First Known Member of Aces and Eights Was Revealed Tonight


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Devon was revealed tonight as the first known member of Aces and Eights and now that they have full access to TNA, it leads to the questions,

What is this going to mean with Aces and Eights having full access?

What role will Devon play as part of Aces and Eights?

Since Matt Morgan is associated tonight with Joey Ryan and that eliminates him from Aces and Eights, who is going to be revealed as other members of Aces and Eights?

Was anyone surprised to see Devon as the first member of it revealed?

I will say personally, I was shocked that it was Devon revealed as the first member of Aces and Eights, as we all thought, Hogan was going to betray TNA or Stink or Bully-Ray or something with Joseph Parks, however revealing Devon first actually leaves a lot of doors open for Aces and Eights and was a great surprise in my mind as the first guy revealed, especially since even here on wrestlezone. It was reported that he was done with the company, besides obvious names that people have mentioned (i.e. Jeff Jarrett and Chris Masters) who knows who else will show up as part of Aces and Eights.

Great surprise by TNA in my mind and kudos to all involved to keep it quiet, one of the better surprises since Scott Hall's appearance in WCW or Cena's return at the Royal Rumble.
I understand what your saying but did you just really put Devon in the same breath as Scott Hall and John Cena ? Devon is not a major superstar

And how exactly does it make sense ? I will watch to find out, but i mean this is really dragging out. Revealing Devon didn't really so much for me yet, but i wlll give it some time
I had no reaction to it, along with everyone who was there as I can see on TV. Completely took the air out of the aces and eights for me.

Devon? It was a complete who cares moment for me.

Just my opinion
In all honesty I had a good feeling that Devon would have a roll in Aces&8s and that the speculation that he signed with the WWE was a work...As for the reason that he is a member I've started thinking about this one factor with that being...

As General Manager of Impact Hulk Hogan stated that the Television Title would be defended on a weekly basis. At this time the TV Champion was Devon.
Suddenly the Television Title took a back seat due to different circumstances including the BFG Series and I believe some of the Aces&8s angles. With this occurring Devon was regulated to being more of a mentor to Garrett Bishoff and was pretty much removed from television.

Being a member of Aces&8s could be Devon's way of getting some sort of retribution against Hulk Hogan and TNA Management. Obviously Devon is not the leader as it will probably be revealed that Jeff Jarrett is in fact the leader.

I also believe that possibly Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan could play a part in Aces&8s with the potential reason being that they've been mistreated by management. Just some of my opinions
I hope Devon is not the leader. what a waste that would be.
I think Devon is just a member. makes more sense to me.
TNA and Hogan talked about contract negotiations with Devon. this at the time surprised me, but I never thought much of it. but as far as I remember, you don't hear a company talk about a wrestler who had a contract expire.
now maybe Aces/Eights went to Devon with an offer he couldn't refuse to join them since TNA wouldn't give him the contract he felt he deserved.
so not only is Devon not the leader, he wouldn't even be the guy who was talking. and as we saw the 2 guys who started the match for Aces/Eights, one of them was the talker.
Devon. just a member. make it happen this way TNA.
It's obvious that Devon isn't the leader of the group. The whole "Think About It." comment he made after the unmasking tells you that. More mind games with the other wrestlers is what they are trying to make it look like. It was a good twist on things and not what I was expecting at all. On the other hand, it gives the group a face as well so you don't always have to have the dude in the Alien mask with the disguised voice doing the talking. A small dip in the pool is a taste, making the dive in that much more pleasurable. It's enough to keep people interested without rushing in and blowing the whole thing apart.
If you've been following the backstage stuff going on with Devon and his contract situation this is a great reveal for TNA! It seems like Devon was most talked about when he was release and going through contract negotiations. He is in great shape and TNA sees what Bully Ray has become. Maybe a big push for Devon with a huge storyline can be what resurrects his career. Hogan has been doing nothing but putting this guy over, and he's helped in getting Aces & 8's in TNA! One of there own! A 7 year TNA vet! I think a lot of people are upset that Bully didn't turn. I for one am happy that we got the chance to see Bully Ray team up with The Stinger and fight for our company! This story just got personal, and its only just beginning!
what i liked most about this angle tonight didn't have to do with Devon at all. It had to do with Bully Ray. The guy completely transformed his career to be the top heel in TNA. He is great on the mic, and in a matter of just two weeks he has has the crowd behind him. From the segments with sting and hogan, to the "bully! get the tables" moment on impact, and now coming out with the sting face paint. Most everyone expected him to turn on sting. It's the the fact that Devon is a member of A&8's but that Bully isn't. TNA now has a legitimate badass who cuts probably the best promos in TNA right now and the fans are behind him. When he comes out and challenges A&8's and says "do you know who i am??" it won't be boos in the background any longer. I think Bully can really go somewhere with this.
So, I haven't seen TNA consistently since the Aces & 8s storyline started, but, from what I have seen I don't remember an African American being one of the members in the "gang". Am I wrong in this? I mean if there has been then this is a pretty good swerve but if not doesn't this show the ignorance in TNA's logic.
@ttdg: As far as in-ring appearances we have definitely not seen a black wrestler filling any role, but it has been pretty well understood that certain guys are just filler while the angle plays out. There is much speculation that D-Lo Brown has been playing the role of VP in the clubhouse segments...he's not exactly a white boy.

