Fox News Shows Their Idiocy Again

Cue: Family Guy vs. South Park

You know I was watching an old episode of The Simpsons earlier and I couldn't help but be reminded of your hatred for Family Guy, mainly because in this episode they did the classic Family Guy style of comedy, the old "Remember the time..." gag.
You know I was watching an old episode of The Simpsons earlier and I couldn't help but be reminded of your hatred for Family Guy, mainly because in this episode they did the classic Family Guy style of comedy, the old "Remember the time..." gag.
I don't hate Family Guy, I hate what it's become.

I'll watch the first Three Seasons anytime. The Fourth season is hit or miss. After that, I just haven't been interested.
Say what you will, but they dominate the ratings for the News channels. Fox outdraws CNN and MSNBC combined, pretty damn strong.

While technically true, but there is obviously a reason for that.

How many Conservative news/commentary channels are out there? 1

Now, how many Liberal news/commentary channels are out there?

Well, there's MSNBC, CNN, and the network channels as well which all tend to lead very slightly to the left.

The Liberal audience is scattered all over the place while the Conservative viewers .... well .... are all congregated at FOX. The ratings they tout are a complete distortion to the bigger picture given how the networks are not evenly divided between Conservative and Liberal-leaning tendencies.
Tort reform would be a great place to start, but it's not enough. Preexisting conditions need to be completely eliminated as well. No matter what's wrong with you, if you pay your premiums and copays, you shouldn't have to be denied care for certain things, ever.

Sorry, I disagree. Someone shouldn't be able to buy insurance after they learn they have cancer. I can't get car insurance after I get in a wreck.
That statement makes zero sense whatsoever to me FTS. People shouldn't be allowed to get help to pay for treatments they might need after they learn they're sick? I didn't realize human lives were equatable to machines.
While technically true, but there is obviously a reason for that.

How many Conservative news/commentary channels are out there? 1

Now, how many Liberal news/commentary channels are out there?

Well, there's MSNBC, CNN, and the network channels as well which all tend to lead very slightly to the left.

The Liberal audience is scattered all over the place while the Conservative viewers .... well .... are all congregated at FOX. The ratings they tout are a complete distortion to the bigger picture given how the networks are not evenly divided between Conservative and Liberal-leaning tendencies.

Fox's viewership is 39% conservative, 30% liberal, and 31% moderate according to media studies expert Bernie Goldstein. Nice try. Fox's viewership is so high because it is the fairest, according to Harvard and George Washington University studies that I have posted on here time and time again.

The commentary leans to the right, but the news stories are right down the center, and this is why people watch the network.
That statement makes zero sense whatsoever to me FTS. People shouldn't be allowed to get help to pay for treatments they might need after they learn their sick? I didn't realize human lives were equatable to machines.

In the grand scheme of things, and you only disagree when it fits your argument. You think we should abandon Israel, where millions of lives will be lost if we do.
Sorry, I disagree. Someone shouldn't be able to buy insurance after they learn they have cancer. I can't get car insurance after I get in a wreck.

I don't know what to say to this.

Did you just compare someone who has a family and friends living or dying to the privilege of using a car?
In the grand scheme of things, and you only disagree when it fits your argument. You think we should abandon Israel, where millions of lives will be lost if we do.

I believe in isolationism, atleast Wilson's view of it. There's no reason that American dollars should be going to help fight a war we have nothing to do with. Of course I don't want people to die, but I don't see the value of us being involved in that dying. We can't just get up and go to every fucked up country on the planet and try to save the people, and most of the times we really don't give a fuck about those countries, maybe because they're in Africa.

You know my feelings on the Israeli-Palestine issue.
I believe in isolationism, atleast Wilson's view of it. There's no reason that American dollars should be going to help fight a war we have nothing to do with. Of course I don't want people to die, but I don't see the value of us being involved in that dying. We can't just get up and go to every fucked up country on the planet and try to save the people, and most of the times we really don't give a fuck about those countries, maybe because they're in Africa.

You know my feelings on the Israeli-Palestine issue.

