

Getting Noticed By Management
I'm glad that MVP came out last night while Orton was talking, but not because I wanted to see him. Last night MVP proved that he isn't ready for the main event scene. When he came out he received hardly the pop you are supposed to have when you interrupt the new heel champion while he lashes out towards others on the roster.

MVP hardly got a pop from the crowd, and it almost seemed like they didn't know who he was at first, or that they weren't expecting him. I like MVP, and think he has a bright future, but this hopefully will end all the "MVP needs main event push" threads off this forum for some time. He is clearly not ready, and his match with Orton was slow for the most part, and uninteresting. There wasn't much behind the match, and think MVP should have started a feud with Teddy.
I agree TOTALLY 110% he is not ready, and that was a dull response from the crowd! Had that been say a suprise return by Mr. Kennedy.....KENNEDY! The crowd would have went mad!, but instead they get MVP who as you said most didnt even know, another bad idea on the WWE creative team!:robvandam:
I thought this was a great one-night angle for MVP to get established on Raw. Not sure I agree that he doesn't deserve the spot, I think he's still getting use to the face version of his character. Obviously he's not going to be battling Randy Orton, but standing up and Orton not getting a clear victory over him certainly shows they want him to look good on the show for the weeks to come.

I mean they could have buried him with a MVP-Rhodes or DiBiase match that would have done less for his character. Give him a few weeks on Raw and I think he'll definitely pick up his game.
I don't think it was so much that the crowd didn't know him... I think the other suggestion, that they weren't expecting him to come out, is more appropriate.

I got the impression that, although the show was reasonable to watch on TV, as an audience member you'd have felt pretty screwed to be part of the new draft pick unveiling show. Sure, they had a good few matches last night and that's awesome but when none of them had story attatched to them (Orton/MVP - Story of the night, Kendrick/Kofi, Diva's tag, Hardy/Goldust & Tag Titles were all pretty baseless aside from Santina/Beth which didn't go anywhere.)

As TV viewers, we won't notice so much as there will possibly be some storylines created here and we'll go on merrily... but you can't expect the live crowd to be hot for that.
No rising superstar gets an immediate standing pop. They have to be properly built first. Once MVP makes his mark on the main event scene, he'll begin to get bigger pops nightly.

In fact, I think his pop was bigger than what I expected for a mid-card wrestler to be interrupting the WWE champion.
I disagree, I thought what MVP did last night was the first step in his character finally taking off. He brought a breathe of fresh air to the usual stale openings of Monday night raw. Nobody expecting him to come out was exactly the point. I commend the writers for switching it up. People are sick of the same feuds, and the match between MVP and Orton showed a nice preview of what we can hopefully expect to see in the future. He's good on the mic, the crowd popped good for his jokes about legacy, and more importantly its a feud we haven't seen yet
People need to realize that MVP spent the first two plus years of his WWE career as a heel. Fans have never seen him as a face before and it's going to take some getting used to. Just the fact that they pop like crazy for "Ballin'" as if it was The People's Elbow or The Five Knuckle Shuffle is a great sign. They didn't immediately go crazy for his entrance last night but he won them over. That's HUGE.

MVP is an outstanding wrestling and gold on the mic. His look is fresh as heck. He's absolutely a main event ready to jappen. I find it ridiculous to say that he's not ready. He's ready. The question is if the WWE is ready to treat him like the main eventer he is. Last night was a great first step.
I'm glad that MVP came out last night while Orton was talking, but not because I wanted to see him. Last night MVP proved that he isn't ready for the main event scene. When he came out he received hardly the pop you are supposed to have when you interrupt the new heel champion while he lashes out towards others on the roster.

MVP hardly got a pop from the crowd, and it almost seemed like they didn't know who he was at first, or that they weren't expecting him. I like MVP, and think he has a bright future, but this hopefully will end all the "MVP needs main event push" threads off this forum for some time. He is clearly not ready, and his match with Orton was slow for the most part, and uninteresting. There wasn't much behind the match, and think MVP should have started a feud with Teddy.

