen. For example John Cena vs. Batista. Both win the World Titles on the same night, dominate their own brands and become the #1 and #2 guys in the company. I think the WWE always had plans for them to have a Hogan vs. Warrior or a Rock vs. Austin type wrestlemania match . I was always anticipating this match and while it was pretty good in my eyes it fell flat. What could have been a top dog vs. top dog match felt more like a regular main event.

Anyways that aside the point of this thread is to predict big wrestlemania matches you could see happening in the future. It doesnt have to be main eventers, it can be lower card guys that will probably get pushes. I'll start:

Mason Ryan vs. Ezikiel Jackson

Or in other words the unstoppable force meets the imovable object. The ground work has already been laid in my eyes with them staring each other down. I hope the WWE keeps them completley and totally seperate until they are both main eventers (if that happens) and when they occationally meet each other they are shown to be complete equals. Even though it might not be a technically sound match a couple of years down the road I think it could have so much magnitude that the match wouldnt even matter.
anyone vs. Alberto Del Rio - Del Rio is just too good

Edge vs. Christian - yeah we've seen them feud briefly over the Intercontinental title as midcarders but this is the feud everyone's trying to see so why not establish Christian as a main event talent and pull the trigger on this hot rivalry
If you're talking future matches one big one comes to mind:

Miz vs Morrison.

We've never seen them in a legit feud. This is the type of main event feud that's etched in the WWE histroy books. We've had these types of feuds with Rock v Austin, Cena v Orton and if you're talking about the big money wrestlemania main event (with Cena being the legendary fighter at Mania) it has to be Miz vs Morrison
This is part of the problem with WWE today, there are no characters like that in the WWE today outside out the attiude era stars or Cena and Orton. In my opinion, and I think many would agree WWE has done a really poor job of building legitimate stars over the last 5 years. Just look how many of these guys who werent in the business 2 years ago got rushed to the top just to add new faces to the world title scene. Thats not how you make stars. Now the WWE title is more or less used as a prop to help someone get over instead of rewarding an established guy who reached his full potential. None of these guys will ever be as big as Cena or Batista, they are so far from Rock and Austin its not even funny. The fans wont just accept anybody Vince wants to push. The only way they will be taken as seriously as those guys are by having the build up they did which help them established themselves prior to becoming champs. But the midcard is so weak right now anyone that comes out from it to main event would still considered weak because there are no big names for them to beat to help get them established or over.

Del Rio and Barrett might have the most potential to succed. Del Rio already knows what it takes so I would bank on him to help lead the direction of the company. Miz hasnt really proven anything yet. He is yet to prove he is worthy of being champ for that matter. CM Punk probably could be huge but I have some feeling WWE will always keep him from being big because of his background. All these guys are heels ! Dosent WWE use math. Where are the faces ? Morrison, Kofi, Bryah, none of these guys are going anywhere. WWE is seriously becoming lopsided with heels to faces and if you dont want to see Cena and Orton continue to be in every main event for the next 5-10 years, you better start complaining and hope WWE invest in getting more babyfaces over.
assuming undertaker has two more mania matches (we all know next year will be cena) how about cm punk, wouldn't it be great to see the build up of these two goin into a mania? especially now that cm punk is a super heal and bone a fide main eventer. classic promo's and the match would be money.
I would love to see Swagger become a top face and really push the "All-American" theme vs. the International heels. Swagger v. Barrett I could see headlining a WM or against McIntyre, but the real money feud would be Swagger v. Sheamus.

Also I see Punk v. Morrison hitting this level. They had a great feud in ECWWE and I love the straight edge punker v. the party hard rock star theme.
Jack Swagger - Modern Day Kurt Angle.
Dolph Ziggler - Modern Day Mr.Perfect.
John Morrison - Modern Day Shawn Micheals.
Daniel Bryan - Modern Day Chris Beniot.
Sin Cara - Modern Day Rey Mysterio.
Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibiase
Drew McIntyre
Kofi Kingston
Alberto Del Rio
Wade Barret
Mason Ryan
Zeke Jackson
The Miz
Evan Bourne
- We have a GOOD list of new upcoming stars.

I can totally see Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger in a classic SUBMISSION MATCH!
John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler
The Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio
Mason Ryan vs. Zeke Jackson
Sin Cara vs. John Morrison
Cody Rhodes vs. McIntyre
How about Sin Cara vs. John Cena? Even if it is face vs. face, this would be huge. John Cena is, face or heel, the top draw in the States today. He is WWE's money maker and he always is in a big Wrestlemania match, the champion of the kiddies.

But wait, who's this? This is Sin Cara. The man who has sold more in Mexico than Cena has sold in the States! Sin Cara has a mask that will sell like crazy. Sin Cara also could pander to the kids and the growing hispanic population. Sin Cara vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania is, IMO, will be the third biggest possible match after Cena/Rock and Cena/Taker.
Sheamus (heel) VS Drew McIntyre (face)

While neither is a huge draw at the moment, Sheamus is established enough to help get Drew McIntyre over. Prior to joining the roster these two had some epic matches, and they have that strong chemistry. It was teased at the Royal Rumble they had a "connection" and teased them teaming up.

I can see Sheamus being moved over to Smackdown and having these two team up for awhile. Give them strong push as a heel unit, while teasing an eventual face turn for McIntyre. When the time is right Sheamus will brutally attack McIntyre.

This would give WWE a young, face superstar with that pretty boy appeal. In time you can have McIntyre take on Wade Barret as well.

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