Finishers that don't Suit Superstars

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Pre-Show Stalwart
In my opinion, John Cena, Santino Marella, The Miz's finishers don't suit. They don't look effective, and It doesnt look like they could win a match.

My three questions are:
1) Which superstars finisher(s) do you not like?
2) What would you change it (them) to?
3) Why?

I would change Cena's AA and Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle to the Consequence (Samoa Joe's finisher) and the Mic Check (Mr Kennedy/Anderson's move) because they're both very strength based moves. Plus, Cena's same old '5 moves of doom' are getting boring.
Wade Berrets finisher is crap, I'm unsure what I would change it to its just poor, maybe a running big boot. Daniel Bryans version of the crossface is poor someone like him should not use it, I would like to see swagger try it although I don't like him he is good with submission moves. Daniel bryan should try create a new submission move of his own. Cena's AA is not as good as they like to make it but after so long I can't imagine him using anything else. I like miz's finisher for some reason even though I don't like him, strange really haha. Big show's one hit punch is not as good as when he used the chokeslam or even when he used the F5 years ago that was good
I agree that barrets finisher is not as effective ..he has to hit it PERFECTLY to even make the right noise...which doesnt happen not a fan of the big boot as a finisher either tho so id like to see him use maybe a type of powerbomb..or dominator would be fine as well..hes big enough to pull that off right...the miz i hate his would be sooo much better if he jump first...basically a full nelson facebuster..its on smackdown vs raw 2011 n it looks much better..dont have a problem with cena's move daniel bryan's move is great he does have his own finisher tho called the cattle mutilation idk why he doest use it
In my opinion, John Cena, Santino Marella, The Miz's finishers don't suit. They don't look effective, and It doesnt look like they could win a match.

My three questions are:
1) Which superstars finisher(s) do you not like?
2) What would you change it (them) to?
3) Why?

I would change Cena's AA and Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle to the Consequence (Samoa Joe's finisher) and the Mic Check (Mr Kennedy/Anderson's move) because they're both very strength based moves. Plus, Cena's same old '5 moves of doom' are getting boring.

I think their finishers are just fine.. Santino's is basically just for comedy purposes.. and you don't think The Miz' finisher is effective looking? I think if I took you and slammed your face / head down into the floor, it might hurt.. and you'd change Cena's to the Mic Check? that move to me is less effective looking compared to the Stroke / Skull Crushing Finale..

but if anyone needs a new finisher.. I have to agree with others and say Wade Barrett.. just give him maybe a powerbomb or something
I really like Miz's finisher. It has the same effect as Christians Impaler (that is always what i will call it), but it doesn't leave all the room for reversals. John Cena has the worst finisher ever. It's a firemans carry. The stf is actually a sweet submission though, I just wish people would reverse it every once in a while. Santino's finisher is garbage, but then again he doesn't need to be taken seriously. The worst finisher in the wwe right now (besides cenas) is Shaemus's boot. He uses it constantly, yet he has the razors edge in his arsenal. Why on earth would they have him use a boot instead of one of the coolest finishers in history??
Sheamus's Brogue Kick doesn't do it for me, I'd rather see him use the Razor's Edge more as I just feel like the Razor's Edge looks better and shows more dominance over his opponent.

Wade Barrett's "The Wasteland" also tends to get botched a lot, or just looks weak if he doesn't drop his opponent correctly. I'd switch it to the F-5, Dominator or the Fireman's Cradle to Spinebuster that Sean O'Haire used to use, again, so Barrett can show dominance over his opponent

Drew MacIntyre: The Sinister Scotsman gimmick can be really good if booked/written properly, but the one thing I would add to D-Mac's arsenal is a quick strike finisher and a submission move that could fit into the gimmick...for the quick strike I would consider the Samoan Spike (rename it tho) even if it was used as a setup for the Future Shock and for the Submission, maybe the Rings of Saturn or Dragon Sleeper Holds to show that D-Mac is actually sinister...

John Morrison: He botches Starship Pain too often, he should go back to the Moonlight Drive or use that jumping kick more (I think it's called the Flash Kick) and if he keeps his steam going then maybe give him Sweet Chin Music in the future.

Alberto Del Rio: I'd just add something other than the Cross Arm Breaker hold, something he can grab a pinfall off. Maybe a Pump Handle Slam or Albert's old finisher, the Baldo Bomb (2 handed chokeslam spinebuster)
Yes Barrett's finisher is weak, the perfect finisher him would be a move he can't use: the Pedigree, but I have a good alternative, the Tiger Driver, aka the pearl river plunge for those Ahmed Johnson fans out there (all two of you!). Cena isn't changing, so don't even bother. Miz's SCF is ok, but he could use a secondary finisher, maybe like Edge's/Gangrel's implant DDT(I think Gangrels looked better) would work. Santino is a comedy guy, the Cobra is for pure comedic purposes.
I know people hate "move stealing" but I think Drew McIntyre should add the Ice Pick too his arsenal. I think it would be sweet if he hit future shock and then locked it in.

