Fox News Shows Their Idiocy Again

Fox got caught showing the wrong footage. But, it's cool. Talk all the shit about Fox you want. I'm sure they care. There are probably thousands of people who watch that network waiting for them to slip up, and it happens so rarely that they jump on something as insignifigant as this and try to make it new.

Actually if you'd read my earlier post in this thread I said that Fox's news coverage isn't bad. Unfortunately most of their programming feature nothing but conservative talking heads like Glenn Beck.

And actually Fox screws up all the fucking time. There are entire websites created for the sole purpose of showing all of these screwups. They're updated practically daily. I'm sure you know the names of some of them.

CBS got caught lying about President Bush's military service in an election year, clearly caught trying to influence an election.

Go ahead and make 20 posts condemning the liberal news show.

I don't watch liberal news shows. I don't watch conservative news shows either. I do however watch The Daily Show, and this is what they were covering. You don't actually think I watch MSNBC or something do you?
You are seriously trying to tell me with a straight face that FOX's viewers watch FOX for the "News" as opposed to the "News Commentary" like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly?

Give me a break. They define the tone of the network. I'm sure those programs aren't placed on Prime Time because they draw the largest audiences, right?

Anytime you can argue that the "News programs" during the day/afternoon beat one of the aforementioned News/Commentary programs in terms of ratings, please let me know. Which is why I have to chuckle when Rupert Murdoch always attempts to not put those shows over as much and basically states "... we have a couple News/Commentary shows on during the evening ...." as if they aren't a big deal or anything. They are the faces of that network.

As far as that network being Fair and Balanced and referencing the study, I could happily cite any number of studies that say otherwise. Take your pick which one.

Find one from a school and not media matters which is funded by George Soros or one that ends with

Find one as credible as Harvard, the bastion of American liberalism, as we'll talk, but until then....
Actually if you'd read my earlier post in this thread I said that Fox's news coverage isn't bad. Unfortunately most of their programming feature nothing but conservative talking heads like Glenn Beck.

And actually Fox screws up all the fucking time. There are entire websites created for the sole purpose of showing all of these screwups. They're updated practically daily. I'm sure you know the names of some of them.

Nope. I prefer context.

I don't watch liberal news shows. I don't watch conservative news shows either. I do however watch The Daily Show, and this is what they were covering. You don't actually think I watch MSNBC or something do you?

I have visions of you in Snuggie, curled up with some hot chocolate, watching Rachel Maddow.
Which we defeated once, but it came back. Why did it come back? Because the government that Bush installed didn't do a damn thing so Bush kept coddling them and saying it's ok we'll carry you even longer. Why would they want to do anything on their own?
The new version of the Taliban is a goup of radical imams who are being funded by the poppy farmers we're trying to shut down.
And that'll take how long? Another 3 years or so? Just more hundreds of billions of dollars and lives lost while we gain nothing at all.
1) They call Afghanistan the "Graveyard of Empires" for a reason.

2) FTS, I'm going to completely fill the Cigar Lounge with threads on Friday. Or tomorrow afternoon. I'm not sure which. Either way, I'm going to make up for my previous lack of threads.
I have visions of you in Snuggie, curled up with some hot chocolate, watching Rachel Maddow.

You sick fuck. Get that image out of your head. The only image you should have of me is an angry man pounding whiskey, smoking weed and bobbing my head to shit like this:

Now Fox News is attacking Bush, blaming him partially for Fort Hood. But, I thought they were just the public relations wing of the right. Crazy how they did that thing where they find fault with both sides, is that balance or fairness? I can't remember.
So, getting 40+ million people insurance is nothing at all?

It won't get 40 million people insurance. Illegals, who are exempt from the plan account for 15 million of those people. Healthy twenty somethings who can afford insurance, but choose not to have it are another 15 million. So, a trillion dollars to give ten million people insurance is fucking ridiculous.

I am not against reform, but the public option is an attempt by the left to make people so dependent upon the government that they can't help but vote for them.
Or, it's a way to break up the insurance cartel of 5 major companies that dominate the market and get some competition which will lower the cost, or an attempt to make sure that the people *Gasp what a concept!* are taken care of instead of the politicians, or it could be a way to bring down the cost of insurance and make it affordable for everyone.
Obama's TSA secretary nominee was censured by the FBI for asking the FBI to preform a background check on his ex-wife's new boyfriend. He fits right in with the Communists, tax dodgers,a nd child molesters Obama has given power to in only ten months.
Man are you kidding FTS? You mean the child molestor that Obama met when he was TEN YEARS OLD through his grandfather? That one? Yeah, what a fucking commie! I hate commie kids!
Or, it's a way to break up the insurance cartel of 5 major companies that dominate the market and get some competition which will lower the cost, or an attempt to make sure that the people *Gasp what a concept!* are taken care of instead of the politicians, or it could be a way to bring down the cost of insurance and make it affordable for everyone.

Five companies still doesn't make a monopoly, and if what you were saying were even close to true, we could argue it.

Off the top of my head Humana, Blue Cross, Columbia, Aetna, Met Life, The Hartford, AARP, Cigna, Principal, Kaiser, Mutual of Ohio......

And I can research and give you more. Excuse the five (you sound like a petulant Cena hater) companies who control the market for knowing how to run a better business. That was the point until the Democrats ruined the economy and blamed on Bush three years ago.
Man are you kidding FTS? You mean the child molestor that Obama met when he was TEN YEARS OLD through his grandfather? That one? Yeah, what a fucking commie! I hate commie kids!

The safe schools czar is a high ranking NAMBLA official. The fucking pedo is in charge of the schools. He hired a Commie to be the czar of green jobs, and a tax dodger for the Secretary of State.

We'll forget the pastor and Ayers, and excuse those as association that he didn't know any better about. Let's look at the people he has appointed to high ranking positions in his administration.
Oh yeah I can see Mutual of Ohip being a MAJOR player in nationwide healthcare.

I meant mutual of Omaha, which is a Fortune 500 company.

Aside from appeals to emotion, health care has no merit.

A trillion dollars for ten million people. That's $100,000 per year, per person. And it on;y costs the 180 million working Americans $3000 a piece! I get more than $100,000 worth of coverage from Aetna from less than $1,000 per year. Please, let's let the government run this industry.

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