Is Wal-Mart bad for the Country?

Here are my two cents.

Wal-Mart provides cheap products that save families in the U.S. hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars every year. That is obviously a good thing.

Does Wal-Mart drive out small business? Yes. Small businesses cannot compete on price with Wal-Mart because of the incredible influence it has over its suppliers as well with the high volume of products it sells. The only thing small businesses could compete on is quality.

With regards to job growth and pay, Wal-Mart benefits a community. The business that was there before may have paid a cashier $15/hr while Wal-Mart comes in and pays 2 cashiers $8/hr. Which is better? 2 people with low paying jobs, or one person with a relatively high paying job and one person unemployed?

Finally, people shouldn't be looking to work as a cashier or shelf-stocker as a lifelong career. If you want to make a good living, you have to get an education or acquire/develop a significant skill. Those who work at Wal-Mart may work very hard, but the fact is that it is still a low skill job that is easily replaceable. That's why the pay is so low.

People shouldn't expect low skill jobs to provide them good pay or job security.
Finally, people shouldn't be looking to work as a cashier or shelf-stocker as a lifelong career. If you want to make a good living, you have to get an education or acquire/develop a significant skill. Those who work at Wal-Mart may work very hard, but the fact is that it is still a low skill job that is easily replaceable. That's why the pay is so low.
you say this like Cashier & shelf-Stocker are the only 2 jobs available at Walmart.

I already mentioned the Pharmacist & Optometrist which are both good jobs that require at least a Bachelors Degree. Then there is the Management team. I'm sure you have to go through some classes to get a job as an Assistant, Co or Store manager at any Walmart. Also a College degree in Retail management wouldn't hurt either.

So yeah while some of the jobs at Walmart a trained Monkey could do (mine included) there are a bunch more that require plenty of education.
thanks for calling me a ****** asshole.

I'm not going to try and engage you in a insult calling war because I didn't come here to do that. But people are allowed to have their opinion and I never said that every single Walmart employee was in such an unfortunate position, and is there no other word that is better than "******"? Honestly. It's never been okay and maybe you should try and step in the shoes of a handicapped person, maybe then you'd stop. I've seen what they go through, I've even heard it, and it gives you a lousy first impression in my opinion. I didn't decide to dissect every one of your arguments as they are all pointing out the same thing, you are really stubborn aren't you? Let it be known, and please quote me on it, that there are a truckload of Walmarts all over North America. Maybe I did not make it clear enough for you, and I apologize for that, but I was not implying that every employee or worker for every Walmart in existence is in the same position. However there are many, maybe not at yours but did you know that there are more than one? Yeah, crazy right. I refuse to say any more, but I will applaud all the Pharmacists and Optometrists but even they could do a lot better. ;)

Any other assinine comments I can call you out on? I would like to up my post count a bunch tonight.

Go ahead! Whatever floats your boat. However there is one problem and that is that I refuse to go back and forth with someone who doesn't own even an ounce of respect and you starting sentence just enforces it. However I ponder the reason you use a word such as "asinine" (of course you spelled it wrong) when you can't even think of an insulting world any more intelligent or meaningful than asshole. Trying to impress me now? Not happening. That's all I'm going to say, disappointed that I even wrote this much for a member with the name Gaping Anus. Really?
Bad working conditions don't necessarily hurt the country, so anything about that in the "cons" section is pretty irrelevant. However, they DO provide jobs, and goddamn lots of them, they DO offer cheap products to keep consumers able to purchase, keeping the economy running, and they DID give something like $210 million to charity last year.

I don't think Walmart is hurting the company. Hurting small towns, I could see the argument there, but the country, on the large scale? No.

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