Fuck You Wal*Mart, I WIN!


[This Space for Rent]
Okay, the following is one-half rant, one-half victory story.

Erin bought a pack of Diapers that were too big for Christian. She opened the package, took one out long enough to notice they were too big and she'd grabbed the wrong package - then put it back in the bag, and called Wal*Mart to ask about exchanging them. She explains she'd opened the box, but did NOT use any of them. A Male (this is key) said she could exchange them as long as she had a receipt.

So I go into Wal*Mart and take everything to Customer Service. The Lady working is a natural bitch, always has been, always will be. She said "I can't exchange those". I reply with Yes, you can, a Male member of Management told me so.

So, she calls a Female member of Management. Some skinny girl comes in - looks at the receipt and explains that they can do it this ONE TIME. Since I wasn't happy that they assumed I was somehow fucking the system, I replied with "I talked to a Male, I don't know who but whoever it was said it was okay. I don't understand this 'one time only' explanation, since you're making it sound like I'm trying to screw your Company over."

This prompts the original Customer Service bitch to call another member of Management, who's above the skinny girl who okay'd me to exchange them. Another Female comes to the desk, saying she can NOT exchange them because they've been opened.

Now, the side note here is - it needs to be explained that the CS rep said to this lady over the phone, that I'd USED the diapers and tried returning them. (with me so far?) So when the highest member of Management told me she couldn't exchange them because they were used.. I calmly said.. "Then I'm gonna stand here, until you find the guy I spoke with, who agreed to exchange them.. then fire him." I then pointed to the skinny girl, and said "Her too, since she was okay with me exchanging them 'this one time'."

At that point, the skinny girl tries denying it.. so I stop her mid-sentence and ask what she said.. she replies with saying she originally okay'd it, but the other member of management was over her, and that ruling counted. So I said "Regardless of all that - you just admitted to saying it was okay, then you turned around and claimed you didn't.."

SO THEN.. in the end, the highest member of Management there - called the Store Manager (a Male) who told her to exchange the item, without question - because as long as I had a receipt - IT WAS FINE!

All three Ladies were pissed the fuck off that they had to exchange the item.

Its gonna be that much greater when I decide to call their Distract Manager and pitch a fit over their employee's lying, and not having the same story. :lmao:
A victory for all of us as well as you :)

The Wal-Mart at our college town has been promoting the Twilight DVD for the past three or four months and the DVD came out in March.
The part I left out, was they asked what the guy's name was that I spoke with.. I didn't know, so I said I didn't know.

The skinny manager said "It was probably Aaron". I said "It could've been, I don't know."

So the original CS rep then tells the fat highest member of management that shows up later, that I specifically spoke with Aaron. (which I corrected her, saying I didn't know who he was - that it could've been him, but I couldn't guarantee it)

Well, that ends with the fat highest member of management telling me Aaron no longer works there. :lmao:

My reply was classic.. "Do your employee's know this, because both of them seem to think I spoke with him - despite me saying repeatedly I didn't know who he was. Maybe you need to communicate better."
Sounds like a bunch of inept workers there at your local Wal*Mart. Must suck having to deal with that.

Someone told me about Family restrooms in Wal*Mart. I'm gonna hold out until I find one with one of these. Ours is a no-nothing, simple Super store. It's barely even that.

Well good luck in your quest.
Good job Will, fight the man!

Woman in this case.

Which also annoyed me, that I said I spoke with a MALE member of management, and two different FEMALE members of management were called to the situation. :headscratch: I fail to see how they're going to know who I talked with, especially when they weren't even explained who I spoke with - and were only interested in telling me "We can't do this".
You go Will. This is the reason why I barely shop at Wal*Mart. The Wal*Mart near my house is full of crappy workers and I just don't like going there anymore. So I shop for groceries at Publix Now. Way better service and I like going to that place better.

So All in all if Will wins we all Win.
You proved men are the dominant gender

This remind me of my ending comment to them as well.. I explained that if they would've called Tim (the new Store Manager) first (also, a Male - whom I may have spoke with, mind you) he would've simply said "exchange the product" without question.

Three females decided to waste as much time as possible, in giving me the run around.. One male above all of them, says just do it.. problem solved.

Moral of the story? Men don't fuck around.. they just solve the problem in the shortest, easiest fashion.

In female's defense - most are very smart.. the ones at this Wal*Mart, aren't.
Haha.. Last time I was at wal Mart, an old man working there gave me a smily sticker... I had no complaints.
I've encountered similar situations, and it's always the same. You get the runaround with a chick, then a man comes in and fixes everything.

It's the same way where I work. We've got 5 female managers and 1 male, and excepting one female who's downright awesome, that 1 male is better at solving problems than the other 4 combined.

It's not sexism, it's just truth.
Actually, I just thought of somthing... While I agree Will was in the right here, you also have to look at their perspective. As someone that works behind a counter serving customers, we've had some pretty dumb fucking people show up with some dumb, confusing questions and requests. While Wills situation may have had him in the clear, sometimes people there acting dumb is simply good business, in the event that the customer is being a prick, which, no offence Will, is what you described yourself to sound like.
I've encountered similar situations, and it's always the same. You get the runaround with a chick, then a man comes in and fixes everything.

It's the same way where I work. We've got 5 female managers and 1 male, and excepting one female who's downright awesome, that 1 male is better at solving problems than the other 4 combined.

It's not sexism, it's just truth.

it actually is the truth. there have been neurological studies done that prove men are more effecient problem solvers. true story.
Being in the retail industry, I can certainly appreciate your situation. Lord knows that I have my fair share of colleges who would probably do the exact same thing.

I'm still baffled that two women came to "help" you when you clearly asked for a male. If two wrongs make a right, then two females make a male.