This has been the best angle TNA has ever run, I'm almost amazed that they haven't screwed it up yet. Though I believe there should have been a bigger reveal tonight, I do believe that they did something very hard to attain these days in the industry; preseved kayfabe! In this modern digital empire that we live in, the dirt sheets leak everything, D-Von and Matt Morgan's statuses have been heavily speculated both ways but nobody knew for sure that things were gonna go TNA's way (as far as re-signing bith guys) and that every major angle was preserved and poised to move forward. Good PPV by TNA, best in a very long time, keep up the good work.

As for Tam 3D...Devon could work himself into a solid, veteran enforcer role w/A&8's and Bully Ray may just get over as a major tweener/face. Think back to when they were first split up via the brand draft (a la Reverend Devon) and whether people want to admit it or not, Bubba was way way over in his singles run against Triple H and others. I personally think the guy is a legit ******** "bully", but Mark Lamonica loves pro wrestling so immensely that I have to give him a pass. I can't say that I wouldn't be as difficult and hard-nosed as he is to new talent if I reached that level of success, so honestly I would prefer to see him revered for his term of service and be a hero than a heel. He can work either, but I'm sure I'm not alone here in saying that when I look at him I still see the guy that debuted in ECW around '95 and got his ass beat...paid his dues. I'm not on the guys nuts but he has come a long way, let him and Devon have a solid feud w/crazy matches, they can definitely produce a few TV main events and be a solid 3rd from the top on ppvs.
No matter who is revealed people will complain, i am not of thos epeople. I am genuinely interested in seeing what happens next, and in the end that is what matters most. TNA developed intrigue and interest now they are furthering that, kudos to them.

Devon is a logical choice as there are many possibilities they can go with this. I think the slow reveal and not giving everything they got is good booking by TNA and something different which is always good. So well done TNA. A great PPV tonight.
Poor Devon. Had to settle for a bit part in the Aces & Eight's storyline. All because WWE decided to distance themselves from TNA wrestlers.

With Devon being announced as a MEMBER of A&E, TNA needs to capitalize and make the leader someone top notch. Devon would never take orders from some wouldn't make sense. Now if the rumor is Double J is the head, ok I can understand.

I still say Hogan is really behind A&E.
Devon's reveal was a HUGE letdown as I was really hoping for a Bully Ray swerve with him leading Aces & Eights. It makes the most sense but as long as Devon isn't the leader I can see it working out. It defineitly works well into the favor of the idea that his tag partner, Garrett Bischoff, is the mastermind of the group having learned from his father and the nWo before.
I am not quite as letdown as everyone seems, but I am definitely glad that I didn't shell out for this ppv. I had my finger on the button then last minute decided to read wrestlezone play by play instead. Devon I think was a good choice for the first member, but I think it should have been revealed at an Impact leading to BFG. I am still definitely interested to see where this goes from here.
I think the reason they stayed away from having Bully Ray turn on Sting and be revealed as an Aces and Eights member is that too many people expected it. A week or so ago I read all over the place that whoever ended up being Sting's partner was expected to turn on him and be with Aces and Eights (Not necessarily the leader, but at least a member).

So in my opinion they are just trying to keep people guessing.
So TNA is suing WWE because of them getting a hold of information about TNA wrestling contracts etc. But yet TNA storylines consist of TNA wrestlers hinting that they are going to the WWE. Then all of a sudden the wrestler is back in TNA because it is such a huge shock to everyone, well maybe the 500fans in attendance anyway. HUH? I wonder if they will use this in court. TNA: They know about contracts and are trying to get some of our wrestlers to jump ship. WWE: Us, that’s 90% of their major storylines. Anyway it was pretty weak.
I definitely do not see Devon as the leader. I really, really hope TNA isn't going in this direction. His cut last night didn't have the A&8 logos on the back. Only 1 guy's did. That guy is the same guy that has been playing the VP. The rest of the guys in the vignettes haven't had the the patch on the back and they've had prospect on the front. It would surprise me if they made Devon a prospect.

So, either they just didn't have one that fit devon and he's going to be the leader, or he had to turn to gain entrance to the club. I think this means Garrett is a definite in the club. I assume that Briscoe will eventually be a member. I think Knox and Gallows will play a role, but I don't the official leader has been revealed.

I expect that to happen at the next Pay Per View and I still think it will be the Bisch.
I think the reason they stayed away from having Bully Ray turn on Sting and be revealed as an Aces and Eights member is that too many people expected it. A week or so ago I read all over the place that whoever ended up being Sting's partner was expected to turn on him and be with Aces and Eights (Not necessarily the leader, but at least a member).

So in my opinion they are just trying to keep people guessing.