I dont mean to burst your bubble, and I am not disagreeing with you nor am I agreeing with you. However, I am going to debunk your theory. If you happen to have last nights Raw DVR'ed, go back and listen to that crowd from last night. Oh, I agree, it was dead when MVP came out. But, it was also dead for about 98% of the broadcast. I hate dead crowds. This was even brought up by one of my co-workers who didnt even watch Raw with us.
So, given that, I would not throw MVP under the bus just yet. I do like that they threw a newly drafted wrestler into a high-profile mini-angle last night. I am not saying he will succeed or fail. I think this was a test. For MVP's sake, I hope that the "officials didnt judge last night by crowd reaction.
This was a great way for MVP to get over on Raw but WWE Creative managed to screw this up like they screwed up the Main Event by having a stupid run in by Shane McMahon which made very littel if any sense at all .

MVP IS ready for a Main Event Push period he could be the face of RAW if Triple HollyWood and Cenanuff could let someone else have the spotlight for just alittel bit I mean seriously Triple Hollywood and CenaNuff have such a tight grip on Vince's D**K that he can't see the talent other then these to over 2 idiots the fans can't decide if they love or hate CenaNuff and we're all tired of Triple Hollywood Come on admit it wrestling fans . Thanks for reading !
This was a great way for MVP to get over on Raw but WWE Creative managed to screw this up like they screwed up the Main Event by having a stupid run in by Shane McMahon which made very littel if any sense at all

I disagree, it made plenty of sense. It wouldn't have made sense for Orton to lose given that he's just become the dominant heel champion of WWE, and the only other way that it could have given MVP the rub was if Legacy got involved, but it wouldn't have been wise to take out MVP with a punt too, so unless there was a Shane or Batista run in like there was with Shane, there really wouldn't have been much point in trying to give MVP the rub as it would have failed.

I hope to see MVP up his game and establish himself as the number 3 face on RAW now.
I fail to see how he wasn't over during his promo or match with Orton. I'd love for someone to point out to me where MVP was getting crickets during any of this. As I said in the other thread, fuck an entrance pop. MVP drew the crowd into reacting to him on both occasions.

Some of you are just spewing bullshit. Christian could come out to yawns and you people would claim he got a monstrous pop.
You also have to realize that some places are just a dull crowd... and some people cheer heels like they're not supposed to... or don't give reactions at all because they read something on the internet of someone who has an opinion and they all of the sudden want to jump on the bandwagon. I went to the Royal Rumble this year and it was amazing how loud the "We want Christian" chants were for instance... people read into and know too much. So all of you that personally don't think that MVP deserves a spot are going to sit on their hands and keep their mouths shut instead of giving him the chance, mostly because you've been told to on the internet. Much like this thread is telling you to do.

I had a small "hell yeah" when the clock started ticking, watching it in my living room. Do I see this as an "OMG HE'S GONNA GET TEH TITLEz!!!" moment out of this? No, hell no. If anything, I saw him losing the belt to Legacy that night, and hopefully going on a vengeance scenario to start proving to be a thorn in the side of the faction at least. Much like people like, say, Test were to the Corporation. They need people that stand up to the heel faction, not just the guy who wants to win the belt that month, and it's because of certain assholes that they never get to get their feet off the ground, either in creative, or any of you who choose to sit there and try to get your point across. I hope that, just like in Cena's case, the WWE chooses not to listen to the fans and keeps him around there to get him established and give him some spotlight time to start developing into it... because frankly? IMO it's MVP >>>>> Randy Orton when it comes to Mic work. The man has a charisma, and he's much more interesting to hear talk than the monotonous Randy Orton who has to pause between words like he's reading from a script.
I thought this was done really well. At first i was expecting Batista AGAIN and was pleasently suprised when MVP came out. I thought he performed well in the match and got a decent reaction from the crowd. And as good as it was i feel the run in with shane kinda ruined it, stealing the focus off of the fact that MVP had Orton on the ropes.
I happen to think that crowd was terrible last night. There was a lot of stuff that happened that should have gotten a little more out of those people last night. Even The Miz had a couple lines that should have had a reaction. So don't blame MVP.

