Time for Y2J to return?

I do believe Jericho will have a face turn. After tonight's confrontation between Jericho and Cena I definitely believe the two will turn. I thought Jericho's promo was well said and it must be foreshadowing some kind of heel turn for Cena, in which case Jericho would be he perfect person for Cena to feud with. So yes a face turn is inevitable.
What's with people thinking Cena is turning heel? IWC "smarks" have been saying it for years now.

It ranks right up there with "give Kane back his mask!!!!"

I just wish everyone would stop loving heels and hating faces just to get some e-cred from a wrestling message board. What's that? YOU love CM-Punk, the Miz, and Sheamus too? Weird!

content: No, Jericho is not turning face. A tweener style is already being worked by Orton and no one wants to steal his thunder right now. He's bigger than ever.

Jericho plays a much better heel anyway. He's neutered as a face, much like JoMo.
Jericho was a face when he was still booed by the fans due to his terms with Michaels (even when he came out to cheer Shawn during his stretcher match with Batista in 2008) and that explained it all - the fans didn't want him as face, and so he turned heel. Doubt it if he's gonna become face again because he plays the heel better.
I can't see him turning back to a face with the rumor of him leaving floating around. I can see him finishing his career as a heel mainly because Vince doesn't like it when people leave on him. My guess is he'll lose another loser leaves Raw match to Cena when his contract is up.
Jericho has been one of the best for years, as a face or a heel he is great. However he may be taking time off soon but that doesn't mean he will change his attitude and turn face
I agree with King, jericho plays the heel way too well, well to be honest everything he does it very good, but yes with the rumor of him leaving and the confirmation that he is going to take time off soon leaves absolutely no reason to turn him now. Perhaps when he comes back but that remains to be seen when/if he even will
I really hate Jericho as a heel. I don't find him entertaining, I find him boring and not watchable. I stopped watching for awhile until tonight, and I come to find out Jericho is still the same boring guy. He says the same things over and over and does the same stuff. Yes he is a heel and that is his job, but for me, I feel his job is to make me boo him, not change the channel. I want him as a face, or just more enthusiastic. This character was boring 7 months ago, and still is. Same goes for the Cena character, but that is a whole different discussion that has been discussed millions of times.
No I can't see jericho turn face ever again like what was said he has said many times he does not want to be face ever again with that and jericho going to take some time off I can't see him turning anytime soon or at all
to answer your question StopFantasyBooking yes, i actually do like Punk and Miz, but thats because they cut waaay better promo's then the faces of the company. as for Jericho? i said this in the other thread (watch out, mod's might call you for a double thread.. happened to me a few times) yes i would love to see the return of Y2J, but upon further thought, it dont have to be as a face. the character Y2J as a Heel cut some of the most brutal promo's ever in WWF/E history. equal to those of the greats like Rock and Austin. as a face they were just.. funny. DX funny. which was good, dont get me wrong, but as a Heel jericho is at his best, and really is "the best in the world as what he does" i agree that at times Jericho gets bigger pop's then Cena. hell i boo the shit out of cena, and cheer for Y2J. but thats cuz it's personal for me. i like jericho's character better. Cena saying tonight that he "doesnt think of himself as superman" bullshit. hence the name "Super Cena" that whole promo period made me cringe. but Jericho's part? well done. well done indeed.
I don't see Jericho going face again. He is so much better as a heal and he has said many times that his job now is to push new talent. All a face turn would do is put him in the title fights again and I don't see him wanting that. He is all about the younger talent and there is no one better at putting over a new face like Jericho. Evan Bourne case in point. No one else could have gotten Evan so far so quick. Jericho is the best at what he does and there is no reason to make him stop doing it.
What's with people thinking Cena is turning heel? IWC "smarks" have been saying it for years now.

It ranks right up there with "give Kane back his mask!!!!"

