First Round: Denver - Dory Funk Jr. vs. Jeff Hardy

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Dory Funk Jr.

  • Jeff Hardy

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round matchup in the Denver Subregion. The ring and arena are universal throughout the first round and the organization is not a factor. There is a 20 minute time limit. Vote using any criteria you like. Most votes in the poll at the end of the time period wins. In the case of a tie we will go off of the number of written votes. In the case of a second tie, both are eliminated.

Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado.


Dory Funk Jr.



Jeff Hardy


Voting is open for 4 days.
Dory Funk Jr. is a hell of a lot more deserving than Jeff Hardy. Hardy was in the right place at the right time to capitalise onto becoming the most over babyface of the last two years. Dory Funk EARNED it. He EARNED his NWA Championship, he didn't smoke pot and blow chance after chance. Funk is the better of the two in almost every single way. Funk is a better wrestler, a better performer, he's just better. And that's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Dory Funk should win, however I'm voting for Jeff Hardy. The guy is known for getting wins out of nowhere and I have a feeling he would do this here. Funk will probably beat the piss out of Hardy, but outta nowhere Jeff will hit the Whisper in the Wind and then nail a Swanton and score the victory.
I really respect Dory, but I will be voting for Jeff Hardy in this match. Jeff Hardy might be a drug addict, but he sure dam can always put on some good matches. Jeff accomplished a lot in the WWE, if he would'nt of made the stupid mistake of living WWE he would've been a top main eventer on RAW or SD. Like I said even though Jeff is a drug addict he accomplished a lot in WWE and I'm waiting for him to accomplish more things in the future " If he doesn't go to jail " lol
dory funk was the bret hart of his generation and could be one of the top 5 wrestlers ever jeff hardy is a spot monkey who has the occasional great match when funk and jack brisco went out and did it night after night
Dory Funk jr. is something of a forgotten star in wrestling. He was a big draw back in the day, and has the second longest NWA reign of all time, something that I wasn't aware of until checking his stats this evening. Funk managed to win the title when it was about being a long term huge draw, and he replaced Gene Kinski and before him Lou Thesz as champion, which is obviously of huge significance.

Jeff Hardy is alright, but he essentially has acheived nothing apart from being on the crest of a brief wave of popularity. More to the point though, Funk trained Hardy, and everyone knows that nobody teaches anyone everything they know.
Wow, we are getting smark fucking tastic this year so far.

Um, no. Dory Funk couldnt polish Jeffy Harvey's boots in anything that actually fucking matter. I get it though, he was like, an NWA champion and shit, so he must be far superior.

All I know, is my ears are STILL ringing from Jeff Hardy's THIRD WWE title win. You know, when he was the most popular wrestler on planet earth.

What exactly did Jeff hardy do with any of his championship reigns? Oh I remember that first title reign when he won the title at Armageddon and lost it in his first defense against Edge at the Rumble. Yup, strong world champion.

Jeff Hardy is all flash, zero fucking substance. If there's a ladder, chances are, Jeff hardy is on top of it ready to jump off of it and ooh and aahh all of the people that have the attention span of a 2 year old.

Jeff Hardy is fine at what he does, being a train wreck, in and out of the ring. Dory Funk Jr. was bred to be a fucking champion in the business, and he was just that, for years, when those belts actually meant something and weren't hot potatoed to the flavor of the week (see Jeff Hardy).
Wow, we are getting smark fucking tastic this year so far.

Um, no. Dory Funk couldnt polish Jeffy Harvey's boots in anything that actually fucking matter.

Hands down one of the most absurd statements thus far in this still young tournament Norcal. Seriously man? Dory Funk couldn't polish Jeff Hardy's boots? How the fuck do you figure? Was it when Dory was drawing 40,000+ to his title matches in Florida and Texas? Was it when he was holding the most important title in the world for several YEARS, defeating the likes of Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Gene Kiniski, and the Giant Baba among MANY others?

Seriously dude, ******ed statement. Jeff Hardy couldn't polish Dory Funk's fuckin' left testicle.

I get it though, he was like, an NWA champion and shit, so he must be far superior.

Well yeah, that's one of MANY reasons why he's superior. Because the NWA Title in the 70s was FAAAAR more prestigious FAAAR harder to win and had FAAAR more difficult competition than Jeff Hardy has ever faced in his entire career. If you're going to tell me Jeff Hardy's quick short world title reigns of about a grand total of 5 weeks in total with the SECOND most important world title in the WWE in an era when fuckin' kids with less than six months experience get handed world titles (lookin' at you Sheamus), THAT is more impressive than Dory Funk defeating legends like Harley Race and Gene Kiniski for the REAL world title in the 70s?

