I'd rather give FutureShockWWE shit for being a troll who's learning English than not give him shit and thinking he's ******ed. There's nothing in his posting that's consistent with him being mentally handicapped.
It's as old a thing on the internet as dancing baby.

Don't say "my mom's dead" as a response to someone responding to you being a complete dick.

To be fair, FSWWE started it, it has just carried over to countless threads. J4L probably shouldn't have said anything, but we shouldn't exploit that.
I have to say, If it were coco to say something like that, no body would think much of it. Just laugh and think it's normal and funny. Since FSWWE is not that great with his english, and has a habit of trolling, people think he's some big insensitive dick.
Jenks has said WAY worse, and people laugh at it. It's a pretty harsh double standard.
It has been by far the funniest weeks in the forum.
Some like me others hate me, I get it :shrug:

And my posts don't suck that bad, I've seen a lot worse made by English speakers, and just give me a break on that language complex.
I'm 17 years old, I just completed my 11th grade and my English is like your 6th grade English and I still think I can say a thing or two, yes thats right I never read Shakespeare, only things like web posts and newspapers...
Can you imagine a test with newspaper news?

To Crock:
Actually since we had that small argument, that J4L is trolling me at every post, even in Movies and TV Sections.
The recent hate that I get is because of you, shitty posters just feel the necessity of kissing your ass, and because I don't like you - This actually made me get a lot of red :weird:
I think FSWWE stands out because he actually gets involved in many different parts of our fair forum. He's no worse than most bad posters, but because he makes so much of it he subjects himself to more hostility. He isn't THAT bad, just pretty bad.
Never really judged him as a non-spam poster. Not a fan of the smileys and the poetically formatted writing though. He gets around though.
It has been by far the funniest weeks in the forum.
Some like me others hate me, I get it :shrug:

And my posts don't suck that bad, I've seen a lot worse made by English speakers, and just give me a break on that language complex.
I'm 17 years old, I just completed my 11th grade and my English is like your 6th grade English and I still think I can say a thing or two, yes thats right I never read Shakespeare, only things like web posts and newspapers...
Can you imagine a test with newspaper news?

To Crock:
Actually since we had that small argument, that J4L is trolling me at every post, even in Movies and TV Sections.
The recent hate that I get is because of you, shitty posters just feel the necessity of kissing your ass, and because I don't like you - This actually made me get a lot of red :weird:

I've never read Shakespeare either and my total amount of time in the US/outside my dirthole equals to 2 months of my near 20 year existence. I've become a master of the English language being recognized as such in several schools and being the prime reason I was selected to work. How'd I learn it? Fucking Sesame Street. What's that say about those who's grammar is inferior to mine? A fucking lot.
I've never read Shakespeare either and my total amount of time in the US/outside my dirthole equals to 2 months of my near 20 year existence. I've become a master of the English language being recognized as such in several schools and being the prime reason I was selected to work. How'd I learn it? Fucking Sesame Street. What's that say about those who's grammar is inferior to mine? A fucking lot.

You learnt language like that from Sesame Street!? Fuck me censorship got a bit lax after I stopped watching. Fucking Sesame Street...

Oh. Nevermind.
Well Puerto Rico has two official languages, Spanish and English, so it is easier for you x)

English isn't official. And when the dunderheads that surround me can barely speak their own native tongue, I'm surprised I even learned proper spanish myself. What I'm saying is that your spelling mistakes don't come from a lack of understanding. They come from sheer stupidity. Unless your browser is set to Portuguese, I find it hard to believe you can ignore all the red lines popping up on the text.

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