I just wish everyone would stop loving heels and hating faces just to get some e-cred from a wrestling message board. What's that? YOU love CM-Punk, the Miz, and Sheamus too? Weird!

content: No, Jericho is not turning face. A tweener style is already being worked by Orton and no one wants to steal his thunder right now. He's bigger than ever.

Jericho plays a much better heel anyway. He's neutered as a face, much like JoMo.

I'm only commenting on the bolds. Jericho is NEUTERED AS A FACE!? How long have you been watching the WWE? Are you forgetting how amazing Jerichos Promo's were as a face with the likes of:

William Regal
Chris Benoit
Stephanie McMahon
Heel Kane
and others?

Not to mention his quality of matches? How in the blue HELL can you even REMOTELY say Jericho is NEUTERED as a face!?

And as far as a Cena heel turn. The seeds have been planted. It's becoming more and more evident as it stands. ESPECIALLY with the match now becoming an ELIMINATION match. I can see it now. Cena is either the last one on the Team Raw side or the 2nd to last eliminated. He then turns on whoever the last person standing for the WWE side will be. I doubt it'll be Bret Hart. I see Hart being eliminated fairly quickly. I predict it will be JERICHO. Cena then turns on JERICHO allowing the Nexus group to get the win. Revealing Cena as their leader. AND since Jericho is slated to take some time off this would be a PERFECT way to write him off. Have Cena and the Nexus group absolutely destroy him after the match. And no matter how hard team Raw tried to get back an 8 on 4 (minus Cena and Jericho laying there injured and Bret Hart unable to take major bumps) the Nexus group could continue to pummel Jericho. Writing him off to "nurse his injuries"/"recover". Then Jericho could come back while Cena is bragging about knocking Jericho out of the WWE and eventually make a successful face return and feud with the ENTIRE Nexus & Cena group. This would not only allow for Jericho to do what he wants to do; Put over young talent (IE The Nexus group) but still wrestle decent/memorable matches with Cena and others.
when cena does turn heel, which will be summerslam. if it comes down to nexus against cena and jericho. cena will turn on jericho allowing nexus to win and in turn cause jericho to turn face. which also will provide a good fued allowing ole y2j to get i believe his first single win against cena.
edited to add--- maybe i should read every post and not just the first page before i reply for i jus repeated the post right before me
my personal feeling is, it is time for the Y2J persona to be restored, i'm sure i've heard a rumour somewhere that his contract is up at the end of the year and if that is true, i'd like to see him turn face and bringing some of his great promos back. I mean IMO Chris Jericho could cut a promo in an empty room and still make it great
I think I read somewhere that Chris himself said that he couldn't be Y2J again because of the PG rating and that he wouldn't be able to insult people like he used to. So if he did turn face, he'd be a much watered down version and I think I'd rather continue watching a heel Jericho if that's the case.
To be honest with you, I think that I prefer Chris Jericho the way he is now. Chris Jericho as a heel has been a more serious type of character for the past few years, more eloquent and intellectual overall. The change in hairstyle, the wearing of nice suits to the ring coupled with his mannerisms and overall changes in character suits him for several reasons. However, I think one reason does tend to stand out for me and that reason is that Chris Jericho is amost 40 years old.

Jericho is older, he's more seasoned and people tend to expect certain things from you once you hit a certain age. Don't misunderstand me, Y2J was very entertaining and was great. However, I can't help but wonder how Jericho would come across as a character behaving like a hopped up frat boy at his age. We were subjected to DX doing that for the last 6 or 7 months of 2009 and resulted in some of the most nauseating promos, skits and segments that've ever been featured on Raw. With or without the PG Era, I just don't really buy into middle aged men behaving like college kids. It just strikes me as kind of sad and not very believable, so I think that Jericho should just stick with what he is. He's arguably the best overall heel in the business.
Jericho said in an interview awhile back that he doesnt want to return to the Y2J persona and thats why he has worked so hard since his return to shed that part of the Jericho character. He wants to remain heel and the suit wearing intelligent speaking Jericho. Remember he did return as Y2J and the fans started to turn on him and he lost alot of momentum really soon after returning.

