Bound for Glory


Pre-Show Stalwart
With BFG being the big PPV of the year, how soon should they be building up to it? Should they have started already? or is the next few weeks a good time to start. Wrestlemania starts build up in January. With that in mind is anyone anticipating the matches yet? I could only think of a few high caliber matches for that ppv.

Angle vs. Lashley- Title
Sting vs. A.J. Styles- Retirement
Joe Vs Hernandez- Iron Man Match
Abyss vs, Nash
I think if TNA would really want to increase buy rates, they would unleash Jarett on Angle. Imagine what these two could do in the ring. I think will all the controversy and drama these two could put on a maineven caliber match, just because of their recent problems.

But of course this won't happen, seeing how it's pretty obvious these two hate each other and Angle would probably kill him. But I really think it would be an awesome match, with a heck of build up already.

So like everyone else I see a Lashley Vs. Angle match happening. Lashley has a ton of support right now, and with the MMA thing giving him publicity it makes sence that he would be placed in the mainevent at BFG. The match would be decent, and with the proper buildup the feud could be great, I guess.

But with how things ended at Hard Justice, I could really see a Morgan Vs. Angle mainevent. Although it doesn't have nearly as buzz as Lashley/Angle, and Morgan isn't as hyped as Lashley, it makes sence. Morgan impressed alot of people on Impact with his promo, and he wasn't "that" bad at Hard Justice and with Angle pinning him and it would make sence.

But I guess to insure a "money maker" mainevent they could make it a 3-way. But honestly I think Angle needs invididual feuds with both.

I think Sting is going to have his last match with Styles. I think the last impact and Sting and Styles recent friendship, it's pretty obvious. I don't know how they are going to make the match(will Styles turn?) but this is the best possibly option in my opinion. The "Icon" Sting is arguably one of the best in the bizz. He along with Angle have been the main guys in TNA, and Sting's legacy is huge. Styles on the other hand is praised as the next big thing, the future face of TNA, and is known as being one of the best. Who better to face Sting then Styles?

The match would be solid, and the build up could be very emotional if built up right(similar to Flair/HBK). And Sting facing Styles in his last match could finally boost Styles into the mainevent permenantly. It's at least a match I'd like to see.

If not Styles, I could see Morgan. He's being groomed as a top guy, and what's a better way to put him over by beating Sting in his last match. But honestly I'd rather have Styles in the spot personally.

And with Daniels being the #1 contender, and Homicide having a shitty ass, non-built up reign, I think Daniels/Joe is pretty obvious. ON paper it should be great since these two have had a 5 star match together(with Styles)but I think it will fall short. The next few impacts they better build on a great feud, or I think it could end up being a dud.
World Title - Angle v. Lashley - As much as I really don't want to see this match, I'm pretty sure it's going to happen. They are the two biggest draws in TNA at the moment. Considering all the attention and praise they are giving Lashely for not really doing anything, I think he has to be in the main event at BFG, and he'll probably win.

Retirement Match - Morgan v. Sting - I'd also like to see Styles/Sting, but I think that they are heading in another direction with him. I also think that Morgan needs the rub more than he does. This would really showcase Morgan and it would be a very good match as well.

X-Division Title - Samoa Joe v. Daniels v. AJ Styles - I think TNA is going to fall back on perhaps their best match of all time. We already know what these guys can do in the ring, and with the anger Daniels and AJ have toward Joe for leaving the Frontline this should be pretty good, and AJ should win.

Legend's Title - Foley v. Nashi in a Hardcore Match - With the current Nash character I could also see this having some sort of money stipulation or something, either way there is going to be some sort of gimmick. It should be just as good as their last match, and Foley should win.

TNA World Tag Titles - Steiner and Booker v. Beer Money - If they are going to keep Beer Money together as a tag team, this would be the perfect oppurtunity for them to shine. They should be looking for revenge after being cheated out of the title by the MEM, and this is where they will prove themselves as the greatest tag team in TNA today.

Tara v. Awesome Kong - The build up for this match has being going on for awhile and I expect it to pick up over the next few weeks. These are probably the two best women wrestlers in the company today, maybe even the world. This match will be able to stand on it's own without needing a title on the line or a stipulation. Kong would be victorious.

As for the rest of the card, I'm guessing Traci will have the Knockout's Title at this point, and she will lose it. Probably to either Hemme, Sarita or Wilde. If the IWGP Titles are still around, they could do something like 3D, MCMG, and the BI in a match.

Hernandez also needs somewhere on the card. I can't see him in the title picture just yet, maybe a match against Young? He'd squash him despite some mega intereference, proving himself as dominant. Maybe he could even cash in after the main event, I doubt it though.
Two predictions: It draws more than Slammiversary, less than WrestleMania.

Is this still their big show? I've never got that. Slammiversary or Lockdown, surely.

The MEM will all walk in with belts and lose them. Making for a predictable show. Maybe A.J. Styles will get the world title, I think that's wear it's heading.

Lashley will probably just show up and leave again.
Is this their next Pay per view? I'm pretty sure they have a Sept. one, yet their rarely ever updated website isn't listing one.

Regardless, if it seems to me Kurt Angle will defend his Championship against Bobby Lashley and for no other reason than because thats what everyone has been asking for, since back in the WWE. Will it be worth anything? I honestly doubt it. I mean, to me Lashley is already failing because he's wearing boxer shorts. I can't stand when Wrestlers go half assed and don't even wear actual "wrestling tights". He just looks stupid in boxer shorts.

:lmao: While I'm not convinced the shorts alone will cause the match to be a massive failure, I am convinced that Lashley has no true desire to be in the sport of Pro Wrestling anymore and is purely doing this for a better connection in the world of MMA, and the connection it seems TNA has with them. That and money.

Someone mentioned a possible "Retirement match" up above. While I think Sting could very well be involved in a match-up like that, I don't believe it'd be against a lack luster shit fest like Matt Morgan - but instead, against a newly turned dastardly heel; A.J. Styles.

As for the Tag team Championships, I'm assuming a Fatal Four Way. Scott Steiner/Booker T, Beer Money, British Invasion & Team 3D. I'm running out of reasons as to why this should/would be what it seems, other than to say these are the top four teams they've been pushing for the previous year and it only makes sense to have them meet in one big match. Be it elimination, or otherwise.

Samoa Joe could defend the X-Division title against Christopher Daniels & A.J. Styles, but only if Styles hasn't turned heel on Sting yet - which I still believe is coming more than Styles falling back into the X-Division. I think instead it could be Joe, Daniels, Suicide & The Pope in another Four Way - Ultimate X match. Once again for no other reason than it makes sense due to the fact that these four individuals are separately feuding with one another right now, and TNA has a major lack of moving on to new things, so much as just "connection" feuds.

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