I agree that Barrett needs a new finisher, I like the idea of him using the dominator.

The Miz needs some kind of neck breaker. SCF looks painful, but its botch prone and comes off looking weak. He should use the neck breaker Paul Burchill was using before his departure.
My least favorite finisher has got to be Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag. I like the Skullcrushing Finale and FU quite a bit and the Cobra is just for jokes, Santino is never going to main event so it's not a problem.

The Zig Zag is a crappy finisher in general. He just jumps and slams the opponents back into the mat and the name has absolutely nothing to do with the move other than "Ziggler" being similar to 'zig zag'. I have no idea what I would change it to since I don't really know what kind of a fighter Ziggler is.
For me the worst finisher is Zack Ryders "rough ryder" hands down cus all it is is him jumping on somebodys neck
someone did the skull crushing finale to me and it does hurt trust me cena 5 knuckle shuffle and aa sucks big show KO punch is just stupid. for cena a muscle buster and a pedigree will make cena look like a wrestler and big show should just go back to his own moveset
I don't like Joe Hennig's aka Michael Mcguillicutty's finisher. I think he should do the perfect plex, for some reason that would seem like more of a legitimate finisher for him. I'm a big fan of his!
Definitely Barrett's Wasteland, it is the dumbest looking finisher i've seen in ages. Just reverse it and give him a somoan drop or something like that.
When I first saw the title of the thread Wade Barrett immediately came to mind. I see I’m not the only who thinks Barrett would benefit from a new finisher. Wasteland just doesn’t cut it for me. It’s a fine move to use during a match but I never bought into it as a finisher. I think Barrett should steal a page, actually two pages, from Rick Rude’s book. The Rude Awakening neckbreaker would be a good finisher from Barrett. It’s a pretty easy move to execute and has a lot of impact. It’s not flashy but it sure looks effective. For the younger readers who may not have seen it skip to about 2:35 in the video.


Most old schoolers of course remember the neckbreaker, but when Rude first showed up in the WWF he used a backbreaker submission move. I think this would be a good submission move for Barrett. He’s certainly big enough and strong enough to make it look good against just about anybody. For those who don’t know what I’m referring to skip to about 3:50.


I could see Barrett using both of these moves effectively. They would both be a big improvement over wasteland.
Daniel Bryans version of the crossface is poor someone like him should not use it

Daniel Bryan's LeBell lock is not poor, it is one of the best executed moves in the WWE. Bryan has his own submission hold called the Cattle Mutilation, but WWE won't let him use it because people like you won't like it. You say someone like him shouldn't use it. By that do you mean good wrestlers? So are you saying John Cena should use it instead.

Anyway, back to the question. Wade Barrett's Wasteland looks average at best and he botches it a lot. It doesn't look impactful. I suggest he used a submission, a powerbomb variation or a striking move, e.g. a lariat

I think Christian should add another finisher to his repertoire as well as the Killswitch/Unprettier because that move takes too long to set up. I suggest the cloverleaf he used to use, or in a worst case scenario, the Spear.
Brain - the moderator posted the exact move I thought of!
No one did the neck breaker like Rick Rude - Wasteland sucks ass! Also the Lex Luger / Ludwig Borga / Ezekiel Jackson Torture rack looks like it wouldnt hurt a fly - so scrap that move altogether! I'd no sooner see a back rake from the top rope than believe someone is in pain through the torture rack!

The following should be changed ;
Heath Slater,
Wade Barrett,
Sin Cara - How is he gonna do that to anyone who is over 275lbs????
Dolph zigglers Zig Zag,
Big Show Punch - I'd rather see him squish someone like a British Bulldog powerslam style

I was gonna say Primo but I dont think ive ever seen him do a finisher or even win a match for that matter! :)
I agree with most people about Wade Barretts finisher sucking but I personally would like to see him use a sit-out powerbomb as his finisher. That move is devestating and would finish most opponents, he is also stong enough to do it to most people.

Heath Slater looks to me as he has stolen Stings scorpion death drop. This guy should not even be a wrestler let alone using legendary moves like that.

Cena should stop with both the 5 knuckle shuffle as he never connects with it, also unless he actually starts applying the hold properly stop using the STF. Benoit killed himself ages ago now so we will not get offended by the crossface now, not that we ever did.