And also take into account that last night was somewhat of a start to a new season. They haven't built momentum for some guys yet
Rated R Superfan, you have no idea what you are talking about, and should think before you write things, please!

How does it not make sense for Shane to ruin Ortons match? Orton just beat them last night for the belt, its called revenge!!!! It sets up a good match for next week!!!!

Not to mention, MVP got some rub for his part in the night, and he didn't have to lose the match, which you would have bitched about because why put MVP in a main spot just to have him lose. You cant have him beat Orton, or he looks weak after taking the title.

As for HHH and Cena, no matter what you think, most of the years HHH had the belt, with the exception of the last like 3, there wasnt too many people to carry the company, and Cena, like him or not, has IT, so get over it, its a business, and its about MONEY, Cena is a money printing machine!!!!

Watch, others will get their chances, when the time is right, not when internet people feel they deserve it. So many people say the internet community is 5% of the wrestling fans, so doing what appeals to them means nothing, there is still 95% of wrestling fans that matter!!!
i totally agree he is NOT ready for the main event scene. but as a fan who has been out of the scene for 10+ years, he still impressed me with his mic skills and overall delivery on the entertainment side of things..i'll still never forgive him for that botched suplex off the ladder @ wm25(lol was it sheltons fault?) but he def surprised me when he came out...who cares what the crowd thinks tho, they want Stone Cold to come out haha
I dont know why everyone is saying MVP isnt ready nr would be bad in a main event, he had a very sucsessful run in smackdown and as i remember (if im wrong correct me) even orton didnt do much more in his first few years in wwe. And the shane run im made sense i just felt it stole ALOT of thunder from MVP
This was a great way for MVP to get over on Raw but WWE Creative managed to screw this up like they screwed up the Main Event by having a stupid run in by Shane McMahon which made very littel if any sense at all .

MVP IS ready for a Main Event Push period he could be the face of RAW if Triple HollyWood and Cenanuff could let someone else have the spotlight for just alittel bit I mean seriously Triple Hollywood and CenaNuff have such a tight grip on Vince's D**K that he can't see the talent other then these to over 2 idiots the fans can't decide if they love or hate CenaNuff and we're all tired of Triple Hollywood Come on admit it wrestling fans . Thanks for reading !

1. Shane running in was about Backlash, to get back at Orton, and was also to keep MVP and Legacy from looking bad, so both came away without a win or loss.

2. I agree that MVP is ready for a main event push sometime soon, but he won't be the face of Raw just yet. He has the skills and the talent, but right now it's just TALENT. Talent is like an uncut diamond; it has the ability to look pretty but hasn't been worked on yet. Thus, MVP is a diamond in the rough.

3. Trips is married to the Boss's daughter :la:, so of course he's gonna be getting what he wants. CENA on the other hand, works hard and is devoted to the company, and when he wrestles he can make the other guy look good. Cena, love him or hate him, is only on Vince's "lap" because Vince put him there.

4. "TripleHollywood" and "Cenanuff"? Funny 1st time around, but don't say it 3 times over... Reading that was comparable to a JBL promo...

"I hope your kids watch this, *insert name here* because I'm going to tear you apart! Your kids are going to ask you, 'Why daddy? Why did you let him beat you?' and all you will be able to do is tell them the truth: 'Because he's a better man than me!' *insert name here*, I AM A WRESTLING GOD!" ... or something along those lines lol
Wait a minute. Did you watch the match? The crowd was chanting loudly for MVP the whole time. MVP wrestled a great match.

He is ready for the top spot. No one thought he would win, but as much offense as he got in, he did well.

