Fox News Shows Their Idiocy Again

No, Hannity did as well. Either way they were being paid by Fox, on their station, lying.

You never made one comment about the people? That's what we're arguing about. So, you don't think the videos are the same, but you acknowledge that they lied about the numbers? Does that explain the thousands of more people that magically appeared?
What part of I never commented on this did you not understand? Stop distracting the issue.

xfearbefore said:
Not green like those trees. Did you see them? That's summer trees, that rally took place in early September. I guaran-fucking-tee there isn't one COMPLETELY green tree in your neighborhood DIAR.
Do you live here? Have you ever seen my area? How can you make a comment about an area you have never seen and don't even know where it is?

xfearbefore said:
It really is truly sad that you just can't admit that Fox was wrong.
What is sad is how you keep trying to sway the debate away from what it started as to something I never commented on, ignore entire comments and make assumptions about areas you know nothing about. Take a deep breath and try to figure out what I was trying to do in the first post. Thanks.

Neither do those...
Funny, I don't recall ever saying they were. Nice try.:rolleyes:
But he has green trees in his neighborhood, so obviously that proves his case. Oh and he has a weather report that says it might have been cloudy that day. That definitely trumps video and eyewitness evidence.
:rolleyes: Seriously X, this is getting sad. Oh and you sure as hell do know more about the weather than a meteorologist. Your xfearbefore, you know and see all! Thats how you magically know everything about my area without ever seeing one picture. Amazing. Good lord.
And no DIAR, it's November, there are no purely green trees left.

LMFAO! Evergreen X, Evergreen.

Funny, I don't recall ever saying they were. Nice try.:rolleyes:
Perhaps not, but given the fact you and I both know xfear was talking about the trees in that specific location, it's pretty obviously you were at least trying to insinuate they were.

And if you weren't, then I suppose the following comment would apply more to you:

Moon Knight said:
What is sad is how you keep trying to sway the debate away from what it started as
How the fuck am I trying to sway the debate to a different topic? Do you even know what we're talking about? Explain to me how the amount of people at the rally and the color of the trees DOESN'T have to do with this issue. Are you joking? That's what the entire fucking issue is about.
Perhaps not, but given the fact you and I both know xfear was talking about the trees in that specific location, it's pretty obviously you were at least trying to insinuate they were.

And if you weren't, then I suppose the following comment would apply more to you:
Nice try but these types of tactics don't work sly. You and I both know his comment was a broad one and in no way hinted thats what he meant. He may have meant that but I replied to it in the broad sense not the this one. I never insinuated that they were in a any shape fashion or form. My comment was meant to point out there are green trees in november, not what type of trees those were. You know thats what I meant and chose to spin it, and you know I am right that you knew.

And that second comment applies to you and X, its the two of you swaying the debate into what type of trees those are when I never questioned that. Also its x running his mouth about the number of people there when I never commented on it.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the slurping sounds coming from the other two networks.

Get over it. If Fox was as much of a liar as you said they were, they wouldn't be the most watched news channel on cable.
How the fuck am I trying to sway the debate to a different topic? Do you even know what we're talking about? Explain to me how the amount of people at the rally and the color of the trees DOESN'T have to do with this issue. Are you joking? That's what the entire fucking issue is about.
I'll say this again and louder. I NEVER COMMENTED ON THE SIZE OF THE RALLY. Do you even know what this is about? I pointed out differences in the video Hannity used to the one Beck used. You keep acting like I doubted the size when I never said anything about it. Until you can prove I did doubt the actual number it has no place here. I also never said what type of trees those were.
i think it falls more to self responsbility

There's a big difference between self responsibility such as wanting to spend more money on cigarettes and porn than your own health and having an insurance company hike up your rates so much that you can either have insurance or eat. The latter is unacceptable, but is getting closer and closer to happening.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the slurping sounds coming from the other two networks.

Get over it. If Fox was as much of a liar as you said they were, they wouldn't be the most watched news channel on cable.
Numbers aside, do you think those were the same videos used?
Nice try but these types of tactics don't work sly.
Right, because I catch them every time you try them. ;)

You and I both know his comment was a broad one

and in no way hinted thats what he meant.

I mean, why would he be talking about any trees other than the ones that were in the video, the ones Stewart referenced? Like I said, your comment about trying to turn the conversation away from the main topic applies much more to you.

He may have meant that but I replied to it in the broad sense not the this one.
Right. I think they call that a "Red Herring".

Poor form in a discussion/debated.

I never insinuated that they were in a any shape fashion or form. My comment was meant to point out there are green trees in november, not what type of trees those were.
Right, a Red Herring argument. A logical fallacy, I do believe.

You know thats what I meant and chose to spin it, and you know I am right that you knew.
Perhaps. Doesn't change the fact that my pictures were simply there to point out that the trees weren't Evergreens, so your comment about the existence of green trees in November really didn't apply to this discussion.

I was "outing" you, so to speak.

And that second comment applies to you and X, its the two of you swaying the debate into what type of trees those are when I never questioned that. Also its x running his mouth about the number of people there when I never commented on it.
Didn't sway me into any kind of a debate at all. I think it was pretty cut and dry what I was doing.
You know, I find it funny that the tea parties are considered pathetic rallies, but when a bunch of stupid fucking hippie kids throw bricks through windows, they are held up to be first amendment heroes.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the slurping sounds coming from the other two networks.

Get over it. If Fox was as much of a liar as you said they were, they wouldn't be the most watched news channel on cable.
Wow, two Red Herring arguments in the same thread! Awesome!
The average Profit Margins of Health Insurance Companies is only around 3% or something ridiculously low.