However if Cena and Triple H, or even just one of them, turns heel then Raw will be in need of a top face to counter the already heavy Heels with Sheamus, Miz, Barrett and Edge. With them three, Sheamus will likely stay heel the majority of his career and Edge just returned heel, while Miz could turn face along his pursuit of the title depending on who the champion is which only really leaves Orton as the top face superstar on Raw with Morrison, Bourne, and Truth trailing behind. Add heel Cena/Triple H and thats a bit lopsided so its possible.
I'm a little torn on this right now. I do quite miss the Y2J, rock n rolla persona of him. Yet, I love seeing how he riles up a crowd and hearing about how people throw their food/drinks at him and seeing it posted on youtube. You know that's the sign of a TERRIFIC heel when it incites anyone to go THAT angry over just a stage act to get thrown out for what is essentially assault. Because we know the current persona he has is the furthest from what he really is. Granted he's also cut some awesome spots as Y2J, and yet, I do think the Invasion era was one of his better times as well. I'm taken back to watching my Best of Smackdown DVD lately, and was watching Y2J vs Hogan, as Y2J would come down to the ring, and he'd stop at the ladies and flex and pose a little and the chicks would not be impressed, THAT's the Y2J I like and miss... but then again, I'll take any Jericho I can get to be honest.
yes, i will agree that HHH and HBK doing DX in their 40's and in a PG setting really didnt work as well for us, but think of what the KIDS thought of it. see the DX shirts/hats/glow sticks in the arena's? damn.

as for Jericho being too far in his career now, and too mature to do his "old promo's" remember, it was only a year or two ago when he said he wasnt doing Y2J and was now just Chris Jericho. thats not a lot of time passed. if done right it's VERY possible to do both a heel, and Y2J at once. mix in the swagger/attitude of the rock star he is (Fozzy fuckin rules) and that could work, it really could. can still have the "im better than you" attitude, because dont most rock stars? Chris is one hell of a athlete, and arguably the best man in the WWE on the Mic. really it dont matter what character he does, but i have been noticing a louder and louder Y2J chant, hell even in Texas, and as a face he even got heat there.
no shit Y2J needs to return. Jericho is boring as fuck now when he talks. freaking monotone calling people parasites its so boring. Jericho as Y2J could cut a much better promo heel or face. His in ring skills have not diminished though so that is good. He needs to go back to being hilarious and a smartass on the mic. Throw his pants back on too (yes i still cant get used to jericho in trunks and it makes him look rediculous.
Y2J is gone. Long gone, in fact. If we ever do see Y2J it'll be never. Because let's face it, Jericho is an amazing heel, and he can still be funny as a heel. I think it's too late to go back to being a face anyway, with all that fan-bashing. You might say "But Jonnie, Orton's a face now and he was a sadistic heel". True, he was a sadistic heel, but now he's a tweener who gets a nice pop. Orton may have beat up women, jumped people for no reason and injured people for months at a time, but he rarely addressed the fans. Jericho still gets cheered, but he can't go back to Y2J. Since ditching the Y2J gimmick, he's one the World Heavyweight Championship three times, the IC title once, the Unified Tag Team titles, and he's had a few really good feuds. "But Jonnie, before he did this big heel turn he was an 8 time IC Champ, Undisputed Champ, 3 time Tag Team Champ, etc." But he was wrestling before that for how long? Since 1990, not counting any time from June 2005 to November 2007.That means in 2 years, he is a 5 time champion overall. Jericho has been great since his heel turn, and I don't think he'll ever be a face again, or at least we'll never see anyone under the nickname of Y2J.
no shit Y2J needs to return. Jericho is boring as fuck now when he talks. freaking monotone calling people parasites its so boring. Jericho as Y2J could cut a much better promo heel or face. His in ring skills have not diminished though so that is good. He needs to go back to being hilarious and a smartass on the mic. Throw his pants back on too (yes i still cant get used to jericho in trunks and it makes him look rediculous.
This is the best post I've read so far on this forum. Couldn't agree more.