Yeah, no. Not even close dude. I actually considered hearing out an argument for Jeff in this thread, but your post was so just ridiculously incorrect that I had to respond. Sorry brother, but you can take that "Dory Funk can't shine Jeff Hardy's boots" BULLSHIT (and that's what it is, 100% bull-shit), and toss it aside my man, because NO ONE is buying that load of horse crap.

What exactly did Jeff hardy do with any of his championship reigns? Oh I remember that first title reign when he won the title at Armageddon and lost it in his first defense against Edge at the Rumble. Yup, strong world champion.

Jeff Hardy is all flash, zero fucking substance. If there's a ladder, chances are, Jeff hardy is on top of it ready to jump off of it and ooh and aahh all of the people that have the attention span of a 2 year old.

Jeff Hardy is fine at what he does, being a train wreck, in and out of the ring. Dory Funk Jr. was bred to be a fucking champion in the business, and he was just that, for years, when those belts actually meant something and weren't hot potatoed to the flavor of the week (see Jeff Hardy).

Father, why must we continually squabble over Meth Hardy, a man who neither of us care very much for?

You know I agree with you on his substance. You know I do. Absolutely I do. Doesnt change the fact, that being over is what matters, and though his fans should probably be eliminated from the gene pool, they also gave him by far and away the biggest pops in all of pro wrestling for the better part of two years.

Like I says though, yea, he is all mainstream and popular, and in the WWE, and not veyr many people know about the other guy, and he was in the NWA, so no one will hear anything on this. Its cool
Blah blah blabbity blah i hate WWE so fucking much fucking kids PG blah blah no blood NWA rulz blah blah.

Yea, I know. I know. Please continue to site 40,000 seat draws for Mr.Dory. we all know the WWE doesnt do that regularly or anything.

All I know, is Jeff Hardy was easily the most over wrestler in the last 5 years, and is a mutli time WWE champion, and if he wasnt such a fucktard, certainley would have main evented two Wrestlemania's.

Something Dory Funk can not, and would not, ever be able to say.

Apples to Oranges though, really. also, harldy any point, being as its a blowout anyhow.
I know I am going to lose, but I voted Hardy. The reason is that he is one of my favorite wrestlers, and I am going to vote for him.

To avoid spamming:

He duz teh flipz!

That, and I think at his peak, Jeff did far better in matches he wasn't supposed to win. He wasn't supposed to be HHH, he wasn't supposed to beat Edge, and he wasn't supposed to beat the both of them, but he did....on either title matches or number one contender matches. Jeff is a big match winnner.
I'm proud of this result. Hardy is good at few things and has an offense that would give Funk trouble. But at the same time, Dory Funk, Jr. is one of the smartest in-ring guys in the world. He can out think you and be one step ahead of you at any given point in a match.

And once again, Hardy's too high risk for a veteran like Funk, who would just let Hardy make a mistake and capitalize on it by either submitting him or just thumping his head and ass together.

Funk should get this... and I am glad he is.
Yea, I know. I know. Please continue to site 40,000 seat draws for Mr.Dory. we all know the WWE doesnt do that regularly or anything.

All I know, is Jeff Hardy was easily the most over wrestler in the last 5 years, and is a mutli time WWE champion, and if he wasnt such a fucktard, certainley would have main evented two Wrestlemania's.

Something Dory Funk can not, and would not, ever be able to say.

Apples to Oranges though, really. also, harldy any point, being as its a blowout anyhow.

So you're considering the TLC match at WM 17 to be the main event? I'm sure Stone Cold and the Rock would have something to say about that. I take it you're also saying that the MITB at WM 24 would have been a main event match.

Lawrence Taylor mainevented a Wrestlemania but he's not going to beat Funk and Hardy won't either.
So you're considering the TLC match at WM 17 to be the main event? I'm sure Stone Cold and the Rock would have something to say about that. I take it you're also saying that the MITB at WM 24 would have been a main event match.

Lawrence Taylor mainevented a Wrestlemania but he's not going to beat Funk and Hardy won't either.

What in the fucking WORLD are you talking about? Did you read it at all?


Arguabley the most over and best option for the feel good moment at WMs 23, 24, AND 25, but, he is a dumbass, and they couldnt trust to put him in that spot / he was suspended
Yeah Dory Funk trained Jeff Hardy so what, the student has been able to beat the master before so why not now.