I personally don't feel that I should have to pay for someone else to go to the hospital. It's not about the government helping people, it's about my taxes getting raised. Let me keep my money, and I can pay for the type of health care I want.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the slurping sounds coming from the other two networks.

Get over it. If Fox was as much of a liar as you said they were, they wouldn't be the most watched news channel on cable.

How can you say that kind of bullshit with a straight face? When the fuck has the American television audience ever been interested in the most truthful news programs? Sensationalism grabs ratings, not truthful and unbiased reporting.

I'll say this again and louder. I NEVER COMMENTED ON THE SIZE OF THE RALLY.

And I'll say this one again for you:

YOU COMMENTED ON THE TREES AT THE RALLY AND TRIED TO DEFEND FOX HERE. Are you seriously sitting here trying to tell me you weren't arguing that Fox didn't lie?

Do you even know what this is about?

I do, but apparently you don't.

I pointed out differences in the video Hannity used to the one Beck used. You keep acting like I doubted the size when I never said anything about it. Until you can prove I did doubt the actual number it has no place here. I also never said what type of trees those were.

I'm really baffled by your logic here. So, the number of people at the rally which has been disputed and is a key piece of evidence that Fox lied has no relevancy to this topic? Are you fucking kidding? You commented on the trees, trying to argue that Fox didn't lie. I pointed out some other evidence (like the PEOPLE in those videos) and now you want to act like I'm trying to put words in your mouth and go off-topic?

I really expected better of you than this.
I live in Stafford, go to DC all the time. They tout those trees as being beautiful during the Fall season because of their color. They're not green at the moment.

And Fox tampered with the video some to change certain aspects. You can see from the zoomed in, grainier look. Trying to make it harder to notice.

EDIT: Moon Knight's an idiot, its okay. Leave him be, we already knew this.
Wow, two Red Herring arguments in the same thread! Awesome!

The first part wasn't an argument, it was a joke.

The second one was just my way of saying that this isn't a big deal at all. News companies use stock footage all the time. Now, putting earlier in a graphic in the corner was just stupid.

If this affects ratings one percent, I would be surprised.

I wonder how many of Fox's ratings point come from people just watching to see them screw up once or twice a year.
The average Profit Margins of Health Insurance Companies is only around 3% or something ridiculously low.

I personally don't feel that I should have to pay for someone else to go to the hospital. It's not about the government helping people, it's about my taxes getting raised. Let me keep my money, and I can pay for the type of health care I want.

So we should just allow the system where people work hard and because their insurance goes up for no viable reason other than life happens to them and they get sick or something goes wrong so all of their work goes flying out the window? I don't want taxes raised either, but damn, there's no way that's right. Something has to be changed, and the way it comes off to me is that the whole idea of a public option, which would at least help to end the monopoly that allows such high rates, is being built up as the end of any and all wealth for anyone with it. That's ridiculous to even think.
How can you say that kind of bullshit with a straight face? When the fuck has the American television audience ever been interested in the most truthful news programs? Sensationalism grabs ratings, not truthful and unbiased reporting.

Please explain this to the CBS news department, whose ratings are somewhere South of Newport Public access since they got caught lying about Bush's National Guard service.
So we should just allow the system where people work hard and because their insurance goes up for no viable reason other than life happens to them and they get sick or something goes wrong so all of their work goes flying out the window? I don't want taxes raised either, but damn, there's no way that's right. Something has to be changed, and the way it comes off to me is that the whole idea of a public option, which would at least help to end the monopoly that allows such high rates, is being built up as the end of any and all wealth for anyone with it. That's ridiculous to even think.

Is this monopoly you speak of the with 120 different fucking insurance providers?
The high rates have nothign to do with insurance companies, and fall more on the pharmecutical companies and corrupt doctors trying to keep everyone drugged up and dumb.

Again, with a profit margin of 3%, insurance companies have to raise rates to stay in business. You don't go into business to only hope to make a 3% profit. The Insurance companies are doing what they have to to stay afloat. If people didn't blatantly abuse the insurance companies, we wouldn't have this problem.

The blame falls on the Pharms, the blames lie on corrupt doctors, the blame lies on the justice system to award frivolous law suit after frivolous lawsuit, the blame lies on people trying to get a quick buck by sueing a hospital for millions of dollars for simple mistakes. That is where the blame lies, not with Insurance Companies that make a miniscule 3% in profit.
Right, because I catch them every time you try them. ;)
Dreaming again?

Then why argue with me replying to the broad sense?


I mean, why would he be talking about any trees other than the ones that were in the video, the ones Stewart referenced? Like I said, your comment about trying to turn the conversation away from the main topic applies much more to you.
Nice try but wrong. He made a broad comment, if he meant just those he should have said so.

Right. I think they call that a "Red Herring".

Poor form in a discussion/debated.
Which is why he shouldn't do it. The complaing about the rally size is a red herring.

Right, a Red Herring argument. A logical fallacy, I do believe.
Which I never did.

Perhaps. Doesn't change the fact that my pictures were simply there to point out that the trees weren't Evergreens, so your comment about the existence of green trees in November really didn't apply to this discussion.
I never said those were evergreens so pointing that out is a red herring and pointless.

I was "outing" you, so to speak.
Not even. I was outing X and now you.

Didn't sway me into any kind of a debate at all. I think it was pretty cut and dry what I was doing.
And It was clear what I was doing, didn't stop x from trying to alter the direction.

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