Future Legends???

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CM Perfection
I have been a WWE fan for nearly 20 years now. I was wondering with vince pushing the younger talent the likes of John Morrison, Wade Barrett, Cm Punk, The Miz etc. could you see any of the future talent becoming as good as the likes of HHH, Y2J, Big Maybe The Rock . In my opinion i can see John Morrison becoming a future Hall of Fame if he gets the right push and gets the right type of matches he would be up there with the likes of HBK in my opinion. I think Shawn Michaels and John Morrison are a lot a like credit john morrison will never be better then HBK we all know that but I say if he gets the right push and the right types of matches with a WWE or WHC title he would be up there with the Hall of Fame legends when he retires. It's just a shame we never got to see a John Morrison vs HBK or a HBK vs The Rock match.

What are your thoughts ???:lmao
John Morrison? Are you serious? Well Primo with the right pushes and the right matches can be also a WWE Legend!!

Well obvious choices right now...
John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge & Santino Marella will be WWE Legends!!

John Cena: Face of the company for about 7 years, had legendary feuds with Edge, HHH, Orton, JBL and HBK

Randy Orton: Best Gimmick Ever with The Legend Killer, great feuds with John Cena, HBK, HHH!!! Part of Evolution and Part of Legacy!!

Edge: He is retired now but he was the single one competitor that won more tittles than anybody! Legendary feuds with John Cena, Undertaker, Batista, Mick Foley!! Part of E&C, one of the best Tag Team ever...

Santino Marella: You guys may not think like myself, but he is an incredible character and a special member in that "PG ERA"!! He is only 32 years old, he may be a comedy character but he had an awesome Intercontinental Tittle Reign! I admit, i miss the Honk-a-meter!
But despite liking Santino, i really think that he is one of a kind and he should be part of the WWE Hall of Fame!

Right Now, they are my picks!!
Of Course i didnt say Undertaker and HHH 'cause they are already legends and semi-retired wrestlers!!
Yeah, as much as I'd like to see John Morrison follow in the footsteps of Shawn Michaels, I very much doubt it will ever happen. There is no denying that JoMo has outstanding in-ring ability, absolutely second to none. But he really sucks on the mic and he has no charisma whatsoever. We all saw him a few weeks ago on RAW in his promo with R_Truth and he really displayed his lack of talent in that area.

JoMo is getting on a bit now as well at 31 years of age! I think if guys at his age haven't mastered the all-round skill it takes to hit the big time, then there is a very good chance they never will. I think he will hit the main event in the near future, but he certainly will not capture the same stardom that HBK did.

As for who I think the future stars will be from the current roster, I think Cena, Orton, Miz, CM punk are already very well established superstars. I think that Wade Barrett, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Trent Barretta, Jack Swagger, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan are all stars in the making of they get the necessary help developing their reputations and characters etc...
Yeah, as much as I'd like to see John Morrison follow in the footsteps of Shawn Michaels, I very much doubt it will ever happen. There is no denying that JoMo has outstanding in-ring ability, absolutely second to none. But he really sucks on the mic and he has no charisma whatsoever. We all saw him a few weeks ago on RAW in his promo with R_Truth and he really displayed his lack of talent in that area.

JoMo is getting on a bit now as well at 31 years of age! I think if guys at his age haven't mastered the all-round skill it takes to hit the big time, then there is a very good chance they never will. I think he will hit the main event in the near future, but he certainly will not capture the same stardom that HBK did.

As for who I think the future stars will be from the current roster, I think Cena, Orton, Miz, CM punk are already very well established superstars. I think that Wade Barrett, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Trent Barretta, Jack Swagger, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan are all stars in the making of they get the necessary help developing their reputations and characters etc...

I do agree with you about JoMo Mic skills they are rubbish, he's not 31 years old he's only 27 years old, I thought he was in his 30's as well. But the one think he can work on his mic skills, R-Truth as much as I like his heel turn and it's something new and fresh the only thing that's lacking is his Mic Skills he is worse then JoMo on the Mic now R-Truth is going to be 40 years old next year and i can't see him impoving at all with his mic skills there just horrible in my opinion.

Your forgetting one other superstar that's going to be in the making and that's Alberto Del Rio. Im a big big fan of Del Rio I think he's great in the ring his Mic Skills are good not great but good. Im tipping him to have a great 2011.
I do agree with you about JoMo Mic skills they are rubbish, he's not 31 years old he's only 27 years old
Sorry, but, are you living in the past. He IS 31 years old, sorry if you don't believe that.

Anyway, The Miz will be a WWE Legend. He is just Awesome and no one can deny it. He will be a Multi-Time WWE Champion before he retires and he will be a WWE Hall of Famer.

John Morrison is a possibility but he needs to have a great push. He will be a WWE Champion by the time his career ends but, only 1 or 2.

We all know John Cena will be a WWE Hall of Famer and a future WWE Legend. We may hate him, but he draws many, many people and PPV buys.

Randy Orton has WWE Hall of Fame in his blood. x10 Champion before he retires, sure, but, he needs to do one more big thing and then he will solidify his career.

Christian will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame but for his tag team and TLC success. Unless he wins another World Championship and keeps it for 3 or 4 months, the tag team and TLC points will be his main induction meaning.

Of course Edge will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, and sooner rather than later if WrestleMania XXIX will be in Toronto. Suppose his already a WWE Legend.
I believe that as of now the obvious choices for the future WWE Hall of Fame are Randy Orton, John Cena and Edge. I also believe that the Miz is just beginning and will go on to be a multi-champion and secure a spot in the HOF. John Morrison reminds me a lot of a young Shawn Michaels. Given the right push and a brush up on his mic skills and he will go on to win the big title and be inducted into the HOF as well.
I'm sorry but if you really think JoMo WON"T be a future hall of famer you are quite wrong. The guy as got talent for days, this whole stick about him being a terrible mic worker is probably just resentment to him being vented. I can get why alot of people on here would hate Morrison- he's a physical fucking specimen, looks like a damn Greek god, gots charisma for days, and is banging one of the hottest chicks in sports entertainment. So go ahead and hate you you chubby girlfriend-less haters, JoMo is gonna be just fine without you.

Besides Morrison, newer guys I think are gonna be greats (other than Cena and Orton)....

Del Rio
CM Punk
Santino (Yea, I said it)
and finally................... Zack Ryder.
I think Randy Orton and John Cena are well established right now to be called legends and have a long history of memorable moments. Another legend is Rey Mysterio, who's reaching his final years with the WWE. Most of the new guys that have been around for 5 or less years have great potential for the future such as The Miz. Sin Cara is also going to do it big time with the WWE.
Orton and Cena are future legends already. As for guys on there way to that level, you have to talk about guys like Del Rio, The Miz, Sheamus, and John Morrison if he can figure out how to get back in Vince's good graces.
Orton and Cena are legends already. They have booked their place in the HoF. Edge is another guy. And god, how did all of you forget, Chris Jericho!! He's the best techincal wrestler in the WWE NOW! As far as young superstars go, Alberto Del Rio, The Fizz, Sheamus, John Morrison (yes, he's going), "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and probably yes, Santino Marella. But I don't think Wade Barrett will go into the HoF. Don't know why but I get that feeling that he's destined to be a mid-carder forever after seperating from The Corre.
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