Jeff Hardy's mat wrestling skills are criminally underrated, his match against Orton at the Royal Rumble in 2008 and his match against RVD on MOnday are testament to that. His high flying would also be a factor, I've never heard of Dory going to the top rope before (forgive me if I'm wrong) plus Jeff is actually pretty tough, he can take a shit load of punishment and carry on
Not only is Dory Funk all man, not a drug abusing loser, and tough as nails, but all the credentials are there and for the most part, I feel he's vastly underrated as a whole. He's largely forgotten about, despite being NWA Heavyweight Champion for four years. Who is that second to? Oh, just some guy named LOU THESZ. The only reason why he lost the title was because he was in a truck accident and he made a comeback too soon. Dory Funk was one of the biggest stars of the territory years, and what he's accomplished in the business, as well as what he's given back... Jeff Hardy would be in negative territory compared to what Dory's done.

Funk, unlike Jeff Hardy, made the most of his opportunities and didn't blow them. Jeff Hardy is a drug abusing asshat who is facing major drug charges. Dory would take this opportunity to beat some sense into his former protege and destroy him.
Not only is Dory Funk all man, not a drug abusing loser, and tough as nails, but all the credentials are there and for the most part, I feel he's vastly underrated as a whole. He's largely forgotten about, despite being NWA Heavyweight Champion for four years. Who is that second to? Oh, just some guy named LOU THESZ. The only reason why he lost the title was because he was in a truck accident and he made a comeback too soon. Dory Funk was one of the biggest stars of the territory years, and what he's accomplished in the business, as well as what he's given back... Jeff Hardy would be in negative territory compared to what Dory's done.

Funk, unlike Jeff Hardy, made the most of his opportunities and didn't blow them. Jeff Hardy is a drug abusing asshat who is facing major drug charges. Dory would take this opportunity to beat some sense into his former protege and destroy him.

Well Guy, Jeff Hardy has won every title in WWE except two, and one of those is know defunct (ECW title) so that really only makes it one, the United States Title, so I'd say Jeff Hardy has some pretty good creditintials.

On you talking about him being a druggie, so what, I could say Mr Perfect, British Bulldog etc were druggies and I'm not going to vote for them. This is a tournament for what guys do in the ring, not out of it.
Hardy's drug abuse and overall laziness has caused him to miss shows. So yes, there are cases where what he does out of the ring impacts what he does inside the ring. His drug abuse also has cost him chances at greatness, and even gotten him fired.

Also, I'll take Funk's four year NWA Title reign in the midst of the heyday of the territory days any day of the week over Jeff's two paper Championship reigns, in which he was a worse champion than Rey Mysterio throughout those title runs.
Ok his problems with drugs have lead him to miss shows and be sloppy in the ring occasionally, but so have many other wrestlers.

Length does not mean interesting. Yeah Dory Funk is good and was the second longest NWA champion, but as far as I know the only interesting thing out of his reign was the vehicle accident which lead to him losing to Harley Race.

Jeff Hardy's title reigns while short and (to some) shit, they were interesting. His first reign was interesting because he was always being attacked and wa turned on by his brother when he was defending it. His second while about two minutes because he had had a grueling match to win and having the title snatched away.
Ok his problems with drugs have lead him to miss shows and be sloppy in the ring occasionally, but so have many other wrestlers.

Not Dory Funk though. Absolute professional his entire career and one of the most respected men to ever lace up a pair of boots. Jeff Hardy? Not so much. About as respected in this industry as a drunken Scott Hall nakedly shouting at the Iron Shiek.

Length does not mean interesting. Yeah Dory Funk is good and was the second longest NWA champion, but as far as I know the only interesting thing out of his reign was the vehicle accident which lead to him losing to Harley Race.

Oh please shut the fuck up kid, because that is the biggest fattest load of horseshit I've seen in this tournament yet, really, congratulations. "As far as I know the only interesti---" stop right fucking there, as far as you know? I'd literally be willing to bet my home and property that you have never watched a single solitary Dory Funk Jr. match in your entire life, let alone any of his matches during his title reign. So "as far as I know he never did anything interesting" is just one big fat load of bullshit you've said to try and make yourself look knowledgeable when it' painfully obvious you know absolutely nothing about Funk, his career, or his title reign. I don't know, if you consider selling out venues across the United States and defeating the likes of Jack Brisco and Harley Race CLEAN to be "nothing interesting", well, than you're an idiot. But, that's okay, because I kind of already knew that from you bullshitting like you've actually seen a Dory Funk match.