And the fact is, we can't fix every fucked up siutation at home either, and demonizing profits by saying people are dying for money is no more a political ploy than going to war. This administration is demonizing CEO's the same way the last one demonized Hussein, and it's all to curry favor, and in the end, neither one fixes the real problems at home. This healthcare issue is nothing but a veiled attempt to hide the fact that Obama's stimulus is on unmitigated failure.
I don't know what to say to this.

Did you just compare someone who has a family and friends living or dying to the privilege of using a car?

I said that if I have a family to feed that is a more immediate concern to me than someone else's family problems. Anything that takes money out of my hands and puts in someone else's does not in the least appeal to me.
And the fact is, we can't fix every fucked up siutation at home either, and demonizing profits by saying people are dying for money is no more a political ploy than going to war. This administration is demonizing CEO's the same way the last one demonized Hussein, and it's all to curry favor, and in the end, neither one fixes the real problems at home. This healthcare issue is nothing but a veiled attempt to hide the fact that Obama's stimulus is on unmitigated failure.

I really don't think the administration is demonizing CEOs. Not anywhere near comparable to the coverage and attention given to Hussein atleast.

And I think the healthcare issue has alot more to do with...ya know, people's health.
The one in Afghanistan does, because that is a place where the people who want to kill us are trained. We can either fight them over here, or try to respond to their actions over here. Remember, the killed more people here in one day than they have the entirety of the time we've been over there.

The Iraq war for me is bit different. I think that we did some good, and it's easier to see now that we're not fighting over there anymore. The world is a better place with Saddaam Hussein's being dead. That being said, we didn't necessarily need to go.
I really don't think the administration is demonizing CEOs. Not anywhere near comparable to the coverage and attention given to Hussein atleast.

And I think the healthcare issue has alot more to do with...ya know, people's health.

Have you seen Pat Robertson? "Islam is not a religion. It's a political system bent on overthrowing governments and ruling the world."

Fox's viewership is 39% conservative, 30% liberal, and 31% moderate according to media studies expert Bernie Goldstein. Nice try. Fox's viewership is so high because it is the fairest, according to Harvard and George Washington University studies that I have posted on here time and time again.

The commentary leans to the right, but the news stories are right down the center, and this is why people watch the network.

You are seriously trying to tell me with a straight face that FOX's viewers watch FOX for the "News" as opposed to the "News Commentary" like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly?

Give me a break. They define the tone of the network. I'm sure those programs aren't placed on Prime Time because they draw the largest audiences, right?

Anytime you can argue that the "News programs" during the day/afternoon beat one of the aforementioned News/Commentary programs in terms of ratings, please let me know. Which is why I have to chuckle when Rupert Murdoch always attempts to not put those shows over as much and basically states "... we have a couple News/Commentary shows on during the evening ...." as if they aren't a big deal or anything. They are the faces of that network.

As far as that network being Fair and Balanced and referencing the study, I could happily cite any number of studies that say otherwise. Take your pick which one.
Perhaps you can explain to me then why Fox reported upwards of 40,000 people at the rally, when the Washington Post confirmed 10,000 at most? The Washington Police said the number was more like 4,000. I think I'm going to trust the word of people who were actually at the rally over Sean Hannity.

And no DIAR, it's November, there are no purely green trees left.

Fox got caught lying once again, and I find it hilarious that you can't admit that.

Fox got caught showing the wrong footage. But, it's cool. Talk all the shit about Fox you want. I'm sure they care. There are probably thousands of people who watch that network waiting for them to slip up, and it happens so rarely that they jump on something as insignifigant as this and try to make it new.

CBS got caught lying about President Bush's military service in an election year, clearly caught trying to influence an election.

Go ahead and make 20 posts condemning the liberal news show.
And it's been how long since we've been stopping terrorists instead of building a country that we broke that we had no business destroying?
What now? When did Pat Robertson get involved? :headscratch:

O'Reilly is making fun of him for saying that. Yeah, Bill O"reilly picking on conservatives. I thought that all Fox did was pander to the religious right, but here they are insulting one of their figureheads. Odd, huh?
And it's been how long since we've been stopping terrorists instead of building a country that we broke that we had no business destroying?

Let's wait until welfare moms with no jobs don't have 500 channels of cable before we declare this place broken.

Fucking alarmists.

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