First day of wrestling training.


The Backbreaker Machine
Well tonight i got through my first day of wrestling training, took alot of bumps, some falls, i even got to pin cover the women's champion for the promotion im training with, who also wrestles in SHIMMER i think.

Just thought i'd update the people who knew i was doing this.
Thanks for sharing, just do one thing for me...don't pin people by "hooking the leg"'s so silly.
Will take notice of that, and part of the fitness excerises includes doing 3 second headstands transitioned into the sit up position then once in the position you hand to do 25 sit ups, we had to do about 4 of them. But hardest thing was bumps and falls, that shit takes a toll.
I know just was insane today i had some setbacks but now im doing this, the only girl training is the womens champ and she managed a stiff elbow in one of the guys nose's, but all the little things i did i can practice in my own time though.
so how does it feel, you know, training and all, does it so far look like something you wouldn't mind doing for years
But hardest thing was bumps and falls, that shit takes a toll.
J-Dogg get ready. Because if your school has any kind of REAL training, you'll be in excruciating pain within your first week there.
Within my first week at the IWF, I was sore from head to toe, my shoulder was almost dislocated, and some of the other guys had the worst body odor I ever had to deal with in my life... and I was covered in it from their sweat rubbing on me.

Just awful.
Within my first week at the IWF, I was sore from head to toe, my shoulder was almost dislocated, and some of the other guys had the worst body odor I ever had to deal with in my life... and I was covered in it from their sweat rubbing on me.

Just awful.

Everyone knows the worst body odor in the world is found at Magic: The Gathering tournaments.
Honestly, I had to wrestle guys from England. No offense, English people on Wrestlezone, but deodorant was severely lacking.
Are you still involved with that stuff D-Man? And how many of you guys have legit done this stuff? And how can I set myself up for prank or insult better?
I'm no longer involved. I did it on and off for about 10 years, but since it never went much of anywhere, I quit. But then again, I didn't try very hard. I knew I was too small and couldn't move like a Rey Mysterio or anything, so it was a dead-end street.

If you're going to wrestle, it's so painful and taxing that you need to honestly believe you can be the best in the world in order to keep yourself motivated to stick with it.

And setting up for pranks... well, that comes naturally.
If by that, you mean to compliment me on my ability to make a clear, concise statement of fact on a matter for which there should be no laughing, I accept your kind words with grace and modesty. Thank you.
so how does it feel, you know, training and all, does it so far look like something you wouldn't mind doing for years

I feel sore but it feels great that im doing it...and i plan on wrestling for years.

Yeah im not Dr. Gregory House, where i pop 3 vicodins every hour.

You'll be ready for a match to decide the #1 contender for the TWA title in no time...

I literally mean no time.

Fuck that wack ass title.

J-Dogg get ready. Because if your school has any kind of REAL training, you'll be in excruciating pain within your first week there.

This place has real training D-Man, before i do any basic stuff you have to fitness stuff and break falls and bumps...but now i know how my mum feels when she comes home from her fitness training 4 days a week, but im already feeling the pain. I managed to get outta bed but my neck is stiff has hell.

You didn't break your ankle did you?

No im not a incompontent fuckwit like Christian Battles.

Within my first week at the IWF, I was sore from head to toe, my shoulder was almost dislocated, and some of the other guys had the worst body odor I ever had to deal with in my life... and I was covered in it from their sweat rubbing on me.

Just awful.


I'm no longer involved. I did it on and off for about 10 years, but since it never went much of anywhere, I quit. But then again, I didn't try very hard. I knew I was too small and couldn't move like a Rey Mysterio or anything, so it was a dead-end street.

If you're going to wrestle, it's so painful and taxing that you need to honestly believe you can be the best in the world in order to keep yourself motivated to stick with it.

And setting up for pranks... well, that comes naturally.

Well im roughly 6 foot, and i have always had a big build so i know my size isn't a concern because im a big guy, most of the wrestlers where im training at range from cruiserweight size to 6 foot and over heavyweights. Im staying committed, i had all these set backs and im determined, nothing in life is easy and i just have to practice hard and its gets easier.

My advice is start working like mad to add muscle to your back... build some armor.

Yeah im gonna hit the gym and work on my back muscles quite a bit, i can imagine NorCal saying "PUMP THE FUCKIN IRON BITCH".

Anyway thanks guys for the support and really helps.

Now when Falkon joins he's gonna have to do what i did.
Nice to hear. Get at it, dude. And do me a favor, don't die in 15 years from an overdose of Vicodin or something.
Nice to hear. Get at it, dude. And do me a favor, don't die in 15 years from an overdose of Vicodin or something.

Yeah i won't sie i'll make sure i training hard enough and practice that not serious injuries or drug addcition to pain killers happens. I'd have CM Punk with his Beard and long hair telling me don't take vicodin.

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