And, after his initial appearance during his promo, the crowd went nuts for everything he said. After he told Orton that he didn't answer to him, the crowd went wild.
where the fuck did triple hollywood come from? did i read that wrong? that is beyond ******ed. but yeah you guys are way off base if you think mvp isn't ready for a main event push. if they keep this up, in 3 weeks he'll get huge pops. mark my words.
I am the number one advocate for young talent emerging as main-eventers in the WWE. However, I don't see MVP as that guy. He's great in the ring and the mid-carders on Raw can actually set-up an awesome US Title division (Chavo, Noble, Kingston, Kendrick, Regal). When it comes to the top guys in the company it's all about your look, marketability, and charisma not in ring ability. Batista flat out sucks in action, Cena is mediocre, Orton and HHH are good but not great. Wrestlers that were awesome on the mat and had great box office draw: Michaels, Hart, Angle, etc. had at least two of the three qualities of a superstar. I don't see little kids popping or spending money on MVP. This is a guy who was in the at Unforgiven last September, and who jobbed to Kizarny in December. His role is completely undefined and I doubt a Randy Orton v. MVP one-on-one match who lead to a big PPV buy-rate. I know Kennedy has regressed from about 85% of the way to top guy to now about 15% of the way but I still main event status in his future. Also I think Matt Hardy is going to get a huge push this year on Raw. I like MVP but I just don't seem him as being the answer and I have to agree with the author of this thread.
he's not ready?! bs! so what he didn't get a huge pop like cena or batista! does cm punk sound familiar? he was world champ and his pop was average like that of kofi kingston or tommy dreamer. mvp is ready and should at least have a shot at the wwe title even though he may not win it right away. i am so sick of seeing no black superstars being pushed like mvp,kofi kingston, and especially shelton benjamin. wwe is going to start losing black viewers if they don't give a black superstar a world title. so mark henry won the ecw title! so f'n what? thats like being the sunday night heat championship
When it comes to the top guys in the company it's all about your look

What's wrong with his look? Fits his gimmick perfectly.


He could be that, as said above, especially toward the African-American audience. I mean, seriously, when was the last big black star? Rock. They could use another...

and charisma

Plenty of it. See RAW promo and match from Monday.

not in ring ability.

He's got that too, so there's another plus.

Cena is mediocre

Wrong. Countless number of good matches over the past 2 and a half years.

I don't see little kids popping or spending money on MVP.

Well, they already pop from what I can hear. It'll only increase over time, if everything works and is booked right. Look at Punk, he's alot more over now, and his push was botched the first time.

This is a guy who was in the at Unforgiven last September, and who jobbed to Kizarny in December. His role is completely undefined and I doubt a Randy Orton v. MVP one-on-one match who lead to a big PPV buy-rate.

Exactly. That is the whole point of a build up. And he needs it. I don't understand all of you in here talking about hot shotting someone into the main event, anyone with a fucking brain knows it's going to take a long build to push ANYONE to the main event from the midcard. It has for every big star in the business outside of Lesnar.

I know Kennedy has regressed from about 85% of the way to top guy to now about 15% of the way but I still main event status in his future.

Kennedy is god. And I love him.
I hope this isn't serious, the whole damn crowd was dead their was no pop for batista either

MvP is deff ready for mainevent push, he proved it in his match last night, which was very impressive until the interuption...he brought comic relief wen he came out and interupted orton which was good to see for once because I'm so sick of the seriousness all the time...

Its gonna take sometime He's ready no doubt, his mics skills are up to par and so is his wrestling he needs time to be known as a face, month or 2 and he'll be ready to take that big step
Wow did u guys not watch the segment fully? Yeah the crowd was kinda dull at first, but my the end of the promo they were chanting MVP. He was getting plenty of pop when he was getting a Legacy. I dont think he is quite ready for main event status, but he is well on his way. Give him another year or so you'll see....whens the last time u saw a face actually take the mic and totally dead the heel before the match and it not sound like they were reading from a piece of paper? MVP's mic skills is what is gonna launch him to main event status if anything...........he does despratly need a new finisher tho, the Playmaker is NOT cutting it

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