I agree with this. Bully turning was just too obvious. it would have been a let down because everyone would have seen it coming.
now he didn't turn, and everyone was wrong. so much for internet wrestling fans being so smart. yeah, fools, sit down you don't know what's going to happen. stop thinking you're so damn smart.
in case it wasn't clear, Devon is a member. Aces/Eights twitter had this quote - "Good job Prospect."
as long as Devon is just a member reveal, I think it was great at BFG. you had that shock value. not many people would have expected Devon. Hogan was shocked, because recently Hogan had himself been trying to get Devon back.

this whole Aces/Eights story line has been great! people always talk about how everything in wrestling has been done before. well here you have something that hasn't been done. yes you have had groups invade, but how many of them were masked and unknown? even the internet doesn't know who all is involved. the ONLY known member is now Devon, the first member of Aces/Eights. not Luke Gallows, not Wes Brisco, not Eric Bischoff.

I'm interested to see what they do with Bully. he has been a great heel since he became singles. I think he can still be a great heel, doing heel things, but still get a good crowd reaction with cheers. similar to what Stone Cold Steve Austin was.

it's too bad the ratings haven't been that good, especially the last few weeks. but I bet this coming Thursday is much better.
Of all the possibles I considered for Aces and Eights, Devon was lowest on my list of people I actually wanted to see be a part of the gang. Though if anyone is excited to see Luke Gallows or Mike Knox again you're on glue as both of those guys are also stiffs (much like Devon himself).

I fully expect Jarrett/Bischoff to be behind this. I'm also sure Wes Brisco is the guy with the long hair, Crimson will be involved for some stupid reason as he's been off TV for awhile now (and if Morgan's not involved), and I still feel Joseph Abyss will also be a member.

But this storyline has been a good one and it's better then just about anything going on in WWE right now.
This was an interesting "surprise", although I'm sure many saw it coming. With Ray still being there even though Devon had vanished, this wasn't too tough to figure out and I had my suspicions about Devon being an Aces & Eights member. As predictable as this was, ANYTHING is better than Devon as the Television Champion. I'm so glad to see him in another role. This has been a decent storyline that is running the risk of being screwed up, hopefully that doesn't happen, but this is TNA we are talking about.

There's no way he ends up being the leader though, I still think it's Bischoff or Jarrett. It would be a typical TNA style swerve for either Bully Ray or Abyss/Parks to be involved as well. They do need to reveal more (if not all) of the members soon, and hopefully it does not mess up the entire angle by having people involved that do not make any sense. TNA has a bad tendency to book angles that don't make sense at all, so hopefully this does not join that list after how good it has been so far. I'm waiting until after Impact this week before I predict any more members, the angle is at the point where anything could happen.
Again, TNA at its finest by using shock value for the sake of shock value. They tease for a while how Devon is leaving TNA. His contract status "leaked"... speculation on him jumping ship back to WWE... Hogan's backing him on every radio and television broadcast that mentions him...

With all of that, I guess we should have seen it coming... but nobody did. And why? Because it's too stupid of a swerve and makes less sense than about 90% of the bullshit that TNA throws at us every year at BFG.

Devon (himself) is a completely shit product. Now they want to throw him and his terrible microphone skills into the main storyline? It's just an awful idea that did nothing besides make all of us scratch our heads.
Again, TNA at its finest by using shock value for the sake of shock value. They tease for a while how Devon is leaving TNA. His contract status "leaked"... speculation on him jumping ship back to WWE... Hogan's backing him on every radio and television broadcast that mentions him...

With all of that, I guess we should have seen it coming... but nobody did. And why? Because it's too stupid of a swerve and makes less sense than about 90% of the bullshit that TNA throws at us every year at BFG.

Devon (himself) is a completely shit product. Now they want to throw him and his terrible microphone skills into the main storyline? It's just an awful idea that did nothing besides make all of us scratch our heads.

I understand your point but I think you are wrong.

I don't like Devon as a wrestler, but this makes sense. Devon is not the leader of Aces and Eights but rather the newest member and why should Devon be a member? He was the TV Champion on TNA and TNA (Hogan and Sting in kayfabe) didn't want to renew him or at least didn't want to pay as much as he asked. So, what does he do? He joins Aces and Eights and tries to help them and himself to get access to IMPACT Wrestling.

It makes sense. Should he be the first man revealed? Probably not, but it doesn't bother me at all.

Devon makes sense as a new member not as the leader, and he isn't, of course.
It makes sense. Should he be the first man revealed? Probably not, but it doesn't bother me at all.

It's not that I think he was revealed as the leader and it's not that he was revealed, in general. It's the statement I just quoted.

If TNA wanted to reveal a member, only to have it make a significant impact (no pun intended,) Devon was the wrong guy. I remember him turning towards the camera and me thinking, "That's it? Really?"

Listen, it makes sense for him to be a part of the group but he's not a strong enough member to have received the initial reveal. TNA dropped the ball again.
I thought the Devon reveal was great. Nobody saw that coming.I really think Garrett Bischoff is also in the group. Last time we saw him on tv he was giving Hogan a death stare for not choosing him to fight for the tv title before walking off. All in all this is the story line I have been following the most between WWE and TNA.

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