Full Circle? - Is this the new Y2J bug?

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Once & Future Wrestlezone Columnist
Ok, so we saw Chris Jericho trolling us with his pandering behaviour... really going over the top with it... now he has a "head injury"... Could it be that the whole angle was based on him reverting to the old Y2J persona and not even remembering he was "the best in the world"... so he challenges Punk almost as a rookie in WWE...

The Cactus Jack amnesia angle sucked ass... but I always thought someone could pull it off. Could it be Jericho? He thinks its 2000 and he is the most popular thing ever? He always said he'd do something unique...

In all seriousness, I hope this is not the way they are going, but WWE is so stupid right now that they might... as a way to explain the "on the fly booking"... Anyone care to comment?
I highly doubt that will be the angle, it'll simply be that Punk has never beaten Jericho to claim his title as the best in the world. The fact Jericho couldn't continue in the EC match pretty much cements this. Having Jericho suffer from amnesia will just turn him into a joke character. They might as well save this for Santino when they run out of ideas for him and make go all rookie Italian again.
Strange how they are using the concussion to get Jericho into the title match at Wrestlemania when it looks likely they are doing the exact same thing with Orton to get him in with Sheamus and Bryan. Saying that it was the only possible way of getting Jericho out of the Elimination Chamber without making him champion or losing. It was the wrong match and the concussion was nothing more than a ploy to get out of a hole they dug.
No, because if you watched the interview video of him right after the E.C. match, he quite clearly stated that "he's the best in the world at what he does", which is obviously his current, snotty, heel gimmick, not his old Y2J gimmick. The only reason why they booked him to get "hurt" last night was in an effort for him to lose the match yet still look strong- losing in this way allows him to say that he "technically never lost", or however he put it in his post-match interview. Thus, he stilll looks strong going into his CM Punk feud, which should continue tonight on Raw. That's the reason why his "injury" happened, certainly not a gimmick change.
It was just booked in order for Punk to not have gotten over on Jericho on any other way.

I think Chris Jericho the person is someone who keeps it fresh, and feels no need to ever go back to something he has already done

I mean if we look back at his career and outside work, he is someone who is creative and always moving forward.

He is not the a man you will see wrestling in the indys when he is 50 using his best wwe character to make a buck. He will never bring Y2J back, and im ok with that.

I do like him playing homage to his old characters, like when he held up the "conspiracy" sign after he was kicked off raw. He may give us a 1 night tease of Y2J, but nothing more.
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