There were a couple of replies in this thread which referred to this modern, contemporary Jericho as "more entertaining than him being a face in the early 2000s"! Ha. Excuse me? Hyperbole, much? The Jericho from the early 2000s is arguably the most entertaining character in the history of wrestling (ridiculous statement? Notice I said "arguably"). The way he'd berate Stephanie McMahon was top notch.

I'm a huge Jericho fan, and I'll cheer for him regardless. Lately I have been getting tired of his persona, though. It's getting extremely trite. Same old promos being shot week after week. Same verbiage being regurgitated every Monday night. It's crap. His attitude his bland. He's way better than that.
Was anybody else getting goosebumps as Cena was calling him to come back to the ring?? I have been dying for his face turn and i hope it comes soon. Just the emotion on Jericho's face as he was trying to decide and the crowd was chanted Y2J.

As for his promo's now.... using the word parasites so often it has just become so bland. Same with CM punk and the same things he says.... Mix it up a little please

Can't wait to see how this Team Raw situation turns out.
I feel it's a time for Y2J to return for one last run if he's leaving in November like the rumors say he will. I don't see how better the heel "everybody is against me, it's a conspiracy" Jericho to the "Ayatollah of Rock 'n Rolla" face Jericho in the early 2000s. IMO, Jericho gives much better promos as a funny face/heel than just a serious heel. His ring work is the same regardless though. I think Jericho needs one last face run against maybe the Miz for the WWE title if he leaves. He can give the Miz much crediblility as a champion and they will give some excellent promos.
for all the people saying he is leaving this winter when his contract is up,will you please SHUT..THE HELL.. UP! (always loved that line of his..) read the newest interview of his, he talks about that big internet rumor and laughs about that too. and for everyone saying no to the Y2J return cuz he's better as a Heel, why does he have to be a Face to be Y2J? he really doesnt. remember the Anti-HBK angle? he was still Y2J then, and a heel! and still cut top quality 100% awesome promo's as well.

also, i dont know about everyone else, but the match this past monday against Cena had me laughing. "You're a stupid man!" that was an example of how the PG era has taken effect, before when Jericho would slap someone and lip them off, he woulda called them an "ass clown" now he resorts to "you're a stupis man! a stupid stupid man!" that really made me laugh
"You're a stupid man!" that was an example of how the PG era has taken effect, before when Jericho would slap someone and lip them off, he woulda called them an "ass clown" now he resorts to "you're a stupis man! a stupid stupid man!" that really made me laugh
Dude, I caught that and sorta scratched my head.

Before this year, I had really not watched very much wrestling at all since about 2004. Sporadically watching, y'know? Over the past month, however, I've got back into it for the hell of it.

When Jericho said that, I just thought, "Man, how watered down is this bullshit?"

Everybody on these forums who hate John Cena keep referencing "Oh, Cena's the face of the PG era! He's the reason for it!" All bullshit. Well, granted, he might be the 'face' of the PG era of wrestling, but let's not forget that he was spittin' some nasty verbiage during his heel days on Smackdown! feuding with the Undertaker, Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. His raps used to be hilarious. They were also cleverly caustic and crude.

In the modern WWE, everybody is watered down.

I remember watching the one Raw a couple of years ago when Cena wrote "JBL is poopy" on JBL's limo. I changed the channel to something else, trying to hold onto the good 'ol days of wrestling. The days where it was a hell of a lot better of a product than it is today, but I digress. That's for another discussion, and I'm going off on a non-sequitur esque tangent here. My bad.

The Y2J Chris Jericho was edgy, original and clever. This bland, trite, 'stagnant' Jericho where he emits the same words every week in attempt to put down the crowd has grown tired with me. I know a lot of you love it, but when promos become stale, that's it -- they are stale. The Y2J Chris Jericho face AND heel had a new insult to toss around every week. And as somebody else said, bring back the pants!

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