As for public washroom sex, it's the best. :D
Okay, the following is one-half rant, one-half victory story.

Erin bought a pack of Diapers that were too big for Christian. She opened the package, took one out long enough to notice they were too big and she'd grabbed the wrong package - then put it back in the bag, and called Wal*Mart to ask about exchanging them. She explains she'd opened the box, but did NOT use any of them. A Male (this is key) said she could exchange them as long as she had a receipt.

So I go into Wal*Mart and take everything to Customer Service. The Lady working is a natural bitch, always has been, always will be. She said "I can't exchange those". I reply with Yes, you can, a Male member of Management told me so.

So, she calls a Female member of Management. Some skinny girl comes in - looks at the receipt and explains that they can do it this ONE TIME. Since I wasn't happy that they assumed I was somehow fucking the system, I replied with "I talked to a Male, I don't know who but whoever it was said it was okay. I don't understand this 'one time only' explanation, since you're making it sound like I'm trying to screw your Company over."

This prompts the original Customer Service bitch to call another member of Management, who's above the skinny girl who okay'd me to exchange them. Another Female comes to the desk, saying she can NOT exchange them because they've been opened.

Now, the side note here is - it needs to be explained that the CS rep said to this lady over the phone, that I'd USED the diapers and tried returning them. (with me so far?) So when the highest member of Management told me she couldn't exchange them because they were used.. I calmly said.. "Then I'm gonna stand here, until you find the guy I spoke with, who agreed to exchange them.. then fire him." I then pointed to the skinny girl, and said "Her too, since she was okay with me exchanging them 'this one time'."

At that point, the skinny girl tries denying it.. so I stop her mid-sentence and ask what she said.. she replies with saying she originally okay'd it, but the other member of management was over her, and that ruling counted. So I said "Regardless of all that - you just admitted to saying it was okay, then you turned around and claimed you didn't.."

SO THEN.. in the end, the highest member of Management there - called the Store Manager (a Male) who told her to exchange the item, without question - because as long as I had a receipt - IT WAS FINE!

All three Ladies were pissed the fuck off that they had to exchange the item.

Its gonna be that much greater when I decide to call their Distract Manager and pitch a fit over their employee's lying, and not having the same story. :lmao:

Dude, if I was working, I'd take it back, no questions asked. A damn receipt is as good as gold. A man brought back a carton of soda, with 5 missing and said one of them had a hole in it. I said, "do you have a receipt?" He did. And he got his money back. And from now on, when you go to take something back, ask for an ASSISTANT MANAGER! They're the end all besides the Store Manager, who's usually never there after 5 PM.
Actually, I just thought of somthing... While I agree Will was in the right here, you also have to look at their perspective. As someone that works behind a counter serving customers, we've had some pretty dumb fucking people show up with some dumb, confusing questions and requests. While Wills situation may have had him in the clear, sometimes people there acting dumb is simply good business, in the event that the customer is being a prick, which, no offence Will, is what you described yourself to sound like.

None taken, Derf. And truth is, I wasn't actually a prick of any kind. I was calm, cool and collected. I made a phone call long before I ever got in a car to return 'said' diapers.. I said to the Manager I'd asked to speak with (any manager working, which happened to be a male who responded) I asked if I could return a pack of open diaper's.. none were used, they were too big, and I didn't want my money back - I merely wanted to get the proper size. The guy said "If you have a receipt, and no diapers are missing, sure you can exchange them."

I get to the store.. and deal with 3 dumb females who believe that I'm apparently lying about everything, and the only reason why they didn't want to exchange the diapers - is because they were opened in general, and Wal*Mart apparently can't reseal the box and plastic to re-sell.. thus, Wal*Mart would've lost the profit of the diapers.. a whole $21.10

Truth is, I was more calm and peaceful for the trouble I dealt with than most people. I had every right to request 3 stupid bitches be fired and shit-canned, because I'd already gotten previous approval by another 'said' (male) manager that it would be okay to return the product, opened or otherwise, as long as I had a receipt.

SO.. yes, I was rude toward the end of my issue.. mainly because 'said' issue never should've went that far into detail or conversation. Thus, I was in NO wrong.

Being in the retail industry, I can certainly appreciate your situation. Lord knows that I have my fair share of colleges who would probably do the exact same thing.

I'm still baffled that two women came to "help" you when you clearly asked for a male. If two wrongs make a right, then two females make a male.

As for public washroom sex, it's the best. :D

I never asked for a male. I spoke with a male (when I asked for ANY manager to come to the phone, a male answered) who told me I could exchange the product.

Upon getting to the store and dealing with the issue.. the CS rep paged a CSM (??) who was a female, then continued to page the Store Asst. Manager, who was another female. When I continued to explain a MALE told me it was okay - they kept paging Women, cause obviously.. that's gonna figure out what male told me it was okay. :headscratch:

Anywho.. the best part was in the end, when the Asst. paged her Manager, THE store manager, (a male, mind you all) he said if he has a receipt - exchange it, no questions asked. :lmao:

Dude, if I was working, I'd take it back, no questions asked. A damn receipt is as good as gold. A man brought back a carton of soda, with 5 missing and said one of them had a hole in it. I said, "do you have a receipt?" He did. And he got his money back. And from now on, when you go to take something back, ask for an ASSISTANT MANAGER! They're the end all besides the Store Manager, who's usually never there after 5 PM.

Yeah.. the highest member of Management that I dealt with, in person, was the Asst. Manager.

It should also be noted that I previously worked with this bitch - and I honestly think that's why she tried so hard not to exchange anything, regardless of receipt or otherwise.

It's also due to this issue, I'm going to have a conversation w/ 'said' District Manager about 3 stupid bitches. lol

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