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Finding Their Kryptonite

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While sometimes they seem invincible, and we often hear people complain about it, all WWE superstars have losses. Clean losses. Even Mr.Cena. So after reading too many posts of Cena, Undertaker, Austin, Rock, and HHH being invincible, I thought I'd point out a few times where these men have shown they are only human after all.

The Rock.

One of the biggest stars in WWE history, and to some, the Face of the WWE for most of his career. Rocky and Austin were to the 90's/early 2000's what Cena and Orton are today.. Somewhat. Rock ran through the roster, beating superstar after superstar, be it as a Heel or as a Face. While he often seemed it, Rocky was not Invincible. WrestleMania XV Rock lost to Stone Cold. As well as many other matches against Austin. Lets not forget who Brock Lesnar won his first WWE title against either. Rocky would beat guys like HHH, Hogan, and 'Taker one night, then look like he just may lose to someone like Billy Gunn the next.


Austin is an interesting one. He single handedly saved the WWF (search your feelings, you know it to be true). While he ran through everyone, dishing out Stunner after Stunner, sometimes 5 or 6 a night... Austin could still be beaten. Who can forget Austin putting over HHH in the "Three Stages of Hell" match. Or Austin actually tapping out to Angle at Unforgiven. (see, the Face of the company can turn Heel, AND tap out. Austin sales were still through the roof)

The Undertaker.

This man has lost cleanly more times than any other big name in the WWE.
With most of them coming under the "American Badass" gimmick. With losses to Angle, Rock, HHH, Lesnar, and even Cena. In more recent years, 'Taker has had clean losses to Kane (multiple times), Kahli, and Big Show. It seems that any time Vince wants to bring in a new "Monster Heel" they make their mark by beating The Undertaker. According to the Record books though, Undertaker is the only former WWE champion to never lose by Tap out. (Yes Cena has tapped out. See below)


God I miss Hunter on RAW every week.. Anyway, on to HHH. Even Vince's son in law has lost matches clean. He put Cena over at WrestleMania even. If that's not showing faith in Cena, I don't know what is. HHH has been accused over the years of "sleeping his way to the top", and "never putting anyone over". Yet I can recall of the top of my head many times where HHH has lost cleanly. Benoit, Goldberg, Jericho, Rock, and even Shelton Benjamin.

John Cena.

Superman himself. The one man wrecking crew. Yes, even Cena has lost clean. Even Cena has tapped out (WWE will never acknowledge this).
More people complain about Cena "never losing clean" than anyone ever. More so than Andre, or Hogan. Yet not many people recall his losses to Orton, Batista, Undertaker, HBK, and Big Show. While most of his losses do come from some form of interference, or "cheating" by the Heel's, once a year or so he gets a clean loss. The week before WM25 Big Show KO punched him on RAW. HBK beat him on RAW a few times as well. He put Sheamus over at TLC.. Ok it was a tables match, and they said he fell off the ropes, but still counts. As for the fact that he's never tapped out. Wrong. Cena has tapped to 3 different people. Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and Chris Jericho. (the Jericho one was after the match, so doesn't really count).

While I know people are going to complain and say "Well he doesn't loose clean anymore!"..To them I say...... Who Cares?? Heels are not supposed to Win Clean. That's what makes them the bad guys! They cheat, they win, we boo. That's Wrestling 101. I guarantee that by this time next year Cena will have lost a match cleanly. As well as Orton, and any other super Face. Faces do loose here and there, just not all the time. Superman didn't go down in flames all the time, but once in a blue moon he would. Same goes for Batman, and all the other Super Heroes. They loose, but only on the rare occasions.

So give your feedback, and if you have any other examples of big name faces getting beat clean (eg: Hogan and Warrior at WM) then throw them in.
Don't know if you knew about this one, but you forgot to mention Undertaker's match with Vladamir Kozlov. He lost clean to put him over and looking back and looking at it today it was a waste of time.
yeah, I knew about it, just forgot to add that one in there. Yes looking back it did seem like a waste, but at the time it made sense. Kozlov did end up getting a few shots at the WWE title, as well as the ECW title. Hindsight is 20/20, and if you look back, there are a bunch of losses that now seem ridiculous. Like both Undertaker and Cena losing to Kahli. The guy is now a mid-card talent at best.
There are a few things about the original post I'd like to talk about. Let us start with Cena. While he has tapped out a few times in his career, he has never done so since 2005, that is after he became the face of the company which is the time for which he is hated by some sections of the IWC. Cena has lost clean on a few occasions sure. The OP mentioned Big Show and HBK and there are also guys like Edge to whom Cena lost in a Last Man Standing match or JBL to whom Cena lost in a streetfight in 2008.

But the point is that there are some feuds where Cena has totally dominated when a loss would have made sense. There is the feud with Batista which we saw just recently. Cena won every single match in that feud when he could have easily lost at least one match there. He totally humiliated Batista and made him look out of his league. A victory for Batista at either WrestleMania or even Extreme Rules would have made this a memorable feud and given the crowd some reason o sympathize with Cena. If you don't want Cena to lose in singles matches you can always get him pinned in a tag match on Raw before the PPV. Even that rarely happens.

The other guy I want to talk about is HHH. I am not one of those guys who thinks that he has banged his way to the top. In fact I have often made perfectly clear and logical arguements to explain his dominant reign on Raw in 2003. But the fact is that Benoit has never beaten HHH clean. I think that this was primarily due to the fact that WWE has never seen Benoit as a huge star and I would say that they were right in thinking in that direction.
u are a fuckin idiot undertaker has never lost to john cena do ur research dumbass

No way out 2007 Cena and HBK defeated Taker and Batista. Not sure about singles matches, but a loss is a loss. You should have done your research before calling someone an idiot.
No undertaker tapped to angle while the ref was down so it didnt count, and the punk part he never taped out it was a screw job like wat they did to bret which he never really tap out....just this one was scripted.....
Well since Viper's comment was removed, I hope you read this. Cena beat 'Taker in the "Big Evil" days on Smackdown. Go back and watch the old tapes, you see for yourself.

and for triniphenom, Taker tapped, but Angle's shoulders were down, and the ref counted 3. Another ref came out, and they couldn't agree on a winner. They don't count it as a Tap Out.
Undertaker Tapping Out

As I said, they didn't count it. It did happen though.

Cena pinning The Undertaker

Not a clean finish, but it is indeed Cena pinning Undertaker 1,2,3. There was 1 or 2 more times where Cena got the decision, but those video's are no longer on Youtube. Undertake beat him at Vengeance though.
How's that for research?

Myriad, while you are in a way correct, WrestleMania XX Benoit beat HHH, and HBK in a triple threat match, by making HHH tap out. It counts, but at the same time doesn't count. So you are correct.
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