Finally I would like to see CM Punk get a new finisher. For me the GTS is just not very effective as it generally connects with peoples chest rather than their head, also he cannot lift the larger guys with this. Perhaps he could use a shining wizard of some kind as I have always liked that move.
i hate this argument.. wade's finisher does so look effective. And to the person that said the skull crushing finale is effective because you let someone do it to you before, i think you're stupid. how do you not believe that falling face first on the floor hurts.
I don't like CM Punks finisher. It doesnt strike me as a move that cant be kicked out of. He should use it as a signature but i dont like it as a Finisher. The Attitude adjustment is just a firemans carry. Come to think of it alot of finishers (miz for example) are moves that used to be basically used by alot of people.
Recommended finishers:
JoMo -

Sheamus? -

Wade -
Or something along these lines. Maybe an F5?

Cena - Something quick, yet powerful. Not really sure what?

RTruth - I would have something along the lines of Angels Wings (Christopher Daniels)

I personally like Miz's finisher. & also the GTS.
I think such finishers as Sin Cara (could be way more inventive with his talent). ADR could do with a move that would give him a pinfall win.

Another point would be which finishers you would like to see brought back?
Fameasser, X-Factor, Scissors Kick, I think someone now has to retake Edge's spear! Any other suggestions on this?
Wade Barrett: I actually like the Wasteland but agree with whoever said its more of a middle of the match looking thing. I wouldn't mind it as a signature but the finisher I wish he would use is the sit-out spinebuster, Lance Cade's (R.I.P) finisher. They have a similar body type and I always that that looked like a really awesome move. Its believable on Barrett and shows his dominance, as some mentioned they wanted to see.

Big Show: Go back to the Chokeslam. The punch is fine and dandy except what makes a hesitating punch better than one where you go all out and just freaking swing for the fences. If not go for the Showstopper leg drop, that move would hurt like hell. You know what, I got another. If he can still do it, the drop kick should be his finisher. Skip to about 0:20 and see why I'd buy that as a legit finisher.

Dolph Ziggler: I like the Zig Zag but think its a middle match move like the Wasteland. I'd like him to make the Fame Asser his finisher. I like it at least and with how high he gets, I think people would buy it.

John Morrison: Moolight Drive, nuff said.

On a side note, the Rough Ryder is one of my favorite finishers right now. Dropping a leg on your neck doesn't seem like it would hurt? Really? Tell that to Hogan. At least Ryder jumps a good few feet and forces you to fall back with his momentum and you land on your head while he lands on your neck. Maybe I'm biased being part of the Zack Pack but whatever.
Alberto Del Rio: I'd just add something other than the Cross Arm Breaker hold, something he can grab a pinfall off. Maybe a Pump Handle Slam or Albert's old finisher, the Baldo Bomb (2 handed chokeslam spinebuster)

I agree with you somewhat. Like you said, just add something he can get a pin off of. But instead of adding a maneuver, why not utilize his Enziguri kick? Not necessarily use it as a finisher but I would love to see him get a couple pins off of that move. I mean, going into a feud with someone like John Cena, is Cena really going to tap to a Cross Arm-Breaker? Nah, but I could totaly see him getting pinned off a quick enziguri.

Someone else who needs a new move is Sin Cara. Not that there is really anything wrong with his C4, but he needs something he can do on the ground without botching. Maybe some kind of spike DDT or something like that. This move might be far more effective for bigger wrestlers like Del Rio or Jack Swagger.
I agree with you somewhat. Like you said, just add something he can get a pin off of. But instead of adding a maneuver, why not utilize his Enziguri kick? Not necessarily use it as a finisher but I would love to see him get a couple pins off of that move. I mean, going into a feud with someone like John Cena, is Cena really going to tap to a Cross Arm-Breaker? Nah, but I could totaly see him getting pinned off a quick enziguri.

Someone else who needs a new move is Sin Cara. Not that there is really anything wrong with his C4, but he needs something he can do on the ground without botching. Maybe some kind of spike DDT or something like that. This move might be far more effective for bigger wrestlers like Del Rio or Jack Swagger.

I can't see Cena being beaten by an Enziguri tho (I mean, look what he kicked out of at SummerSlam 2010 vs Nexus, also, NOT CENA HATING, I accept John Cena and his act as a part of the program and the man keeps me entertained) ...but it would surely beat any mid-card to lower mid-carder

As for Sin Cara; while I never watched his pre-WWE work, maybe he could take Rey Mysterio's old finisher, the West Coast Pop or maybe if the E would let him do it (and he's capable of hitting it) I'd LOVE to see the Phoenix Splash

Link here for the Phoenix Splash:
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