Jeff Hardy's title reigns while short and (to some) shit, they were interesting. His first reign was interesting because he was always being attacked and wa turned on by his brother when he was defending it. His second while about two minutes because he had had a grueling match to win and having the title snatched away.

So people should vote for Jeff Hardy because you enjoyed how his storylines were written by WWE creative? Really, that's your final answer here? Excuse me while I literally go into a seizure from an overdose of laughter at your bullshit here, like I think I may actually be overdosing on bullshit from you.

Like...MAN. Literally the worst arguments I've ever seen presented by someone for their case in the history of this tournament Alex, really, congratulations at reaching a level of ineptitude I really did not think was possible. You have embarrassed yourself and Jeff Hardy. In fact if Jeff Hardy were to be reading this thread, I'm fairly certain he'd call you a fucking moron and implore you to vote for Dory Funk, the man who trained him and who taught him everything he knows.

Sorry, that was kind of harsh, I know, but that load of bullshit you just tried to represent as "fact" deserved the harsh tongue lashing I just gave you.

I'm sorry, but if you're telling me a man who defeated the likes of Harley Race, Gene Kiniski, Jack Brisco, Ric Flair, Antonio Inoki and many others during their PRIME while holding the most prestigious wrestling title and defending it all over the globe is going to be beaten by fucking Jeff Hardy, I'm sorry, you're full of absolute shit. Like shit is pouring of your ears right now.

God. I mean...just...GOD. Sorry to rant people but that absolute fucking idiocy deserved it.
Dory Funk Jr. I like Hardy (when he's sober). I just think that Dory Funk Jr. is to big of a name. He has held several world titles, including the NWA title for 4 1/2 years. I know there wasn't nearly as much exposure back then, but that's still a long time.

I just can't bring myself to vote for Jeff. I wanted him to go a bit further, but voting for him over Dory doesn't feel right.
Sorry Jeff, but you're going down in this round. While I do enjoy Jeff's work in the ring, I find Dory to be a more polished performer. I believe Dory is the total package when it comes to wrestling, whereas Jeff Hardy still has some major holes in his game. So yeah, Dory Funk.
I absolutely refuse to allow Jeff Hardy to go over Dory Funk, Jr. in this round. Granted, Terry got a tough pick against Randy Orton and is rightfully backed into in a tough corner, but there's no way that Jeff Hardy can ever be compared to a member of the Funk family. Orton, I get it. Jeff Hardy?? NO FUCKING WAY.

Shocky said it best (and I want to kiss him for it):

Jeff Hardy is all flash, zero fucking substance. If there's a ladder, chances are, Jeff hardy is on top of it ready to jump off of it and ooh and aahh all of the people that have the attention span of a 2 year old

This says it all.

Jeff Hardy may be popular, but in my opinion, it's only because kids love to watch pro-wrestlers do some REALLY stupid shit in matches. They love death-defying leaps off ladders, careless flippy flippy shit, and blacklights. Those three things are the basis of Jeff Hardy's arsenal.

And as we all know in wrestling, popularity = main event booking. Hell, even the WWE was extremely hesitant about pushing a drug addict and a train-wrecked lifestyle wrestler at a main event level. But the WWE has a responsibility to entertain their audience, and when a collective voice of millions of 12-year-olds scream for Jeffy-boy to get a title shot, the WWE listens. Hell, John Cena's in the same boat... except John Cena can BELIEVABLY kick ass in a wrestling ring. Jeff Hardy is nothing more than a wrestlers with high-flying, botch-tastic moves that kids and skanky women seem to relate to.

In the end, a wrestler's popularity without a factor of believability is a one-way ticket to getting your ass handed to you.

Dory Funk, on the other hand, is tough as fucking nails. If you stepped into a ring with him, he'd tear you limb from limb. Pitting Funk against Hardy is like putting the boxer against the slugger... if the slugger were only 6'1" and 215lbs of heroin, meth, and pot. Dory is a legend of the sport because he rose to the top of the NWA during a time when cosmetics didn't make a wrestler into a champion; believability and technical, in-ring skill did. He didn't need moonsaults, tables, ladders, and chairs to kick someone's ass. He did it Texas-style: with his bare fists in your fucking mouth.

I can see Jeff slipping around the ring for a half-hour, botching about 7 moves, and Dory catching him, beating him to a bloody pulp, and covering Jeff with his pinky finger for the three count.

Guys,l don't be stupid fan-boys... vote for the REALISTIC winner of this match, Dory Funk, Jr.
Jeff Hardy gets my vote now if this wasn't Kayfabe Dory would win this but Jeff got the biggest pop I have ever heard for years and that is what matters

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