Funny Observations In TV Shows

The Brain

King Of The Ring
This thread is point out some observations about television shows that are either funny or inconsistent. I’m not intending to criticize, just to have some fun.

I’ll star with a childhood favorite: Saved By The Bell. Zack Morris was supposedly a slacker who hates school yet he was awfully involved with Bayside High. He was on the student council, dance committee, yearbook committee, basketball team, track team, and drama club. He ran a radio station for the school, the school store, and a teen advice hotline. There may even be more I’m forgetting, but it seems like this guy who hated school so much just couldn’t get enough of Bayside High.

So that’s the kind of thing I mean by funny observations. Tell me some that you’ve noticed.
When I watch House, there's always one thing that bothers me.

House is always goddamn right, 100% of the time, yet his subordinates always continue to insist he's wrong. The one time he actually was wrong (there was an episode where they thought this chick had cancer, but they found out it was an infection after they nuked her immune system, and it killed her), everyone went along with it, and not one of them questioned his opinion.

In every single other episode, he's right, and the other doctors seem to be doing everything in their power to make sure he doesn't get to carry out his diagnosis.
Gilligan's Island featured perhaps the most useful shipwrecked survivor in all of survivaldom: The Professor. This man was pretty much MacGuyver with a Master's Degree; almost every episode featured some sort of invention of his that would have aided the crew if not for Gilligan's bundling idiocricy. He made walkie-talkie coconuts and helped them live comfortable lives on the island itself.

So why, in all things that are holy, did he not just patch the hole in the S.S. Minnow?
I've only watched the first four seasons of Lost, so maybe it was explained later on, but how exactly did Jorge Garcia stay so fat on the island? I know he found a cache of food in like the first season, but he shared that shit with everyone. Given the tropical climate, the work needed to survive, and the limited amount of food, you would think that he would've at least dropped a couple of pounds.
On Married With Children, Al Bundy would be characterized as a poor unlucky slob that never got ahead in life. In some episodes, Al has more luck and opportunities then most people. The opportunities usually end up failing in the end, but it is rare that someone with such bad luck is constantly given great opportunities. The same can be said about a lot of television characters, even Homer Simpson. Homer is like Forrest Gump when it comes to doing a lot with below average intelligence.

Homer was in a famous band, he was an astronaut, mayor, country music manager, farmer, inventor, and plow driver just to name a few. Homer Simpson has held over 188 jobs in just the first 400 episodes while still maintaining his job as a Nuclear Inspector. A job he isn't remotely qualified for. I don't even know how many times Homer managed to destroy and save the entire town over the years. You would think will all the publicity that Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and even Maggie have acquired over the years in Springfield that they would be revered as major celebrities.
I have another funny observation about the staff at Cheers. These people seemed to make up their own schedule and come and go as they pleased. There were only four emplyoees at a given time. Often Sam, Carla, Woody/Coach, and Diane/Rebecca would suddenly leave the bar in the middle of a shift. There were many times where more than one left together. Once in a while they would mention to another employee that they were leaving, but usually they took off without telling anyone. One time they made a joke about it. Carla visited Sam when he was trying to make a comeback to baseball. He asked who was watching the bar and Carla replied Rebecca. Sam had a moment of panic before Carla said she was just kidding and no one was watching the bar to Sam's relief.
The Office-In season 1 and season 2 they were among the bottom branches and in fear the their Dunder Mifflin branch being shut down. But by Season 4 and Season 5 they have the top Branch and the only Branch that survived.

I don't remember them addressing that. I have to see. But that's what I observed.

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