For the lose.


You know what grinds my gears? Women. They talk and talk and talk. =\\ I seriously had a date today, I got 3 words in edge wise. She wasted 3 1/2 hours of my life, then offered no vagina. What the heck is that? I've come to the conclution women have 4 purposes in life. Making me sandwiches, sexual needs, babies, and combined incomes.

(Sorry if I offended you gals, tis seriously a joke)
a woman who can talk that much is far superior to one who has nothing to say.

lack of brain function and conversational skills is absolutely laborious to deal with. feel thankfull.
Making sandwiches is fun.

Flames Out

I can get you a job if your interested? I need a new worker seeing the one i have now thinks Icecream belongs in the fridge.

So if you know where Icecream belongs and know how to make sandwiches your hired.
I can get you a job if your interested? I need a new worker seeing the one i have now thinks Icecream belongs in the fridge.

So if you know where Icecream belongs and know how to make sandwiches your hired.

Everyone knows that Ice Cream belongs next to the furnace.

Common Sense Really....
I can get you a job if your interested? I need a new worker seeing the one i have now thinks Icecream belongs in the fridge.

So if you know where Icecream belongs and know how to make sandwiches your hired.


Distance might be a problem.

Flames Out
Just bear through it. It's good if they talk a lot because you have less a chance to fuck up. Eventually you'll start to find some of the conversations interesting.

Lol, It wasnt that she was completely talkitive, that made me angry. She was very ditsy. =\\ She couldnt even remember who her 4th period teacher was.
Milk[lw];869388 said:
You know what grinds my gears? Women. They talk and talk and talk. =\\ I seriously had a date today, I got 3 words in edge wise. She wasted 3 1/2 hours of my life, then offered no vagina. What the heck is that? I've come to the conclution women have 4 purposes in life. Making me sandwiches, sexual needs, babies, and combined incomes.

(Sorry if I offended you gals, tis seriously a joke)

Dude you're 15, and I'm assuming the girl you had a date with was either the same age or close to it, exactly what did you expect form a girl at that age?!?, and any girl who "offers vagina" on the first date (which I'm assuming this was) when she's 15 is generally one you want to avoid, cause god knows who or what else has been inside her before you
Dude you're 15, and I'm assuming the girl you had a date with was either the same age or close to it, exactly what did you expect form a girl at that age?!?, and any girl who "offers vagina" on the first date (which I'm assuming this was) when she's 15 is generally one you want to avoid, cause god knows who or what else has been inside her before you

probably a lot of different kinds of produce.
Milk[lw];869488 said:
Lol, It wasnt that she was completely talkitive, that made me angry. She was very ditsy. =\\ She couldnt even remember who her 4th period teacher was.

She was prolly just nervous
Here's how it usually goes. I used to date this hot girl, but she was soo boring, and our dates were like we sat there the whole time. Be happy you found a girl who can talk, because if you don't find one that can your bored forever. Don't bitch because she talked the whole time, be grateful bro.

Plus your 15. You most likely never went on a real date. You'll appreciate a girl who can talk much more when you grow up. Plus your 15 complaining she didn't put out? Grow up dude seriously. Meet a fucking girl who you can stand to be with, and were with for a long time, not just go out on one fucking date and expect her to put out. Not some girl who you don't even like. Stop thinking your only cool if you get pussy, and grow the fuck up, and try to have a actual relationship. 15 seriously stop bitching. Your still a kid. That pisses me off.

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